Doctoroff-S-1996-Supporting Social Pretend Play in Young Children With Disabilities

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Early Childhood Education Journal, Vol. 29, No.

2, Winter 2001 ( 2001)

Early Childhood Special Education

Adapting the Physical Environment to Meet the Needs

of All Young Children for Play

Sandra Doctoroff 1

INTRODUCTION Teets, 1985). Shelves and furnishings should not ob-

struct observation of children by staff or staff communi-
Preparation of the play environment is a powerful
cation and should be low enough to allow children to
tool for supporting and enhancing children’s play and
view the room and make play choices.
development. Thoughtful arrangements of space and
High noise levels have the potential to impede
materials can invite children’s participation in play and
communication during social play. In general, noise lev-
contribute to their efforts to organize and utilize materi-
els should be moderate so that children and teachers can
als, engage peers, and persist in play. In many instances,
be responsive to each others’ social cues (Ramsey,
environmental enrichment or modifications result in
1991). Noise levels are a special consideration for chil-
changes in children’s behavior and learning with less
dren with hearing and vision impairments. Hearing aids
effort or intrusion than would be the case with more
amplify all of the background sound, not just relevant
direct teacher interventions (Bailey & Wolery, 1992).
sounds. Children with visual impairments are highly de-
High quality, developmentally appropriate environ-
pendent on auditory cues. Furthermore, some children
ments are the foundation for sustained, complex play for
with central nervous system dysfunction are hypersensi-
all children. However, some adaptations of the physical
tive to noise and other stimulation. The play space can
environment may be necessary to enable children with
be separated into noisy and quiet zones and drapes, car-
disabilities to participate fully in play. Allen and
pets, corkboards, and acoustic tiles can be added to a
Schwartz (1996, p. 224) point out that environments
room to help absorb sound.
which allow children with disabilities to “be included
Lighting is another consideration in determining
easily and naturally, convey a powerful message about
the location of areas. Play activities in which children
human values: all types of children can play together
must attend to detail, such as art, reading, puzzles, and
and have fun.” The discussion that follows highlights
manipulatives, should be located in well-lighted areas,
considerations in designing high-quality, developmen-
preferably with good natural lighting. Window shades
tally appropriate indoor play environments for all chil-
may be used to reduce glare and shadows. Lighting con-
dren and also describes specific provisions and adapta-
ditions are particularly important for children with low
tions for children with special needs.
vision and for children with hearing impairments (who
rely on visual communication systems such as sign lan-
ARRANGING CLASSROOM SPACE guage or speech reading).
Arranging Play Areas
Accessibility of Play Areas
Arrangement of space into clearly defined places to
A significant issue in designing play space for in-
play using visible boundaries to separate play areas,
clusive classrooms is accessibility of play areas. Path-
helps children to focus on the play materials in each area
ways should be free of obstructions such as scattered
and promotes complex play and interactions with peers
toys or misplaced equipment that children with poor vi-
(Dempsey & Frost, 1993; Field, 1980; Moore, 1987;
sion might trip over or that might impede the movement
of children with physical disabilities from one area to
Correspondence should be directed to Sandra Doctoroff, Center for
another. Paths should be wide enough to accommodate
Community Inclusion, University of Maine, 5717 Corbett Hall, Or- assistive devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, and
ono, Maine 04469-5717; e-mail: crutches. Children should never be denied access to a

1082-3301/01/1200-0105$19.50/0  2001 Human Sciences Press, Inc.
106 Doctoroff

play area due to a physical or visual impairment. Loft example, blocks can be placed in containers or stacked
areas, for example, may be difficult for children with and toppled or they can be used to create complex struc-
physical impairments to gain access to. If at all possible, tures that demonstrate understanding of spatial relation-
a ramp should be provided. However, traversing an en- ships and representational thinking.
vironmental structure such as a loft, with close supervi- The degree of realism of play props provided for
sion, may offer a child with a disability such as a visual pretend play is a significant developmental concern.
impairment, a confidence-building experience that may Younger preschoolers (or children with significant cog-
aid in the development of mobility in the classroom and nitive delays) are more likely to engage in pretend play
community (Bailey & Wolery, 1992). with highly realistic props, such as actual cups and sau-
cers (McLoyd, 1983; Pederson, Rook-Green, & Elder,
1981) while realistic props tend to inhibit the dramatic
SELECTING AND ARRANGING play of older preschoolers (Olszewski & Fuson, 1982).
PLAY MATERIALS In classrooms with children with diverse abilities, real
objects and highly realistic replicas (e.g., real tele-
Diversity of Play Materials
phones, realistic appearing dishes and eating utensils)
Careful attention should be paid to the variety and should be included, while also providing open-ended
balance of play materials available to children. Materials materials (e.g., pieces of fabric, sheets of paper, boxes
furnished should encourage all types of play (e.g., func- of all sizes, boards, blocks, plastic tubing) to encourage
tional, constructive, dramatic, games, solitary, parallel, symbolic transformations. Teachers can use various
and group) and all aspects of development in young chil- strategies to create a mix of realistic and nonrealistic
dren (e.g., motor skills, social competence, cognitive materials. For example, the teacher might place pots and
abilities, creativity, language skills, literacy). In addi- pans and eating utensils in the construction area with
tion, it is desirable to diversify within categories of ma- hollow blocks, observe if children use the blocks as a
terials. For example, blocks and other construction mate- stove or table or in other creative ways, and provide
rials that vary in weight, size, material, texture, and support to individual children to encourage object sub-
shape (e.g., wooden unit blocks, hollow blocks and stitution through modeling or verbal prompts.
boards, cardboard blocks, Lego blocks, magnetic Another important consideration for inclusive
blocks) should be available. classrooms is the social value of play materials. Children
In inclusive classrooms, diverse ability levels need with disabilities often display difficulties in the develop-
to be considered when selecting materials. For example, ment of peer-related social competence (Guralnick,
a teacher will need to provide a wide range of puzzle 1986; Odom, McConnell & McEvoy, 1992) and engage
types, to accommodate preschoolers with diverse cogni- in less social play than their typically developing peers
tive and/or fine motor abilities. The puzzles might range (Doctoroff, 1996; Guralnick & Groom, 1987; Kopp,
from simple two to five piece separated wood inlay puz- Baker, & Brown, 1992). Thus, it is crucial for teachers
zles to 6 to 20 piece interconnected inlay puzzles and to be alert to factors that set the stage for peer play.
beginner level jigsaw puzzles and should include puz- Some toys and materials lend themselves to higher
zles with knobs and/or raised pieces. To illustrate, Isaac, levels of social play (e.g., dramatic play materials,
a four-year-old child with Down syndrome, has a poorly blocks, wagons), while other play materials are likely to
refined pincer grasp and has difficulty grasping the fine be used in solitary or parallel activity (e.g., art materials,
edges of puzzle pieces. However, he can successfully puzzles) (Rubin, 1977; Stoneman, Cantrell, & Hoover-
complete knobbed, separated inlay puzzles with up to Dempsey, 1983). Many materials naturally invite use by
nine pieces and recently completed an interconnecting more than one child at a time. Examples include puppets
five-piece knobbed puzzle with a picture of a rooster and a puppet stage, wagons, tandem trikes, balls, and a
without any assistance. In the same classroom, Dominic, rocking boat. Props and accessories for reciprocal dra-
a child with autism who is also four years old, regularly matic play roles such as mail carrier and customer,
completes complex puzzles on his own. Recently, he as- driver and passenger, doctor or nurse and patient offer
sisted other children in a group project in which the chil- rich opportunities for social interaction. In many in-
dren assembled a 48-piece dinosaur floor puzzle. stances, simply providing duplicates of play items can
It is important to keep in mind, however, that most stimulate increased social play. For instance, Maria, a
of the materials typically provided in early childhood child with a moderate hearing loss, severely delayed ex-
classrooms can be used in many different ways by chil- pressive language, and mild cognitive delays, enjoyed
dren with a wide range of capabilities and interests. For sitting in a large wooden “car” that had been placed near
Play Environments 107

the dramatic play area and pretending to “drive.” Other experiences, some stability should be maintained by re-
children soon joined her and suggested trips they might taining staple materials such as unit blocks and basic art
take together in the “car.” One of the classroom teachers materials and favorite books and toys.
provided some suggestions to help the children further Some children, such as those with Fetal Alcohol
expand on their play and also assisted Maria and the Syndrome (FAS), have difficulty making transitions and
other children to take a variety of roles in the play (e.g., coping with change due to central nervous system dys-
driver, passenger, mechanic, car wash attendant). function (Olson, 1994). Unanticipated changes in the en-
Finally, the materials provided to young children vironment may be particularly difficult for the child to
should represent the diversity that children see around adapt to. To prevent problem behaviors, the child can be
them, including diversity of abilities, as well as ethnic prepared ahead of time or can participate in making the
and cultural diversity. Materials such as books, puzzles, changes (Hughes, 1998). Direct involvement may help
dolls, and other play materials that depict children with the child to feel comfortable with changes. Children can
disabilities should be present in early childhood settings. help by moving and sorting materials or can be involved
Representation of children with diverse abilities in class- in choosing or suggesting new materials. Thorough ori-
room materials promotes self-esteem and attitudes of ac- entation to changes in the physical environment is also
ceptance and sends the message that everyone belongs essential for facilitating exploration and play in children
(Favazza, La Roe, Phillipsen, & Kumar, 2000). with visual impairments.

Increasing and Maintaining Interest Organizing Materials and Equipment

Teachers can do much to increase or maintain chil- A well-organized play environment is essential for
dren’s excitement about the possibilities for play that the all children, but is critical for children who have diffi-
environment offers. Selectively adding touches of nov- culty focusing their attention, selecting among activity
elty to the mix of materials can help maintain children’s options, sustaining play, controlling impulses, and/or
interest in the activities offered in the play areas, stimu- regulating emotions or level of arousal. Such character-
late their creativity, and draw children into play areas istics are observed in children with conditions such as
they typically do not play in. Substituting baking and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and
cooking utensils for the usual sand implements in a FAS. Visible storage and display of materials and labels
sandbox or providing dolls or doll clothes to wash in the on shelves to indicate where materials can be found and
water table may help children to see new possibilities where they belong will help orient children to potential
for play. Materials can also be added to enhance play in play choices, as well as facilitate clean-up. Materials
the various classroom play areas. For example, in the should be placed on low, open shelves to make access
block area, accessories such as people and/or animal fig- easy and immediate. Small loose materials such as ma-
ures, dolls, dollhouse furniture, trains, and small traffic nipulatives, crayons or markers, collage materials, and
signs may be provided. In one classroom in which teach- play figures are best stored in small storage bins, boxes,
ers determined that the block corner was visited infre- or baskets. Labels placed on shelves to indicate where
quently, teachers used a recent visit to the zoo as an each object or material belong, are particularly helpful
opportunity to augment the materials and enhance the in facilitating clean-up. Labels can be drawings or pic-
possibilities for play. In addition to the basic materials tures of objects cut from catalogs or cartons. Tactile
in the area (e.g., unit blocks, vehicles, traffic signs) the cues can be added for children with visual impairments
teachers added zoo animal figures, trees from a Lego by gluing real objects to labels or using white glue to
set, and materials which could be used to “landscape” make raised drawings.
animal enclosures (e.g., pebbles, twigs). The added ma- Jones and Reynolds (1992) stressed the importance
terials resulted in an increase in the number of children of clarifying figure-ground relationships when arranging
playing in the area and helped to stimulate elaborate materials. As well as ensuring that materials are easy
block constructions and sociodramatic play among the to find, relationships between play materials should be
children. highlighted. For example, Jones and Reynolds (1992)
As important as novelty is for stimulating chil- describe placement of rubber animals on a shelf, sorted
dren’s interest and creativity, it is equally important to into traditional family groups of mother, father, and
balance it with children’s needs for continuity and pre- baby. The teacher not only provides a well-ordered envi-
dictability in the environment. Although materials should ronment when children first start playing, but supports
be rotated in accordance with curricular themes or recent play by reordering as play continues:
108 Doctoroff

What this teacher does is to keep re-establishing clear switch is a battery-operated on/off device. Adapted
figure-ground relationships, spontaneously creating or- switches can be easily activated using some movement
der out of disorder to make the possibilities clear to
children. If they “mess up” (use and change) what she the child has control over, such as pushing with a hand,
has provided, she knows she’s succeeded in supporting foot, head, knee, or elbow; breathing; wrinkling a fore-
their play. Their order is always different from hers. head; moving a finger; blinking an eye; or vocalizing.
And the classroom is theirs, not hers; she sets it up so Switches not only allow children with significant motor
they can re-create it. (pp. 18–19) impairments to control their environments and partici-
pate in play, but can also offer opportunities for play
Carefully thought-out arrangements of materials with peers. A number of resources are available on
and equipment are also critical for children with visual adapting play materials, making and purchasing
or motor impairments. The child who spends time in a switches and battery-operated toys, and computer-based
wheelchair may be unable to access materials that are play experiences (see Angelo, 1997; Armstrong, n.d.;
on shelves above or below the reach of the child’s arms see Glennen & Church, 1992; Langone, Malone, &
in a seated position. It is important that high-interest ma- Kinsley, 1999; Musselwhite, 1986; Parrette & Murdick,
terials are available on shelves at varying heights to ac- 1998; Schaeffler, 1988; The Preschool Technology
commodate to changes in the child’s positioning Training Team Project, 1995; and issues of the periodi-
throughout the day. Consistent placement of materials in cal Exceptional Parent). Several websites also offer in-
the same location is important for fostering indepen- formation about using assistive technology to support
dence in children with visual impairments. When mate- play such as the Let’s Play Project at http://cosmos.ot.
rials are added or replaced, these changes should be and the Technology Integration
pointed out and the child thoroughly familiarized with website maintained by Linda Burkhart at http://www.
the location of new materials.
Selecting appropriate toys for children with visual
impairments can be challenging. Some age-appropriate
Adapting Toys and Play Materials
toys for preschool and kindergarten-aged children, such
Generally, all young children can play with the as miniature play figures and props, may lack meaning-
same play materials. However, in some instances play fulness for a child who is blind (Rogow, 1988). Tactile
materials that meet the motor or sensory needs of chil- and auditory feedback from play materials is often nec-
dren with disabilities will need to be specifically se- essary to engage children with visual impairment in
lected or existing toys and materials will need to be play. However, many of the commercially available toys
adapted. Motor impairments, such as cerebral palsy, of- that provide sensory feedback are designed for infants
ten affect the child’s ability to grasp and manipulate ob- and are not age-appropriate for preschoolers and kinder-
jects. Providing a sufficient variety of age-appropriate gartners. Play with chronologically inappropriate materi-
toys in sizes that are easy for the child to grasp may als can affect the way the child is perceived by others
be adequate for children who are less severely affected. and reduce opportunities for interaction and play with
Simple adaptations include increasing the width of an peers. Further, Skellenger, Hill, and Hill (1992) pointed
object by wrapping it with foam and tape; gluing knobs out that even age-appropriate toys that provide sensory
to puzzle pieces; or placing a Velcro strap around a feedback such as sizzling frying pans or electronic
child’s hand to allow the child to grasp an object. games may encourage selective attention to the sensory
Children with cerebral palsy often experience un- qualities of the toys, self-stimulatory behavior, and ster-
controlled movement and difficulty in directing the hand eotypic play.
to a desired location. This can cause objects to be unin- Merely providing access to age-appropriate toys to
tentionally moved out of reach or knocked over. A num- children with severe visual impairment will not ensure
ber of options are available for stabilizing toys. Bound- higher level play. Adults must help the child to link
aries can be created for moveable toys by placing the meaning to objects and play materials. Children with vi-
toy in the top of a cardboard box, a tray with edges, or sual impairments need many concrete, hands-on experi-
inside a hula hoop placed flat on a surface. Dycem, a ences with common household items and with functional
sticky plastic material, can be placed under objects to everyday activities to provide a foundation for symbolic
prevent slipping. Masking tape can be used to secure play (Fazzi, Kirk, Pearce, Pogrund, & Wolfe, 1992). For
paper for artwork or a puzzle to a table. example, experiences with food preparation (e.g., help-
An alternative for children with extremely limited ing to bake cookies, preparing fruit salad for a snack)
hand function is the use of switches to adapt toys. A may help to facilitate participation in pretend cooking.
Play Environments 109

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