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Individual assignment

1. Each of you have to find 5 articles on topic DIETARY NITRATES IN SPORT

published from 2017 until recently and put all the information in the table as below:

No Authors’ Title of Purpose Method (sampling, Measurement Result Recommendations

name journal of study recreational athlete/ variables
(APA advance/ endurance
format) athlete/ sprint athlete

Then, choose one article from each topic and critique it using your own words, by addressing
the following:

A critique is a detailed analysis or an evaluation of something, in this case a journal article.

Being critical requires:
 Understanding the topic

 Analysis of evidence

 Evaluating

 Making a judgement based on evidence

 Developing your argument – Who, What, Why, When?

Being critical involves:
 Questioning – Who? What? Why? How? So what?

 Exploring – examine different perspectives on the same topic.

 Evaluating – look for strengths and weaknesses. Consider credibility,
reliability and validity of the information.
 Developing your critical argument in relation to the evidence presented,
i.e., your opinion backed up with facts.

Literature review
 To critique a journal article, you must understand the context of the
 Critically review the related literature. Does your author’s article support or
challenge the existing literature?
 Develop your argument supporting or disagreeing with the article. Use
evidence from existing literature to make your case.

Top tips when reviewing literature:

 Make notes as you read

 Organise your notes into different points relevant to the article you are
 Keep a list of all sources you have read.
• Books, journal articles, reports etc..
• Always keep a record of the full reference.

After your review of the literature, critique your article by asking the following questions:
1. What is the article about?
2. Why did the authors carry out the research?
3. What were the methods of research and data analysis
4. What did the results indicate? Think about the implications of the results in the context of
your literature review?

Writing your critique Introduction

• Begin with a description of the article.
• Why are you critiquing it? Why is it important?
• You may make general references to the literature.
• Do not include evidence or your argument – this will come in the main body.
• This should help give you the structure of your main body.
Main Body
• Each paragraph should contain a new idea which would expand your argument.
• Include your evaluation and position on research design, research methods, results
analysis, author’s conclusions and contribution to the literature.
• You may use phrases like 'admittedly', 'it is true', or 'one might object here' and then
strengthen your argument with words like 'however', 'but', or 'nevertheless'.
• Provide a brief summary of the main points that you have made and re-affirm your
• Suggest potential improvements to the research and ideas for further research.
2. When you write your evaluation be brief and concise, this is not meant to be an essay but an
objective evaluation that one can read very easily and quickly. Also, you should include a
complete reference (title, authors, journal, issue, pages) and a photocopy of the article when
you turn in your evaluation.

3. Kindly make sure the percentage of plagiarism must not exceed 5%. Marks will be deducted if
it’s more than 5%.

Your article must be on these sites:

-EBSCO: sport discuss with test
-science direct
- springer
-web of science
-WILEY online
-Taylor & Francis

4. You can use your student access on UiTM library. You can search for those topics by using
keywords or other search options.
5. Please check with your friend regarding the chosen article. Each one of you must have
different article. You can’t have same article with your friends. Do type the chosen article in the
link provided. Do not take article which already taken by your friends. Do find another article.

Submission: Wednesday week 5

Group task 1

1. Form a group of 3 people. Each group has to choose a topic from below:

Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Temperature regulation
- Explain the main roles and specific roles in sport enhancement, sources, deficiency symptoms
& requirement dose by the body for vitamins and minerals.

a. Students should do a slide based on their topic assignment. Present it creatively using
Prezi / Powtoon/ any medium. 9 minutes is given for presentation and 5 minutes QA
Present : after finished protein syllabus
Group task 2

1. Form a group of 4. Choose an athlete to be part of your project. Each group must have
different athlete cant be the same athlete with other group. Discuss in your class. You and your
athlete will be planning for 7 days of meals before season, 7 days during season and 7 days off
season that will be eaten by your client. Complete a written report containing meal plan for the
seven days, including substantiating information on the topics listed below.

A. Your project will begin with a history and description of the specific sport with which
you are dealing. You don’t have to do a face to face interview, enough with phone
interview or any online interview. In addition, talk about the training schedule, the length
of the typical competition, and any general nutritional demands that the sport involves.
please use reliable sources (evidence based journal).

B. You will provide a profile of your athlete (please find a his/her picture to insert in the
report) clearly describe your athlete, including the name, age, height, goal weight,
activity level, gender, the educational level, occupation, activity patterns (work, school,
exercise), and general state of health (stated if he has allergy).

C. Background/ athlete story: Briefly describe relevant factors concerning your athlete
in relation to the following points:
1. Level of nutrition knowledge and specific nutrition practices. Provide information
related to food likes and dislikes, food allergies or intolerances, special dietary
requirements, and nutrition problems.
2. Typical training schedule for your athlete. (Time factors are considered in food
3. Establish specific goals for the 7 days meal plan for each season.

D. Meal Planning: Based on your client interview and research, plan 7 days of
meals/snacks. Menus should be planned considering the Malaysia Dietary Guidelines,
Food Guide Pyramid ( and any special dietary, and sport-related
• Each day should include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. The schedule of
eating may be modified according to any specific needs (work out, cultural, etc.).
Assume that all of your client’s meals are prepared at home, even if your client
eats a sack-type lunch away from home on at least one of the days. The meal
plan should be presented in detail, using descriptive terms and stating individual
serving sizes. E.g. 1 cup steamed white rice.
Time Meal Food item quantity

E. Briefly discuss the selection of the food and quantity for each season. Why you
choose those food and quantity for their meal plan.
F. Discuss what you have learned about nutritional guidance after having completed this
assignment and how you might change your approach, why your athlete need to take
care of their daily meal intake, what are your suggestions to improve their daily meal
2. Report must include an explicit explanation on related topic, > 5 references, Arial (11) or
Times new roman (12), double spacing, justified, appendices, front page, introduction, content,
discussion, conclusion, plagiarism not more than 10%.
3. Record a video presentation and submit in MT. ONLY ONE PERSON will click submit.
The rest of group members DO NOT CLICK SUBMIT.

submission: Wednesday week 12

Friendly advice

a. For group assignment, ONLY ONE PERSON will click submit, the rest of the group
members DO NOT have to click it. It will be difficult for me to find which one of your
group members has the report.

b. All group assignments must go through Turnitin which it can detect plagiarism. The
percentage should be less than 10%. If exceeded, marks will be deducted.

c. Zero mark for late submission. Any lame excuses will not be accepted. There is no
second chance as all assignments have been given during week 1st of semester.

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