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ECR Manager

User Manual

The application ECR Manager is designed for reading and setting the database in the
TREMOL SC ECR memory, sales reports, and issued invoices. As additional function it can
print receipts and invoices and load sales for postponed printing.

To select the operation open the its tab – nomenclatures, sales or reports. The hot keys
for switching between tabs are from CTRL-1 to CTRL-9.
The tools bar at the upper side of the window is for operations that can be done on the
selected tab:

Some buttons are unavailable when the operation can't be done on the tab.

1. Clear the table – new list;

2. Open data file. Different nomenclatures can be stored in separated text files or in
common XML file. Depending on file type it loads either the table of the current tab
or all tables;
3. Store the table in text file. Creates data file only for the current tab;
4. Store all data in XML file;
5. Print preview;
6. Cuts the selected rows and put them in the Clipboard;
7. Copies the selected rows and put them in the Clipboard;
8. Inserts new rows in the table from the Clipboard;
9. Reads data from ECR. It must be in Programming mode;
10. Sends data to the ECR. In sales mode a receipt or invoice is printed depending on
the document type that is selected. When working with nomenclatures ECR must
be in Programming mode. If some rows are selected, only they are sent, otherwise
the whole table is changed;
11. Select COM port;
12. COM port baud rate;
13. Detect ECR. The button is available at all tabs except Sales. ECR must be in Sales

Button [?] in the lower left corner has help functions for language change and reading the
ECR serial number.

TABs Notes

The tab “Sales” is for printing receipts and invoices. ECR must be in Sales mode. If only
column „Item / Text“ has value, the row is taken as free text command. To make it a sale
it must have valid values for Quantity and Item Price. Column “Code” is optional – when
entering row number or barcode the data is taken from the Items table, if such article with
row or barcode number exists. The quantity can be changed from keyboard with F4 or F8
keys. F8 increases the quantity by one and F4 is to enter a value. The change of quantity
when using keyboard must be done before entering row number or barcode. When issuing
invoice, the client data can be taken from the stored in ECR. Selection is done by typing
number in Client field. Names of the Client tab are copied into the drop down list. The
receipt can be printed with the toolbar button “To ECR” or with F12. In second case the
data for the sale will be cleared after successful printout.


User price – allows sale of article with price different than the programmed. When the
state is “Limited”, the user price can be changed to values less than the programmed.
Applicable for manual sales from the ECR keyboard;

Quantity – mode for monitoring the quantity in ECR: No count – the quantity is not
changed after sale; Forbid negative – sale is not allowed when quantity reaches zero and
no new quantity is entered;

Sold (Qty) – quantity that has been sold;

Value – the price value of the sold quantity;

Charge – type of additional tax, if any. Names are in Tab “Other charges”;

Value – charge value. Added to the price, after discount, if any.


Discount – button, which shows table with specific discounts for each subgroup. Number
of discount corresponding to number subgroup is entered, and the value is taken from Tab
Discounts. Column Subgroup is additional and is filled with subgroup names if there are
loaded in the table;

Disc. mode – defines which discount is used if there are discounts programmed for
department in Clients and Subgroups in the same time.


User price – allows sales from departments with price different then the programmed;

Discount – number of discount that is applied at each sale. Values are programmed in
table Discounts.


Addition – the sale price is increased with the programmed value or percent.

Invoice report

Invoice number (above table) – field for search of specific invoice. If empty, all unreported
invoices are loaded.

Client (above table) – filter the invoices only to specific client;

Show – shows detailed view of the invoice.

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