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Review Article

Anatomic Tunnel Placement in

Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Aman Dhawan, MD The anatomic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction concept
Robert A. Gallo, MD has developed in part from renewed interest in the insertional anatomy
of the ACL, using surgical techniques that can reproduce this anatomy
Scott A. Lynch, MD
reliably and accurately during surgical reconstruction. Several
technical tools are available to help identify and place the tibial and
femoral grafts anatomically, including arthroscopic anatomic
landmarks, a malleable ruler device, and intraoperative fluoroscopy.
The changes in technique for anatomic tunnel placement in ACL
reconstruction follow recent biomechanical and kinematic data that
demonstrate improved time zero characteristics. A better re-creation
of native ACL kinematics and biomechanics is achieved with
independent femoral drilling techniques that re-create a central
footprint single-bundle ACL reconstruction or double-bundle
reconstruction. However, to date, limited short-term and long-term
clinical outcome data have been reported that support using either of
these techniques rather than a transtibial drilling technique. This lack
of clear clinical advantage for femoral independent and/or double-
bundle techniques may arise because of the potentially offsetting
biologic incorporation challenges of these grafts when placed using
these techniques or could result from modifications made in traditional
endoscopic transtibial techniques that allow improved femoral and
JAAOS Plus Webinar
tibial footprint restoration.
Join Dr. Dhawan, Dr. Gallo, and
Dr. Lynch for the interactive JAAOS
Plus Webinar discussing “Anatomic
Tunnel Placement in Anterior Cruciate
Ligament Reconstruction,” on Tuesday,
July 19, 2016, at 8 pm Eastern Time.
R econstruction techniques for
the anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) have evolved considerably
scopic transtibial technique was
developed in the early 1990s, along
with specific instrumentation to
Sign up now at AAOS CME Courses & over the past four decades. Tech- facilitate the technique.3 A 2006
nologic advances in the early 1980s survey of members of the American
made possible an arthroscopically Orthopaedic Society for Sports
assisted technique. The tibial tunnel Medicine reported that most of the
From the Department of Orthopaedics
and Rehabilitation, Penn State
was drilled using arthroscopically surgeons who responded (90%)
Hershey Medical Center, Penn State placed transtibial guides, much like were using this endoscopic trans-
College of Medicine, Hershey, PA. techniques employed currently.1 tibial technique.4
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2016;24: The femoral tunnel was drilled Renewed interest in detailed ACL
443-454 using a rear-entry guide seated insertional anatomy and recent
against the femur using a separate data that demonstrated suboptimal
JAAOS-D-14-00465 femoral incision. This two-incision outcomes for return to play in high-
technique resulted in good reported level athletes in whom transtibial
Copyright 2016 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. outcomes.2 To reduce morbidity isometric techniques were used for
and improve cosmesis, an endo- ACL reconstruction have led to an

July 2016, Vol 24, No 7 443

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Anatomic Tunnel Placement in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

interest in changing the surgical the basic science and clinical concerns insertion is 11.2 mm posterior and
technique of ACL reconstruction that have accompanied the changes in 4.1 mm medial to the anterior
once again.5-8 Recent data from the techniques to anatomically place the insertion of the lateral meniscus.
Multicenter ACL Revision Study ACL tunnels. Other authors have found the rela-
have demonstrated that femoral tionship between the ACL tibial
tunnels that are too high, a conse- footprint and the anterior horn of
quence often seen with transtibial Anterior Cruciate Ligament the lateral meniscus to be variable,
techniques, may have been respon- Insertional Anatomy mostly because of the variability in
sible at least in part for 72% of all anatomy of the lateral meniscus.19
failures of primary ACL recon- A detailed understanding of the Ferretti et al19 quantified these
structions studied.9 Myriad basic insertional anatomy of the ACL is insertions in the sagittal plane using
science time zero data have dem- inherent to the discussion of anatomic distances to the posterior edge of the
onstrated better kinematics and tunnel placement in ACL reconstruc- intermeniscal ligament and the peak
better initial stability using inde- tion. The ACL has been described as of the medial tibial spine, which they
pendent femoral drilling techniques being divided functionally into two found to be less variable than the
to re-create native ACL anatomy. bundles,14 the anteromedial bundle insertion of the anterior horn of the
As a result, a change in surgical (AMB) and the posterolateral bundle lateral meniscus. The authors found
technique toward anatomic meth- (PLB), which are named for their the center of the AMB to be 8.6 mm
ods of ACL reconstruction has positions at the tibial insertion. The from the peak of the medial tibial
occurred over the past 10 years.10,11 AMB of the ACL inserts more prox- spine and 4.6 mm from the posterior
In 2013, most surgeons (68%) were imally and slightly anterior on the edge of the intermeniscal ligament.
using femoral independent drill- femur, whereas the PLB inserts more The PLB was 1.4 mm from the peak
ing techniques. 12 Recent survey distal and slightly posterior.14 The of the medial tibial spine and
data from the National Football AMB occupies slightly more of the 13.8 mm from the posterior edge of
League and the National Colle- ACL femoral insertion area (52%) the intermeniscal ligament.19 The
giate Athletic Association team than does the PLB (48%).15 On center of the ACL tibial attachment
physicians corroborated these data. average, the ovoid ACL femoral was 9.1 mm posterior to the poste-
Of responding surgeons, 67% pre- insertion measures 8 mm · 15 mm.15 rior edge of the intermeniscal liga-
ferred an independent femoral drill- The anterior border of the femoral ment and 5.3 mm anterior to a line
ing technique and an anatomic insertions of the AMB and PLB is the projected from the peak of the medial
reconstruction.13 lateral intercondylar ridge, also called tibial spine19 (Figure 2). In the coronal
Here, we discuss the renewed the resident ridge.16 The bifurcate plane, the center of the AMB was
interest in and the emphasis on the ridge separates the AMB and PLB in 3 mm lateral to the anteromedial rim
insertional anatomy of the ACL and the sagittal plane17 (Figure 1, A). of the articular surface of the medial
the methods required to reproduce The area of the ACL tibial insertion tibial condyle at the medial tibial
native anatomic insertions reliably averages 114 mm, with a coronal spine, and the center of the PLB was
and accurately in surgical ACL width of 10 mm and a sagittal length 2 mm medial to the articular surface of
reconstruction. Also discussed are the of 14 mm.18 The tibial insertional the lateral tibial condyle at the lateral
biomechanical and kinematic factors area of the AMB is slightly larger tibial spine.16
driving the shift from a transtibial (12%) than that of the PLB.16 Zan-
isometric reconstruction to an inde- top et al18 reported that the mean
pendent femoral drilling anatomic insertion of the AMB is approxi- Surgical Anatomy
reconstruction, the clinical data mately 2.7 mm posterior and 5.2 mm
comparing transtibial and indepen- medial to the anterior insertion of the One of the guiding principles of the
dent femoral drilling techniques, and lateral meniscus, and the PLB mean anatomic ACL reconstruction concept

Dr. Dhawan or an immediate family member is a member of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf of and serves as a
paid consultant to Zimmer Biomet and Smith & Nephew; has received research or institutional support from Smith & Nephew; and serves as
a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine and the Arthroscopy
Association of North America. Dr. Gallo or an immediate family member has received research or institutional support from Aesculap/B.
Braun and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, The
American Orthopaedic Association, the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, and the Arthroscopy Association of North
America. Neither Dr. Lynch nor any immediate family member has received anything of value from or has stock or stock options held in a
commercial company or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.

444 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Aman Dhawan, MD, et al

Figure 1

A, Three-dimensional laser scan with the knee in 90 of flexion showing the lateral intercondylar ridge (arrowheads) running
anterior to the entirety of the anterior cruciate ligament femoral insertion. The lateral bifurcate ridge (arrow) divides the
posterolateral (PL) bundle attachment from the more proximal anteromedial (AM) bundle attachment. B, Illustration
demonstrating the lateral intercondylar ridge and the lateral bifurcate ridge. (Panel A reproduced with permission from
Ferretti M, Ekdahl M, Shen W, Fu FH: Osseous landmarks of the femoral attachment of the anterior cruciate ligament: An
anatomic study. Arthroscopy 2007:23[11]:1218-1225.)

is the re-creation of the insertion sites Figure 2

of the native ACL.20 Surgically, this
re-creation is accomplished by using
drilling techniques that allow the
placement of tunnels within the
native ACL footprint. This concept
can be achieved using several
methods. One approach involves
femoral-independent drilling meth-
ods of femoral and tibial tunnel
creation, including the outside-in
technique, the two-incision tech-
nique, and anteromedial portal
femoral drilling. Other methods, Photographs of cadaver specimens demonstrating the center of the anterior
such as single-bundle or double- cruciate ligament (ACL) tibial attachment (red dot). A, The center of the ACL tibial
bundle reconstruction and aug- attachment is 9.12 6 1.54 mm behind the posterior edge of the intermeniscal
mentation techniques, also can be ligament. B, The center of the ACL tibial attachment is 5.3 6 1.14 mm anterior to
a line projected from the peak of the medial tibial spine. (Reproduced with
used. permission from Ferretti M, Doca D, Ingham SM, Cohen M, Fu FH: Bony and soft
Various modifications of the trans- tissue landmarks of the ACL tibial insertion site: An anatomical study. Knee Surg
tibial technique have been proposed to Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2012;20[1]:62-68.)
re-create the native ACL anatomy
more accurately, especially on the
femur; however, because of these to tibial posterolateral construct, graft fixation, and/or biologic heal-
modifications, compromises have enlargement of the tibial intra- ing.21-23 The recent literature has
been made with incomplete anatomic articular aperture, or the creation of suggested that the tibial tunnel loca-
restoration of the femoral footprint, a short and oblique tibial tunnel.21-23 tion may be more important kine-
posteriorization of the tibial footprint, These alterations have the potential matically than the femoral tunnel
the creation of a femoral anteromedial to create challenges in kinematics, location in ACL reconstruction.24

July 2016, Vol 24, No 7 445

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Anatomic Tunnel Placement in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Figure 3 Figure 4 (Figure 1). The femoral tunnel (or

tunnels in the case of double-bundle
reconstruction) should be placed
anatomically posterior to the lateral
intercondylar ridge.17 Several com-
mercially available aiming devices
and guides for the femur and tibia
that use various reproducible ana-
tomic landmarks as points of refer-
ence are available to assist the
surgeon. We use an anatomic
description instead of an arthro-
scopic description to reference fem-
oral and tibial tunnel locations
Arthroscopic image taken with a 30 (Figure 1). The bifurcate ridge sep-
arthroscope placed through the Arthroscopic image demonstrating
the lateral wall of the intercondylar arates the two bundles anatomically
anteromedial portal of the lateral wall
of the intercondylar notch in the right notch, viewed from the anteromedial from proximal to distal17 (Figures 1
knee showing the lateral portal in the right knee. The ruler is and 3). For single-bundle ACL
intercondylar ridge (black arrows) positioned on the side wall of the reconstruction, the center of the
and the lateral bifurcate ridge (white notch with the end at the proximal
border of the articular margin deep femoral tunnel should be placed
arrows). The femoral insertions of the
anteromedial (AM) bundle and in the notch. The shallow/distal end 1.7 mm proximal to the bifurcate
posterolateral (PL) bundle also are of the ruler measures 22 mm. A ridge and approximately 8 mm
shown. (Reproduced with microfracture pick marks the anterior to the posterior articular
permission from Ferretti M, midpoint of the side wall at 11 mm
below and posterior to the margin of the lateral femoral con-
Ekdahl M, Shen W, Fu FH:
Osseous landmarks of the femoral intercondylar ridge. (Reproduced dyle.26 If the bifurcate ridge is not
attachment of the anterior cruciate with permission from Bird JH, visible arthroscopically, a malleable
ligament: An anatomic study. Carmont MR, Dhillon M, et al: ACL ruler can be used to determine a
Arthroscopy 2007:23[11]:1218- Validation of a new technique to
determine midbundle femoral tunnel point that is 45% to 50% of the
position in anterior cruciate ligament distance from proximal to distal
reconstruction using a three- along the posterior one third of the
Anatomic ACL reconstruction is dimensional computed tomography wall. This location approximates the
analysis. Arthroscopy 2011;27
not synonymous with double-bundle [9]:1259-1267.) center of the native ACL femoral
ACL reconstruction. Techniques, footprint27 (Figure 4).
such as the two-incision technique, the The tibial tunnel can be located
outside-in technique, and medial por- placing the tibial and femoral graft using the tibial square model and the
tal femoral drilling, are preferred apertures to re-create the native mean distances to reliable arthro-
when creating an anatomic tunnel anatomy: (1) arthroscopic anatomic scopically visible landmarks.28 The
location for ACL reconstruction. landmarks, including remnant ACL tibial square model, as described by
Such techniques allow the creation tissue and osseous anatomy; (2) a Sielbold et al,16 is the square foot-
of the femoral and tibial tunnels malleable ruler device, especially print of the native ACL and is
independently and locate them useful for the femoral tunnels; and (3) marked off reliably anteriorly by the
centrally within the native ACL intraoperative fluoroscopy. Using anterior border of the remnant AMB
footprints for single-bundle recon- arthroscopic anatomic landmarks is a footprint and posteriorly by the
struction or create an accurate reliable and reproducible method for posterior border of the remnant PLB
AMB and PLB for double-bundle placing the reconstruction tunnels in footprint and the posterior insertion
reconstruction. Here, we focus on the native ACL footprint. On the of the lateral meniscus. The medial
central footprint single-bundle ACL femoral side, the lateral intercondylar and lateral borders of the square are
reconstruction because this tech- ridge, which is present in 88% of the articular margins of the medial
nique is used most commonly by chronic ACL-deficient knees, and the and lateral tibial plateaus at the in-
surgeons currently performing bifurcate ridge, which is present in tercondylar eminences (Figure 5).
anatomic ACL reconstructions.12 48% of chronic ACL-deficient knees, For further confirmation of the
Intraoperatively, the surgeon has can be used when present to native anatomy, or if the tibial ACL
three key tools for identifying and guide femoral tunnel placement16,25 remnant is not visible, the center of

446 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Aman Dhawan, MD, et al

the native ACL tibial footprint for Figure 5

single-bundle anatomic ACL recon-
struction is located in the sagittal
plane 9 mm behind the posterior
edge of the intermeniscal ligament
and 5 mm anterior from a projected
coronal plane line from the peak of
the medial tibial spine19 (Figure 2).
In the coronal plane, the center of the
native ACL tibial footprint is located
midway between the tibial spines.20
We do not recommend using the
anterior insertion of the lateral
meniscus as a landmark for anterior/
posterior or medial/lateral placement
of the tibial tunnel because of the
considerable variability in its rela-
tionship with the center of the ACL
tibial footprint.19
The localization of these anatomic
landmarks is predicated on the ade-
quate visualization of the anatomy,
which includes en face viewing of the
lateral wall of the intercondylar
notch and a bird’s eye view of the
tibial plateau. A high proximal an-
teromedial portal is recommended
for viewing if a 30 arthroscope is
used. Alternatively, a 70 arthro-
scope may be used to achieve these
views through a standard antero-
lateral portal while identifying and
preparing tunnel locations29,30
(Figure 6).
Using intraoperative fluoroscopy
to localize the native ACL femoral
and tibial footprints has been proven
reproducible, reliable, and accurate.
This method of footprint localization
can be especially helpful in revision
cases, in which previous anatomic
landmarks, such as the lateral inter-
condylar ridge, may not be visible
because of an earlier notchplasty and/
or tunnel creation. The grid system
developed by Bernard et al31 is a Photograph and illustration demonstrating the approximation of the center of the
technique that can be used to find the native anterior cruciate ligament femoral footprint. A, Photograph of a human
footprint on a lateral view using in- cadaver knee showing the arthroscopic tibial landmarks. B, Illustration showing
the tibial square model, which can be used to locate the tibial tunnel. ABAM =
traoperative fluoroscopy. For single- anterior border of the anteromedial bundle of the anterior cruciate ligament,
bundle reconstruction, the center of ALR = anterolateral rim, AMB = anteromedial bundle footprint, AMR =
the femoral footprint can be refer- anteromedial rim, PBPL = posterior border of the posterolateral bundle of the
enced on a grid using the Blumensaat anterior cruciate ligament, PCL = posterior cruciate ligament, PLB = posterolateral
bundle footprint
line; it is located 28% of the distance

July 2016, Vol 24, No 7 447

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Anatomic Tunnel Placement in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Figure 6

Arthroscopic images showing en face views of the lateral wall of the intercondylar notch. A, The lateral wall of the
intercondylar notch is shown using a 30 arthroscope placed through the anterolateral portal. B, A view of the lateral wall
using a 30 arthroscope placed through the anteromedial portal. C, A view of the lateral wall using a 70 arthroscope placed
through the anterolateral portal. (Reproduced with permission from Dhawan A, Bush-Joseph CA: Patellar tendon autograft
for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, in Cole B, Sekiya JK: Surgical Techniques of the Shoulder, Elbow, and Knee in
Sports Medicine, ed 2. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier, 2008, pp 755-766.)

from proximal to distal and 34% technique were 2.69 mm closer (P = with transtibial techniques. Increased
posterior to the Blumensaat line31 0.02) to the center of the anatomic graft obliquity is shown to result in
(Figure 7, A). On the tibial side, the femoral footprint than transtibially better restoration of knee kinematics
Stäubli and Rauschning32 technique drilled femoral tunnels. The femoral to the native ACL.38,40-43
is used for localization of the tibial tunnels drilled with a transtibial Collectively, time zero cadaver
tunnel. Using this method for single- technique generally were placed data have demonstrated better res-
bundle anatomic ACL reconstruc- anterior and proximal to the central toration of native ACL kinematics
tion, the center of the tibial footprint location. Although modifications of using tunnels created through the
reliably is located 43% of the dis- the transtibial technique have been centroid of the native ACL tibial and
tance anterior to posterior of the proposed and developed to better re- femoral footprints. Kato et al44
midsagittal tibial diameter (Figure 7, create the native ACL anatomy, compared the effect of different
B). In the coronal plane, the tibial compromises have been made single-bundle femoral graft tunnels
footprint is 51.5% (medial to lateral) regarding incomplete anatomic res- on initial reconstruction knee bio-
or approximately midway across the toration of the femoral footprint, mechanics. The authors found that
knee on a fluoroscopic AP posteriorization of the tibial foot- the central placement of a single-
projection.33,34 print, creation of a femoral AMB to bundle graft on the tibial and fem-
tibial PLB construct, enlargement of oral footprints best approximated
the tibial intra-articular aperture, or the normal kinematics of the native
Biomechanics and creation of a short and very oblique ACL compared with other anatomic
Kinematic Data tibial tunnel.23-25 These compro- constructs. In their meta-analysis,
mises in tibial tunnel location or Riboh et al39 found an additional
Studies demonstrate that indepen- characteristics may adversely affect 2.2 mm of average anterior trans-
dent femoral drilling achieves central the initial reconstruction bio- lation on simulated Lachman testing
tunnel placement within the native mechanics and kinematics more than after ACL reconstruction using a
femoral ACL footprint more changes in femoral tunnel location transtibial technique rather than an
accurately and reproducibly than and characteristics.27 independent femoral drilling tech-
does transtibial drilling.35-38 In In addition to more reproducible nique. Similarly, rotational stability
their meta-analysis, Riboh et al39 central footprint placement, inde- has shown decreased anterior tibial
demonstrated that femoral tunnels pendent femoral drilling demon- subluxation after using independent
drilled using a femoral-independent strates improved obliquity compared femoral drilling techniques for ACL

448 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Aman Dhawan, MD, et al

reconstruction.39 On average, 3.36 Figure 7

mm more anterior tibial sub-
luxation was seen on simulated
pivot shift testing with transtibial
techniques than with independent
femoral drilling techniques.39
However, these collective compari-
sons include a multitude of different
studies, including different trans-
tibial and independent femoral
drilling techniques. Therefore,
pooling and analysis of the con-
glomerate data are inherently
problematic methodologically.
Kopf et al45 compared the intra-
operative stability of the PLB portion
of the double-bundle reconstruction
with the final double-bundle recon-
struction. Double-bundle recon-
struction demonstrated improved
kinematics compared with single
PLB reconstruction. Plaweski et al46
compared a single-bundle construct
that was placed with computer
assistance with a standard double-
bundle reconstruction. In this study,
the double-bundle technique bio-
mechanically outperformed the
single-bundle construct. Bedi et al47
evaluated the biomechanical differ-
ences between a centrally placed
anatomic single-bundle ACL recon-
struction and an anatomic double-
bundle reconstruction. The authors
found that the double-bundle
reconstruction approximated the
kinematics of the native knee more
closely than did a single-bundle
reconstruction with tibial and
femoral tunnels placed centrally
within their respective footprints.
No difference was found in anterior
translation between the recon-
structions in a simulated Lachman
A and B, Intraoperative lateral fluoroscopic images of the knee obtained with a
test. C-arm showing the tip of a microfracture awl placed at the proposed anterior
Conversely, Kato et al44 found that cruciate ligament femoral tunnel location for single-bundle reconstruction using
a double-bundle graft offered no the Bernard and Hertel grid (in red). For single-bundle reconstruction, the center
biomechanical or kinematic benefit of the femoral footprint can be referenced on a grid using the Blumensaat line; it
is located 28% of the distance from proximal to distal and 34% posterior to the
compared with a central single- Blumensaat line. C, Illustration demonstrating that the center of the tibial footprint
bundle reconstruction. Similarly, a for single-bundle anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is located
cadaver study by Goldsmith et al42 43.3% of the distance anterior to posterior of the midsagittal tibial diameter.
demonstrated no difference between ACL = anterior cruciate ligament (Panel A copyright Charles Brown, Doha,
single-bundle and double-bundle

July 2016, Vol 24, No 7 449

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Anatomic Tunnel Placement in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

reconstructions in terms of the shift tests, and objective International substantial differences between the
results of a simulated Lachman and Knee Documentation Committee two groups in subjective outcome
pivot shift test. In their study, the (IKDC) scores, favors double-bundle measures, such as subjective IKDC,
single-bundle reconstruction also reconstructions.49-52 Second, no dif- Lysholm, Knee Injury and Osteoar-
was placed centrally within the ference in subjective outcomes, thritis Outcome Score (KOOS), and
footprints. Based on the available including IKDC, Lysholm, and Tegner scores.58-62 Differences in
time zero biomechanical data, Tegner scores, has been elucidated objective outcome parameters
double-bundle ACL reconstructions between single-bundle and double- remain equivocal, however. Two
restore the native knee kinematics bundle reconstructions in the studies report substantially less
more closely than do single-bundle intermediate (6 months to 2 years laxity using KT-1000 arthrometry,
ACL reconstructions, even more postoperatively) or long-term (2 to Lachman testing, and pivot shift
closely than single-bundle recon- 5 years postoperatively) follow-up testing, as well as better objective
structions placed through the ana- periods.49-52 Third, no statistically IKDC scores in those with femoral
tomic central tibial and femoral significant differences have been tunnels created through the antero-
footprints. observed in long-term knee pain, medial portal.59,60 Two other studies
graft failure, or other adverse found no statistically significant dif-
events or complications.51 Finally, ferences in objective criteria between
Clinical Outcomes based on limited data from a sys- the two technical groups.58,61 Only
tematic review, increased rates of one study demonstrated substantially
Direct clinical comparisons of ana- return to preinjury function have less rotational and sagittal instability
tomic and isometric graft tunnel been observed in patients undergoing with transtibial reconstructions.62
placement during ACL reconstruc- double-bundle reconstructions.51 Azboy et al58 and Alentorn-Geli
tions are limited by incomplete Limited clinical comparisons have et al59 found a shorter time to re-
descriptions of the surgical tech- been made between transtibial and turn to play in patients with ACL
niques. Comparisons between ana- independent femoral drilling recon- reconstructions using an indepen-
tomically placed and isometrically struction techniques for the ACL. dent femoral drilling technique
placed grafts can be inferred by Original controlled clinical studies rather than a transtibial technique.
whether the femoral drilling tech- compared traditional two-incision Duffee et al5 found statistically
nique used was transtibial or inde- techniques with transtibial recon- significant higher odds (odds ratio,
pendent. These studies lack detail structions. Most of the studies re- 2.49; P = 0.006) of revision after
regarding the placement of the fem- ported no notable objective or ACL reconstruction with a trans-
oral and tibial tunnels and their subjective differences between the tibial technique than after an
relationship to native ligamentous two techniques.53-56 O’Neill55 re- anteromedial technique. The authors
attachments, however. The use of ported that using a two-incision also found that the femoral tunnel
other anatomic landmarks, such as technique resulted in an 8% drilling technique was not a pre-
the lateral intercondylar and bifur- increase in instrumented laxity of dictor of the KOOS Quality of Life
cate ridges, are not well described in ,3 mm and a 6% increase in the subscore (P = 0.72) or the KOOS
the literature and are reported in number of patients in whom return Function, Sports, and Recreational
only 13% (lateral intercondylar to normal activity was seen. The Activities subscore (P = 0.36) at the
ridge) and 6% (bifurcate ridge) of clinical relevance of these statisti- 6-year follow-up evaluation. Con-
studies describing double-bundle cally significant differences are versely, Rahr-Wagner et al62 re-
reconstructions.48 uncertain.57 Furthermore, the four ported an increased relative risk
A recent proliferation of meta- available studies were performed (2.04; 95% confidence interval, 2.40
analyses that compare single-bundle between 1996 and 1999, were to 3.41) of undergoing revision ACL
and double-bundle reconstructions devoid of objective information on reconstruction if the primary re-
has been observed.49-52 Although rotational stability, and lacked construction was performed using
conflicts and bias exist in the data, power analysis.57 an anteromedial drilling technique.
several themes have emerged. First, a More recent comparison studies They also found no difference
substantial difference exists in vari- have focused on transtibial versus in KOOS and Tegner scores using
ous objective measures between the independent femoral drilling using a transtibial technique compared
two groups. The testing of anterior an anteromedial portal technique. with an anteromedial portal
laxity, as measured by a KT-1000 Among the five available clinical femoral drilling technique at 1 year
arthrometer, Lachman and pivot studies, none has demonstrated any postoperatively. Table 1 highlights

450 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Aman Dhawan, MD, et al

Table 1
Comparison of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructions Using Transtibial or Anteromedial Portal Drilling
No. of 0 Pivot Normal
Patients Instrumented Laxity Shift IKDC Score Lysholm Score Tegner Score
Study TT AM TT AM (%) (%) (%) (%) TT AM TT AM

Azboy 34 30 NA NA 76.5 86.7 61.8 66.7 NA NA 6.1 6 6.7 6

et al58 1.0 1.2
Rahr-Wagner 3,812 1,945 11.4% . 19.8% . 86.4 80.5 NA NA NA NA 4.9 6 5.0 6
et al62 2 mm 2 mm 0.1 0.2
Hussein 72 78 2.0 6 1.6 6 41.7 66.7 79.2 88.5 90.9 6 91.8 6 NA NA
et al60 0.9 mm 0.8 mm 7.0 4.3
Zhang 34 31 2.14 6 1.96 6 NA NA NA NA 94.5 6 95.1 6 NA NA
et al61 0.91 mm 1.02 mm 1.1 1.0
Alentorn-Geli 21 26 1.9 6 0.2 6 41.2 79.2 33.3 73.1 97.1 6 99.3 6 7.1 6 7.8 6
et al59 1.8 mm 1.6 mm 7.2 2.3 1.3 1.6

AM = anteromedial, IKDC = International Knee Documentation Committee, NA = not available, TT = transtibial

the results of available controlled to describe their activity level as notable difference following ACL
studies comparing ACL reconstruc- strenuous or moderate than those reconstructions.39,63
tions using transtibial portal tech- who had reconstructions per-
niques with those using anteromedial formed using a femoral-
portal techniques. independent technique.63 Concerns
The largest comparison between A recent meta-analysis by Bedi
ACL reconstructions performed et al40 reviewed all comparison Potential challenges, such as
using transtibial techniques and series of ACL reconstructions that increased strain through the graft and
those using anteromedial portal compared the transtibial drilling shortened femoral sockets, have
femoral tunnel drilling techniques technique with an independent arisen with the new anatomic tunnel
with pooled data included 859 femoral drilling technique. Six placement reconstruction technique
patients from 21 prospective exper- studies formed the basis for com- shift in ACL reconstruction. Specific
imental studies.63 Reconstructions parison. Four of them used the two- characteristics of the anatomic ACL
using anteromedial portal drilling incision outside-in technique, and reconstruction, such as anatomic
demonstrated substantially less two used anteromedial portal obliquity, although similar to the
laxity on Lachman testing and techniques to create the femoral native ACL, cause more changes in
improved range of motion within tunnel. The authors demonstrated strain and length with flexion and
the first 2 years after surgery. that, although failure rates, IKDC extension than do grafts placed using
Although these advantages persisted objective scores, and Tegner scores the endoscopic transtibial ACL
up to 10 years after surgery, the were similar between the two reconstruction technique.64-66 Using
differences were not statistically groups, ACL reconstructions per- an animal model, Ma et al67 dem-
significant beyond the first 2 years. formed using femoral-independent onstrated that anisometric grafts
Subjective parameters, including techniques resulted in statistically with high tension through range of
Lysholm scores and total IKDC significant less instrumented ante- motion that was analogous to the
scores, were not significantly dif- rior laxity and improved Lysholm anatomic reconstructions had infe-
ferent statistically between the scores.40 However, the authors rior early healing and incorporation
groups at any point. After the first 3 cautioned that the 0.62-point dif- into the osseous tunnel compared
years postoperatively, patients who ference in Lysholm scores in the with isometric grafts. Bedi et al40
had ACL reconstructions performed study fell well below the previously demonstrated a short femoral tunnel
using a transtibial technique were reported value of 8.9 points, which length of ,25 mm in 42% of their
significantly more likely statistically was thought to be a clinically drilled tunnels. Increasing knee

July 2016, Vol 24, No 7 451

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Anatomic Tunnel Placement in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

flexion with anteromedial portal this ligament during knee flexion

drilling contributed to an increased
Summary and extension.14 An unbiased ade-
risk of a short tunnel and posterior quately powered direct comparison
Reconstruction techniques for the
wall blowout. Similarly, Chang of modern transtibial techniques
ACL have evolved considerably over
et al38 found that anteromedial with independent femoral drilling
the past four decades. An era of re-
portal drilling resulted in a more techniques using anatomic and/or
newed interest and emphasis on the
oblique tunnel than did transtibial radiographic landmarks would be
insertional anatomy of the ACL has
drilling but also resulted in short of great value in determining
arrived, using methods and tech-
femoral tunnels in 26% of patients whether any single technique pro-
niques that can reproduce this anat-
studied compared with 2% of those duces improved clinical results.
omy reliably and accurately during
undergoing transtibial drilling. Silver
surgical reconstruction. The identifi-
et al68 demonstrated that using a
cation and placement of the tibial and References
curved guide and flexible reamer
femoral graft apertures to re-create
system may obviate some of these
the native anatomy is fundamental to Evidence-based Medicine: Levels of
technical challenges. The increase in
the concept of anatomic ACL recon- evidence are described in the table of
graft strain and changes in length,
struction. Abundant time zero bio- contents. In this article, references
combined with shorter tunnels and a
mechanical and kinematic data 39, 49-52, 54-56, 60, 61, and 63 are
potentially smaller contact area for
biologic graft integration, may have demonstrate the improved time zero level I studies. References 6, 8, 48,
clinical implications for early graft characteristics of independent femo- 57, and 62 are level II studies. Ref-
incorporation in the setting of con- ral drilling and double-bundle erences 5, 53, 58, and 59 are level III
temporary early aggressive rehabili- reconstructions. Limited short-term studies. References 2, 7, 9, and 27
tation protocols. or long-term clinical outcome data are level IV studies. References 1, 3,
Using the Danish Registry of Knee have been available to support using 4, 12, 13, 20-22, and 29 are level V
Ligament Reconstruction, which either of these two techniques rather expert opinion.
included 9,239 primary ACL recon- than a transtibial drilling technique. References printed in bold type are
structions over a 4-year period, The lack of a clear clinical advantage those published within the past 5
Rahr-Wagner et al62 found a sub- for either technique may derive from years.
stantially higher risk of revision potentially offsetting biologic incor-
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