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Delivery method Special Registered Mail Services Electronic Notice

Acknowledgem Cash on delivery
Delivery to the Declared Value Sms or email
Ctt Simple Registered
Registered mail
Personalized delivery
ent of receipt
Provides proof
recipient Allows you to increase the
Exclusive delivery base value of the insurance
Allows you to charge
the recipient, at the
Informs the sender
that delivery has been
If it's important, please register! Mail is deposited in the to the recipient's that the item has been
to the recipient and up to a maximum of 5000
time of delivery, the
made to the recipient or
recipient's mailbox. address. delivered to its amount indicated by
upon his identification Euros their representative
destination the sender
• Available for • Available for 17> - Available for national and international
national service. national and service' - Available for
• No special services international service. - It complements *U • It is designed to protect - The amount to be the national service
• The signature of Registered Mail by the contents of charged to the - Allows a message

1 the person receiving returning to the It returns to the correspondence containing recipient must appear to be sent by sms or
the mail at home is sender proof of valuable objects or on the face of the email specified by the
taken delivery to the sender a proofr , that documents, in the amount item. sender Indicating when
• Special services recipient or their the entry has taken declared by the sending and where the object was
allowed. representative. place, ib (iesún<)t<njp customer. delivered
• It should be used when Only the
sending objects of realizable Acknowledgement of
value, banknotes or other Receipt confirms delivery
securities of the object at its
• Includes the Home destination for legal
Delivery service. in the purposes
national service
the iro National Delivery Service"; Indicate the amount
r Obligatory identification on the
o Mandatory vu
-8 ° International Service.
- face of correspondence. Registered mail Mail to be charged
£ identification Own delivery Designation "VD" +
c Oi (Print or write legibly, preferably Simple Registered rv , numerically and in
Acronym "AR" A Value to
- in red). full.
Q Hold + exact weight
Insurance included in the price Delivery with a "Self-
0 customer is reimbursed for <x\ x. '- X X \ x i
for cases of loss, damage or Up to 5 times the Up to 10 times the Delivered" service up to
a a the actual value of the loss, <X -x X. X X
total spoliation 0 compensation price of the 1 weight price of 1 Sescalão de 15 times the price of
not exceeding the amount X X.
value is fixed by the following class. peso. the weight range - or
O formula for the national service declared. < \X x
\XXX '
the value declared on

T the VD.
V 1/) For the international service, the
maximum amount of
compensation is set at 30
DTS/DES, according to the rate
in force, plus postage For more
information, see RSPC
' Special services for the International service are available as defined by each destination postal operator For more information, please contact a CTT Post
"A * O Book Registration, Sending to \ \ X \ X - X X X XXI
the Blind or Multipostal Bag"
CTT Prepayment Register X X X X X
" 0 Multipostal bag can be delivered at home, allowing it to be distributed at the sender's or recipient's request.
Complementary Products
Insurance included in the price Simple postal notification Notification by post Postal Quote Citation Wa Postal 2* Attempt
o for cases of total loss, damage Up to 5 times the price of the 1st
3 Up to 15 times the price of the 1st weight class
cz c l/l or spoliation. weight class
following formula Models approved by Ministerial Order no.u 953/2003, of September 9, in its current version

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