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Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, 2022, 13(1), 32-41


Nur Alfiyah*, Bambang Subroto, Abdul Ghofar

Universitas Brawijaya, Jl. MT. Haryono 165, Malang 65145


Volume 13 Abstrak - Apakah Penghindaran Pajak Disebabkan oleh Koneksi Poli-

Nomor 1
Halaman 32-41
tik dan Karakteristik Eksekutif?
Malang, April 2022 Tujuan utama – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran koneksi
ISSN 2086-7603 politik dan karakteristik eksekutid faktor dalam penghindaran pajak.
e-ISSN 2089-5879 Metode - Analisis regresi linear berganda dan moderasi digunakan se-
bagai metode analisis. Perusahaan manufaktur yang tercatat dalam Bur-
Tanggal Masuk: sa Indonesia selama periode 2017 hingga 2019 merupakan sampel pada
19 Januari 2022 penelitian ini.
Tanggal Revisi: Temuan utama - Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa karakteris-
05 April 2022 tik eksekutif merupakan faktor pendorong perusahaan untuk lebih bera-
Tanggal Diterima: ni melakukan penghindaran pajak. Tindakan penghindaran pajak sema-
30 April 2022 kin meningkat apabila eksekutif bersifat risk taker. Sebaliknya, koneksi
politik bukan faktor penyebab penghindaran pajak.
Implikasi Teori dan Kebijakan - Buruknya kontrol dan pengawasan
Kata kunci: dari prinsipal selaku pemilik perusahaan membuat agen cenderung
melakukan tindakan berisiko. Prinsipal dan pemerintah harus memberi-
corporate governance, kan pengawasan yang lebih optimal dan transparansi yang tinggi dengan
executive characteristics, mengaplikasikan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik.
political connection, Kebaruan Penelitian – Penelitian ini menawarkan solusi tata kelola pe-
tax avoidance rusahaan yang baik untuk mengurangi kecurangan akuntansi (khusus-
nya pada aspek penghindaran pajak) yang dilakukan pihak eksekutif
Mengutip ini sebagai: Abstract - Is Tax Avoidance Caused by Political Connections and
Alfiyah, N., Subroto, B., Executive Characteristics?
& Ghofar, A. (2022). Is Main Purpose – This study examines the role of political connections and
Tax Avoidance Caused executive characteristics of factors in tax avoidance.
by Political Connections Method - Multiple linear regression and moderation analysis was used
and Executive Charac- as the method. Manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
teristics? Jurnal Akun- Exchange from 2017 to 2019 are the sample.
tansi Multiparadigma, Main Findings - The results of this study reveal that executive charac-
13(1), 32-41. https:// teristics motivate companies to be more daring to do tax avoidance. Tax avoidance measures increase if the executive is a risk-taker. On the other
ub.jamal.2021.13.1.03 hand, political connections are not a factor in tax avoidance.
Theory and Practical Implications - Poor control and supervision from
the principal as the company owner makes agents tend to take risky ac-
tions. Principals and the government must provide more optimal leadership
and high transparency by applying good corporate governance.
Novelty – This study offers an excellent corporate governance solution to
reduce accounting fraud (especially in the aspect of tax avoidance) by cor-
porate executives.

Alfiyah, Subroto, Ghofar, Is Tax Avoidance Cause by Political Connection and Executive... 33

Tax accounting is a prevalent issue in to- the more tax avoidance can increase (Mohammed
day’s world, and it’s a fascinating subject to re- & Sanusi, 2020). One of the mechanisms to con-
search because the contribution of taxes toward trol agency conflicts is implementing good corpo-
the state is becoming essential. Taxes are the pri- rate governance. Corporate governance is critical
mary source of state income used to fund public in limiting the repercussions of agency problems
services such as education sectors, health cen- in tax avoidance schemes (Armstrong, 2015). Cor-
ters, and infrastructure (Mangoting et al., 2021; porate governance can mitigate companies’ poten-
Prastiwi et al., 2019). However, the government’s tial to avoid paying taxes (Chan et al., 2013). Im-
reliance on tax income has not been entirely sup- plementation of corporate governance is expected
ported by the citizens as taxpayers. Companies, to change the course and greatness of the impact
as corporate taxpayers, consider that tax a bur- between tax avoidance factors and corporate tax
den (Ma & Thomas, 2020). Tax avoidance refers to avoidance.
a company’s effort to minimize tax expenses. Tax Earlier research has focused on the impact
avoidance is the act of reducing the tax expense of political connections and executives’ charac-
of taxpayers that is lawful and does not abuse teristics on tax avoidance (Kim & Zhang, 2015;
the law. Meanwhile, the government does not de- Mohammed & Sanusi, 2020; Oktavia, 2020;
sire tax avoidance, leading to decreased state in- Wardani & Susilowati, 2020). Each discovered
comes (Gavana et al., 2013). Tax avoidance has that political connections and executive charac-
far-reaching implications for the state and society. teristics substantially impact tax avoidance. This
From an economic perspective, the impact of tax study includes a moderating variable, corporate
avoidance creates costs for management, share- governance, as a determining factor for tax avoid-
holders, and culture (Jiang et al., 2018). The effect ance. The impact of corporate governance on tax
of tax avoidance also causes the current state of avoidance has previously been investigated by
Indonesia’s tax ratio to be the lowest among Asian Amstrong (2015), Bischoff & Krabel (2017), Chan
countries (Muflihani et al., 2021). This phenome- et al. (2013), and Ferraresi et al. (2019). Several
non suggests that Indonesia has not been able to of these studies utilize conventional measures to
collect the optimum amount of tax, indicating that evaluate corporate governance. Corporate gover-
there is still a lot of tax potential to be explored to nance in this study is measured by using mea-
increase state income. surements following the aspects, principles, and
Tax avoidance is closely related to agency recommendations of corporate governance. In ad-
theory. Agency theory assumes that tax avoid- dition, the conventional governance mechanisms
ance is affected by information asymmetry and cannot resolve agency issues (Brown et al., 2015).
conflicts of interest between the principal and the This research aims to investigate and ana-
agent that arise when each side attempts to reach lyze the variables that lead to tax avoidance, such
or defend their respective levels of prosperity (Ge as political connections, executive characteristics,
& Zhang, 2017). Corporate tax avoidance activi- and the impact of corporate governance imple-
ties can be affected by several factors, particularly mentation as a moderating variable. This research
political connections. A political connection is a can enhance the tax accounting literature, par-
link between a firm and the government. Political ticularly by presenting empirical evidence to sup-
connections are essential resources for compa- port the basic theory of agency, which is the focus
nies in developing and developed countries and of this research. According to agency theory, tax
are prominent structures that determine strategic avoidance is caused by information asymmetry
decisions (Kaplanoglou et al., 2016). According to and conflict of interest between the principal and
agency theory, politicians within the composition the agent. This conflict can be minimized by im-
of the company’s board can influence the com- plementing good corporate governance, increasing
pany’s executives in making decisions and tends transparency, and providing more optimal super-
to create conflicts of interest (Ling et al., 2016). vision to create added value for stakeholders.
Kim & Zhang (2015) argue that companies with
political connections can implement much more METHOD
aggressively tax planning because of government Manufacturing enterprises listed on the
protection, which impacts decreasing financial Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2019
statement transparency. In Malaysia, Kweh et al. comprise the study’s population. The samples
(2021) discovered that politically connected com- were chosen using a purposive sampling strategy
panies spend substantially less on taxes than utilizing sample criteria. Table 1 shows the total
non-politically related firms. number of samples collected and the criteria used
The decision on tax avoidance also depends to select them. Secondary data from the annual
on the characteristics of the company’s exe­ report was used in this investigation.
cutives. Rudy (2021) expressed that individual The conceptual design of the study is pre-
corporate leaders (executives) have a significant sented in Figure 1. Based on Figure 1, there are 3
role in the level of corporate tax avoidance. The equation models. These are:
company’s executives as decision-makers can be ETR = α + β1PC + β2RISK + β3SIZE + β4ROA +
risk-taker or risk-averse. Tax avoidance is risky; β5 PPE + e (i)
the more executive committee as the risk-taker,
34 Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2022, Hlm 32-41

Table 1. The Procedures for Selecting the Sample

Criteria Total
Manufacturing enterprises were placed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in sequential or- 191
der from 2017 to 2019.
Companies that do not publish annual reports regularly from 2017 to 2019 -14
Companies that have been delisted from 2017 through 2019 -6
Companies that came out publicly (IPO) in 2018-2019 -28
Companies that are incurring losses -51
The Effective Tax Rate (ETR) value > 1 -2
The number of companies that were employed as study samples 90
The number of observations over three years (2017-2019) 270

tus of civil servants in Indonesia, every politically

ETR = α + β1 PC + β2 RISK + β3 CG + β4 SIZE +
connected firm employee will be awarded a score.
β5 ROA + β6 PPE + e (ii)
The political connections of those who were in of-
ETR = α + β1PC + β2RISK + β3CG + β4C- fice during the research period and those who are
G*KP + β5CG*KE + β6SIZE+ β7ROA + no longer in office will be recognized in the scor-
β8PPE + e (iii) ing. This computation considers the progression
of the political connection index and the existence
The dependent variable is tax avoidance, as of companies without a political connection (Tao
determined by the Effective Tax Rate (ETR), pre- et al., 2017).
cisely, the tax expense to pre-tax income ratio Executive characteristics are measured by
(Amara & Khlif, 2020; Deng et al., 2020). Com- calculating the company’s risk using the EBITDA
panies with high ETR values indicate that the standard deviation equation (earnings before in-
company does not avoid tax. Measurement of tax come tax, depreciation, and amortization) divid-
avoidance using ETR because the ETR measure- ed by the company’s total assets (Alabede, 2018;
ment may illustrate tax planning aggressively Ravenda et al., 2015). The scale of the company’s
through permanent differences between commer- risk indicates whether the company’s exe­cutives
cial and fiscal profits. are risk-takers or risk-averse. The higher the
Political connections (PC) and executive company’s risk indicates that the company’s exe­
characteristics (RISK) are the study’s indepen- cutives are risk-takers. Conversely, the lower the
dent variables. Political connections are measured company’s risk indicates that the company’s exe­
by analyzing the index of political connections cutives are risk-averse.
claimed by the company. According to Shukla et Corporate governance (CG) as a moderat-
al. (2020)’s research, the political connection in- ing variable is determined by dividing the num-
dex is obtained by performing the natural loga- ber of recommendations that have been applied
rithm of the number of political connection scores by the company, including a total of recommen-
claimed by the company. According to the struc- dations based on the Financial Services Author-
tural hierarchy of government roles and the sta- ity’s Circular Letter’s recommendations, Number


Corporate Tax
Governance Avoidance


Figure 1. Conceptual Design

Alfiyah, Subroto, Ghofar, Is Tax Avoidance Cause by Political Connection and Executive... 35

Tabel 3. Regression Test Results

Equation Variables B T Significantly

i (Constant) -0,049 -0,583 0,28
PC -0,003 -0,821 0,206
RISK -0,021 -2,073 0,019
SIZE 0,01 3,169 0,001
ROA 0,092 1,597 0,055
PPE 0,087 3,429 0
ii (Constant) -0,051 -0,611 0,271
PC -0,003 -0,821 0,206
RISK -0,02 -1,997 0,023
SIZE 0,009 3,055 0,001
ROA 0,091 1,578 0,058
PPE 0,089 3,467 0
CG 0,012 0,678 0,249
iii (Constant) -0,067 -0,772 0,22
PC -0,005 -1,18 0,119
RISK -0,015 -1,393 0,082
SIZE 0,01 3,16 0,001
ROA 0,118 1,988 0,024
PPE 0,084 3,251 0
CG 0,011 0,64 0,261
PC*CG 0,003 0,196 0,422
RISK*CG 0,072 2,037 0,021

32/SEOJK.04/2015, relating to Public Compa- method can be used to predict future values and
ny Governance Guidelines. The Open Corporate can perform parallel calculations, which makes
Governance Guidelines contain five aspects, eight the analysis process shorter. Meanwhile, mode­
principles, and 25 recommendations. The mea- rated regression analysis is used because the re-
surement refers to the this letter because it has gression equation in this study contains elements
been guided by international practice, taking into of multiple interactions that can be used to mul-
account the sector and industry of the company tiply two or more variables. The study conducted
as well as the size and complexity of a public com- a classical assumption test before completing the
pany. regression analysis to ensure that the regression
Company size (SIZE/LN of total assets), pro­ equation was unbiased and consistent in its esti-
fitability (ROA/profit after taxes divided by total mation.
assets), and fixed assets of the company (PPE/net
fixed asset value divided by total assets) are the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
study’s control variables. The control variable was Multiple linear regression analysis and
included in this research to ensure that the analy­ moderated regression analysis were used to ana-
sis results were not biased. Because the control lyze ion. The regression outcomes in this research
variable is thought to affect the independent vari- are presented in Table 3.
able, the control variable is utilized to control the Based on Table 3, there are 3 equations re-
impact between the independent and dependent sult. The intention of equation (i) is to investigate
variables. the impact of political connections and executive
Multiple linear regression and moderated characteristics on tax avoidance (ETR). The effect
regression analysis (MRA) were utilized to analyze of moderating variables such as corporate gov-
the data in this study. Multiple linear regression ernance on political connections and executive
analysis is used because this method is simple characteristics on tax avoidance is investigated
and easy to understand but still produces po­ using equations (ii) and (iii). The equation model
werful insights. The strength of the impact of the formed regarding the data in table 3 consists of
independent variables on the dependent variable the following equations:
can be determined using regression analysis. This
36 Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2022, Hlm 32-41

cal connection is a special relationship that a firm

ETR = -0,049 - 0,003KP - 0,021RISK +
has with the government or a political party that
0.010SIZE + 0,092ROA +
is the subject of scrutiny and supervision from
0,087PPE + e (i)
various sources (Assidi & Omri, 2017).
ETR = -0,051 - 0,003KP - 0,020RISK The presence of political connections in
+ 0,012CG + 0,009SIZE + 0,091ROA the firm cannot affect the company’s decision on
+ 0,089PPE + e (ii) positively impacting the degree of scrutiny from
ETR = -0,067 - 0,005KP - 0,015RISK various parties and the existence of rules that
+ 0,011CG + 0,003CG*KP + control taxes related to companies with a special
0,072CG*KE + 0,010SIZE + 0,118 relationship. This is supported by Sudibyo & Ji-
ROA + 0,084PPE + e (iii) anfu (2016), who argues that politically connected
companies are subjected to strict government su-
It can be shown from the regression equa- pervision and evaluation, including contributions
tion formed by the equations (i), (ii), and (iii) that in tax payments, encouraging companies to follow
each variable influences corporate tax avoidance the government’s various regulations. Similarly,
in a distinct way. Political connections and exe­ Deng et al. (2020) stated that the government’s
cutives characteristics indicate a negative impact engagement in the company should lead to tighter
with effective tax rate, whereas corporate gover- oversight by regulators, the press, and the general
nance, firm size, profitability, and fixed assets public. Companies with political connections will
have a positive impact. The coefficient with a ne­ become more restrained due to increased scruti-
gative sign on the effective tax rate means that ny from multiple parties and will be less inclined
it increases tax avoidance. At the same time, the to participate in risky corporate activities like tax
coefficient with a positive sign means that it de- avoidance.
creases tax avoidance. As a result, the research findings contradict
The effect of political connection on tax with Ling et al. (2016)’s statement that compa-
avoidance. Table 3 shows the significance value nies are more likely to have conflicts of interest re-
for the political connection variable. This indicates garding political connections. The composition of
that the political connection has no bearing on tax the company’s board does not affect the character
avoidance. Previous research suggests that poli­ of the company’s executives in the making, even
tical connections positively impact tax avoidance, though it contains conflicts of interest as described
implying that politically connected companies are by agency theory. The government’s engagement
more tax aggressive than unconnected companies in a company causes the compansomewhate more
(Kim & Zhang, 2015; Oktavia, 2020; Wu et al., cautious in making business decisions and con-
2012). Furthermore, Ding et al. (2021), explained sider the long-sequences on its reputation and
that politically connected companies are more tax good name. However, this study provides empi­
aggressive because those that encounter a lower rical evidence that political connections are not a
risk of detection, faceless capital market pressure determining factor in corporate tax avoidance. In
for transparency, experience lower political costs addition, researchers suspfirms’ sustainabilitym-
associated with aggressive tax planning, have im- ing more compliant due to the high level of trans-
pact from organizational features in tax regulation parency of information that is openly available to
or enforcement and have higher risk-taking ten- the government and the public.
dencies. In contrast to prior research, the present The effect of executive characteristics on
findings indicate that political connections have tax avoidance. Table 3 shows the the executive
no bearing on tax avoidance. This study is simi- characteristic variable has a significance value
lar to a study conducted by Selivanovskaya et al. with a negative coefficient. This indicates that the
(2015), which discovered that the more political executive characteristic variable hurts the effec-
connections a firm maintains, the less it exploits tive tax rate. The coefficient with a negative sign
those connections to commit tax avoidance. Com- on the ETR means that it increases tax avoidance,
panies with government ownership are regarded or in other words, has a positive effect on tax
as companies that conform to established regula- avoidance. These findings lead to the conclusion
tions and will not use considerable power to avoid that executive characteristics have a positive im-
taxes, thus degrading the reputation of govern- pact on tax avoidance. The results of this study
ment institutions. are consistent with those of other earlier investi-
Even though political connections provide gations (Platikanova, 2017; Wardani & Susilowa-
multiple benefits, as described by Ding et al. ti, 2020) which declares the executive character
(2021) and Kim & Zhang (2015), the findings of with corporate risk proxy has a positive impact on
this study are somewhat dissimilar. Companies tax avoidance. The more executive committee as
with political connections are believed to get ade­ risk-taker, tax avoidance can be highly increased.
quate control from the government. As a result, Company executives are more likely to be oppor-
companies are attempting to reduce tax avoid- tunistic and make risky decisions due to a lack of
ance. According to Reimsbach et al. (2018), va­ control from the principal.
rious rules, including tax obligations, have been The findings of this study can be related to
adopted to regulate firms’ sustainability. A politi- the theory of agency, which is the study’s basic
Alfiyah, Subroto, Ghofar, Is Tax Avoidance Cause by Political Connection and Executive... 37

foundation. This theory explains that tax avoid- avoidance. Furthermore, Wahab & Holland (2012)
ance is one of the risky actions companies take, also found that corporate governance could not
which is not determined by company executives’ mitigate the potential implications of information
policies. Risk-taking executives are more inclined asymmetry between principals and agents related
to make high-risk decisions to maximize corpo- to taxes.
rate value and thus are more likely to advocate The conclusions of this study differ from
for tax avoidance. This is backed by Zhang et al. those of earlier research in that the previous ex-
(2021), who claim that executives with risk-taking planation stated that companies with political
characteristics are primarily concerned with in- connections receive optimal evaluation and super-
creasing corporate value. Additionally, Prastiwi & vision from the government and tend to maintain
Ratnasari (2019) states that hiring company exe­ an excellent corporate image, thus avoiding con-
cutives cannot only provide value to the compa- flicts of interest and not being aggressive towards
ny but also encourage tax avoidance. As a result, taxes (Assidi & Omri, 2017; Selivanovskaya et al.,
firm executives’ decisions are influenced by con- 2015; Sudibyo & Jianfu, 2016). The presence of
flicts of interest and information asymmetry. Con- corporate governance as a moderating variable
flicts of interest and information asymmetry are does not affect the politically connected compa-
increasing because company owners supervise ny’s decision to take tax avoidance actions be-
the activities of company executives daily to guar- cause the political connection does not encourage
antee that they are complying with shareholders’ information asymmetry and conflicts of interest
intentions. This causes the decisions made by the that trigger companies’ involvement in tax avoid-
executives to be adjusted to their interests and ance actions as described in the agency theory.
behave with the most significant amount of risk to Politically connected companies apply cor-
maximize profit while ignoring the consequences porate governance to companies, not as a solu-
that the company’s owner will have to bear (Ama- tion to minimize tax avoidance. The application
ra & Khlif, 2020). of corporate governance is allegedly only intend-
Executives with a risk-taking preference are ed to fill the regulations from the Financial Ser-
expected to have higher cash flows due to their vices Authority. Pratiwi & Siregar (2019) backs
bravery in deciding on high-risk decisions (Hi- this viewpoint, stating that well-structured cor-
dayah & Rahmawati, 2019). This is made to porate governance does not always imply an ef-
balance the risks that come with decision-making fective corporate governance system for resolving
courage. Tax avoidance will reduce the amount of agency problems. This is because the corporate
tax that the company will have to pay. The mall go­vernance process exists solely to ensure that re­
tax expense that the company must pay has the gulations are followed and that the government’s
impact of increasing the company’s cash flow. requirements are met. The engagement of the
Wardani & Susilowati (2020) research supports board of commissioners as company supervisors
that idea, suggesting that executives’ daring cre- is one of the components of corporate governance.
ates the high value of corporate risk to take risks Lassoued & Attia (2014)’s research discovered
(risk takers) to increase company profits through that the existence of an independent panel of com-
tax avoidance. The findings of this research add to missioners is frequently simply to meet regulatory
the empirical evidence for the scientific field of ac- demands and serve affiliate interests. An increase
counting that high-risk executives might increase in independent commissioners can obstruct coor-
a company’s penchant for tax avoidance. dination in monitoring, particularly oversight of
The effect of corporate governance po- tax avoidance methods, resulting in some aspects
litical connections and tax avoidance. Table of corporate governance being focused entirely on
3 shows that the moderating variable, corporate regulatory compliance. Although the findings do
governance, does have a significant value on the not support the study’s theoretical background,
impact of political relationships on tax avoidance. namely agency theory, this result may provide ad-
This demonstrates that corporate governance is ditional empirical evidence that corporate gover-
powerless to prevent the effects of political con- nance is not a determining factor in tax avoidance
nections on tax avoidance. According to previous among politically connected firms.
research, corporate governance hurts tax avoid- The effect of corporate governance on
ance (Amstrong et al., 2015; Bischoff & Krabel, executive characteristics and tax avoidance.
2017; Chan et al.,2013; Ferraresi et al., 2019). Table 3 shows that corporate governance on the
Corporate governance can mitigate the poten- influence of executive characteristics on tax avoid-
tial of avoiding paying taxes. In contrast to pri- ance has a significance value with a positive signal
or research, this research showed that corporate coefficient. When the value of the regression coef-
governance does not affect tax avoidance. This ficient is positive, it implies that any increase in
indicates that corporate tax avoidance linked to the variable’s value will increase ETR or decrease
politics is unaffected by corporate governance im- tax avoidance in the presence of a moderating
plementation. This study is consistent with Wa- variable. This shows that corporate governance
hab et al. (2017)’s argument that there is little can weaken the effect of executive characteristics
indication that corporate governance reduces the on tax avoidance. This study’s outcomes are con-
impact of political connections in facilitating tax sistent with those of earlier research (Amstrong
38 Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2022, Hlm 32-41

et al., 2015; Bischoff & Krabel, 2017; Chan et al., According to Kaawaase et al. (2021)’s findings, im-
2013; Ferraresi et al., 2019), which found that tax plementing corporate governance can improve the
avoidance can be reduced by implementing cor- quality of financial statements.
porate governance and weakening the influence of Furthermore, according to Zhang et al.
executive characteristics on tax avoidance (Pearl, (2016), incorporating corporate governance prin-
2016; Rijkers et al., 2017; Noviari, 2019). This ciples such as transparency and accountability
suggests that using corporate governance as a can result in developing an accounting system
moderating variable can reduce the probability of based on accounting standards and best practic-
company executives taking risks. es that ensure the quality of financial reports and
One of the riskier acts committed by com- disclosures. Openness and honesty are essential
pany executives is tax avoidance, which reflects in accounting because users and the market rely
the amount of the tax burden disclosed in the fi- on them to ensure that accountants (as financial
nancial statements (Gashenko et al., 2017). Tax statement preparers) and auditors (as financial
avoidance is accomplished by failing to record statement testers or examiners) have published
or disclose in a manner that is inconsistent with accurate information that has been prepared with
the actual situation of income that can be taxed diligence and care, as well as that all of the com-
on financial statements (Chang et al., 2020). The pany’s financial information is presented relatively
presence of good corporate governance can reduce (Scharfenkamp, 2016). In conclusion, the findings
the likelihood of tax avoidance due to financial add to the corpus of knowledge in the field of tax
statement information disclosure. Furthermore, accounting by implying that good corporate gover-
according to Noviari (2019), high transparen- nance minimizes the likelihood of firm executives
cy can help balance the quantity of information engaging in dangerous acts such as accounting
possessed by management, owners, and other fraud that lead to aggressive tax enforcement.
stakeholders with a stake in the company. The The effect of control variables on tax
balance of information within the company can avoidance. Table 3 shows that the size of a com-
lessen internal agency conflicts, such as finan- pany hurt tax avoidance (the positive coefficient
cial statement fraud that leads to aggressive tax on ETR). These results support the research con-
proceedings. Applying corporate governance will ducted by Chen et al. (2021) and Khlif & Amara
control agents to ensure they are not aggressive (2019). Large-scale companies tend to become the
in tax management. Good corporate governance main focus of attention by the government and
can encourage agents to comply with existing encourage the management to guarantee their
regulations constantly, thus minimizing actions compliance in managing their taxes (Hidayah &
that could hurt companies and can help to reduce Rahmawati, 2019). The company does not want
self-serving executive behavior as company man- to take the chance of going through an investiga-
agers (Amstrong, 2015). tion procedure that may result in a negative per-
Differences in risk preferences and poor ception of the company’s long-term. Furthermore,
control of the principal can affect the character according to Darcy (2017), companies that are or-
of executives as company managers tend to take ganized into large sizes can prevent tax avoidance
risky decisions and actions (risk takers). In ad- activities because large companies have more
dition to providing high transparency, optimal resources and thus are better able to pay taxes.
supervision from various parties will prevent the Francis et al. (2016) backed up this claim by stat-
company’s executives from taking dangerous ac- ing that those with a larger size are thought to be
tivities such as tax avoidance. Corporate gover- able to achieve higher profits, leading to a higher
nance is believed to improve monitoring from tax liability than companies with a smaller scope.
multiple sources, including internal and external Variable fixed assets also hurt tax avoidance
stakeholders and the government (Faccio, 2016). (the positive coefficient on ETR). These findings
The more stringent supervision and tracking are follow those Chen et al. (2021) conducted, which
executed, the more it will hinder and influence the state that companies with fixed assets will pay the
decision of the executive to engage in tax avoid- depreciation expense, reducing company profits.
ance (Puspita et al., 2021). The decision-making Smaller profits indicate that the tax liability born
process will be more effective with good corporate by the company is also getting smaller. Therefore,
governance, resulting in fewer risky decisions, the company does not avoid taxes because the tax
increased efficiency, and better work culture. rate imposed is already low due to depreciation on
Good corporate governance can help reduce in- fixed assets, which can decrease the company’s
stances of management abuse of power (Zhang et tax expense. The findings of this research contra-
al., 2016). The implementation of good corporate dict the agency theory. The agent and the princi-
governance, particularly in the accounting field, pal may not have a conflict of interest because of
will improve the quality of the company’s financial the firm’s size and fixed assets. Thus, the compa-
statements. Management will avoid manipulating ny is not taxed evading. However, this study pro-
financial statements due to the necessity to follow vides empirical evidence that firm size and fixed
various applicable accounting laws and principles assets are not leading factors for tax avoidance.
and the transparent presentation of information.
Alfiyah, Subroto, Ghofar, Is Tax Avoidance Cause by Political Connection and Executive... 39

CONCLUSION Journal of Accounting and Economics, 60(1),

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