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Chapter 9: Nutrition and the Human Digestive System Prepared by: Pn Tang JN

9.1: Digestive system

9.2 Digestion
- Digestion is the process that ………………………………large and complex pieces of food into smaller and simple pieces
that can be dissolved for easy absorption.
-Two parts: Physical digestion and Chemical digestion.
Physical digestion Chemical digestion
The ……………………………..breakdown of food to form The decomposition process of complex molecules
small particles into …………………………molecules
Involves …………………….and …………………………. Involves …………………………… reaction

Digestion of carbohydrates in the mouth:

The digestive process begins in the mouth. The presence of food in the mouth stimulates the secretion of saliva
from the …………………………..glands
Saliva contains …………………………………… that hydrolyses starch to maltose.
The pH of the saliva ranges between 6.5–7.5( …………………….), which is suitable for salivary amylase to act at its
Saliva helps food to form …………………….. and makes it easier to be swallowed.
When swallowing, the ………………………………… will close the trachea opening to prevent food from entering the
In the oesophagus, the food bolus is moved by ………………………………..
Peristalsis is the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscles along the alimentary canal.
Peristalsis pushes the bolus through the oesophagus until it enters the stomach

Digestion of proteins in the stomach:
The surface of the stomach wall is lined with epithelial cells that have undergone adaptations in structure and
function to form ……………………..glands
These epithelial cells are chief cells, parietal cells and mucous cells.
• Chief cells secrete ………………………..
• Parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid.
• Mucous cells secrete mucus.
Pepsinogen is an inactive enzyme that is activated by
hydrochloric acid to become………………………….
Pepsin then hydrolyses proteins into polypeptides.

The functions of hydrochloric acid are to:

(a) prepare a medium with a suitable pH (pH 1.5–2.0)( ……………………..)for pepsin to act
(b) stop the enzymatic action of ………………………….
(c) kill ………………………….. in food
The function of mucus is to protect the stomach wall from the reaction of……………………….and digestive…………………..
-The food in the stomach is mixed with gastric juice made up of ………………………….and ………………….
-Food is churned by the ……………………………..action of the stomach wall muscles for a few hours.
-The contents in the stomach finally change to a semifluid called …………………….
- Chyme enters the ………………………….. slowly when the sphincter muscle relaxes.

Digestions of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in the small intestine

The small intestine consists of ……………………….., ………………….. and ………………………….
Duodenum- receives ………………………….. from the stomach
- receives ……………produced by the liver
- …………………………………secreted by the pancreas
a). Pancreas
The pancreas secretes …………………………………., ………………….and
………………………. into the duodenum through the pancreatic duct
b). Liver
- Produces ……………………..
- …………………………….. stores bile.
- The bile flows into the duodenum through the bile duct.
- Functions of bile
– neutralise the ………………..chyme
– prepare an ………………..condition (pH 7.6–8.6) for enzyme action in the duodenum
– …………………………lipids by breaking down lipids into tiny droplets to increase…………………………… for lipase activity.
c). Duodenum
-Pancreatic amylase hydrolyses starch to maltose

-Trypsin hydrolyses polypeptides into shorter peptides.

-Lipase hydrolyses lipids into fatty acids and glycerols.

-Glands on the ileum wall secrete………………….. and ……………………… juice that contains ……………………, …………………….,
…………………….., ……………………………. and ……………………...
-The ……………………medium in the ileum allows enzymes to act at its optimum

Maltase hydrolyses maltose into glucose

Sucrase hydrolyses sucrose into glucose and fructose

Lactase hydrolyses lactose into glucose and galactose

Lipase hydrolyses lipids into fatty acids and glycerols.

Erepsin hydrolyses peptides into amino acids.

9.3: Absorption

Adaptations of ileum and villus in the absorption of digested food

Simple molecules produced from the digested food are absorbed in the ileum of the small intestine
A). Ileum
The long ileum is adapted to absorb nutrients because its internal layer is………………… and covered by tiny
projections called …………………..
B). Villus
• The epithelial layer of the villus is …………………….. thick. This helps accelerate nutrient absorption.
• Goblet cells secrete …………………. to aid digestion.
• The network of blood capillaries helps to ………………………..digestive products to the whole body.
• Lacteal carries droplets of ………………………. and …………………...
• The intestinal glands secrete intestinal juices that have digestive ……………………..
• On the surface of the villus epithelium, there are many tiny projections called …………………………..
Microvillus provides a large …………………………………….. to increase the rate of nutrient absorption

Digested food Absorbed through Methods of absorption
Fructose Epithelial cells
into blood
Glucose and galactose
Amino acids
Vit B and C
Fatty acids and glycerols Epithelial cells
into lacteal
recombine through the
condensation process to
form tiny droplets of lipids in
the epithelial cells
Vitamins A, D, E, K dissolve in
the lipid

9.4 Assimilation
- The human circulatory system consists of the blood circulation system and the lymphatic system to help transport
nutrients to be assimilated.
- In the assimilation process that occurs in cells, nutrients are used to form …………………..compounds or ………………..of
-The blood capillaries in the small intestine combine to form the hepatic portal vein that transports blood to the
Functions of liver in the assimilation of digested food
-The liver is the regulator that controls the quantity of nutrients that enter the blood circulatory system.
- Glucose is used for …………………………………………
- Amino acids are used for synthesising ……………………………… and …………………………..
- Through the deamination process, excess amino acids are turned into ……………… be excreted through the urine.
Liver cells expel toxic substances from the blood.
• Toxic substances are expelled through the urine.
Excess glucose is converted to ……………………… to be stored.

Amino Acids Glucose

-The liver synthesises ……………………… and -Glucose in the liver is used for cellular
……………………… from amino acids. respiration when required by the body and the
- Excess amino acids cannot be stored in the body excess is converted to ………………….. and stored
and are broken down through the ……………………… in the liver.
process to form urea which is then expelled. -When the glucose level in the blood decreases
-When the glucose supply is insufficient, the liver and the body needs energy, ……………………….is
converts ……………………………into glucose.
converted to glucose.
-When the glycogen supply reaches a maximum 4
level, the excess glucose is converted to ……….……..

Amino Acids Glucose Lipids

-Amino acids are used to -Glucose is oxidised through -Lipids such as ……………………..and
synthesise new ……………………… cellular respiration to release …………………………….. are the
and also ……………….. damaged ………………….., ………………………… primary components that build
tissues. & ………………………………….. the plasma membrane.
-Amino acids are used to -Excess glucose is kept as ……………… -Excess fats are kept in adipose
synthesise …………………………..and in muscles. tissues found underneath the
-………………….. is used for cell skin as stored ……………………….
processes such as protein -………………. is oxidised to release
synthesis energy when there is insufficient

9.5 Defaecation
- After the absorption of nutrients is completed in the ileum, ………………….food, …………….cells,
…………………….. cells, ………………and …………. enter the large intestine ( colon)
- move slowly through ………………….. action.
- Fibre consists of ……………………. walls of plant cells.
- Two main functions of the large intestine:
A). absorption of water and vitamins
Substances absorbed are
- …………………and …………………………..
- metabolic byproducts of some bacteria such as……………………………………………..
- water absorption helps to form ………………faeces and enables the body to
retain water.

B). formation of faeces

• After the water is absorbed, the remaining waste is a semisolid called ……………….
• Faeces contains ………….. cells from the inner layer of the intestine, waste products such as ………..
pigments, …………………….. and …………… substances.
• The walls of the large intestine secrete ……………… to smoothen the movement of faeces until the
•The movement of faeces takes about 12 to 24 hours before entering the rectum.
• The faeces will accumulate in the rectum until the ……………………. in the rectum increases and
triggers the need to expel faeces from the body.
• The rectum muscles will …………………… to expel faeces from the anus.
• This process is called ……………………….

9.6 Balanced Diet

A). Energy value in a food sample
- A balanced diet refers to a diet that consists of all ……………food classes (carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, fibre and water) in the…………………proportion and
balanced …………………according to individual needs so that optimal health can be maintained
- ……………..value is the total amount of energy released when one gram of food is oxidised
- The energy value in food is measured in the form of heat energy, that is, in kilojoule per gram
(kJ g-1).
- Another unit of heat energy is calorie.
- 1 calorie or 4.2 joule is defined as the quantity of ……………….energy needed to raise the
temperature of 1 gram water by 1 degree Celsius (°C) at a pressure of 1 standard atmosphere.

- Energy value of food (kJ g-1)


B). The contents of vitamin C in fruit or vegetables juices

C). Diet modifications for specific individuals
- balanced diet for each individual will vary according to ……………., ……………… conditions and
specific ………………….requirements.
- suggestions for nutritional needs can be made based on…………………………………..
- Excessive food intake that is rich in saturated fats can cause health problems such as …………….
and ………………..diseases.
- cause of obesity- storage of …………fats as a result of imbalanced food intake and use of energy.
- Effects of obesity- reduce the intake of ……………………………………………….
-increase the intake of ………………………………………………
- a diet with excessive saturated fats and high cholesterol may cause …………….
…………….. and various cardiovascular diseases such as …………………..and
………………… which may result in ………………… (myocardial infarction) or
…………………. if not treated.
- Cancer patients who are undergoing cancer treatment, need to modify their diet to ensure they
receive sufficient energy, reduce the risk of infections and enable quick recovery.

9.7 Health Issues Related to the Digestive System and Eating Habits
Adaptation of digestive organs
1. Obesity- surgical procedures to reduce body weight such as………………………
- A gastric bypass involves a reduction of the stomach ……….. using various methods of surgery.
- short-term side effects: acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, expanded oesophagus, certain food
prohibitions and risk of infection.
- long-term side effects: dizziness, low blood sugar level, malnutrition, stomach ulcer and
defaecation problems.
- The size of the stomach is………………………by changing a part of
the stomach into a small gastric sac the size of a walnut
- Doctor then makes a bypass by connecting the jejunum of the
small intestine to a hole in the small sac.
- Food that is eaten is directed from the sac directly into the
jejunum, thereby bypassing most of the stomach and first
section of the small intestine.
- Individual feel …………..faster, reduce ……………intake and
- Less ……………… to be absorbed, this results in weight ……………

2. Health issues related to defaecation

- Intake of diet that is high in fibre such as fruits and vegetables can smoothen bowel movements.
- This can prevent health problems such as constipation, colon cancer, rectum cancer and
- functions of fibre are to:
• stimulate ………………………..
• absorb and expel …………………substances
• regulate the absorption of …………………especially for diabetes mellitus patients
• increase the population of beneficial ………………… in the large intestine

- the intake of a large amount of ……………can ensure that the faeces stay soft and move easily
along the large intestine to aid the process of defaecation.

3. Health issues related to eating habits

A). Gastritis
- inflammation and corrosion of the stomach …………………….layer by gastric juice when there is
no food in the stomach.
- Untreated gastritis can result in gastric ……………...
- Causes: eating irregular quantities of food at irregular hours
excessive intake of alcohol or painkillers.

B). Anorexia nervosa

- common amongst teenage girls who are obsessed with their body weight.
- Anorexics will avoid food to achieve their ideal body weight.
- suffer from psychological problems and nutrient deficiency because of their normal digestive system
is affected

C). Bulimia nervosa

- obsessed with controlling their body weight
- they will ………… a lot and ………………out the food that they have eaten
- or take ……………. that cause diarrhoea.
- may suffer from dehydration, nutritional problems and eventually cardiovascular disease or kidney

D). Muscle dysmorphia

- Some individuals feel that their size is small with not enough growth.
- So, they subject themselves to extreme …………………… training and ……………
- Sometimes, they consume ………………..or ………………building supplements.

E). Pica
- Eating disorder that involve persistent eating, over a period of at least one month,
of items that have no ………………….. value.
-The item consume can be either harmless- ice or harmful item- chips of metal, paint
-Can affect children, teenagers and adults
-Causes- anaemia, malnutrition, severe development disabilities
- Potential complications of pica:
- Paint/ chips- toxic substances lead to poisoning
- Non-food item- nutritional deficiencies
- Item that can’t be digested- stone – constipation
- Sharp item- metal scraps-tears in the lining of the alimentary tract
- Item contain bacteria/ parasites- serious infection

SPM 2018:
Diagram shows a human digestive system.
ai). Name gland X. [ 1M]

ii). Bread contain starch. Explain the role of gland X in

the digestion of bread in P. [ 3M]

iii). Explain why the process of digestion of bread does not occur in Q. [ 3M]

bi). Name organ R. [1 M]

ii). A person has gallstone as in Diagram. Explain the effect of this condition to the digestion of lipid in S.

c). Explain one difference in the digestion of protein that occurs in Q and S. [ 2M]

SPM 2008
After absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, the undigested substances in the colon result in the
formation of faeces. Explain the formation of faeces in a human. [ 4 marks ]

SPM 2006:
Diagram shows human digestive system.
a).Structure Q in diagram is involved in the digestion of fat.
i). Name structure Q. [ 1 M]

ii). Name the enzyme which digest fat in Q. [ 1M]

b i). Explain how starch is digested in the duodenum. [ 2 M]

ii). A student eats too many oranges. Explain the effect of eating too many oranges on the digestion of
starch in the duodenum. [ 2 M]

Extra question:
Pancreas of a patient has to be removed due to cancer. Explain the removal of pancreas on digestion.

SPM 2011:
Diagram shows the movement of a bolus of food in oesophagus. Explain how the bolus of food moves
down from the oesophagus to the stomach.

SPM 2015:
Explain the digestion of protein in human’s stomach. [ 4m]

A mother who is nursing a newborn baby needs healthy food for herself and her baby. Suggest types of
food which are suitable and give reasons to your answer. [ 10 marks]

SPM 2009
Diagram shows the pathway of a fat molecule which passes through a system.
Gall bladder, pancreas and small intestine are structures involved in the processing of the fat molecule.
Explain the processes which occur to the fat molecule until it can be used by body cells. [ 10M]

b). Diagram 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 show the physical condition of three people, which is related to their eating habits.
Explain the relationship between eating habits and the physical condition of each person. [ 10M]

SPM 2014

Individual U

P1: lead to ………………………………..

P2: no …………………

P3: gastric glands secrete ……………….. juice

P4: contain …………../ acid

P5: acts on/corrode the ………………. of the stomach wall

P6: damage the cells/ tissues of the stomach/ internal bleeding/ inflammation

P7: causing abdominal pain/ nausea/ vomiting

P8: develop into a ………………../ wound in stomach wall

Individual W

P1: Bulimia

P2: maintain body ………………./ fear of gaining weight

P3: causes …………………../ anxiety/ stress

P4: lacking/ imbalance of ………………../ nutrient

P5: damage/ injury to the digestive tract/ oesophagus

P6: purging/ diarrhea

P7: causing abdominal pain/ muscle fatigue / ulcer/ constipation/ oedema/ dehydration/ bloating/ mouth problem/
dizziness/ low blood pressure/ irregular menstrual cycle

P8: leads to cardiovascular diseases/ kidney damage

b). Diagram shows a set of nasi lemak.

A girl consumes a set of nasi lemak daily as breakfast for a long period of time. Discuss the good and the bad effects
of the diet to her health.

P1: nasi lemak contain …………………………………..

P2: provides …………………/ building block for complex molecules/ DNA/ RNA/ glycogen (GE)
P3: excess carbohydrate cause ………………………………….(BE)

P4: coconut milk in nasi lemak contains …………………………………………./ mineral/ Ca/ Fe/ Vitamin
P5: fried chicken/ egg/ ground nuts/ chili gravy contain …………………………………………./ minerals / vitamin
P6: protein is needed to ………………………………………………/ for growth/ cell division/ repairs cells (GE)
P7: excess of protein causes ………………/ kidney failure/ liver failure/ increases acid uric level in blood (BE)

P8: Fat provide ………………./ insulation/ protect internal organ/ for water proofing/ built plasma membrane
P9: Excess fats cause …………………./ cardiovascular diseases

P10: vitamin is needed for good ……………………….

P11: example: vitamin A – prevent ………………………
P12: Excess of lipid soluble vitamin cause …………………poisoning/ bone damage/ hair loss/ kidney damage

P13: cucumber contain dietary ……………………../ water/ vitamin A/ mineral

P14: fibre/ water help in ………………………movement
P15: prevent …………………………/ reduce risk of gut cancer

P16: water is medium for …………………………..reaction/ solvent/ as blood plasma

P17: mineral needs for ……………………………………..

P18: mineral and correct function – calcium to prevent rickets

SPM 2017

a). Diagram shows several eating habits of human. Explain how the eating habit affect the human health. [ 10M]

b). Table shows the nutrient content of a chicken burger and a vegetable burger.
i). Based on Table, suggest the best burger for the diet of a 16
years old student.

ii). The student consumes the burger everyday for a long period
of time. Discuss the good and bad effects of the
diet on his health. [ 10M ]

a). Chicken Burger: b). Vegetable burger

SPM 2010

2.a). Diagram shows the digestive system and organs associated with digestion.


Explain how a steamed fish is digested in parts R, S and T in the system. [ 10 marks ]

b). Diagram shows three types of food.

Explain the long term effects of consuming excess of these foods on an individual health.

SPM 2008
Table shows the food intake by a boy aged 15 years in his daily menu. The daily energy requirement for
him is 12500kJ.
i). Based on Table, state the value of energy
contained in this daily food intake. Does the
food intake satisfy his daily energy
requirement? [ 2M]

ii). This boy takes this menu continuously for a long time. Explain the consequences to his health. [ 8m]

SPM 2019
b).The following information shows the Body Mass Index ( BMI) data obtained from SEGAK evaluation of
a student.
i). Determine the BMI category of the student.
Show your calculation. [ 3M]

ii). Based on the BMI category in 8bi), discuss the possible health problems faced by the student. Suggest several
ways to improve the BMI to the normal range. [ 7M]

1. Diagram 1.1 shows human digestive system.

Diagram 1.1
a). Name organs R, S, T and U.
R: ………………………………….. T: ……………………………………
S: ……………………………. …… U: …………………………………… [ 2 Marks ]

b). Food that have been chewed from the mouth will be transported to organ S via oesophagus.
State the function of hydrochloric acid in organ S.
[ 1 mark ]
c). i). Organ U in human is involved in the final stage of food digestion. State another function of
organ U.
[ 1 mark ]
ii). Structure in Diagram 1.2 can be found in organ U.

Diagram 1.2
Name the structure. [ 1 mark]

iii). Explain how structure in Diagram 1.2 is adapted to increase its efficiency in the function that is
mentioned in c) i).
[ 2 marks ]
d). State two functions of structure T.
1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
[ 2 marks ]

e). Lily is given a pieces of cracker. She chews the cracker slowly and lets the cracker mix with her
saliva. However, she does not swallow the cracker. Gradually, the cracker becomes soft and taste
sweet. Explain why the cracker taste sweet. [ 2marks ]

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