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GLYCEMIC INDEX AND GLYCEMIC LOAD =a fH) Hustle & Health WHAT IS GLYCEMIC INDEX? The glycemic index is a value assigned to a food based on how quickly and how high it causes increases in blood glucose levels. Blood Glucose Concentration High GI foods give a steep rise in blood glucose levels 1 hour 2 hour Low GI foods have a slower & smaller effect on blood glucose 3 hour S VW H) Hustle & Health UNDERSTANDING THE NUMBERS Foods are ranked on a scale of 0-100 and classified as low, medium, or high GI foods. Spaghetti 42 | Asparagus | 15 Grapefnuit | 25 Com,sweet | §4 Broccoli 15 Apple 38 ‘Sweet Potatoes | 61 Celery 15 Peach 2 White Rice 64 Cucumber 15 Orange “4 Cous Cous 65 Lettuce 15 Grape 46 Whole Wheat | 71 Papers 15 Banana 54 Bread Spinach 15 Mango 56 Muesii 80 Tomatoes 15 Pineapple 66 Baked Potatoes |85 Cooked Carrots | 39 Watermelon 72 Oatmeal 87 White Bread — | 100 Bagel, White | 103. Low-Fat Yogurt 14 Plain Yogurt 4 Whole Milk 27 Soy Milk 30 Fatfree Mik 32 kim Milk 2 Chocolate Milk 35 FruitYogurt 36 Ice Cream 61 Peanuts a Beans, Dried 40 Lentils a Kidney Beans 41 Split Peas 45 Lima Beans 6 Chickpeas 47 Pinto Beans 55 BlackfyeBeans 59 Glycemic Index 55 orless 55-69 70 or higher *Approx. values for reference H) Hustle & Health SIGNIFICANCE OF GI For people with diabetes, being aware about the GI of foods can be helpful in making better dietary choices and managing their blood sugar levels. f) Hustle & Health LIMITATIONS OF Gl The Glycemic Index (GI) does not consider i, portion sizes or the overall composition of meals, which can lead to incomplete ) assessments of a food's impact onblood / sugar levels. i Gl values can vary based on factors such as ripeness, cooking methods, and individual metabolic responses, making it challenging to ; apply universal guidelines for all individuals. (4 H) Hustle & Health WHAT IS GLYCEMIC LOAD? Glycemic Load (GL) is a measure that takes into account both the Glycemic Index (Gl) of food and the portion size consumed. H) Hustle & Health HOW IS GL CALCULATED? For Example, GI of apple is 40 & it contains 15g of carbohydrate. Carbohydrate Glycemic | content (g) index Glycemic load sees pee tut eet ie eves mpeieceeeyearnnnenmis (GL) 100 GLof Appl 15 X 40 B of Apple Bras aes ees Sv we ererereverncreriene ee = 100 Glycemic Load 10 or less 11-19 20 or higher SB” H) Hustle & Health SIGNIFICANCE OF GL GL provides a more comprehensive picture of a food's impact on blood sugar levels. Look at the below example: Cc 4 w ee , Watermelon White Rice Glycemic index 72 Glycemic index 58 120g serving 120g serving contains contains 9.1g of carbohydrate 33.5g of carbohydrate Gl i aos “re 19.4 S VW Hustle & Health KEY TAKEAWAY You don't need to totally avoid foods that have a high Gl as long as it is part of an overall balanced diet. Also while choosing lower Gl foods, you still need to be mindful of portion sizes especially if you are a diabetic. fH) Hustle & Health Was it helpful? Follow for more! Hustle & Health @hustlenhealth Gayathri Ganesh @zenourishbygayathri gd Share with a friend CEEP HUSTLING, STAY HEALTHY—

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