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Writing LGBTQ+ characters:

1. Don’t force it. It’s perfectly fine to have LGBT characters in your writing but one of the
most important things to remember is that it shouldn’t be forced. Don’t make
characters LGBT for the sake of inclusion. A large amount of movies, TV shows and
books use LGBT characters for publicity. It’s not a necessity to have LGBT
characters, only use them if they somehow contribute to any element of the work like
the plot or character arcs.

2. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Many movies, tv shows and novels often draw
attention to their LGBT characters and there is almost always a huge “coming out”
scene. While it makes sense for some of these works to have a “coming out” scene,
it is not a requirement for every LGBT character. There is no need for extravagance.
Being a part of the LGBT community is just as normal as being cis and straight.
When you’re not drawing attention to a cis heterosexual character’s sexuality, there is
no need to do it for an LGBT character. LGBT romances can also be casual. One
good example of LGBT portrayal is Clarke and Lexa from the 100. Their relationship
isn’t given any special attention because of their sexualities.

3. The sexuality of a character does NOT determine their personality. Every gay
character doesn’t need to be flamboyant and flashy. Lesbian characters don’t have to
hate the male population. Pansexual characters don’t have to be only ones in
polyamorous relationships.

Dealing with writer’s block

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