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 Budget – бюджет

It’s important to organize the family budget as soon as possible.

 To charge for … – стягувати плату за (зазвичай продукт чи послугу)
Hotels usually charge for phone calls.
The restaurant charged us for the food we ordered.
 To exchange – обмінювати
I want to exchange my old bike for a new one.
Anna and Ben always exchange a few words.
 Expenses – витрати
The CEO of the company decided to start buying cheaper materials to reduce
production expenses.
 To fund – спонсорувати
The president refuses to fund this project.
 Receipt – чек
My friend told me that he paid 100$ dollars for this suit but the receipt said that
he paid only 60$.
 Reimburse – відшкодовувати
The school is not able to reimburse the cost of items lost.

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