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年全国大学生英语竞赛样题( 级)

(Total:150 marks Time:120 minutes)

Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks)
In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. A t the end
of each conversation, one question will be asked, and you have fifteen seconds to read the four choices
marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the
answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. A. She will send her car to the repair shop. B. She will pick up the man to the party.
C. She is going to join the man to the party. D. She is going to stay at campus for Christmas.
2. A. He is going to visit his parents. B. He is going to go skiing with friends.
C. He has to attend a meeting in Texas. D. He will go hiking in the mountains.
3. A. In a bus.
B. In a cinema.
C. On a train.
D. On a plane.
4. A. He is late for the conference.
B. He hasn蒺t finished his work.
C. His new design is unsatisfactory.
D. He has to ask for leave for tomorrow.
5. A. Drive for herself.
B. She蒺d like to walk.
C. Take a bus.
D. Take the subway.

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Section B (10 marks)
In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. A t the end
of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and make
your answers on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

Conversation One
Listen to the conversation, mark each statement as either True (T) or False (F) according to what you hear.

6. Michael looks pale and tired because he has been ill for nearly a week.
7. Lisa has three more exams to do in the final week.
8. Lisa has to prepare for a 15-page report on motivation this week.
9. Michael needs Lisa蒺s help on his psychology assignment this weekend.
10. They two would meet again after all exams next Sunday.

Conversation Two
Listen to the conversation, mark each question as A, B, C or D according to what you hear.

11. What is the Numeracy Week according to the conversation?

A. It蒺s a one-week seminar proposed by the EU.
B. It蒺s a workshop themed on accounting affairs.
C. It蒺s an activity to promote mathematical skills.
D. It蒺s one part of Dr. Cameron蒺s research project.
12. Who is the Numeracy Week aimed at?
A. All accounting staff in the EU.
B. Delegates from member states of the EU.
C. University students.
D. People of all ages.
13. What may happen to people lack of numerical skill?
A. They may lose better opportunities in career.
B. They can communicate more with children.
C. They may have chance to be retrained on the skill.
D. They may make up in the higher education.
14. What is Dr. Cameron蒺s suggestion to those lack of numerical skills?
A. They can practise more in daily lives. B. They can develop other skills like literacy.
C. They can use a calculator for help. D. They can take up numeracy courses.

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15. What does Dr. Cameron focus more on today蒺s number skills?
A. Application in real life. B. Basic arithmetic skills.
C. Logical reasoning. D. Sufficient knowledge.

Section C (5 marks)
In this section, you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once. A fter each item,
there will be a fifteen-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A,
B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet
with a single line through the centre.

16. What precautions are aid agencies taking before the heavy rain?
A. They are giving out many umbrellas and raincoats.
B. They are making arrangements for the homeless.
C. They shore up flimsy shelters and stabilize shaky terrain.
D. They send refugees to resettlement area with food and shelters.
17. How could universities deal with future problems according to experts?
A. To enlarge enrollment.
B. To try new methods of meeting students蒺 needs.
C. To improve students蒺 living conditions.
D. To raise the teaching standards on higher education.
18. What is Merkel蒺s attitude towards Schengen?
A. She is committed to preserving the Schengen area.
B. She calls on reforms in Schengen countries.
C. She tries to abolish the Schengen Agreement.
D. She is opposed to the preserving of Schengen.
19. What are the treaties aimed to?
A. Cease war fires as soon as possible.
B. Help refugees to better settlement.
C. Make laws to found new orders.
D. Reduce suffering in armed conflict.
20. Why do the women professional footballers in Spain hold a strike?
A. They ask for better payments and welfare.
B. They suffered from illness and injuries.
C. They hate discrimination against women.
D. They need to be fully rested.

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Section D (10 marks)
In this section, you will hear two short passages. The passages will be read only once. A fter each passage,
there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, write the answers on the answer sheet.

Listen to the passage. For questions 21—25, fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear.

Peking opera is one of the five major traditional

operas in China. Its vocal tones are mainly
composed of Xipi and Erhuang, to the music played
by such instruments as huqin, gong, and drum.
Peking opera is the (21) of Chinese opera,
combining music, vocal performance, mime, dance,
and acrobatics.
Peking opera (22) Huiju opera, a folk
opera originally popular in the regions south of the
lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the early Qing
Dynasty . Due to the strong mobility of Huiju
troupes, performers (23) frequent contact
with other types of drama, incorporating different
regional musical systems and tunes.
In 1790, to celebrate the eightieth birthday of
the Qianlong Emperor, the Four Great Anhui Troupes brought Huiju opera to Beijing to join the
celebration. Their performances soon found an audience, marking the beginning of the more than 200 years
of history of Peking opera. Peking opera is a fusion of some older operatic forms. From 1840 to 1860, it
finally congealed as a (24) of Qinqiang opera, Hanju opera, certain strengths of Kunqu opera, and
local tunes of Beijing. The new form then began to create its own innovations. For example, melodies were
simplified, and were played with different traditional instruments than those used in earlier forms. The
characters staged in Peking opera are (25) the appearance of people in daily life. Artistic
exaggerations are applied in elaboration of makeup and costumes according to gender, personality, age,
occupation, and social status of the roles in different plays.

Listen to the passage. For questions 26—30, complete the notes using no more than three words for each

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The United States export a lot more (26) than it imports. These products include movies, music,
food, and (27) . Culture is divided into high culture and low culture, in which the former is mainly
spiritual and the latter is consumed for (28) . However, not everyone agrees that all of these
products have cultural value. Some scholars believe that America will not be able to keep its superior
position and may be (29) . Someday another country will increase (30) and take over this

Part II Vocabulary & Grammar (15 marks)

There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and
D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer
sheet with a single line through the centre.

31. I蒺m afraid I can蒺t you this time; you蒺ll have to go to a hotel.
A. put; up B. pick; up C. pull; out D. wake; up
32. The reason why Jason can adapt to the new situations quickly is that he has a attitude.
A. alternate B. changeable C. flexible D. movable
33. We must try our best to lower the cost of our products. Otherwise the high cost will our profit.
A. cut off B. cut short C. cut in D. cut into
34. The doctor has told him that he mustn蒺t drink, but he still has the occasional brandy .
A. in nature B. in short C. on the sly D. on the spot
35. The long wait for news of my exam results has already set my nerves .
A. by the way B. on edge C. on fire D. on impulse
36. It is a touching scene that every parent can immediately because they have gone through the
same ritual with their own children.
A. come through B. identify with C. take up D. refer to
37. Their planned visit to South America because they failed to get the visas before the date of
A. broke through B. came along C. fell through D. persisted in
38. The giraffe survives in part because it can reach the vegetation in the high branches of trees
other animals have not gazed.
A. that B. when C. where D. why
39. Reports have recommended that universities and colleges should prize good teaching good
A. as well as B. in accordance with C. much as D. the same as

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40. How I wish we so far away from the town centre. We蒺ll have to take a taxi in the midnight.
A. wouldn蒺t live B. shouldn蒺t live C. don蒺t live D. didn蒺t live
41. The British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking once said in an interview that heaven is a
fairy story for people afraid of the dark.
A. eminent B. imposing C. lively D. apparent
42. The European Parliament has banned the terms “Miss”and “Mrs.” they offend female
A. as long as B. in case C. so that D. the moment
43. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 was awarded to Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz
Sancar for mechanistic studies of DNA repair.
A. comparatively B. jointly C. luckily D. successfully
44. ― You went to Greece and Turkey in the holiday, right? Send me a postcard next time you go.
― I would, but
A. I only go there once in a blue moon. B. most of the pictures are great.
C. will you send me one first? D. you must pay the debt for me.
45. ―Watch out! That蒺s a red light, and I蒺m on a pedestrian crossing!

A. Hey, it蒺s so nice to meet you! B. How dare you say that?
C. It蒺s my great honour to hear that. D. Sorry! Are you OK?

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the
following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the
given letter(s) of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

When we see a bright light moving quickly across the

night sky, we often talk about seeing a“shooting star”
or a“falling star”. These moving lights are not in
(46) stars at all. They are small pieces of
matter from outer space that burn up as they enter the
Earth蒺s atmosphere. The correct name for these
(47) ob is meteoroids. Any pieces that make it
to the Earth蒺s surface without (48) (complete) burning up are known as meteorites. Meteor is
actually the name given to the light we see when a meteoroid is burning up.
If a large enough meteorite hit the Earth, it could knock the planet out of its orbit, which would have
catastrophic results. The path we follow around the sun would change and the Earth would become

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(49) much hotter or much colder as a result. This change in (50) tem would affect sea levels
and the amount of water in rivers. There would either be huge floods or the oceans would dry up causing a
(51) (dry). All life on the Earth would probably become extinct. Although it is unlikely that the
Earth will be struck by a meteorite large enough to do this kind of damage, there is (52) evi of quite
a large meteorite hitting the Earth in the past. In 1908, a large area of forest in Tunguska, Siberia, was
destroyed by a meteorite that came apart just before it hit the ground. The moon, however, has about three
billion craters, caused by meteorites crashing (53) its surface. It has so many craters because it
does not have enough atmosphere in which the meteoroids can burn up.
Some of the meteorites that have reached the Earth蒺s surface have done considerable damage. Some
scientists believe that it was a change of climate, caused by meteorites hitting the Earth, that resulted in
the (54) (extinct) of the dinosaurs and other large prehistoric animals. Scientists are especially
interested in meteorites because they contain information about the solar system. It is (55) wi
believed that most meteorites were produced billions of years ago by collisions between asteroids (small
planets). This means that the physical and chemical structure of a meteorite can give scientists information
about the early universe.

Part IV Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by several questions. Respond to the
questions using information from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Section A (10 marks)

Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

When you go to the zoo, you can see many kinds

of animals. For example, our zoo has monkeys,
giraffes, zebras, tigers, and lions. Our zoo also
has snakes, different birds, and even a big white
bear. Of course, when you go to the zoo, you also
see another kind of animal. However, this animal
is not in a cage. I am talking about humans!
Humans are animals, just like horses or birds,
but we often separate ourselves from other
One reason humans think of themselves as special is because we have language. No other animals
have language. They may have a message system, but they do not have language. This means that other
animals do not talk about the future or about things that are not real. They cannot say things that are not

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true and they cannot describe a dream. Also, other animals cannot typically explain a new experience.
Human language does these things very well. So, this makes humans stand out from other animals.
Of course, language is only one of the tools which lets humans do many things. There are many other
tools that humans use and that make them special compared to other animals. While other animals use
tools, they do not use them nearly as much as humans do. Some animals may use tools to get food, build a
home, or protect themselves. Humans, on the other hand, use tools in many other ways. For example, we
have all kinds of tools for making life easier and more convenient. Cars, telephones, computers, and books
are all examples of human tools that help us in our day -to -day lives. Typically, we do not find other
animals developing these kinds of tools.
Feelings are another way that humans view themselves as different from other animals. We feel anger,
sadness, joy, worry, excitement, and so on. While some scientists say that animals have feelings, they do not
seem to have as many feelings. Also, animal feelings may not be as complicated. For example, we can feel
many degrees of feelings (from not happy to mad to very angry). Humans can also feel two or more feelings
at once. When we say we are disappointed, we probably feel some anger and some sadness at the same
time. For this reason, humans often think in very complicated ways.
Humans like to think they are special. Clearly we are. However, we should not forget that we are also

Questions 56 to 60
Fill in the blanks below with information from the passage, using no more than three words for each blank.

Things that make humans different from other animals

Humans Other animals

They have (57) but cannot communicate about

Humans (56) .
things that (58) .

Humans use tools to make life (59) . Other animals do not use tools as much as humans do.

Humans have feelings (60) . Other animals have simple feelings.

Section B (10 marks)

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.

Before modern science, people used plants not only to cure all kinds of diseases, but also to stay healthy
and avoid becoming sick. In the United States, native people used more than 3,000 different plants as
medicine. Today, people throughout the world still use plants to improve their health. In fact, many of our
modern medicine include some things that come from plants.

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Some of the most popular plants used for health are called
herbs. Medicines made with herbs use whole plants or parts of
plants, such as flowers, seeds, roots, leaves, and fruits, to prevent
or treat illnesses. Herbal medicines can be eaten in food, drunk
as a tea, or applied directly to the skin. In many nations,
governments do not recognize herbal medicines. Doctors cannot
give them to sick persons. But still, most people in the world―
perhaps as many as eight out of every ten ― have tried herbal
medicine at least once. There are special stores that sell herbal
medicines. In addition, some kinds of herbs are sold in
supermarkets and can be used for cooking.
Ginseng is one of the most common herbal medicine plants.
It is said to reduce blood pressure and help the body fight
disease. Another plant frequently used for its healthy benefits is
garlic. Garlic, which is often used in cooking, helps prevent heart disease and colds. Another common
cooking plant, ginger helps cure upset stomachs. Some flowers are thought to be strong herbal medicines.
One kind of flower (Echinacea) may help people who have serious disease, while another (St. John蒺s Wort)
has been shown to help people who are feeling sad or having trouble sleeping.
Scientists use many of the natural substances from plants to make different types of modern medicine.
But true herbal medicine generally uses the whole plant, not just one part of a plant. Also, herbal medicine
will mix several different herbs together in the same medicine. Another difference between herbal medicine
and modern medicine is that herbal medicines are made to help a person蒺s whole body―not just to cure a
problem in one part of the body.
Today, more and more people are recognizing the value of herbal medicines, and some doctors are
even starting to recommend them. But even for those who prefer taking only modern medicine, chances are
that at least part of that medicine comes from plants.

Questions 61 to 65
A nswer the following questions with the information given in the passage.

61. What were plants used to do before modern science?

62. How can herbal medicines be used today?
63. What is the herbal function of garlic?
64. What are the differences between herbal medicine and modern medicine?
65. What is the main idea of the passage?

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Section C (10 marks)
Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage.

Certain birds are, more often than not, considered bad luck,
or even more frightening, a sign of impending death. All over
the world, both crows and ravens have some connection with
war and death. In early times, crows and ravens were thought
to accompany the gods of war, or be signs of their imminent
arrival in an area. Later, this belief became more general,
and these birds, guides to the afterlife. Woe be it to the
person who saw a single crow or raven flying overhead, for
this most certainly was a portent of death in the near future.
Interestingly, though potentially bad luck for people
individually, the raven is considered to be good luck for the
crown of England. So much so, in fact, that a raven master is
even today an actual government position in London. He
takes care of the ravens there and also clips their wings, ensuring that these birds can never fly far from the
seat of the British government. This way, the kingdom will never fall to ill fortune.
Another bird which is also still considered to play a part in bringing fortune is the swallow. Depending
on how and when it is seen, the swallow can be a harbinger of either good or ill fortune. Perhaps inspired
by the swallow蒺s red -brown breast, people initially related the swallow with the death of Christ. Thus,
people who saw a swallow fly through their house considered it a portent of death. Later, however, farmers
began to consider swallows signs of good fortune. Any barn that has swallows living in it is sure to be
blessed in the following year. Farmers also have to beware of killing a swallow; that would be certain to end
any good luck they might have had.
Though many people think these superstitions are old wives蒺 tales, there is actually some evidence to
support them. For example, crows and ravens, being scavengers, frequent the aftermath of battlefields. Thus,
large numbers of crows and ravens could be good indications of war in an area. As well, swallows feed on
insects that can cause infections in cattle. Thus, a farmer who has many swallows in his barn may actually
have healthier animals on his farm. So, the next time you feel inclined to laugh at an old wives蒺 tale, better
find out if their is any truth to it first.

Questions 66 to 70
Complete the summary below with information from the passage, using no more than three words for each

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Some people are (66) believe that certain
animals can bring good or bad luck. The majority of
(67) about crows and ravens suggest that
these birds bring bad luck. People should beware
when they see such birds. Maybe these birds have
bad reputations in that they are (68) .
Because these birds often accompany scenes of
terrible events, like battles, people connected the
birds with (69) . There is even an (70) that says when a single crow flies over your
head, misfortune is in the near future.

Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks)
Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

71. How did music begin? Did our early ancestors

first start by beating things together to create
rhythm, or use their voices to sing? What types
of instruments did they use? These are some of
the questions explored in a recent Hypothesis
and Theory article published in Frontiers in
Sociology. The answers reveal that the story of
music is, in many ways, the story of humans. So
what is music? This is difficult to answer, as
everyone has their own idea.

Section B (10 marks)

Translate the following sentences into English by using the hints given in brackets. Remember to write the
answer on the answer sheet.

卡、银行卡和电话号码信息等导致的犯罪。(refer to)这种犯罪意味着欺诈,目的就是获取钱财。盗用身份

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人往往根本不会保守承诺。(respond to)
构或银行发送出数千封电子邮件。(74)在邮件中,盗取者要求人们提供信息以升级文件。(ask for)也有
件中提供的链接。(instead of)

Part VI Error Correction (10 marks)

Proofread the passage as required. Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error. Correct the
passage in the following ways: for a right line, put the sign “姨”in the corresponding blank; for a wrong
word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank; for a missing word, mark the
position of the missing word with the sign “夷”and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank;
for an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with the sign “\”and put the word with the sign in
the blank. Write the answers on the answer sheet.

For example:
One of my favourite writers are Charlotte Bront刈. She was born in the early is
nineteenth century when women had far fewer opportunities 夷 they have now. than
She lived in a small village in Yorkshire and she took great pleasure in walking 姨
on the moors where near her home. where

When an earthquake occurs, part of the Earth蒺s surface moves. In fact, the 77.
surface of the Earth moves all the time. The tectonic plates what make up 78.
the surface press against each other very slowly. Over thousands years, 79.
this move creates great stress. In some places where the layers of rock 80.
are not weak, this eventually causes a sudden movement―an earthquake. 81.
Thousands of earthquakes happen every day, but most very small and 82.
cause no damage. A small earthquake shakes buildings to the ground, 83.
or causes a tsunami wave. The effect are usually very serious. 84.

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Severe earthquakes are common in southern Europe, and on 1 November
1755 a powerful earthquake hit the city of Lisbon in Portuguese. 85.
Between 60,000 and 100,000 people died. After the earthquake a
tsunami struck the city, and there was also fire, which caused nearly 86.
total destruction. People as far away as Finland felt the shock, and the
tsunami reached Barbados in the West Indies.

Part VII IQ Test (10 marks)

There are five IQ Test questions in this part. W rite the answers on the answer sheet.

87. What part of London is in Brazil?

88. Fill in the blank with a word to make five new words.
( ) 寅pipe
89. Rearrange the letter RGFEAIF, you will have the name of a/an .
A. animal B. country C. plant D. river
90. Work from square to adjacent square horizontally or vertically to spell out a 12-letter word. You must
find the starting point, and provide the missing letters.


91. Which cube can be made from the given net?

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Part VIII Writing (30 marks)

Section A (10 marks)

92. W rite a 120-word report on China蒺s consumers蒺 index through the year 2018. Write it on the answer

Section B (20 marks)

93. There have been many technological developments in the 21st century, for example in transport,
telecommunications and health. What technological development do you think has been the most
important? How has it changed people蒺s lives? Have all the changes been positive?
Write at least 180 words to answer these questions and give reasons to your answers. Write the essay
on the answer sheet.

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