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League of Nations • In the wake of WWII, the major allied

powers agreed to start a new global

• Founded on January 10, 1920, as part
organization to help manage
of the Treaty of Versailles following
international affairs.
World War I.
o First articulated by Franklin
• Conceived with the goal of
D. Roosevelt (US President)
preventing future conflicts through
and Winston Churchill
diplomacy and collective security.
(British Prime Minister) upon
• Initially, 42 member states joined the
signing the Atlantic Charter.
League, including major powers like
• The US, UK, and the Soviet Union
Britain, France, and Japan.
(Big Three) took the lead in designing
• The League's failures during the
the new organization and determining
1930s are often cited as contributing
its decision-making structure and
factors to the outbreak of World War
functions but were hindered by
• The League of Nations ceased to
• Dumbarton Oaks Conference – a
exist in April 20, 1946, and its
meeting of diplomats from the Big
functions were transferred to the
Four (US, UK, Soviet Union, and
newly formed United Nations (UN)
Russia), wherein they agreed on the
United Nations organization's general purpose,
function, and structure, but ended
• Established on October 24, 1945. with disagreements over membership
• It is comprised of 193 countries all and voting.
over the world. • Yalta Conference – meeting of the Big
• Established after World War II with Three in Crimea, laid the basis for
the goal of preventing future wars, charter provisions.
and preserve peace. • United Nations Conference on
• Headquartered in New York City International Organization (UNCIO)
United Nations Charter – convened on April 1945, it
produced the final charter of the UN,
• Signed on June 26, 1945, by delegates attended by 50 countries.
of 50 nations. • The UN Charter was adopted on June
• Poland signed on October 15, 1945. 26, 1945, and promulgated on
• Codifies the major principles of October 24, 1945.
international relations, from
sovereign equality of states, to the Main Organs of the United Nations
prohibition of the use of force in General Assembly
international relations.
• Composed of all 193 member states
History of the UN with equal representation.
• Functions as a forum for member Secretariat
states to discuss and make decisions
• Administrative arm of the UN
on a wide range of global issues.
responsible for implementing UN
• Representatives of Member States get
policies, managing programs, and
one vote in all matters.
providing support.
• UNGA responds to humanitarian
• Led by the Secretary-General, who is
crises, such as the Syria conflict, by
appointed by the General Assembly
convening discussions and
on the recommendation of the
resolutions on providing aid and
Security Council.
support to affected populations.
o The current Secretary-
Security Council General is António Guterres
• Coordinating global efforts to combat
• Comprises 15 members, including
climate change, as seen in the UN
five permanent members (China,
Climate Change Conferences (COP).
France, Russia, the United Kingdom,
and the United States). Economic and Social Council
• Responsible for maintaining
• Promotes international economic and
international peace and security.
social cooperation and coordinates
• Has the authority to impose sanctions
UN specialized agencies and
and authorize military action.
• All Member States are obligated to
• Composed of 54 member states
comply with Council decisions.
elected by the General Assembly.
• The Security Council's discussions
and resolutions related to the conflict Trusteeship
in Ukraine and sanctions against
• Originally established to oversee the
North Korea.
administration of trust territories.
International Court of Justice o Trust territories are territories
placed under the
• The principal judicial organ of the administration of one or more
United Nations, its headquarters is in member states of the United
The Hague. Nations (UN) after World War
• Composed of 15 judges elected by the II
General Assembly and Security • The Trusteeship is currently inactive,
Council suspending operations on November
o The current president is Joan 1, 1994, a month after the
E. Donoghue independence of Palau, the last
• ICJ's ruling on the dispute between remaining United Nations trust
Gambia and Myanmar over the territory.
alleged genocide against the
Rohingya minority.
Further Knowledge
Who introduced the idea of the League of Which countries can vote in the General
Nations? Assembly?
- 28th US President Woodrow H. - All 193 countries are given a chance
Wilson to vote.

Why did the US not join the League of Which countries are not in the UN?
- Palestine and the Vatican (Holy See)
- Because of the opposition of the o Palestine is limited only to
Republican Party, wherein they were permanent observer status
concerned about potential loss of US because of its ongoing
sovereignty. territorial dispute with Israel
o The Vatican did not apply for
membership because the Pope
What are the Democratic Party and prefers not to directly affect
Republican Party in the US? international policy.

- The Democratic Party leans on liberal Which countries have veto powers?
ideologies, promotes social equality
- The five permanent members: China,
and civil rights, supports progressive
France, Russian Federation, UK, and
taxation, and promotes a larger
government role in social programs.
- The Republican Party supports
traditional values, promotes a smaller
What is UDHR?
government and lower taxes, and
emphasizes more on individual - The Universal Declaration for Human
programs. Rights was adopted by the UNGA on
December 10, 1948, in the aftermath
of World War II.
How does the UN Work? - The Declaration consists of 30
articles that outline fundamental
- It works by having countries discuss
human rights and freedoms to which
important issues, and letting
all individuals are entitled, regardless
specialized agencies within the UN to
of their nationality, race, gender,
tackle specific problems.
religion, or any other status.

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