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Long ago, I was hired to defend the kingdom.

I remember a long, brutal fight, and then… Somebody killed me. Or so I thought…
I came to, and found myself like this.
I don't know what explains it, but it's not so bad, really.
And now I watch the days go by, and gaze at the night sky, thinking of the finer things, far removed
from war.
I'd grown weary of battle, but did not realise it until now.
Life is brilliant. Beautiful. It enchants us, to the point of obsession.
Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flesh and mind.
Others chase the charms of love, however elusive.
These are the roots of our world.
Peace grants men the illusion of life.
Shackled by falsehoods, they yearn for love, unaware of its grand illusion.
Until, the curse touches their flesh.
We are bound by this yoke.
As true as the Dark that churns within men.

All men trust fully the illusion of life.

But is this so wrong?
A construction, a facade, and yet…
A world full of warmth and resplendence.

I was born amidst the Dark.

Long ago, in the depths of the Abyss, my Father perished.
The Dark shattered into tiny pieces, one of which was me.
How frightened I was.
A frail thing, born from but a splinter of Dark.
I felt that I might simply disappear…
I am, in fact, the incarnation of my Father's fears.
I sought an anchor, and I saw that a soul of this land was strong.
I sought it only to sustain myself, to smother my fears…
Now, I realize that it may have known all along.
I was born of fear, and it provided comfort.

I've found my thoughts growing hazy.

My memories are fading, oldest first.
The curse is doing its work upon me.
I am frightened…Terribly so…
If everything should fade…What will be left of me…
The dark surrounds me, nibbles at my flesh.
Little creatures, they never stop biting.
So please, hold out your hand, and touch me…

There is no path.
Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark…
…what could possibly await us?
And yet, we seek it, insatiably…
Such is our fate.

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