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 Aspiration – прагнення, ціль

As a musician, my aspiration is to create music full-time.
 Attitude – 1. Поведінка 2. Ставлення
1. She was tired of the constant arguing and his awful attitude.
2. Benjamin changed his attitude towards religion.
You know my attitude to economic crimes, especially corruption.
Changing my attitude about mistakes has helped me become more
productive and effective.
 Signature – 1. Підпис 2. Характерний, притаманний, фірмовий
1. His paintings are very unique so they don’t require a signature for
2. Some of the signature meals at the restaurant include the chocolate
biscuits and the red velvet cake.
The Eiffel Tower is a signature sight of Paris.
 Largely – значною мірою
She was largely responsible for the problem.
Children are largely influenced by their parents.
 Engaged – 1. Залучений, зайнятий (у певній сфері, діяльності) 2.
1. We were engaged in volunteer work.
2. You were engaged to Josh.
 Disengaged – незалучений, бездіяльний
Sadly, young people are largely disengaged in the political process.
 To define – визначати
Your mistakes don’t define you.
 Employment – працевлаштування
The company gives the workers full employment.
 Unemployment – безробіття
Unemployment is still a big problem in our country.
 Employer – роботодавець
Sadly, employers often violate the rights of their workers.
 Employed – працевлаштований
He is employed as a manager at a private construction company.
 Unemployed – непрацевлаштований, безробітний
I quit my old job and I’m currently unemployed.
 Loyal – вірний
Charlie is my best friend because he has always been loyal to me.
He is very loyal to his wife.

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