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A psychological understanding of the nature of the relationship between Silco and


Arcane is a show with complex characters that have well developed and skilfully explained arcs.

Silco and Jinx are two very important characters in Arcane with Jinx being one of the characters

through whom we follow the plot and Silco being the one who intends to lead the Undercity in its

transformation to Zaun. The relationship between these two characters is an intriguing one, right from

the beginning. Silco first meets Powder after she set off an explosion that killed almost everyone she

had a significant relationship with at the time. With Vi ‘abandoning’ her, Jinx was left in a vulnerable

place, waiting for someone to fill the emptiness left by the deaths of Claggor, Milo, Vander and most

importantly by Vi leaving her after being the only person who always stood up for her no matter what.

The relationship between Jinx and Vi could qualify as almost parental in some aspects as Vi

essentially raised Powder, encouraged her to be the best version of herself, taught her to never give up

and always had her back no matter what the others like Claggor or Milo said. Vi leaving broke

Powder more than the deaths of Milo, Claggor and Vander, which was indirectly caused by her

because to her, if Vi was on her side, everything was fine. As a result, losing Vi left Powder in an

extremely vulnerable state where she desperately wanted someone to fill that hole left by Vi.

Silco on the other hand, had just gotten rid of the only thing that stood in the way of achieving his

goals – Vander. Loneliness is something Silco had known for a while by this time. Even though he

might have a whole group of people following him, he never shared a personal connection with any of

them, they simply worked for Silco out of either fear or respect. So if everything was going his way,

why did he take Powder with him? It is not possible for Silco to have seen her use in the long term as

even Powder herself did not know what she was capable of. So the answer to this question is quite

simple, he took her out of empathy for her situation. Betrayal is something Silco had known and

experienced ever since Vander tried to kill him when he disagreed with Silco’s vision. Seeing Powder
in a similar position could have reminded him of his younger self and as a result, he decided to take

her with him.

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