Proposal Final

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DRASS (DRAinage and Sewage System) in CNHS-SHS providing effective wastewater
management for damage prevention, promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact to
Carmen National High School-Senior High School students and teachers

The area for the construction of drainage and sewage system is at Carmen National High
School-Senior High School.
The completion of the project will redound to the realization of a well-planned and aptly
functional network of drainage and sewage systems inside the school campus. It should eliminate
stagnant water in the school field, reduce disruptive mud, prevention from damages on
landscape's formation due to interaction between natural water cycle and human activity, collect
and remove waste matter systematically to maintain healthy conditions in a building providing
proper discharge of wastewater, rain water and run-offs and for efficient flood control. The result
of the propose project aims to create a more sanitary and comfortable learning environment for
students and staffs promoting health and well-being.

A technical note on Comprehensive School Water and Sanitation System (SIASE)
emphasizes the importance of establishing a comprehensive view that involves two spaces: the
first one, outside a school, where the type of access to water and the excreta and wastewater
disposal system is located, and the second one, inside the school, where the water supply and
sanitation facilities are located.
Schools in many developing countries lack WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene)
services, with associated potential detrimental effects on health and school attendance. (H. Vally,
McMichael, Doherty, Li, Guevarra, Tobias,2019). In addition to health and attendance impacts,
the lack of drainage and sewage systems in schools can also have impacts on student’s academic
performances (Correa, et al., 2015). Overall, the lack of drainage and sewage systems in schools
can have significant impacts on the health, attendance, and environmental sustainability of
Students and staff of Carmen National High School - Senior High encountered the
following inconvenience:
Firstly, not having such a sewage and drainage system in school that causes minor
flooding in the school field. One of the fundamental purposes of any drainage system is flood
protection, which continues to be a significant problem in many communities due to its negative
effects on the economy and public health. Flooding from heavy rain has been extensively
studied, and protection levels can be predicted and increased using simulation software that is
already available. Yet, because there are so many different operational flaws or careless
behavior-related reasons, replicating modest flooding is still quite difficult. In addition,
disruptive mud is one of the major issues with schools lacking sewage and drainage systems
since it stresses out both student and staff. Lastly, without a proper water outflow, excessive
rains could damage the landscape's formation that causes stagnant water. The interaction
between natural water cycle and human activity is the reason why drainage systems are needed.
CNHS- SHS conducted interventions related to the lack of drainage and sewage systems
such as adding lime stones to the bumpy parts of the field and digging up the soil making way
for the waste water. However, this is not enough to give a solution to the problem.
Access to water and sanitation services has a positive and significant effect on schooling,
when measured by the educational attainment of students (J. Correa, M. Filho, A. Dinar, 2015).
Therefore, it is important for schools to have adequate water and sanitation facilities, including
proper drainage and sewage systems, to ensure the health and academic success of students.


The project environment for the drainage and sewage system project in school involves
managing water quality and pollution, ensuring proper waste water management, and
implementing sustainable drainage systems. School needs to ensure that they have proper
maintenance and cleaning schedules in place to prevent blockages and other forms of damage.
Waste water is channeled down and out of the school building, and into the public waste
treatment, a pipe from the school will join a major public sewer line located outside the school
The implementation of drainage and sewage systems in schools can encounter various
challenges and problems. Here are some challenges and problems that may arise:
Poor drainage systems can cause sewer overflow and raise a stink, which can be a health
hazard for students and staff
Poor drainage systems in schools can cause sewer overflow and raise a stink, which can
be a health hazard for students and staff. When drain pipes become blocked or damaged, it can
require quick and often expensive repair work. Ineffective school drainage can also cause
waterborne diseases and unsanitary conditions, which can lead to the deterioration of health.
Schools need to ensure that their drainage systems are effective and well-maintained to prevent
these issues. By implementing proper drainage care and maintenance, schools can avoid the risks
associated with poor drainage and sewage system.
The lack of proper maintenance and cleaning of the drainage and sewage systems can lead
to blockages and other issues.
The lack of proper maintenance and cleaning of the drainage and sewage systems can
lead to blockages and other issues. Drain pipes can easily become blocked in schools and
education facilities, and it can be difficult to maintain good drainage care when there are so
many people using these drains daily. Schools need to ensure that they have proper maintenance
and cleaning schedules in place to prevent blockages and other forms of damage. In addition,
wastewater from science labs and maintenance shops can potentially carry hazardous materials,
and the drainage beds themselves should be well marked to prevent accidents. By implementing
proper maintenance and cleaning schedules, schools can ensure that their drainage and sewage
systems are effective, sustainable, and safe for students and staff.
Achieving proper drainage and sewage systems in schools is essential to ensure a safe
and healthy environment for students and staff. Schools need to ensure that they have proper
maintenance and cleaning schedules in place to prevent blockages and other forms of damage. In
addition, wastewater from science labs and maintenance shops can potentially carry hazardous
materials, and the drainage beds themselves should be well marked to prevent accidents. By
implementing proper maintenance and cleaning schedules, ensuring suitable access to WASH
facilities, and addressing the issues and challenges during the process of implementation, schools
can ensure that their drainage and sewage systems are effective, sustainable, and safe for students
and staff. Implementing drainage and sewage system in school has different phases and
components which include planning, installation, maintenance, and repair.

Concrete Hollow 1,844 pieces 11 Php 20 284 Php
Bag of cement 200 bags 230 Php 46 000 Php
Sand and gravel 24 cubic meters 700 Php 16 800 Php
Dain Grates 123 pieces 3,000 Php 369 000 Php
(12” x 120”)
Labors 8 persons 500 Php per day 240 000 Php
Miscellaneous _ _ 26 305 Php
Grand Total: 718 389 Php

The project implementation is feasible with the help of the Office of the Municipal
Mayor Rogelio T. Taliño through the Office of the Municipal Engineer along with the active
participation of parents of the students. Upon the approval of both Project partners, the funds
needed for the implementation will be taken from the school year’s General PTA funds and the
uneven surface of the school’s landscape will be taken care of by the Office of the Municipal
Mayor through the Office of the Municipal Engineer.
The expected completion date for the drainage and sewage system project in schools
would be approximately 2 months, depending on the availability of resources nearby, availability
of labor and as well as weather condition.

Our proposed solution offers a comprehensive and practical approach to the challenges
outlined in this proposal such as the minor flooding, disruptive mud, damaged landscape’s
formation and stagnant water. These issues need an urgent action to avoid the risks associated
with poor drainage systems and provide a safe and healthy environment for students and staff.
Having a sewage and drainage system in schools has several benefits. Firstly, it can help schools
save money on water or sewerage charge. Secondly, it can prevent long-term damage caused by
blocked drains, resulted from students’ by improper disposal all kinds of waste, sometimes even
deliberately causing blockages. Thirdly, it can help protect the environment by reducing
pollutants, including human waste, food scraps, chemicals, and oils that accumulate in
wastewater, so that it will not discharge untreated water. Fourthly, it can improve the efficiency
of the sewer system during wet weather, as stormwater is deposited directly in a nearby body of
water rather than transferred to a treatment plant. Finally, a proper drainage system can help
secure public support for a sewer system construction project and ensure that the community is
getting the most out of its investment.
Having a sewage and drainage system in schools has several benefits. Firstly, it can help
schools save money on water or sewerage charge. Secondly, it can prevent long-term damage
caused by blocked drains, resulted from students, improper disposal of all kinds of waste.
Sometimes even deliberately causing blockages. Thirdly, it can help protect the environment by
reducing pollutants, including human waste, food scraps, chemicals, and oils that accumulate in
wastewater, so that it will not discharge untreated water. Fourthly, it can improve the efficiency
of the sewer system during wet weather, as stormwater is deposited directly in a nearby body of
water rather than transferred to a treatment plant. Finally, a proper drainage system can help
secure public support for a sewer system construction project and ensure that the community is
getting the most out of its investment.
The project that costs 526 084 Php can be implemented with the assistance of the
Municipal Mayor's Office, the Office of the Municipal Engineer, and the active participation of
the students' parents. Following the approval of both Project partners, the funds required for
implementation will be taken from the school year's General PTA funds, and the uneven surface
of the school's landscape will be handled by the Municipal Mayor's Office through the Municipal
Engineer's Office.



Evaluation to the Water and Sanitation System in Schools: Comprehensive School Water and
Sanitation System (SIASE). (n.d.).
Impact of access to water and sanitation services on educational attainment. (2015, June).

Vally, H., McMichael, C., Doherty, C., Li, X., Guevarra, G., & Tobias, P. (2019). The Impact of
a School-Based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Intervention on Knowledge, Practices, and
Diarrhoea Rates in the Philippines. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, 16(21), 4056.

Casal-Campos, A., Sadr, S. M. K., Fu, G., & Butler, D. (2018). Reliable, Resilient and
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems: An Analysis of Robustness under Deep Uncertainty.
Environmental Science & Technology, 52(16), 9008–9021.


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