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Dangerous Goods & Cargo

Handout & Cases – Unit-4
BSc-3 (Aviation) 2023
Instructor: Prof. Easwaran

All materials used in the preparation of this Study Guide are acknowledged with due credits to the respective authors,
publishers, printed and e-sources. This material is used only for instructional purposes.
BSc -3 (Aviation) 1

Dangerous Goods & Cargo

Retention of Dangerous goods records

[Students, while preparing for their examinations, and to enhance their knowledge of the
subject, must, in addition to reading this handout, also refer to the class notes they have taken
during lectures when all concepts were explained in detail, and also to any reference books or
materials mentioned in the syllabus.]

Please note: Notification to captain (NOTOC), which is an important document for transporting
dangerous goods by air was covered in Unit-3



In the format shown on left, the “Nature and Quantity of Dangerous Goods” section is columnised,
while in the format on the right side that section is not columnised and is called open style. However,
the information entered in both formats of Shipper’s declaration is the same. All the information
shown in different columns in the column-style shipper’s declaration, have to be entered in the open-
style shipper’s declaration as well.

Specification for SD
• Language – must be completed in English language; an exact translation in another language
may be added (if required by local laws)

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 2

• Colour – the declaration may be filled in black or red on white background or printed in RED
only on white background; the vertical hatchings on both sides must be in red
• Size – The size of the shipper’s declaration must be A3 or A4 size paper

How to Fill the Shipper’s Declaration

Write or type the Shipper and Consignee’s Name and Address

Write the Airway Bill Number; in case of consolidated consignments, write the House Airwaybill
after the main Airwaybill number
Page of pages – write the number of the page out of the total number of pages in the shipper’s

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 3

Delete either Passenger and Cargo Aircraft or Cargo Aircraft only whether the shipment is packed to
comply with the limitations prescribed for passenger and cargo aircraft or the limitations for cargo
aircraft only.

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 4





Delete Radioactive or Non-radioactive as the case

may be
Radioactive materials should NOT be included in
the same SD as other dangerous goods, except for
Dry Ice when used as a refrigerant for other cargo.

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 5

Step-1 – UN number or ID
number preceded by UN or
Step-2 – Proper Shipping
Step-3 – The class/Division,
including for Class-1, the
compatibility group letter
Step-4 – Any assigned
subsidiary hazard class or
division number
Step-5 – The applicable
packing group
I, II or III (high danger,
medium danger or low

Number of packages
Their type (Eg: Fiberboard
box; Steel Drum, etc.

Packing instruction – number

of packing instruction or
limited quantity packing

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 6

Under Authorization enter:

1. The words limited
quantity if limited
quantity provisions have
been applied
2. Special provision number
if the special provision is
A1, A2, A51, A81 or
3. A statement that approval
or exemption is attached
to the declaration form if
the consignment is
shipped under any

The authorization must

• Quantity limitations
• Packaging requirements
• Aircraft type, if
• In the case of A2
approval, labeling
• Any other information

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 7

Enter additional handling information relevant to the shipment

1. Name and title of the signatory

2. Place and date
3. Signature

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 8




Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 9

Class/Division & Subsidiary Hazard if applicable


Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 10

Total quantity of DG; and number and

kind of packages

Packing instruction number applied

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 11

Limited quantity
Special provisions
Approval or exemption number

Special handling:
Eg: Chemical oxygen generators
Self-reactive substances
Infectious substances, etc.

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 12



The following diagram shows a completed shipper’s declaration.

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 13

You can practice the following exercise and fill up a shipper’s declaration. You can get a blank copy
from online platform such as Google.

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 14

The Airway Bill

• AWB is the receipt issued by an airline or its agent for the carriages of goods
• It is also known as Air Consignment Note

Functions of The Airway Bill

1. Contract of carriage
– Behind every original AWB are conditions of contract for carriage
2. Evidence of receipt of goods
– When the shipper delivers goods to be forwarded, he will get a receipt.
– The receipt is proof that the shipment was handed over in good order and condition
and also that the shipping instructions, as contained in the shipper’s letter of
instructions, are acceptable
3. Freight Bill
• The AWB may be used as a bill or invoice together with supporting documents since it may
indicate charges to be paid by the consignee, charges due to agents or carrier
• An Original copy of the AWB is used for the carrier’s accounting
4. Certificate of Insurance
• The AWB may also serve as an evidence if the carrier is in a position to insure the shipment
and is requested to do so by the shipper
5. Customs declaration
 In addition to documents such as commercial invoice, packing list, etc., customs also need the
Airwaybill as proof of the freight, amount billed for carriage of the good

Distribution of The Airway Bill

Airline AWBs are distributed to IATA cargo agents by IATA airlines. The AWBs show:
• The carrier’s name
• Its head office address
• Its logo
• The pre-printed 11-digit AWB number
• The first 3 digits are airline code; next 7 digits are Serial number of AWB; the last digit is a
check digit
• The check digit is obtained through Unweighted modulus 7 system (divide the serial number
by 7 and the remainder is the check digit)

Copies of The Airway Bill

Original 3 (Blue) – For Shipper
• Given to the shipper and served as
• Proof of receipt of the goods for shipment.
• Documentary evidence of carrier’s and shipper’s signature to the contract of carriage.

Original 1 (Green) For issuing carrier

• Accounting document for issuing carrier.
• Document evidence of carrier.
• Shipper’s signature to the contract of carriage.
• Conditions of contract on the reverse side.

Original 2 (Pink) – For Consignee

• Accompany consignment to final destination and to be tendered to the consignee on delivery.
• Conditions of contract on the reverse side.

Copy 4 (Yellow) – Delivery Receipt

• Accompany the shipment to final destination.
• To be signed by the consignee upon delivery.
• Served as Proof of delivery of the shipment.
• Evidence of completion of the contract of carriage.

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 15

Copy 5 (White) – Airport of Destination

• Accompany the shipment to final destination.
• To be used for import customs clearance.

Copy 6 (White) – For Third Carrier.

 To be retained by 3rd carrier, if any as traffic document.

Copy 7 (White) – For Second Carrier.

 To be retained by 2nd carrier, if any as traffic document.

Copy 8 (White) – For First Carrier.

 To be retained by 1st carrier, if any as traffic document

Copy 9 (White) – For Agent.

 To be retained by cargo agent who issues the AWB on behalf of the airline.

Copy 10, and up to 14 (White)

 Extra Copy.

3 Types of AWBs
Neutral Air Waybill (NAWB)
• No pre-printed issuing carrier’s name & address
• A “Neutral AWB” shall be either in a set of a minimum of eight copies or in two sets of a
minimum of four copies each, of which three are originals.
• Colour is optional and airlines shall accept both coloured and non-coloured Air waybills.
• Same validity as Master AWB and House AWB.

House Air Waybill (HAWB)

• If a forwarder takes on the function of a carrier and based on which, an air waybill is issued in
its own name, this air waybill is called Forwarder Bill of Lading or House Air Waybill.
• There are many variations of house air waybills present in the market.
• Majority of the agents are using Neutral AWB as HAWB.
• Conditions of Contract may vary from IATA MAWB.

Master Air Waybill (MAWB)

• An “Airline AWB” shall be in a set of a minimum of eight copies, of which three (3) are
originals and shall be marked in the order shown.
• Colour is optional and airlines shall accept both
• coloured and non-coloured Air waybills.

Electronic Airwaybill
• The Paper AWB is issued under the Warsaw convention of 1929
• Paper AWBs are not cost-effective nor do they serve the key requirements of air cargo –
security, accuracy and speed
• Hence, in 2014, IATA cargo committee endorsed the move toward 100% e-AWB

• In 2010, IATA released the Recommended practice for e-AWB which allows the removal of
paper AWB from the shipment handling process
• This standard was endorsed and adopted by industry stakeholders and approved by

E-AWB Process
• The parties (shipper or its freight forwarders and airline) sign a bilateral e-AWB agreement

Prof. R B Easwaran
BSc -3 (Aviation) 16

• The shipper or its freight forwarder sends the AWB electronic message with each shipment to
the airline before delivering the cargo.
• The freight forwarder delivers the cargo to the airline
• The airline receives the cargo, controls the weight, number of pieces, information, label, etc.
and then accepts the shipment as “ready for carriage”.
• In case the airline is not able to accept the cargo as “ready for carriage” upon delivery, the
airline receives the cargo as “freight on hand” and after conducting the proper verification
accepts the cargo as “ready for carriage”.
• The airline sends the “ready for carriage” status electronic message back to the shipper or its
freight forwarder.
• The airline provides the cargo receipt to the shipper or its freight forwarder.

Benefits of moving to E-AWB

• Reduction in processing cost due to the removal of the paper Air Waybill.
• Greater accuracy of Air Waybill data because it is entered once at the point of origin.
• Reduction in cargo handling delays due to missing or illegible paper AirWaybill.
• Elimination of the requirements to file paper Air Waybill.
• Real-time access to Air Waybill data for all personnel from all locations.


Prof. R B Easwaran

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