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At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. defined the meaning of the word disciple;
2. enumerated the 12 disciples of Jesus and described them individually;
3. explained the demands on becoming a disciple;
4. stated the two-fold purpose of discipleship and tasks of the disciple.

I. Meaning of the word “Disciple”

A disciple (from Latin discipulus, ‘pupil,’ ‘learner,’ corresponding to

Greek mathetes, from manthano, ‘to learn’) is basically the pupil of a
teacher. Jesus was popularly known as a teacher or rabbi and his associates
were known as disciples. All who responded to his message is a disciple (see
Luke 6:17; 19:37).

This term may also be applied to a believer, a convert to Christianity,

and to one who strives to measure up to the demands of Jesus Christ in terms
of sacrificial devotion (Harrison, 148). In verb form, the term ‘disciple’
denotes the making of converts (Acts 14:21).

II. The Background of being a “Disciple”

Jesus said: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” Mark 1:17.
Jesus Christ selected and trained men who would represent him in the world
in the coming days, to minister to the world for him. He selected and called
them by name and bound them to himself. They were ordinary men yet skilled
and resourceful. Six of them were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee and others
with different occupation. All were from Galilee except Judas, the man of
Keriot, from Judea. Jesus spent time with his disciples, taught them, led them,
and prayed for them, that they may learn to reach out people in Jerusalem, in
all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Jesus selected and trained
them to conquer the world in his name. “He called them his friends rather
than his servants for he had taught them everything he had learned from his
Father” (John 15:15).

The disciples were sent out for mission as soon as they were equipped
and empowered with the promise that God will never leave them alone. They
were also called the 12 apostles of Christ, which means the ambassadors, or
messengers of Christ.

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