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Module 2: Learners’ Motivation

Lesson 3: Parents’ Involvement and Cultural Effects on Learners’ Motivation

Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe the role of parents in learner’s motivation; and
2. List some activities parents do to motivate their child to learn.
Time Frame:

Hello Students,
Welcome to Lesson 3. In this lesson, you are expected to observe learners at their home
and interview parents about their child motivation to learn. You may conduct physical home
visitation or online observation and interview to conduct this activity. You will be guided with
questions and instructions to help you gather significant information about motivating learners
to study even at the comfort of their houses.

I must be able to observe learners at home and interview their parents or guardians
about motivating the child to learn at their houses.

Observation Guide
A. Observe a random learner at home, you may do so by actual home
visitation or via online video conferencing. Fill-in the table below.


Temperament Behavior Study Habits

Observation Guide
B. Interview the learner’s parent/s or guardian, you may do so by actual
home visitation or via online video conferencing. Ask the following
1. How is your child at home ma’am/sir?
2. How is he/she as a student?
3. How do you help you child in his/her studies?

4. How do you encourage your child to learn more?

5. As a parent what is/are your expectations and aspirations for your child?

Identify characteristics of parents who motivates and nurtures their child to learn.

Describe how each of the following might affect the learner’s motivation and achievement.

Parent’s Involvement
Parent’s Culture

Parent’s Belief and Expectations

Parent’s Income

Parent’s Educational Achievement


Linking Theory to Practice

Here’s a quick review quiz to see how much you have learned about Attribution Theory.
1. Heredity based on Attribution Theory locus is considered what?
a. External
b. Stable
c. Internal
d. Unstable
2. Parent’s Involvement to motivate the child in the concept of Endurance by Attribution
Theory is considered what?
a. Stable
b. Unstable
c. Global
d. Specific
3. Attribution theory perceives success and failures based on causal properties, which of the
following is NOT a causal property of Attribution Theory?
a. Locus
b. Controllability
c. Endurance
d. Attitude
4. Based on attribution theory, in terms of endurance the parents’ cultural background is
considered what?
a. External
b. Controllable
c. Stable
d. Global
5. Which of the following approaches can parents better help to motivate the child to learn?
a. Giving reinforcements
b. Scaffolding child learning
c. Establishing high expectations
d. Paying a tutor for their child


Assuming you will be conducting a parent-
teacher conference, prepare the meeting agenda
that is centered around helping
parents/guardians motivate their child to learn.
2. Develop a brochure that help parents/guardians
to better motivate their child at home to study.
You have successfully completed Module 2.
You finished the entire task given and shared
your understanding on the different theories discussed.
You are now ready to take on Module 3. Good luck!

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