Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2

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Assalamualaikum wr.

Good morning everyone. Good morning ladies and gentlemen
The honorable judges and all the teachers
The honorable……
Let us praise the presence of Allah the Almighty God, the most gracious and
the most merciful. And may peace be upon our beloved prophet of
Muhammad SAW, who has led us from darkness to light.
Ladies and gentleman, let me introduce my self. My name is….. from….
Today I will deliver a speech with the theme “The role of Generation Z in filling
Ladies and gentlemen
On August 17th 1945, Ir Soekarno had read the text of proclamation that
declare Indonesia as an independent country. The fighting spirit of heroes who
fought for our independence must be upheld and maintained for the unity and
integrity of Indonesians. This must be done together by all of us as the people
of Indonesia, especially the younger generation. Who is this younger
generation? Some of you may think of the words “millennials” or “gen Z”.
That’s right, our society today is still dominated by these two generations. One
thing that both of them have in common is that they are very close to
Ladies and gentlemen..
The struggle of the Indonesian people today is to defend the
independence. Independence must be filled with all forms of positive,
constructive, and useful activities. Generation Z is a central figure who plays an
important role in filling the independence. The efforts that must be made by
generation Z to fill Indonesian independence are:
First, the current generation must always do positive things, so that they can
become agents of change for our society.
Second, generation Z must be smart in utilizing the technology. Generation Z
must also have skills, creativity, and strong determination as a reflection of a
quality nation.
And last but not least, millennials and generation Z must instill a high spirit of
nationalism for the sake of integrity of the Indonesian state.
Because hubbul wathon minal iman…
(menyanyi lagu yalal waton)
Ladies and gentlemen…
Let’s fill this independence with meaningful activities, and with passion.
That’s all my speech today, I hope it can be useful for all of us. I am sorry if
there is any mistake. And thank you for your kind attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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