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A Search of Ice and Fire

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✔ The World of Ice and Fire
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4 results found

the Iron Islands. Crossing Ironman's Bay with a

hundred longships, Harwyn's force landed forty
leaguesWorld of and
south of Seagard Ice andinland
marched Fire -
to the
Blue Riverlands
carrying their ships with them on their
shoulders in a feat the singers of the isles still

As the ironborn moved up and down the rivers,

reaving and raiding as they pleased, the riverlords fell
back before them or took shelter in their castles,
unwilling to risk battle in the name of a king many of
them reviled. Those who did take up arms were
savagely punished. A bold young knight named
Samwell Rivers, a natural son of Tommen Tully, Lord
of Riverrun, assembled a small host and met King
Harwyn on the Tumblestone, but his lines shattered
when the Hardhand charged. Hundreds drowned
attempting to flee. Rivers himself was hacked in two,
so that half his body might be delivered to each of his

Lord Tully abandoned Riverrun without a fight,

fleeing with all his strength to join the host gathering
name and became the first Andal to rule the Rock.
Other noble houses were also born in such unions—
such as World
Jast, Lefford, of Ice
Parren, and
Droxe, FireBraxe,
Marbrand, -
The Westerlands
Serrett, Sarsfield, and Kyndall. And thus revitalized,
the Kings of the Rock expanded their realm still

Cerion Lannister extended his rule as far east as the

Golden Tooth and its surrounding hills, defeating
three lesser kings when they made an alliance against
him. Tommen Lannister, the First of His Name, built a
great fleet and brought Fair Isle into the realm, taking
the daughter of the last Farman king to wife. Loreon
II held the first tourney ever seen in the westerlands,
defeating every knight who rode against him. The
first Lancel Lannister (known, of course, as Lancel the
Lion) rode to war against the Gardener kings of
Highgarden and conquered the Reach as far south as
Old Oak before being felled in battle. (His son, Loreon
III, lost all his father had gained and earned the
mocking name Loreon the Limp). King Gerold
Lannister, known as Gerold the Great, sailed to the
Iron Islands and returned with a hundred ironborn
hostages, promising to hang one every time the
ironmen dared raid his shores. (True to his word,
Gerold hanged more than twenty of the hostages).
Lancel IV is said to have beheaded the ironborn king
Harrald Halfdrowned and his heir with a single stroke
of the Valyrian steel greatsword Brightroar at the
Battle of Lann's Point; he later died in battle at Red
Lake whilst attempting to invade the Reach.

Some of the Lannister kings were famed for their

wisdom, some for their valor, all for their open-
Loreon became notably less common amongst
Lannister princes.) A later monarch, Tyrion II, was
The World
known as ofThough
the Tormentor. Ice anda strongFire -
king, famed
for Westerlands
prowess with his battle-axe, his true delight was
torture, and it was whispered of him that he desired
no woman unless he first made her bleed.

The sword Brightroar came into the possession of the

Lannister kings in the century before the Doom, and
it is said that the weight of gold they paid for it would
have been enough to raise an army. But it was lost
little more than a century later, when Tommen II
carried it with him when he sailed with his great fleet
to ruined Valyria, with the intention of plundering the
wealth and sorcery he was sure still remained. The
fleet never returned, nor Tommen
Tommen, nor Brightroar.

The last report of them is found in a Volantene

chronicle called The Glory of Volantis. There it stated

The World of Ice and Fire -

But such was not to be. The death of the noble Hand,
Jon Arryn, has unleashed a madness on the land, a
madness of pride and violence. The madness has
robbed the realm of Robert, and of his fair son and
heir Joffrey. Pretenders strive to steal the Iron
Throne, and disturbing rumors of dragons reborn
trickle in from the east.

In such times of trouble, we must all pray that good

King Tommen shall see a long reign, and a just one, to
usher us again out of the darkness and into the light.

Created by /u/mrdziuban • Contact

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