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himanshu institute of technology

Maximum Marks : 180 Time Duration : 2 hour

General Instructions :
attempt any 45 questions

Answer Key

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a a c a d c b d

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

d c d a a a b c

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

d a d a a d d a

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

c b b a b c d c

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

c b b d b b c a

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

b a a d c d c a

49 50

c b

Question No: 1
1 calorie is the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water from
Question No: 2
From Newton’s second law,

If F=0,then

Thus, if total external force acting on the system is zero, then linear momentum of the system
remains conserved.
Question No: 3
The angular momentum of a disc of moment of inertia and rotating about its axis with angular
velocity is

When a round disc of moment of inertia is placed on first disc, then angular momentum of the
combination is

In the absence of any external torque, angular momentum remains conserved, .,

Question No: 4
When a body rolls down without slipping along an inclined plane of inclination , it rotates about a
horizontal axis through its centre of mass and also its centre of mass moves. Therefore, rolling
motion may be regarded as a rotational motion about an axis through its centre of mass plus a
translational motion of the centre of mass. As it rolls down, it suffers loss in gravitational potential
energy provided translational energy due to frictional force is converted into rotational energy.
Question No: 5
All of these
Question No: 6
Bulk modulus,
ve sign shows that with an increase in pressure, a decrease in volume occurs
Decrease in volume,

Question No: 7

Question No: 8
Energy stored per unit volume

Question No: 9

Question No: 10
Let radius of curvature of the common internal film surface of the double bubble formed be r’. Then,
excess of pressure as
compared to atmosphere inside and

The pressure difference is

Question No: 11
Let be the the volume of the brass block weight of brass block
Weight of brass block when immersed in liquid . If is the area of cross-section of
steel wire, then


Question No: 12
Terminal velocity,


Question No: 13

Question No: 14
Work done=area between the graph force displacement curve and displacement

According to work energy theorem

Question No: 15

Question No: 16
Change in internal energy
It doesn’t depend upon type of process. Actually it is a state function
Question No: 17

On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii) , we get

Question No: 18

Question No: 19

Question No: 20
Since there is no relative motion between the source and listener, so apparent frequency equals
original frequency
Question No: 21
Given, y(x,t)=0.005 cos (ax-βt)


Question No: 22
Frequency of change of resultant amplitude=number of beats .
Question No: 23



Question No: 24

Question No: 25
Comparing with
We get

Also, it is given that phase difference between particles Hence path difference between

Question No: 26
Initial moment of Inertia -
Moment of Inertia of lump of wax

Final moment of inertia,

% increase in M.I.

Question No: 27

Here is a dimensionless. Therefore, and has the dimension of

Question No: 28
Again, or
So, the initial velocity is non-zero and acceleration is uniform.
Question No: 29
Question No: 30
(i) A body having constant speed can have varying velocity as direction may change.
(ii) Position-time graphs for two objects with zero relative velocity are parallel.
(iii) For a given time interval,

Therefore, all the options are true.

Question No: 31

Question No: 32
Maximum height,

Time of flight,

Question No: 33
Refer figure when the velocity vector makes an angle with the horizontal, the component of
acceleration, perpendicular to velocity, the centripetal acceleration is . As horizontal
component of velocity remains unchanged in angular projection of projectile, hence

As, provides centripetal acceleration, hence


Question No: 34
Computing the given equation with
, we get

Question No: 35
Question No: 36

Question No: 37
Question No: 38

Increment in angular velocity,

Question No: 39

So, electrical conductivity

Question No: 40
Total energy = K.E. of translation + K.E. of rotation

Percentage of
Question No: 41
Question No: 42
Moment of inertia of a uniform circular disc about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to its
plane is
Applying theorem of parallel axes, moment of inertia of a uniform circular disc about an axis
touching the disc at its diameter and normal to the disc

Question No: 43
Question No: 44
Applying law of conservation of momentum,

Question No: 45
Apparent weight of the man,

Question No: 46
As the springs are light in weight, therefore, tension in both springs will be same. So, both springs will show same reading 8 kg.
Question No: 47
Let smaller force be . Resultant R of the forces is at to AB,


18 N (given) ….(ii)

From Eqs. (ii) and (iii),

Hence, forces are 5 N and 13 N.
Question No: 48
When friction in present

From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have

Question No: 49
it is clear that slope of curve is zero at point and
for point and
Question No: 50

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