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A Tilapia' Pangasius and other

appropriate varieties offer opporlunities,

development of cage freshwater especiary since the
aquaculture in lakes. These
the central lnstitute of Fresx-lwater cages t.,uuu o""n developed
Aquacuiture rciiel and invorve pangasius by
lnstead of 10 ton per ha, now a production or Tirapia fish.
of 3 ton
on a surflace of 6 by 4 by4 can
A focus on the production of tifapia be achieved.
can be a potenilar new grow markeiot
proteins' lndia requires here cneap source of
a devexopment of proor.tinn techniques.
take into account environrnental Arthough one shourd
sustainability issues *itt tr-,i,
negard to the production enhancement technique, Dutch expertise with
of rilapia and catfish can be
the introduction of Recinculation deproyed here. rn addition,
Aquacultune systems (RAS) is
can be beneficial in reducing soil fairly n"*io tndia. This system
and water related problems.l
can also be installed closer to consumer T These systems
centres and thus
difficulties' Moreover' RAS rnay avoiding transportation costs and
becorne more attractive due
Dutch companies have expertise to increasing land prices. s.u"r.l
in this high-t".n proJrction
RAS in India is nevertheless very technique. The development of
slow' The lack of practicar demonstration
farmers is a hindrance and also opportunities to
government agencies have
of RAS' Aside from this innovJtion, not yet taken up the deveropment
west eengat is active on the use of
aquaculture production' Aimost wastewater in
BO% of u*iriing primary{reated
aquaculture units are located wastewater ferlirizer
within this state ano ab]out 5200
oven 7000 tonnes of fish (primarily ha is currenfly used to produce
carp) per year.


cages can be installed in tanks, ponds,

Reservoirs, canars, rivers or even
current & wind force is moderate' in sea where water
fuledium & large riestr water
cage culture' The critical issues Reservoirs in rndia are idearfor
in selecting fresh water Reservoirs
are as given berow;
' The depth of the water corurnn shourd be at least
s meters.
'water qcrality and circunation shor.rld be good, free
from local and industrial

' The cage should be anohsred in the deeper sector to avoid

Through sluice gates the current flow
and irnigation channel.

' There shourd be access to land and

water transportation.
' They shourd be devoid of atgar blooms to avoid fouring.

' They shouldbe free of aquatic rnacrophytes and

high populations of wild fish,
Whioh can Gause oxygen stress.

2.4 Food additives used


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