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УДК: 612.017.1(571.


О.С.Морозова, Л.С.Щеголева, М.С.Каббани.

Федеральное агенство научных организаций ФАНО России ФГБУН Федеральный
исследовательский центр комплексного изучения Арктики РАН ФГБУН ФИЦКИА РАН,
лаборатория физиологии иммунокомпетентных клеток, Архангельск, Россия
Резюме. Проведена экспедиция в город Надым Ямало-Ненецкого автономного
округа (апрель, 2015г.). Обследовано 30 женщин, в возрасте 40-64лет,
проживающих в г.Надым Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа. Для
обследованных женщин характерны повышенные уровни среднего содержания
цитотоксических клеток (CD8+) у 56,66±2,49% и лимфопролиферации (CD10+) у
16,66±1,35%. Установлен дефицит содержания Т - лимфоцитов с рецепторами CD3+
и CD5+ у 96,66±3,26% и 100,00±3,31% лиц, соответственно.
Ключевые слова: фенотипы лимфоцитов, Север.

The relevance of the work.

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (YNAO) as an area geographically relevant to the
areas of high latitudes, is uncomfortable territory with intense natural and man-made pressures
on human health, as reflected by a pronounced tension of the adaptive systems of the body.
Life in the far North is accompanied by an increase of functional load on the body, thereby
creating a risk of breach or loss of health. Uncompensated changes in the immune system –
quantitative, qualitative, disorders of balance and interaction – lead to the depletion of reserve
capacity and development of pathology. Immunological reactivity of inhabitants of the
European North is characterized by high prevalence of ecologically dependent secondary
immunodeficiencies. [3, p. 4; 2, p. 181; 1, p. 162; 4, p. 159]. Of interest is the study of the
formation of regional features of the immune status.
Materials and methods.
Conducted the expedition in the town of Nadym in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous
district (April, 2015). We examined 30 women, aged 40-64лет living in the city of Nadym in
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district. Blood for analysis was taken from the cubital vein in a
volume of 6 ml. at 9-10 o'clock in the morning on an empty stomach. Blood sampling was
carried out in vacutainer lithium heparin firms "IMPROVACUTER". Immunological studies
conducted in the laboratory of physiology of immunocompetent cells of the Institute of
physiology of natural adaptations, VICKIE RAS, Arkhangelsk. In the peripheral blood were
determined: the concentration of lymphocyte phenotypes CD3+, CD5+, CD8+, CD10+. The
content of lymphocyte phenotypes were determined using indirect immunoperoxidase reaction
with monoclonal antibodies (NPC "Medbiospektr", Russia) in preparations of lymphocytes a
type of "dried drop". Used the package of applied programs mathematical statistics "Statistica
Main results.
The surveyed women in the city of Nadym in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district
revealed a low content of T-lymphocytes with receptors of CD3+ and CD5+ (0,53±0,03109
KL/l and 0.47±0,03109 KL/l), the values are below the generally accepted physiological
norms. Deficiencies in the contents set at 96,66±3,26% and 100.00±3,31% of people. The
average content of lymphocytes with receptors on CD8+ is above the accepted physiological
boundaries and makes 0.49±0,03109 cells/l, elevated concentrations of CD8+ installed
56,66±2,49% of the surveyed entities. The proliferative activity of CD10+ is equal to the
average of 0.43±0,02109 C/l, it was found that increased values of this indicator was observed
in 16,66±1,35% of women. Revealed a direct relationship between CD10+ and
CD5+(r=0.63;p< 0.05); CD5+, and CD8+(r=0,72; p< 0.05); CD3+ and CD5+(r=0.68; p<
0.05); CD3+ and CD8+(r=0,66; p< 0.05). Thus, for the surveyed women in the city of Nadym
in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district, 40-64 years, is characterized by higher levels of
average content of cytotoxic cells (CD8+) 56,66±2,49% and lymphoproliferative (CD10+)
from 16,66±1,35% . The deficit of T - lymphocytes with receptors of CD3+ and CD5+
96,66±3,26% and 100.00±3,31%, respectively. The wide distribution of these immune
imbalances among the surveyed women Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district of the city of
Nadym indicates the formation of regional features of the immune status by high cytotoxic
activity, against the background of significant T-cell deficiency that likely is a compensatory
Список литературы.
1. Morozova O. S., Kabbani, S. M., Popovski E. V., Shchegoleva L. S. Physiological responses of lymphoid
cells in women with hypertension in the North/ O. S. Morozov, S. M. Kabbani, E. V. Popovskaya, Shchegoleva L. S.
// Russian journal of immunology. – 2016. –T. 10 (19). –№2(1). – S. 161-163.
2. Shchegoleva L. S., Shashkova E. Y. the Physiological role of cells CD4+, CD8+ and CD16+ in inhabitants
of European North in the age 41-60 years of age /L. S. Shchegoleva, E. Shashkova, Y. // Russian journal of
immunology. – 2014. – T. 8(17). –№2(1). – P. 180-182.
3. Shchegoleva L. S. spare capacity of immune homeostasis in humans in the North/ HP Shchegolev. -
Ekaterinburg: Uroran, 2007. - 207с.
4. Odland J., Nieboer E. Human biomonitoring in the Arctic. Special challenges in a sparsely populated area //
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. – 2012. –Vol. 215. –P. 159-167.
O. S. Morozova, L. S. Shchegoleva, M. S. Kabbani.
Federal Agency of scientific organizations (FANO of Russia) Federal state budget institution of science, Federal
research center for integrated study of the Arctic, Russian Academy of Sciences (INSTITUTE of VICKIE RAS),
laboratory of physiology of immune cells, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Conducted the expedition in the town of Nadym in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district (April,
2015). We examined 30 women, aged 40-64лет living in the city of Nadym in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous
district. For the surveyed women is characterized by higher levels of average content of cytotoxic cells
(CD8+) 56,66±2,49% and lymphoproliferative (CD10+) from 16,66±1,35%. The deficit of T - lymphocytes
with receptors of CD3+ and CD5+ 96,66±3,26% and 100.00±3,31%, respectively.
Keywords: phenotypes of lymphocytes, North.

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