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Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

The organization of the brainstem and spinal cord of the mouse:

Relationships between monoaminergic, cholinergic,
and spinal projection systems
Veronique G.J.M. VanderHorst a,b,c,*, Brun Ulfhake a
Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, S-17177, Sweden
Department of Pathology, University of Groningen Medical Center, University of Groningen, Groningen NL-9700 RB, The Netherlands
Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA 01655, USA
Received 12 December 2004; received in revised form 31 July 2005; accepted 1 August 2005
Available online 23 September 2005


Information regarding the organization of the CNS in terms of neurotransmitter systems and spinal connections in the mouse is sparse,
especially at the level of the brainstem. An overview is presented of monoaminergic and cholinergic systems in the brainstem and spinal cord
that were visualized immunohistochemically in inbred C57BL/6 and outbred CD-1 mice. This information is complemented with data on
spinal cord-projecting systems that were characterized using retrograde tracing, spinal hemisections, and double labeling techniques.
Attention is given to differences in these systems related to spinal levels. The data are discussed with reference to studies in the rat, and to
standardized information as provided in the atlas of the mouse brain.
Although the overall organization of these systems in the mouse is largely similar to those in the rat, species differences are present in
relative location, size and/or connectivity of cell groups. For example, catecholaminergic neurons in the (ventro)lateral pons (A5 and A7 cell
groups) in the mouse project to the spinal cord mainly via contralateral, and not ipsilateral, pathways. The data further supplement information
as provided in standardized brainstem sections of the C57BL/6 mouse [Paxinos, G., Franklin, K.B.J., 2001. The mouse brain in stereotaxic
coordinates. Academic Press, San Diego], especially with respect to the size and/or location of the catecholaminergic retrorubral field (A8
group), A5, A1, and C1 cell groups, and the serotonergic B4 group, reticulotegmental nucleus (B9 group), lateral paragigantocellular nucleus
and raphe magnus nucleus (B3 group). Altogether this study provides a comprehensive overview of the spatial relationships of
neurochemically and anatomically defined neuronal systems in the mouse brainstem and spinal cord.
# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Noradrenergic; Adrenergic; Dopaminergic; Serotonergic; Immunohistochemistry; C57BL/6; CD-1; Retrograde tracing

Abbreviations: 3N, oculomotor nucleus; 3V, third ventricle; 4N, trochlear nucleus; 4V, fourth ventricle; 5HT, 5-hydroxy tryptamine; 6N, abducens nucleus;
7N, facial nucleus; 10N, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus; 11N, accessory nucleus; 12N, hypoglossal nucleus; A1, A1 noradrenergic cells; A10-dc,
dopaminergic cells in the dorsocaudal part of the A10 cell group; A5, A5 noradrenergic cells; A7, A7 noradrenergic cells; Acs5, accessory trigeminal nucleus;
Acs7, accessory facial nucleus; Amb, nucleus ambiguus; AP, area postrema; APT, anterior pretectal nucleus; APTD, anterior pretectal nucleus dorsal part;
APTV, anterior pretectal nucleus ventral part; aq, aqueduct; Arc, arcuate nucleus; B9, B9 serotonergic cell group; Bar, Barrington’s nucleus; BIC, brachium of
the inferior colliculus; C1, C1 adrenergic cells; C2, C2 adrenergic cells; C7, seventh cervical segment; CER, cerebellum; CerN, deep cerebellar nuclei; CG,
central gray; ChAT, choline acetyltransferase; cic, commissure of the inferior colliculus; Cli, caudal linear nucleus; CN, cochlear nucleus; CnF, cuneiform
nucleus; cp, cerebral peduncle; CTB, cholera toxin subunit B; Cu, cuneate nucleus; DCN, cochlear nucleus; dorsal part; dh, dorsal horn; dl-PAG, dorsolateral
periaqueductal gray; DMSp5I, dorsomedial part of the interpolar spinal trigeminal nucleus; DMTg, dorsomedial tegmental area; d-PAG, dorsal periaqueductal
gray; DPGi, dorsal pontine gigantocellular nucleus; DpMe, deep mesencephalic nucleus; DR, dorsal raphe nucleus; DR-C, dorsal raphe nucleus; caudal part
* Corresponding author. Present Address: Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline Avenue, KS406, Boston, MA
02215, USA. Tel.: +1 617 877 0458; fax: +1 617 667 3499.
E-mail address: (Veronique G.J.M. VanderHorst).

0891-0618/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 3

1. Introduction stem, and of monoaminergic and cholinergic fibers at

different levels of the spinal cord. In the second part of the
With the introduction of genetically modified mice, this study, this information is supplemented with a description
species is becoming a standard model to study the function of the location of spinal cord-projecting neurons in the
of the nervous system. However, with respect to the brainstem. In this part, spinal hemisections are used to
organization of the murine brainstem and spinal cord, we distinguish between populations that project by way of
heavily rely on information gathered in the rat. Precise and ipsilaterally or contralaterally descending pathways. This
comprehensive information on monoaminergic and choli- data might be relevant for studies on functional recovery
nergic systems in the brainstem and spinal cord, and on following spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis (Ure and
brainstem–spinal pathways in mice is far from complete. Rodriguez, 2002; Camand et al., 2004). Finally, we will
Available data have mainly been gathered in the context of determine which subpopulations of monoaminergic or
functional studies (Ure and Rodriguez, 2002; Camand et al., cholinergic neurons in the brainstem project to the spinal
2004). This scarcity in information might be due to relative cord.
difficulties in performing tracing experiments in mice, as These issues were addressed by combining tracing
a result of their small size, and the enormous body of experiments to identify spinal cord-projecting neurons with
information gathered over decades in the rat. Although the conventional and fluorescent immunohistochemical tech-
overall organization of neuronal populations in the CNS is niques to visualize tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; as a marker
similar among mammalian species, the exact boundaries of for adrenergic, noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons),
distinct cell groups, their spatial relation to each other, and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), vesicular acetylcholine
their connectivity vary significantly among species. The transporter (VAChT), and serotonin (5HT). The experi-
analysis of anatomical results obtained in mice, based on rat ments were performed in female and male mice of a
information, may therefore lead to interpretational difficul- frequently used inbred strain (C57Bl/6) and of an outbred
ties or even mistakes. strain (CD-1).
In the present study we focus on the organization of The results are presented and discussed in such a way that
spinal cord-projecting systems in the murine brainstem. In thorough knowledge of the anatomy is not required. The
the first immunohistochemical part of our study, we will results are put in the context of previous studies in the rat and
provide an overview of the distribution of serotoninergic, information provided in the atlas of the C57Bl6 mouse brain
catecholaminergic and cholinergic neurons in the brain- (Paxinos and Franklin, 2001).

Abbreviations (Continued): DR-D, dorsal raphe nucleus; dorsal part; DR-I, dorsal raphe nucleus; inferior part; DR-V, dorsal raphe nucleus; ventral part;
DR-VL, dorsal raphe nucleus; ventrolateral part; DTg, dorsal tegmental nucleus; ECIC, external cortex of the inferior colliculus; ECu, external cuneate nucleus;
ER, estrogen receptor; EW, Edinger–Westphal nucleus; f, fornix; fr, fasciculus retroflexus; Gi, gigantocellular reticular nucleus; GiA, gigantocellular reticular
nucleus; pars alpha; GiV, gigantocellular reticular nucleus; pars ventralis; Gr, gracile nucleus; IC, inferior colliculus; icp, inferior cerebellar peduncle; IF,
interfascicular nucleus; IML, intermediolateral cell column; In, intercalated nucleus of the medulla; InCo, intercollicular nucleus; InG, intermediate gray layer
of the superior colliculus; InWh, intermediate white layer of the superior colliculus; IO, inferior olive; IP, interpeduncular nucleus; IRt, intermediate reticular
nucleus; KF, Kölliker–Fuse nucleus; L4, fourth lumbar segment; L5, fifth lumbar segment; L6, sixth lumbar segment; LC, locus coeruleus; LCP, lateral
collateral pathway; LDTg, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus; LDTgV, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus; ventral part; lfp, longitudinal fasciculus of the pons; LG,
lateral geniculate nucleus; LH, lateral hypothalamus; ll, lateral lemniscus; LL, nucleus of the lateral lemniscus; l-PAG, lateral periaqueductal gray; LPGi, lateral
paragigantocellular nucleus; LRt, lateral reticular nucleus; LVe, lateral vestibular nucleus; M, mammillary nucleus; mcp, middle cerebellar peduncle; MdD,
medullary reticular nucleus; dorsal part; MdV, medullary reticular nucleus; ventral part; Me5, mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus; MG, medial geniculute
nucleus; MGD, medial geniculute nucleus; dorsal part; MGV, medial geniculute nucleus; ventral part; ml, medial lemniscus; mlf, medial longitudinal
fasciculus; MnR, median raphe nucleus; Mo5, motor trigeminal nucleus; mt, mammillothalamic tract; MVeMC, medial vestibular nucleus; magnocellular;
MVePC, medial vestibular nucleus; parvicellular; NRA, nucleus retroambiguus; NTS, nucleus of the solitary tract; Op, optic nerve layer of the superior
colliculus; Pa5, paratrigeminal nucleus; PAG, periaqueductal gray; PBG, parabigeminal nucleus; PBN, parabrachial nucleus; PBP, parabrachial pigmented
nucleus; pc, posterior commissure; PCRt, lateral parvicellular field; PDTg, posterodorsal tegmental nucleus; PH, posterior hypothalamic area; PMV,
premammillary nucleus; ventral part; Pn, pontine nuclei; PnC, caudal pontine reticular field; PnO, oral pontine reticular field; PnR, pontine raphe nucleus;
PP, peripeduncular nucleus; PPTg, pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus; Pr, nucleus prepositus hypoglossi; Pr5, principal sensory trigeminal nucleus; Pr5DM,
principal sensory trigeminal nucleus; dorsomedial part; Pr5VL, principal sensory trigeminal nucleus; ventrolateral part; py, pyramidal tract; RAmb, nucleus
retroambiguus; Rli, rostral linear nucleus of the raphe; RMC, red nucleus; magnocellular part; RMg, nucleus raphe magnus; Ro, nucleus of Roller; ROb, raphe
obscurus nucleus; RPa, raphe pallidus nucleus; RPC, red nucleus; parvicellular part; RPO, rostral periolivary region; RRF, retrorubral field (A8 dopaminergic
cells); RtTg, reticulotegmental nucleus of the pons; RVL, rostral ventrolateral medulla; S1, first sacral segment; S2, second sacral segment; s5, sensory root of
the trigeminal nerve; SC, superior colliculus; scp, superior cerebellar peduncle; SNC, substantia nigra; compact part; SNL, substantia nigra; lateral part; SNR,
substantia nigra; reticular part; SO, superior paraolivary nucleus; Sol, nucleus of the solitary tract; Sp5, spinal trigeminal nucleus; sp5, spinal trigeminal tract;
Sp5C, spinal trigeminal nucleus; caudal part; Sp5I, spinal trigeminal nucleus; interpolar part; Sp5O, spinal trigeminal nucleus; oral part; Sp5ODM, spinal
trigeminal nucleus; oral part dorsomedial subdivision; SPN, sacral parasympathetic nucleus; SpVe, spinal vestibular nucleus; SubB, subbrachial nucleus; SubC,
subcoeruleus region; SubCA, subcoeruleus region; pars alpha; SuG, superficial gray layer of the superior colliculus; SuM, supramammillary nucleus; SuVe,
superior vestibular nucleus; T7, seventh thoracic segment; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase; Tz, nucleus of the trapezoid body; VAChT, vesicular acetylcholine
transporter; VCN, ventral cochlear nucleus; vl-PAG, ventrolateral periaqueductal gray; VLTg, ventrolateral tegmentum; VTA, ventral tegmental area; VTg,
ventral tegmental nucleus; WGA–HRP, wheat germ agglutinin–horseradish peroxidase; xCST, decussation of the corticospinal tract; xscp, decussation of the
superior cerebellar peduncle; ZI, zona incerta
4 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

2. Material and methods exist, as these are frequently found between inbred strains.
Similarities in the results between these two unrelated strains
2.1. Animals would suggest that the organization of monoaminergic and
cholinergic systems in the brainstem is conserved.
A total of 39 mice of both sexes were used (males: n = 5; Nine mice were used for immunohistochemistry only. In
females: n = 34; Table 1). The handling and housing of the each of these cases, 4 complete series of (1:8, 40 mm)
animals, all surgical procedures, and postoperative monitor- consecutive brainstem and spinal cord sections were used for
ing of the animals were performed according to the European visulization of VAChT, ChAT, 5HT and TH, respectively.
Guidelines for Animal Research. The experimental protocol Seventeen mice were exclusively used for tracing experi-
was reviewed and approved by the Stockholm Animal Ethical ments (wheat germ agglutinin–horseradish peroxidase;
Committee (permits 106/02, 349/02, and 399/03). WGA–HRP-injected cases). In each of these cases, two
The experiments were performed on inbred (C57Bl/6; series of 40 mm (1:4) consecutive brainstem sections were
B&K Universal, Stockholm; n = 35) and outbred (CD-1; used for visualization of the tracer. Finally, in 13 mice, tracer
Charles River; n = 4) strains. The C57Bl/6 mouse was chosen experiments were combined with immunohistochemistry
because it is one of the most widely used inbred mouse strains. (12 cholera toxin subunit B or CTB-injected animals and one
The outbred CD-1 mice were included as controls to study WGA–HRP injected mouse). In the WGA–HRP injected
whether major strain-related differences in the CNS would case, a 1:4 series was used for visualization of the tracer and

Table 1
Overview of animals
Level of spinal cord injection Case Strain Sex Injection Hemisection
Tracer Side Level Side
None 6 C57Bl6 F – – – –
None 33 C57Bl6 F – – – –
None 34 C57Bl6 F – – – –
None 42 C57Bl6 F – – – –
None 43 C57Bl6 F – – – –
None 44 C57Bl6 M – – – –
None 63 C57Bl6 F – – – –
None 64 C57Bl6 F – – – –
None 65 C57Bl6 F – – – –
C1–medulla 25 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP L – –
C6–7 69 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R – –
C7, medial 35 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R – –
T7–8 52 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R – –
T7–8 66 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R – –
T9–11 9 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R – –
T9–11 37 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R T6–7 L
T10–12 15 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R T7–8 L
T10–L1 17 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R T7–8 L
L1–2 67 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R T9–10 L
L1–2 68 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R T8–9 R
L3–4 10 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R – –
L3–4, dorsal 7 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R – –
L3–4 14 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R T9–10 L
L4–5 38 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R – –
L4–5 51 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP R – –
L5–6 16 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP bi – –
S1–2 13 C57Bl6 F WGA–HRP bi – –
T7–8 47 C57Bl6 F CTb R – –
T7–8 98 C57Bl6 F CTb R – –
T7–8 106 C57Bl6 M CTb R – –
T7–8 84 CD-1 M CTb R – –
T7–8 89 CD-1 F CTb R – –
T13–L1 46 C57Bl6 F CTb R T7–8 L
T13–L1 61 C57Bl6 F CTb R – –
T13–L1 62 C57Bl6 F CTb R – –
L1–2 99 C57Bl6 F CTb R T7–8 L
L1–2 107 C57Bl6 M CTb R T7–8 L
L1–2 83 CD-1 M CTb R T7–8 L
L1–2 88 CD-1 F CTb R T7–8 L
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 5

TH. In the CTB-injected mice, separate 1:8 series of 30 mm

sections were used to visualize TH only (n = 10), 5HT only
(n = 4), VAChT only (n = 3), ChAT only (n = 3), CTB only
(n = 13), CTB-TH (n = 10), CTB 5HT (n = 6), CTB-VAChT
(n = 2), CTB-ChAT (n = 8), TH-5HT (n = 2), VAChT-TH
(n = 2).
In female mice, variation in endocrine status might
induce changes in gene expression profiles, resulting in
changes in intensity of labeling (Kritzer and Kohama, 1998,
1999). To control for this variability, all eight CTB-injected
females as well as the eight females that were used
exclusively for immunohistochemistry were ovariectomized
2–6 weeks prior to the perfusion. Although the purpose of
this study is not to study estrogen related quantitative
differences in monoaminergic and cholinergic systems, two
of the ovariectomized females were treated with estradiol
benzoate (dissolved in sesame oil; 5 mg in 0.05 ml; daily
subcutaneous injections for 4–5 days prior to perfusion;
VanderHorst et al., 2005) to exclude any major differences in
the distribution of monoaminergic and cholinergic neurons
in the brainstem and spinal cord. Similarly, males were
included to control for any major differences related to

2.2. Surgical procedures Fig. 1. Line drawings showing the experimental design used to distinguish
between contralaterally and ipsilaterally descending pathways. In cases in
2.2.1. Retrograde tracing experiments which the hemisection is placed contralateral to the tracer injection (A),
In 30 of the 39 mice (Table 1), tracer injections were labeled neurons are found ipsilateral and contralateral to the injection. The
ipsilaterally located neurons project to the spinal cord via an ipsilaterally
placed into the spinal cord. Before all surgical procedures, descending pathway, whereas the contralaterally located neurons have
the animals were anaesthetized with isoflurane (induction: axons that cross the midline before they descend. A unilateral injection
4%; maintenance: 1.6–2.3%; Baxter, Kista, Sweden). combined with a hemisection ipsilateral to the injection (B) identifies
After the surgical procedures, the animals received neurons that give rise to ipsilaterally or contralaterally descending pathways
analgesics (Buprenorphine 0.025 mg/kg, s.c.; Temgesic, with axons crossing the midline at the level of termination.
Schering-Plough, Brussels, Belgium) and were returned to
their home cages where they remained until they were
sacrificed. 2.2.2. Spinal hemisections
To inject tracer into the spinal cord, a midline incision In 11 experiments (Table 1), tracer injections into the
was made in the skin of the back. Muscle tissue was gently lower thoracic or upper lumbar cord were preceded by a
cleaned away from the vertebrae and with a forceps the hemisection of the mid-thoracic spinal cord (Fig. 1). The
dorsal part of one vertebra was removed, thus giving access hemisections were made using microsurgical scissors and
to three spinal segments (i.e. the one underlying the vertebra forceps, and were placed contralateral (n = 10) or ipsilateral
and the caudally and rostrally adjacent segments). Using a (n = 1) to the tracer injection site. This approach, in
glass pipette (tip inner diameter approximately 25 mm), a combination with the data provided in the non-hemisected
total amount 200–1400 nl of WGA-HRP (Sigma, St. Louis, cases, allowed the identification of populations of brainstem
MO; 1–2%, diluted in distilled water) or CTB (List neurons that project to the spinal (i.e. upper lumbar) cord by
Biological Lab., Campbell, CA; 0.2–2%; diluted in distilled way of an ipsilateral or contralateral pathway (VanderHorst
water) was injected into one side of the spinal cord using a and Holstege, 1995; VanderHorst et al., 2000)
pressure pump (Microinjector 5242, Eppendorf, Hamburg,
Germany). The total volume was divided over multiple 2.2.3. Perfusion
smaller injections that were placed to cover 2–3 rostro- After an appropriate survival time (1–21 days) the
caudally adjacent spinal segments by keeping the pipette animals were anaesthetized with chloralhydrate (0.3 ml; i.p.;
under an angle. The cervical and lumbar enlargement were 8% in saline) and transcardially perfused with saline (at
injected with larger volumes than the sacral and thoracic room temperature; 20 ml) followed by fixative (at room
cord (see Table 1 for individual cases). After the injections, temperature; 20 ml). In experiments in which WGA–HRP
the area was rinsed with saline, and the overlying muscle was used, the fixative contained 2% glutaraldehyde, 0.5%
layer and skin were closed. paraformaldehyde, and 4% sucrose in 0.1 M phosphate
6 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4). In the CTB-injected cases, the peroxidase (ABC) solution (1:500 in TBS; Vector Elite Kit,
fixative contained 4% paraformaldehyde and 4% sucrose in Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA; 1–2 h; at room
PBS. The brain, brainstem and spinal cord were removed as temperature), and finally in 0.025% DAB (in TBS with
one piece, post fixed for 1 h, and cryo protected in 20% 0.002% H2O2 for 2–5 min at room temperature). After all
sucrose in PBS (at 4 8C; 1–4 days). The brainstem and C1-2 incubation steps, tissue was rinsed three times in TBS.
spinal segments were cut out as one block and together with To obtain unamplified fluorescent signals, fluorescein,
the spinal segments (cut into blocks of segments: C3–6, C7– Cyanine-5, and/or rhodamine Red X-labeled secondary
T2, T3–6, T7–10, T11–L3, L4–S2, S3–Co3) frozen and antibodies were used that were directed to the hosts in which
stored at –80 8C. the respective primary antibodies were raised (Jackson
Immuno Research Laboratories, West Grove, PA; 1:80; in
2.3. Histological procedures TBS+; 2 h; at room temperature). This latter method was
used for double labeling studies in which primary antibodies
2.3.1. Immunohistochemistry were used that had been raised in different species.
The lower brainstem and C1–2 segments, the spinal To simultaneously visualize markers for which the
segments in which the injections and hemisections were primary antibodies were raised in the same species (CTB
placed (n = 30), and all spinal segments of the cases without and VAChT, or TH and 5HT), the concentration of one of
injections (n = 9) were cut into transverse sections in a these antibodies was decreased 10–20-folds, after which the
cryostat. Four to eight series of consecutive, free-floating signal of this antibody was amplified first as follows. After
40 mm or 30 mm sections were collected for each case incubations with the appropriate biotinylated secondary
(Table 1). Care was taken to cut the brainstem perpendicular antibodies and ABC solution (see above), the tissue was
to the long axis, comparable to brainstem sections in other reacted using a tyramide signal amplification kit (Perkin
species. At the level of the rostral midbrain, this plane starts Elmer Life Sciences, Boston, MA; fluorescein or tetra-
to deviate due the slight angle that is present between methyl rhodamine; 1:100 for 4–10 min). After the comple-
midbrain and hypothalamus. tion of the amplification procedure, the second marker
WGA–HRP injection sites (n = 18) were incubated in was then visualized using a different fluorophore, using
diaminobenzidine (DAB, Sigma; St. Louis, MO; 10 mg per conventional immunofluorescent techniques as described
25 ml of TBS) and reacted with 0.3% H2O2 (20 ml per 2 ml above. For this particular technique, appropriate controls
of DAB-solution). Antero- and retrogradely WGA–HRP were included. These controls included omission of either
labeled axons and neurons in the brainstem were visualized the primary antisera or secondary antibodies, and compar-
using a standard protocol (Olucha et al., 1985; VanderHorst ison to parallel series of tissue in which the markers were
et al., 2000) in the dark, at 4 8C). The WGA–HRP reaction visualized separately with conventional fluorescent techni-
product was stabilized with CoCl2 (Rye et al., 1984) which ques.
resulted in a black, temperature and light-stable precipitate. After the incubations, the tissue was mounted on glass
For each WGA–HRP injected case (see Table 1), two series slides, dehydrated in ethanol, cleared in xylene, and
of brainstem sections were processed, one of which was coverslipped using DePeX (EMS, Fort Washington, PA)
counterstained with cresyl fast violet. mounting medium. A selection of tissue was counterstained
For immunohistochemical processing, tissue was pre- with cresyl fast violet. Tissue processed using immuno-
incubated for two hours in normal donkey serum (NDS; 5%; fluorescent techniques was mounted, coverslipped with
Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, West Grove, PA) in glycerol containing 2.5% of anti-fading agent DABCO (1,4-
0.05 M tris buffered saline containing 0.5% Triton X-100 di-aza-bi-cyclo-2,2,2-octane, Sigma) and stored at 20 8C.
(pH 7.6; TBS+; at room temperature). Using single or double
labeling immunohistochemical protocols, series of tissue 2.4. Microscopical analysis and reconstruction
were then incubated with a primary antibody directed
against: tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; 2332; raised in rabbit; The tissue was analyzed and digitally photographed using
1:3000; Markey et al., 1980), choline acetyl transferase a Zeiss or Nikon microscope (under brightfield or
(ChAT; 2221; raised in rabbit; 1:2000; German et al., 1985), fluorescent illumination) or a Bio-Rad Confocal micro-
vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT; raised in goat; scope. Brightness and contrast were adjusted using Adobe
1:3000; Chemicon, Temecula, CA), serotonin (5HT; 1927; Photoshop 7.0 (general microscopy) or NIH-image 1.4
raised in rabbit; 1:3000; Verhofstad and Jonsson, 1983), or (confocal microscopy) software. The illumination condi-
CTB (List Biological Lab., Campbell, CA; raised in goat; tions during the capturing of pictures as well as the
1:6000 to 1:7000). The primary antibodies were diluted in subsequent adjustment were standardized.
TBS+ containing 2% NDS, and the incubations were done
over one to two nights, at 4 8C. To obtain a stable, brown 2.4.1. Reconstruction of the brainstem
reaction product, tissue was subsequently incubated with Line drawings that show the distribution of labeled
biotinylated secondary antibodies raised in donkey (1:500 in neurons were made in one animal using a camera lucida
TBS+; 1 h; at room temperature), avidin–biotin–complex attached to a Nikon microscope. The rostrocaudal interval
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 7

between individual drawings through the brainstem was and 4), trochlear nucleus (level 2), main and accessory motor
320 mm (of a 1:8 series of 40 mm). For the plottings of nuclei of the trigeminal complex (levels 0 to 2), abducens
cholinergic and monoaminergic neurons, adjacent series of nucleus (level 3), accessory facial nucleus (levels 3 and
consecutive sections of the same animal (ovariectomized 4), facial nucleus (levels 4 to 6), nucleus ambiguus
female) were used. The information of these sections, (levels 7 to 9), hypoglossal nucleus (levels 8 to 11),
which were located no further than 80 mm from the level and neck muscle motor nuclei of the upper cervical cord and
represented by the drawing, was plotted into these drawings. caudal medulla (levels 12 to 14). A few ChAT-IR or
The drawings were digitzed using Adobe Illustrator 10.0 VAChT-IR neurons were found in the ventrolateral
software and an Intuos digitizing tablet (WACOM, Krefeld, medullary tegmentum caudal to the compact formation of
Germany). The nomenclature of the anatomical structures is the Amb, extending as far caudally as the caudal nucleus
largely according to Paxinos and Franklin (2001). retroambiguus (NRA) at the level of the decussation of the
In addition to this original data, an effort is made to place corticospinal tract (xCST; levels 10 to 12). In the spinal
this data into standardized drawings from the C57BL/6 cord, large sized ChAT-IR or VAChT neurons were found
brainstem as provided with the atlas of Paxinos and Franklin throughout the ventral horn (lamina IX).
(2001). To place the line drawings on the atlas sections, the In addition to these large sized, presumably somatic
most appropriate rostrocaudal atlas level was chosen based motoneurons, populations of small to medium-sized ChAT-
upon the shape of the sections, without paying attention to and VAChT-IR neurons were found in the brainstem and
the interval size of 320 mm. The size of the line drawings spinal cord. Three such groups were found in the
was then adjusted mediolaterally and dorsoventrally to mesopontine tegmentum, the most rostral of which was
match the left side of the underlying atlas sections. The atlas present in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg;
sections were not adjusted. The adjustments ranged from a Fig. 2, levels 1 and 2). This group was located immediately
relative increase of size for medullary sections to a decrease caudal to the group of catecholaminergic neurons in the
in size for midbrain sections. The plotted data was then retrorubral field (RRF), and dorsal to the decussation of the
shown superimposed on standard atlas sections on one side superior cerebellar peduncle at the level of the trochlear
and the adjusted line drawings on the other side. These motor nucleus. The caudal part of this group was positioned
adjustments were necessary because the sections of the in between the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and another
medulla oblongata in the atlas were obtained from two group of cholinergic neurons, the ventral part of the
different animals, were displayed at irregular intervals, and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDTgV; Fig. 2, levels 1 to
represented a total length (from rostral midbrain to rostral 1). This latter nucleus was located ventral to the ventral
cervical cord) of 5.44 mm in the atlas versus 6.72 mm in the periaqueductal gray (v-PAG) or pontine central gray.
present study. Dorsomedially to this group, in the ventral PAG and pontine
central gray, the remaining part of the laterodorsal tegmental
2.4.2. Reconstruction of spinal segments nucleus was located (LDTg; Fig. 3B and C). The caudal pole
In order to loose only a minimum amount of tissue during of the LDTg was found medial to Barrington’s nucleus and
the cutting procedure, the spinal cord was cut into blocks the rostral part of the locus coeruleus (LC), and extended
of segments rather than into individual segments. The further caudally than the more ventrally located group of
segmental level was determined based upon the morphology cholinergic neurons in the LDTgV. Medium-sized to small
of the spinal gray matter of two standard series. For these ChAT-IR or VAChT-IR neurons were also found in the
standard series, the spinal segments of two mice were cut ventral part of the cochlear nucleus (Fig. 3L), in the motor
separately. For each of the segments, a line drawing was nucleus of the dorsal vagal complex (Fig. 2, levels 8 to
made of one representative section that had been counter 11; Fig. 3F and G), spinal laminae X and medial VII
stained with cresyl fast violet. (Fig. 3I and J), and the thoracic intermediolateral cell
column (IML; Fig. 3I). The latter group of neurons was
lightly labeled. No ChAT–IR or VAChT-IR neurons were
3. Results present in Edinger–Westphal nucleus in the midbrain, in the
sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN; Fig. 3K), or in the
3.1. Location of monoaminergic and cholinergic spinal dorsal horn (Fig. 4). Compared to ChAT-IR staining,
neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord and fiber VAChT-IR neurons were less intensely labeled in the PPTg
distributions in the spinal cord and LDTg, but more strongly labeled in regions containing
somatic motoneurons (Fig. 3H and J).
3.1.1. ChAT and VAChT immunoreactivity Neurons. From rostral to caudal (Fig. 2; with level Fibers. With respect to the fiber labeling we will
0 defined as the level at which the aqueduct of Sylvius opens focus on the spinal cord and caudal nucleus of the spinal
into the 4th ventricle; Fig. 3), large neurons immunoreactive trigeminal complex only, as explained in the introduction.
for ChAT or VAChT were found in regions containing VAChT-IR fiber labeling was present as a coarse or a fine
somatic motoneurons, i.e. the oculomotor nucleus (levels 3 punctate reaction product. In the spinal cord, coarse punctate
8 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

Fig. 2. Line drawings of transverse sections through the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata (case 34) that show the distribution of ChAT-IR neurons. Each
drawing is of one 40-mm thick section, and each dot represents one labeled profile. Level 0 is defined as the level at which the aqueduct of Sylvius opens into the
4th ventricle. The distance between levels represents 320 mm. For abbreviations, see list of abbreviations. Bar = 1mm.
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 9

Fig. 2. (Continued ).
10 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

Fig. 3. Photomicrograph of ChAT-IR neurons in the PPTg, LDTg, and LDTgV in the mesopontine tegmentum (A–C) and in the ventral part of the cochlear
nucleus (L). In D–G: VAChT-IR neurons in the oculomotor (D), facial (E), hypoglossal (F and G), accessory (G) nuclei, and motor nucleus of the dorsal vagal
complex. Arrow head in G points to an occasional VAChT-IR neuron in the medullary lateral tegmentum; H–K: examples of VAChT and ChAT-IR neurons in the
spinal cord. Note that VAChT-IR staining of motoneurons is more prominent than the ChAT-IR staining (H and J), whereas small sized ChAT-IR neurons are
clearly visible in lamina X (J), the thoracic IML (I), but not in the SPN (K). All pictures (A–L) are taken in case 33. Bar = 100 mm.

VAChT-IR labeling was present in all groups of somatic the spinal cord and the caudal nucleus of the spinal
motoneurons (Fig. 3H), but not around the remaining trigeminal complex (Sp5C; Fig. 4A, D, G, J, and M). The
VAChT-IR neurons (i.e. in lamina X and the IML; Fig. 4G). intensity of the reaction product in lamina II was dependent
Fine punctate VAChT-IR was most prominent in lamina II of on spinal level and mediolateral position (Fig. 4). In addition
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 11
12 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

to this diffuse pattern, a distinct concentration of fine nucleus (LPGi; Fig. 6F and G). These cell groups extended
punctate VAChT-IR was present in the lateral collateral caudally to the level of the xCST (Fig. 5, levels 11–13). At
pathway (LCP; levels L5–S1), extending from the dorsal this level, significant numbers of 5HT-IR neurons were
horn into the SPN and intermediate gray (Fig. 4M). Some diffusely spread throughout the ventral and ventrolateral
immunoreactivity was also found in lamina X, and the medulla (Fig. 6H). No 5HT-IR neurons were found in the
intermediate zone (laminae V and VII). No labeling was rostral midbrain or in the spinal cord caudal to C1.
present in the fiber tracts of the spinal white matter. Fibers. In the spinal cord, 5HT-IR fibers were most
3.1.2. 5HT immunoreactivity pronounced in the intermediolateral and intermediomedial Neurons. 5HT-IR neurons (Figs. 5 and 6) were cell columns of the thoracic cord (Fig. 4H). Fiber labeling
most numerous in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR; Fig. 5, level was also present in lamina IX (Fig. 6I) and in the superficial
3 to 2). Within the DR they were most extensively layers of the spinal dorsal horn and Sp5C (mainly lamina I
distributed at the level of the trochlear nucleus (level 2), and the outer subdivision of lamina II; Fig. 4, middle
where in addition to the dorsal and ventral cluster in the column). The intensity of 5HT-IR in the dorsal horn varied to
center (dorsal and ventral subdivisions of the central nucleus some extent along the different spinal segments, though not
of the DR), a lateral region was also labeled (Fig. 6A). More as pronounced as for VAChT- and TH-IR fibers labeling
rostrally and caudally, the majority of 5HT-IR neurons in (Fig. 4). Some 5HT-IR fiber labeling was present in the
the DR were confined to the central region (Fig. 6B). lumbosacral LCP or in the SPN (Fig. 4N). However, in
A significant group of 5HT neurons was also found contrast to VAChT- and TH-IR fibers in the LCP, staining
immediately outside the PAG, (ventro)lateral to the medial was not robust.
longitudinal fasciculus. In the spinal white matter, the majority of 5HT-IR fiber
At the level of the trigeminal motor nucleus (Fig. 5, levels tracts were found in the periphery of the dorsolateral and
0 to 2), 5HT-IR neurons were found in the inferior DR in lateral funiculi.
the midline of the pontine gray, and in the pontine raphe
nucleus immediately ventral to the pontine gray (Fig. 6C). 3.1.3. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity
More ventrally in the mesopontine tegmentum, 5HT-IR Neurons. In the diencephalon and rostral midbrain
neurons formed two groups: one located in the midline (Fig. 7, levels 4 to 7) large numbers of TH-IR neurons were
extending from the rostral pole of the motor nucleus of the found in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra (SN;
trigeminal complex to the caudal pole of the oculomotor Fig. 7A) and in the more medially located ventral tegmental
nucleus in the median raphe nucleus (MnR) and adjacent area (VTA; Fig. 8A). In the VTA, TH-IR neurons were most
tegmentum (Fig. 5, levels 3 to 0; Fig. 6D) and the other group numerous dorsal to the rostral half of the interpeduncular
located in the more laterally positioned reticulotegmental recessus, whereas rostrally some were present lateral to the
nucleus (RtTg; Fig. 6D). This latter group was most fasciculus retroflexus. A few neurons were located in the
prominent at the caudal pole of the interpeduncular nucleus premammillary and supramammillary nuclei (Fig. 7, levels 5
(IP; Fig. 5, level 3). and 6), pars reticularis of the SN, and lateral SN (Fig. 7,
At the levels of the superior olivary complex and the levels 4 to 6). Just caudal to the red nucleus (Fig. 7, level 3),
facial nucleus (Fig. 5, levels 2 to 6; Fig. 6E and F), some many TH-IR neurons were present in the retrorubral field
5HT-IR neurons were found in the midline raphe magnus (RRF). This region extended rostrally to a position lateral to
nucleus (RMg) and adjacent tegmentum. In addition, a few the caudal part of the pars compacta of the SN.
5HT-IR neurons were located further laterally, dorsal to the Another distinct TH-IR cell group was located in the
trapezoid body. From the level of the caudal pole of the ventral PAG in the dorsocaudal division of the A10 region
facial nucleus at levels 7 to 11, distinct groups of 5HT-IR (A10-dc; Figs 7 and 8B and C). These neurons were present
neurons were located in the midline raphe pallidus and from levels 7 to 2, but were most numerous at the level of the
obscurus (RPa and ROb; Fig. 6G and H) as well as in the oculomotor nucleus (i.e. at levels 3 and 4). At levels 2 and 3,
more ventrolaterally located lateral paragigantocellular this group overlapped somewhat with 5HT-neurons in the

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of VAChT-IR (A, D, G, J, M; case 33), 5HT-IR (B, E, H, K, N; case 34), TH-IR (C, F, I, L, O; case 33) fibers and neurons in the caudal
nucleus of the spinal trigeminal complex, C7, T7, L4, and L6 segments. TH-IR neurons were present in the LCP (magnification in O). VAChT-IR: Note that
VAChT-IR labeling was more distinct at thoracic levels (G), and least distinct in the cervical dorsal horn and Sp5C (A and D), with an intermediate signal at
lumbosacral levels (J and M). In lamina II, it was heavier laterally than medially in the enlargements (D and J), whereas it was more evenly distributed in the
thoracic and lower lumbosacral cord. Also, VAChT-IR labeling in lamina II appeared more prominent in the outer subdivision than in the inner subdivision.
5HT-IR: Note that the 5HT-IR signal in lamina I was slightly more prominent medially than laterally, and clearly more pronounced at lower lumbar and thoracic
levels than in the enlargements. TH-IR: Note that TH-IR labeling the dorsal horn was more evident at lumbosacral and thoracic levels (I and O) than at mid-
lumbar or cervical levels (F and L). In the Sp5C, even fewer TH-IR fibers were found in lamina II (C). The TH-IR labeling pattern in the dorsal horn was slightly
more prominent medially than laterally, especially in the thoracic and lumbar segments. In the thoracic dorsal horn, TH-IR fibers formed a plexus extending
from laminae II to IV (3I). Bar = 100 mm for all panels except insert in O for which the bar represents 50 mm. See figure on previous page.
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 13

Fig. 5. Line drawings of transverse sections through the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata (case 34) that show the distribution of 5HT-IR neurons. Each
drawing is of one 40 mm thick section, and each dot represents one labeled profile. Level 0 is defined as the level at which the aqueduct of Sylvius opens into the
4th ventricle. The distance between levels represents 320 mm. For abbreviations, see list of abbreviations. Bar = 1 mm.
14 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

Fig. 5. (Continued ).
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 15

Fig. 6. Photomicrographs of 5HT-IR neurons: A–C: in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) and PnR from rostral (A) to caudal (C); D: in the MnR and RtTg; E–H:
RMg, LPGi, ROb, and RPa; I: spinal ventral horn. Arrow heads in H point to 5HT-IR neurons are located close to the xCST and in the lateral tegmentum.
Bar = 100 mm.

DR (see also Fig. 13A), but the majority of TH-IR neurons levels 0 to 2; Fig. 8E). TH-IR neurons were also found
were located dorsal to the DR. At level 3, TH-IR neurons more ventrally in the lateral pontine tegmentum (at this level
were also present more ventrally in the midline in the caudal also called subcoeruleus region).
linear nucleus (CLi). These neurons were positioned mainly At the pontomedullary junction, a small number of TH-
between the serotoninergic DR and MnR, whereas a few IR neurons were found ventral to the facial nucleus (levels
dispersed neurons were found between the RRF and the CLi. 4 and 5), and in the gray matter dorsolateral to the 4th
A scattered group of TH-IR neurons in the lateral pontine ventricle. Somewhat more caudally a few TH-IR neurons
tegmentum extended rostrocaudally from levels 1 to 3. were present in the midline, ventral to the 4th ventricle at
Rostrally these cells formed a rather dense cluster just rostral the level of the facial nucleus (Fig. 7, level 6; Fig. 8J,
to the motor nucleus of the trigeminal complex in the arrow).
Kölliker–Fuse/A7 region (see discussion; Fig. 7, level 1; The majority of TH-IR neurons in the caudal medulla
Fig. 8D). Caudally, neurons in the lateral pontine tegmentum oblongata were found in two regions: in the ventrolateral and
were distributed in a more dispersed way and extended as far in the dorsomedial medulla. In the ventrolateral medulla
caudal as the level of the facial nerve (also called A5 region, oblongata, TH-IR neurons formed a continuous column
see discussion; Fig. 7, level 3; Fig. 8F). extending from the level of the caudal pole of the facial
In the dorsolateral pons medial to the PBN and nucleus into the upper cervical cord (Figs. 7 and 8G–I).
immediately lateral to Barrington’s nucleus, TH-IR neurons These levels correspond to the levels where numerous 5HT-
formed a dense cluster in the locus coeruleus (LC; Fig. 7, IR neurons were found in the RPa/ROb and in the LPGi. At
16 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

Fig. 7. Line drawings of transverse sections through the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata (case 34) that show the distribution of TH-IR neurons. Each
drawing is of one 40-mm thick section, and each dot represents one labeled profile. Level 0 is defined as the level at which the aqueduct of Sylvius opens into the
4th ventricle. The distance between levels represents 320 mm. For abbreviations, see list of abbreviations. Bar = 1 mm.
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 17

Fig. 7. (Continued ).
18 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

Fig. 8. Photomicrographs of TH-IR neurons (case 33) in: A: the VTA and SNC; B: ventral rostral PAG, CLi and VTA; C: A10-dc cell group dorsal to the DR; D:
the lateral pontine tegmentum; E: LC in the dorsolateral pons; F: medial to the facial nerve (n7; A5 cell group); G–I: ventrolateral medulla oblongata from rostral
(G) to more caudal levels (I). Note that TH-IR neurons form a more compact group caudally. Arrows in G and I point to TH-IR neurons that were found outside
these clusters; J–L: dorsomedial medulla oblongata from rostral (J; including the C3 cell group indicated by arrow head) to caudal (L) levels. They are present in
the area postrema (AP), motor nucleus of the dorsal vagal complex (10N) and commissural nucleus of the solitary complex (Sol). Bar = 100 mm.

the level of the caudal pole of the facial nucleus (level 6) (level 9) to the compact formation of the Amb (Fig. 8H).
TH-IR neurons were found medial to the facial nucleus Caudal to the compact formation of the Amb (Fig. 8I), TH-
(Fig. 8G). Further caudally, this group was positioned lateral IR neurons were located in the so-called A1 region, close to
to the LPGi and ventromedial (levels 7 and 8) or ventral the lateral reticular nucleus (LRt; Fig. 7, dorsomedial at level
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 19

10, and shifting to a dorsolateral position further caudally

at levels 11 and 12). This column of TH-IR neurons
continued to levels caudal to the xCST, i.e. as far caudal as
the third cervical segment. At this latter level, they were
located in the white matter, ventral to the lateral tip of the
dorsal horn.
In the dorsal part of the caudal medulla oblongata
(Fig. 8J–L), TH-IR neurons were present in the motor
nucleus of the dorsal vagal complex (Fig. 7, levels 6 and
7), the area postrema (AP; levels 8 and 9), in the
medial part of the nucleus of the solitary tract (Sol; levels 7
to 11) and in the commissural nucleus of the Sol (Fig. 8L,
levels 10 to 14). TH-IR neurons in the Sol were most
numerous in the medial part just caudal to the obex. Caudal
to the xCST, a few TH-IR neurons were found in lamina X.
This group extended as far caudal as the third cervical
segment. In the caudal medulla, a few TH-IR neurons were
in addition found in the lateral tegmentum (intermediate
reticular nucleus; IRt), distributed between the two groups of
TH-IR neurons in the Sol and the ventrolateral medulla (see
also Fig. 12F).
Between spinal levels C3 and L4, no TH-IR neurons were
observed. However, a distinct population of small, oval
shaped TH-IR neurons was present in the L5–S2 segments
(Figs. 4O and 9). These neurons were mainly located in the
LCP that extends from the lumbosacral lateral superficial
dorsal horn into the SPN. A few neurons were also present
medially in the superficial dorsal horn or in the intermediate
zone just dorsolateral to the central canal. Fibers. Throughout the spinal cord, TH-IR fibers

were found in all laminae, but were somewhat more
prominent in the dorsal horn, especially in the inner
subdivision of laminae II and III (at all levels; Fig. 4, right
column). Similar to VAChT-IR labeling, the abundance
of TH-IR fibers in the dorsal horn varied significantly
depending on spinal level and mediolateral position. In
addition to pronounced labeling of laminae II and III,
prominent TH-IR fiber labeling was also present throughout
the thoracic IML (Fig. 4I). However, the most distinct TH-IR Fig. 9. Line drawings of transverse sections through the L5–S2 spinal
segments showing the distribution of TH-IR neurons (case 44). The majority
fiber labeling in the spinal cord was present in the of neurons in this population is located in the LCP. In the C3–L4 segments,
lumbosacral LCP (Fig. 4O). TH-IR neurons were absent. Each drawing is of one 40-mm thick section,
In the spinal white matter, the majority of TH-IR fiber and each dot represents one labeled profile. Bar = 1 mm.
tracts were found in the dorsolateral funiculus (Fig. 4, right
column), but labeled fibers were also present in the lateral,
ventrolateral, and ventromedial funiculi. distinguish ipsilaterally from contralaterally descending
pathways (Fig. 1). Although the majority of the hemisections
3.2. Distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons after was complete, some were incomplete in the dorsomedial (case
spinal cord injections 14) and/or ventromedial funiculus (cases 14 and 15).
First, we will give an overview of the results in these
3.2.1. Injections and hemisections hemisection experiments (with injections into the upper
In 30 mice (Table 1), the tracers WGA–HRP (n = 18) or lumbar and thoracic cord) in order to divide populations of
CTB (n = 12) were injected at different spinal levels to retrogradely labeled neurons into those with an ipsilateral or
retrogradely label neurons in the brainstem. The injections contralateral pathway. Next, we will present the results
were combined with a hemisection rostral to the level of obtained from tracer injections at different spinal levels
injection in 11 cases (Table 1). This approach served to (with or without hemisection).
20 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

Fig. 10. Line drawings of transverse sections through the midbrain that show the distribution of neurons that project to the thoracic cord (green; case 37; a
thoracic injection with a contralateral hemisection), and upper lumbar cord (red; case 67; a unilateral upper lumbar injection with a contralateral hemisection;
blue, case 68; a unilateral upper lumbar injection with an ipsilateral hemisection). Dots on the left represent neurons that make use of contralaterally descending
pathways, whereas the dots on the right represent neurons with ipsilaterally descending pathways. Note that in many regions the distribution of neurons with
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 21

ipsilaterally descending pathways is different from those with contralaterally descending pathways. Each drawing is of one 40-mm thick section, and each dot
represents one labeled profile. Level 0 is defined as the level at which the aqueduct of Sylvius opens into the 4th ventricle. The distance between levels represents
320 mm. For abbreviations, see list of abbreviations. Bar = 1 mm.
22 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 23

3.2.2. Retrogradely labeled neurons with In the dorsolateral pons (Fig. 11H), numerous retro-
contralaterally descending pathways gradely labeled neurons were found in Barrington’s
The most rostrally located group of neurons giving rise nucleus, LC, LC pars alpha, and subcoeruleus region
to a contralaterally descending pathway was present in the (levels 1 and 2). Labeled neurons in Barrington’s
magnocellular part of the red nucleus (Fig. 10, levels 4 and nucleus were smaller than those in surrounding regions.
5; Fig. 11B). In the lateral pontine tegmentum, labeled Slightly more caudally (levels 1 to 3), large retro-
neurons were found in the Kölliker–Fuse region (Fig. 11D) gradely labeled neurons were present in the pontine medial
and more ventrally a few small sized neurons were found tegmentum (Fig. 11K), whereas a few smaller neurons
(Fig. 10, levels 2 to 3). In the dorsal pons, a few medium were present more laterally.
sized neurons were found in the LC, LC pars alpha In the medulla oblongata, large numbers of retrogradely
(Fig. 11G). More ventrally some were found in the labeled neurons were found in different regions of the
subcoeruleus region and A5 region (levels 1 and 2; ventral medullary tegmentum (Figs. 10 and 11M–O).
Fig. 11J). At the level of the rostral medulla oblongata, Medium sized neurons were found in the ventral medullary
large neurons were found in the gigantocellular reticular medial tegmentum (levels 3 to 13; GiA rostrally, and
formation (Gi; mainly levels 4 to 6; Fig. 11M), and in GiV at the level of the inferior olivary complex), whereas
the spinovestibular nucleus (levels 6 and 7; Fig. 11I). some larger sized neurons were present more dorsally (Gi;
In the caudal medulla, a few medium-sized neurons were levels 3 to 7). Small sized neurons were found in the
present in the ventrolateral and commissural Sol (levels 9 midline RMg (levels 3 to 6) and ROb/RPa (levels 7 to
to 13; Fig. 11L), whereas some small neurons were 11), and in the LPGi (levels 6 to 11).
present immediately caudal to the compact formation of Other populations of retrogradely labeled neurons at the
the Amb (only after injections in or rostral to the thoracic medullary level were found in the lateral vestibular nucleus
cord; see also VanderHorst, 2005). A very distinct cluster (large neurons; Fig. 10, levels 3 to 5; Fig. 11F), the
of mainly medium sized neurons was present in the caudal ventrolateral and commissural Sol (medium-sized neurons;
NRA at the level of the xCST (Fig. 10, levels 11 to 13; Fig. 10, levels 7 to 12; Fig. 11L), the dorsal part of the
Fig. 12E; see also VanderHorst, 2005). medullary lateral tegmentum (levels 10 to 12), and the
Neurons that gave rise to contralaterally descending intermediate reticular formation (IRt) in between the
axons that recrossed the midline in the spinal cord (caudal to compact formation of the Amb and the caudal NRA
the hemisection; Fig. 1, right panel) were found in all cell (Fig. 10, level 10; see also VanderHorst, 2005). Finally, a
groups described above as giving rise to contralaterally few but very large neurons were found at the border between
descending pathways, but they formed only a small portion the medullary tegmentum and the Sp5C.
of the respective cell groups. A unilateral injection was combined with a hemisection
ipsilateral to injection to identify neurons whose axons
3.2.3. Retrogradely labeled neurons with ipsilaterally descend ipsilaterally, but with axons crossing the midline
descending pathways at the level of termination (i.e. neurons located contral-
In the midbrain, labeled neurons giving rise to an ateral to the injection and hemisection; Fig. 1). Retro-
ipsilaterally descending pathway were located in the PAG gradely labeled neurons that give rise to ipsilaterally
(Fig. 10, levels 5 to 3; Fig. 11C) and in the Edinger– descending axons that recross the midline in the spinal
Westphal region (EW; Fig. 11C). In the lateral pontine cord (caudal to the hemisection) were found in all cell
tegmentum (levels 1 and 2), a rather diffuse group of groups described to give rise to ipsilaterally descending
retrogradely labeled neurons was present. Compared to the pathways (Fig. 10). These neurons were less numerous
group of contralaterally projecting neurons at the same level, than the neurons giving rise to ipsilaterally descending and
this group was more extensive, located more medially and projecting axons.
their neurons had larger somata (Fig. 11D and E). At level 0,
the group of ipsilaterally projecting neurons in the pontine 3.2.4. Segmental differences
tegmentum was not only located more medially, but also Injections at different levels of the spinal cord resulted for
more dorsally (Fig. 10). the most part in labeling of neurons in the cell groups

Fig. 11. Photomicrographs of retrogradely labeled neurons in the brainstem after spinal WGA–HRP injections. Except for A, C, and F, the tracer injections were
preceded by a hemisection contralateral to the injection. Note that the different panels represent parts of brainstem levels either ipsilateral or contralateral to the
injection. A: tectospinal neurons in the superior colliculus (SC; upper cervical cord case 28); B: rubrospinal neurons in the magnocellular division of the red
nucleus (case 67); C: labeled neurons in the lateral PAG and the Edinger–Westphal region (EW; arrow heads; case 69); D and E: lateral pontine tegmentum
contralateral (D) and ipsilateral (E) to the injection (case 37); F: labeled neurons in the LVe (case 51); G and H: labeled neurons in the dorsolateral pons; I: labeled
neurons in the SpVe (case 37); J and K: labeled neurons at the level of the superior olivary complex (SO) and facial nerve (7n) contralateral (J) and ipsilateral (K) to
the injection (case 37); L: labeled neurons in the Sol (case 37); M–O: labeled neurons in the medullary medial tegmentum from rostral (M) to caudal (O) in the GiA,
GiV, ROb, RPa, LPGi (case 37). Note that labeled neurons in the A5 and A7 regions are more numerous contralaterally than ipsilaterally, whereas labeled neurons
in the Sol are more numerous ipsilaterally than contralaterally. Also, Barrington’s nucleus only contains labeled neurons ipsilateral to the injection site, whereas
labeled neurons are present bilaterally in the locus coeruleus and locus coeruleus pars alpha. Bar = 100 mm. See figure on previous page.
24 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

Fig. 12. Photomicrographs that show double labeling for 5HT and TH (A, B, D and F) and for 5HT and CTB (C and E). A: TH-IR neurons (red) form a shell
around 5HT-IR neurons in the DR-d; B, D, and F: 5HT- and TH-IR neurons are intermingled in the A1 cell group and LPGi; C and E: spinal cord projecting
neurons (red) and 5HT-IR neurons (green) with partially overlapping distributions in the caudal medulla oblongata. Note double-labeled neurons (yellow) were
present ipsilateral to the injection (C; case 107), but not contralaterally (E; case 107). Also note the shift in position of TH-IR cells relative to the Amb from
rostral to caudal (B to F). Bar = 100 mm.
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 25

Fig. 13. Photomicrographs that show double labeling for CTB (after spinal cord injections) and TH. In the lateral pontine tegmentum (A7 region), double-
labeled neurons are more numerous contralateral (A) and ipsilateral (B) to the injection site. Rostrally in the LC (C), double-labeled neurons are mainly present
ventrally in the locus coeruleus pars alpha. Caudally (D), the LC contains hardly any double-labeled neurons in the LC. Note the spatial relation between
Barrington’s nucleus (Barr) and the LC. Medial to the facial nerve (E; A5 cell group), a small portion of the TH-IR neurons is double labeled. In the caudal
medulla oblongata, TH-IR in the A1 cell group are distinct from spinal cord projecting neurons in the caudal NRA (F) and no double-labeled neurons were
present in the Sol (G). Bar in F = 100 mm.
26 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

described above, with quantitative differences that are among bulbospinal neurons in the Sol and ventrolateral
beyond the scope of this report (for the medulla oblongata, medulla.
see VanderHorst, 2005). However, the following segment- In some of these regions, neurons double-labeled for CTB
specific populations of labeled neurons were observed. and TH were found. An occasional double-labeled neuron
Labeled neurons were found in the deep layers of the sup- was found in the ventral rostral PAG (Edinger–Westphal
erior colliculus (levels 3 to 6) contralateral to the injection region). Significant populations of double-labeled neurons
site (tectospinal system) after injections involving the upper were present in the Kölliker–Fuse region (Fig. 13A) and the
cervical cord (Fig. 11A), but not after injections into the C6– LC region (pars alpha; Fig. 13C). CTB-labeled neurons in
7 or more caudal segments. In the ipsilateral PAG (Fig. 10, Barrington’s nucleus formed a cluster that was clearly
levels 3–5), retrogradely labeled neurons were present after distinct from TH-IR neurons in the LC region (Fig. 13D). A
injections into the thoracic cord and especially the cervical few double-labeled neurons were found more caudally in the
cord, but not after lumbar cord injections. In Barrington’s lateral pontine tegmentum (A5 region; levels 2 to 3;
nucleus in the dorsolateral pons, labeled neurons were Fig. 13E). The populations of double-labeled neurons were
absent after cervical cord injections, present after injections found both ipsilaterally and contralaterally to the injection
involving the thoracic and upper lumbar cord, and most sites, but especially in the lateral pontine tegmentum (A5
numerous after injections into the lumbosacral segments. In and A7 cell groups) they were more prominent contral-
the medulla oblongata, at level 10, i.e. immediately caudal aterally (compare Fig. 13A and B).
to the compact formation of the nucleus ambiguus, labeled No double-labeled neurons were present in the Sol
neurons were present after thoracic and cervical cord (Fig. 13G) or ventrolateral caudal medulla (Fig. 13F). In the
injections, but not after injections only involving more Sol, TH-IR neurons were located mainly medially to CTB-
caudal levels of the spinal cord (see VanderHorst, 2005). labeled neurons. In the ventrolateral medulla at the level of
the xCST, the TH-IR cell group (A1 group) was located
3.3. Transmitter phenotype of spinal cord projecting ventrolateral to the group of contralaterally projecting CTB
neurons in the brainstem labeled neurons in the caudal NRA.

3.3.1. Retrogradely labeled neurons immunoreactive for 3.4. Spatial relationships between 5HT- and TH-IR
ChAT neurons
After CTB injections into the thoracic and upper lumbar
cord, a few dispersed CTB-labeled neurons were found close In a number of regions, 5HT- and TH-IR neurons had
to ChAT-IR neurons in the PPTg and LDTg in the partially overlapping distributions. In the DR, TH-IR
mesopontine tegmentum. In the medulla oblongata, a few neurons form a shell around 5HT-IR neurons in the dorsal
were present caudal to the compact formation of the Amb in subdivision (Fig. 12A). At medullary levels, TH-IR neurons
the rostral and caudal NRA. None of the CTB-labeled and 5HT-IR neurons formed a mixed population in the A1/
neurons were double labeled for ChAT. C1 region and the LPGi (Fig. 12B–F). No double-labeled
neurons were found in these regions.
3.3.2. Retrogradely labeled neurons immunoreactive for
5HT 3.5. Effects of strain, gender and endocrine status
In the midbrain and pons, no overlapping distributions
were found between retrogradely labeled neurons and 5HT- The majority of the immunohistochemical experiments
IR neurons. However, the distribution of spinal cord was performed in ovariectomized female C57Bl/6 mice.
projecting neurons and 5HT-IR neurons overlapped exten- Although the present series of experiments was not set up to
sively in the medulla oblongata, i.e. RMg, RPa, ROb, LPGi, study quantitative differences related to strain, gender or
and the ventrolateral medulla at the level of the xCST. All endocrine status, control experiments were added to exclude
these regions, but especially the LPGi, contained neurons any major qualitative differences, i.e. differences in location
double labeled for CTB and 5-HT (Fig. 12C). These double- or absence of certain neuronal populations. No such
labeled neurons were present bilaterally in the non- differences were found between (inbred) C57Bl/6 mice
hemisected cases. In the hemisected cases, double-labeled and outbred CD-1 mice, between ovariectomized and
neurons were only found ipsilaterally to the injection (and estrogen treated females, or between males and females.
contralateral to the hemisection; Fig. 12E).

3.3.3. Retrogradely labeled neurons immunoreactive for 4. Discussion

The distributions of TH-IR and CTB slightly overlapped in 4.1. Technical considerations and nomenclature
the ventral PAG (level 6), the dorsolateral pons (LC and LC
pars alpha) and throughout the lateral pontine tegemtum. At The tracers wheat germ agglutinin–horseradish perox-
caudal medullary levels, a few TH-IR neurons were found idase (WGA–HRP; Sigma, St. Louis, MO) and cholera toxin
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 27

subunit B (CTB; List Biological Laboratories, Campbell, medullary serotonergic neurons expresses GABA (reviewed
CA) were used to label cell bodies of spinal cord-projecting in Hökfelt et al., 2000).
neurons. WGA–HRP has the advantage that it is transported
via fast axonal transport, in the mouse allowing survival times 4.2. Cholinergic system
of less than 24 h. In addition, WGA–HRP is more sensitive,
and smaller injections result in larger numbers of retrogradely In the mesopontine tegmentum, cholinergic neurons were
labeled neurons compared to CTB (VanderHorst et al., 2004). present in the PPTg or so-called Ch5 group (Mesulam et al.,
WGA–HRP is also less easily taken up by fibers of passage 1983), the LDTgV (Mesulam et al., 1983), and the more
than CTB. For these reasons, in the single labeling part of the dorsally located LDTg. The location of these groups is
study, WGA–HRP was used. CTB was injected in cases that largely in line with studies in the rat (Rye et al., 1987),
were used for the double labeling (immunohistochemical) although at rostral levels, the PPTg in the rat occupies a more
part of the study. Immunohistochemistry often requires a ventral position. In the mouse atlas of Paxinos and Franklin
fixative containing paraformaldehyde only and no glutar- (2001), the PPTg extends further dorsally (Fig. 14, level +2).
aldehyde. Because paraformaldehyde significantly decreases None of the cholinergic neurons in these regions projected
the sensitivity of WGA–HRP, this tracer was not the first to the upper lumbar or thoracic cord. This is consistent with
choice for immunohistochemical experiments. findings in the rat, where a few cholinergic neurons were
Use of axon transport inhibitors, such as colchicine, found to project to the cervical cord, but not to the thoracic
might reveal a more complete visualization of the cord (Rye et al., 1988). Instead, PPTg and LDTg project to
monoaminergic neurons when using immunohistochemistry mesolimbic regions and the pontomedullary reticular forma-
(Ceccatelli et al., 1989). However, disadvantages of such tion (Rye et al., 1987, 1988), and are involved in the control of
treatment include changes in gene expression patterns the sleep–wake cycle, locomotion and motivation.
(Ceccatelli et al., 1991) and limitation in the use of neuronal In addition to these mesopontine cell groups, ChAT or
tracers that are transported in axons. Therefore colchicine VAChT-IR cholinergic neurons were found in the cranial
was not used in the present study, and while the overall nerve motor nuclei and throughout the spinal ventral horn.
distribution of monoaminergic neurons is in all likelihood These neurons represent somatic motoneurons. In the atlas
not affected, immunoreactive monoaminergic neurons in of Paxinos and Franklin (2001), the trigeminal motor
each group might have been underrepresented. Similarly, nucleus and the facial nucleus were indicated more rostrally,
retrogradely labeled neurons that have been visualized using whereas no differences were present regarding the oculo-
tracer injections also represent a subpopulation of spinal motor nuclei, the nucleus ambiguus, accessorius and
cord projecting neurons, because only part of the cord was hypoglossus (Fig. 14, levels +4 and +3, 7 to 9, and 13).
injected in each tracing experiment. Combined, the results Cholinergic neurons were also found in the dorsal motor
represent an underestimate of transmitter-identified projec- nucleus of the vagal complex and the thoracic IML,
tion neurons and thus have to be interpreted with caution. representing parasympathetic and sympathetic preganglionic
Before we discuss each of the cholinergic, monoaminer- neurons, respectively. This is in agreement with studies in the
gic and spinal cord projection systems, the following issues rat (Barber et al., 1984; Arvidsson et al., 1997; Hellström
have to be addressed with respect to nomenclature. et al., 2003). No distinct labeling of neurons (either with the
Catecholaminergic, serotoninergic, and cholinergic neurons ChAT or the VAChT antibody) was found in the nucleus of
in CNS of the rat have been divided into groups called B1 Edinger–Westphal in the rostral midbrain and the SPN,
(caudal) to B9 (rostral) for the serotoninergic system respectively, two regions containing preganglionic parasym-
(Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964), A1 (caudal) to A12 (rostral) pathetic neurons. It is possible that the levels of ChAT and
for the dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems (Dahlström VAChT is these latter populations were too low for detection.
and Fuxe, 1964; Hökfelt et al., 1984), C1 (caudal) to C4 These findings are in contrast to rat (Armstrong et al., 1983)
(rostral) for the adrenergic cell groups (Dahlström and Fuxe, and cat (Kimura et al., 1981) in which parasympathetic
1964; Hökfelt et al., 1984), and Ch1 (rostral) to Ch6 (caudal) neurons were lightly labeled for ChAT. It cannot be ruled out
for the cholinergic system (Mesulam et al., 1983). We will that these neurons use another transmitter system as proposed
refer to this nomenclature as well as to the corresponding for parts of the uterine parasympathetic preganglionic neurons
anatomical structures (as used in Section 3), because both in the rat (Papka et al., 1995).
reference systems are often used in parallel. We would like to No cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for ChAT or VAChT
stress here that each of the cholinergic, serotoninergic or was observed in the spinal dorsal horn. This is in contrast to
catecholaminergic regions is more or less heterogeneous reports in the rat in which large numbers of ChAT-IR
with respect to its cytochemistry and connections as neurons were found in spinal laminae III–V (Houser et al.,
demonstrated by studies in the rat (Rye et al., 1987; Holets 1983; Barber et al., 1984; Borges and Iversen, 1986).
et al., 1988; Van Bockstaele et al., 1993; Hökfelt et al., 2000; However, similar to our results, cholinergic neurons were
Kirifides et al., 2001). For example, subpopulations of absent in the dorsal horn in other studies in primate (Kus
serotonergic neurons in the DR project to distinct forebrain et al., 2003) and rat (Gilmor et al., 1996; Hellström, 2004).
regions (Kirifides et al., 2001), and a subpopulation of ChAT- and VAChT-IR neurons were also present in lamina
28 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

Fig. 14. Line drawings of sections taken from the atlas of the mouse brain by Paxinos and Franklin (2001; on the left) and line drawings of sections used in this
overview that have been adjusted in size to fit the outlines of the atlas sections (on the right; for further details see Section 2). Data on the location of
monoaminergic and cholinergic neurons is superimposed on the atlas sections, with red, green and blue dots representing 5HT-IR, ChAT-IR, and TH-IR neurons,
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 29

respectively. Level 0 is defined as the level at which the aqueduct of Sylvius opens into the 4th ventricle. IA coordinates represent the distance in mm from the
interaural line, and B coordinates represent the distance in mm from Bregma (from Paxinos and Franklin, 2001). See List of Abbreviation for the abbreviations.
30 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

X and medial lamina VII, in agreement with studies in the rat mental conditions). Because the RPa and ROb preferentially
(Barber et al., 1984). These neurons, in all likelihood, innervate the ventral horn, whereas the RMg and adjacent
represent propriospinal neurons. tegmentum project predominantly to the dorsal horn in rat
and cat (Basbaum and Fields, 1979; Skagerberg and
4.3. Serotoninergic system Björklund, 1985), this finding suggests that relatively few
5HT-IR neurons project to the dorsal horn in the mouse.
Serotoninergic cells were present in the DR and the Indeed, using the same anitsera, the 5HT-IR fiber distribu-
ventrolaterally adjacent tegmentum. The DR might be tion in the spinal superficial dorsal horn was less prominent
subdivided into lateral, dorsomedian and ventromedian in our study in the mouse compared to the rat (Johnson et al.,
regions (corresponding to area B7), and an inferior region 1993) and cat(Arvidsson et al., 1990b).
(area B6), similar to the rat (Kirifides et al., 2001). However,
the lateral subdivision extended further caudally, dorsal to the 4.4. Catecholaminergic system
cholinergic LDTg (Fig. 14, levels +1 and 0). More caudally,
5HT-IR neurons formed a group in the PnR (area B5). 4.4.1. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons in
Although we found 5HT-IR neurons lining the floor of the 4th the midbrain
ventricle (area B4), this group was not distinct from the In the midbrain large populations of TH-IR neurons were
inferior DR (area B6) and did not extend into the medulla found in the VTA (A10), SNC (A9), RRF (area A8) that
oblongata. In the ventral mesopontine tegmentum, large represent dopaminergic neurons. Based on the distribution
numbers of 5HT-IR neurons were present in the MnR (B8) and of TH-IR neurons, the border between the VTA and the SNC
more ventrally and laterally in the RtTg (B9). The B9 region cannot be drawn clearly. Additionally, smaller groups of TH-
extended more dorsolaterally than depicted in the mouse brain IR neurons were found that have been described as part of
atlas (Fig. 14, level +3; Paxinos and Franklin, 2001). the A10 cell group: the rostral dorsal A10 group (including
None of the neurons in the above groups was found to neurons lining the 3th ventricle), rostral ventral A10 group
project to the (thoracic and upper lumbar) spinal cord, in line (including Edinger–Westphal nucleus), and the caudal
with a double labeling study in the rat (Skagerberg and dorsal A10 group (in the ventral PAG and caudal part of
Björklund, 1985). Instead, different subdivisions of these the caudal linear nucleus (Hökfelt et al., 1984). The
groups give rise to ascending and descending projections to distribution of TH-IR neurons in these regions is comparable
distinct regions of the forebrain, midbrain, and brainstem with that described in the rat (Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964;
(Moore et al., 1978; Van Bockstaele et al., 1993; Kirifides Hökfelt et al., 1984) and mouse (Zaborszky and Vadasz,
et al., 2001). 2001), although the latter study did not show the caudal
At the pontomedullary level, some 5HT-IR neurons were dorsal A10 group. Area 8 was larger in its dorsoventral
present in the RMg and adjacent tegmentum (area B3). extent and located somewhat more caudally compared to the
Although only few neurons were found in this region, their C57BL/6 mouse atlas (Fig. 14, level +3; Paxinos and
location is in line with data obtained in the rat by Dahlström Franklin, 2001). None of the catecholaminergic neurons in
and Fuxe (1964). The RMg extended rostrally only to the the above groups were found to project to the spinal cord.
level of the PnR, clearly more caudally than depicted in the
mouse atlas (Fig. 14, levels +1 to 6; Paxinos and Franklin, 4.4.2. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunreactive neurons in
2001). A few 5 HT-IR neurons in our study were found the mesopontine tegmentum
lateral to the pyramids in the rostral medulla oblongata at the TH-IR cell groups in the mesopontine and pontine lateral
level of the RMg, but the majority of 5HT-IR neurons in the tegmentum were organized in a rather diffuse way, forming a
LPGi were located at the level of the ROb (B1) and RPa (B2) more or less continuous column without distinct borders.
as far caudal as the xCST. This is different from data in the Neurons in these regions represent noradrenergic neurons
rat of Dahlström and Fuxe (1964), who included the LPGi in and have been subdivided into the so-called A7 cell group
region B3. This is also far more caudally than depicted in the rostrally, and the A5 region caudally (Dahlström and Fuxe,
atlas of the mouse (Fig. 14, levels 3 to 11; Paxinos and 1964). In our overview, however, the A7 group was located
Franklin, 2001). The presence of a scattered group of 5HT- more ventrally than in the C57BL/6 mouse atlas (Fig. 14). In
IR neurons in the ventrolateral medulla at the level of the addition, the A5 group was not very prominent, and at the
xCST and the observation that the ROb and RPa cannot be level of the facial nerve it was positioned more dorsally than
clearly separated are in agreement with findings in the rat in the rat or mouse atlas (Fig. 14, levels 1 to 3; Paxinos
(Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964). and Franklin, 2001).
Part of the 5HT-IR neurons in the RPa, ROb, RMg and In the dorsolateral pons, a compact cluster of TH-IR
especially LPGi were found to project to the spinal cord, neurons was present in the LC, called the A6 cell group. TH-
consistent with studies in other species (Skagerberg and IR neurons had a continuous distribution that extended from
Björklund, 1985; Jones and Light, 1990). Spinal cord the LC to the more ventrolaterally located subcoeruleus
projecting 5HT-IR neurons were numerous in the ROb/RPa region and A5/A7 cell groups, similar to the rat (Dahlström
and LPGi, but sparse in the RMg (under similar experi- and Fuxe, 1964; Hökfelt et al., 1984).
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 31

Mesopontine TH-IR neurons that project to the spinal obex, noradrenergic, adrenergic and dopaminergic cells are
cord were especially numerous in the LC (pars alpha; A6 intermingled (Kalia et al., 1985a,b; Phillips et al., 2001). The
cell group) and A7 cell group, whereas a smaller number of position of the A2/C2 cell groups in the current overview is
double-labeled neurons was found in the A5 cell group. in line with the atlas of Paxinos and Franklin (Fig. 14, levels
Although TH-IR spinal cord projecting neurons reached 7 to 13; 2001).
the spinal cord via both ipsilaterally and contralaterally Although a few neurons in the Sol projected to the
descending pathways, the A5 and A7 cell groups spinal cord in the mouse, none of the TH-IR neurons in Sol
predominantly use the contralateral pathway, whereas the were double labeled. This is in line with studies in the rat,
A6 cell group or LC projects mainly via ipsilaterally in which Sol-spinal projections are also present (Loewy
descending axons. The presence of spinal cord projecting and Burton, 1978), but in which they are not (Westlund
TH-IR neurons in the A5, A6 and A7 cell groups is et al., 1981) or to a very limited extent (McKellar and
consistent with previous observations in the rat, in which Loewy, 1982) derived from catecholaminergic neurons.
these groups have been described to project predominantly None of the TH-IR neurons in the AP and motor nucleus of
(but not exclusively) to the deep dorsal horn/intermediate the dorsal vagal complex were found to project to the
zone, ventral horn, and superficial dorsal horn, respectively spinal cord. This is in contrast to a study in the rat in which
(Loewy et al., 1979a; Westlund et al., 1981; Clark and neurons in the C2 (and C3) cell group have been reported
Proudfit, 1991, 1993; Kwiat and Basbaum, 1992; Goodchild to project to spinal cord (Minson et al., 1990). This
et al., 2001). However, the observation that these neurons discrepancy might be caused by the location of the tracer
project mainly via a contralaterally descending pathway is injections or the absence of colchicine treatment, as
new (Loewy et al., 1979a; Westlund et al., 1981; Clark and discussed above.
Proudfit, 1991, 1993; Kwiat and Basbaum, 1992; Goodchild In the ventrolateral medulla, TH-IR neurons were found
et al., 2001). With respect to the A7 cell group, this opens the in a longitudinal column extending from a position medial to
discussion of what the relation is between the A7 cell group the caudal pole of the facial nucleus and into the C3 segment.
and the Kölliker–Fuse region, a cell group known to give rise The rostral part of this cell group represents adrenergic
to mainly contralateral projections. Functionally, the A5 and neurons (C1 cell group). In contrast to the rat, only few TH-
A7 cell groups are involved in the control of nociception IR neurons were present rostral to the obex, and hardly any
(Miller and Proudfit, 1990; Yeomans and Proudfit, 1992), were found at the level of the facial nucleus. This suggests
whereas the A5 and A6 groups mediate cardiovascular that the C1 cell group in the mouse may be less prominent
(Loewy et al., 1979b) and somatic motor reflexes (Fung than in the rat, but this difference might also be caused by
et al., 1991), respectively. differences in experimental conditions (see above). Com-
pared to the mouse atlas (Paxinos and Franklin, 2001), we
4.4.3. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons in found the C1 cell group at the level of the rostral Amb in a
the medulla oblongata more medial position, and scattered TH-IR neurons were
At the pontomedullary junction, a small number of TH- present as medially as the LPGi (Fig. 14, levels 7 to 9).
IR neurons was found in the gray matter dorsolateral to the In contrast is to findings in the rat (Ross et al., 1984;
4th ventricle and in the midline ventral to the 4th ventricle at Tucker et al., 1987; Kwiat and Basbaum, 1990; Minson
the level of the facial nucleus. These small cell groups et al., 1990), no TH-IR spinal cord projecting neurons were
represent in all likelihood adrenergic neurons of the C4 and found in the ventrolateral medulla rostral to the obex (in the
C3 cell groups, respectively (Hökfelt et al., 1984). adrenergic C1 cell group).
In the medulla oblongata two distinct longitudinal groups The caudal part of the TH-IR cell group, located at the
of TH-IR neurons were present that, similar to the rat, are level of the xCST and further caudally (extending into the
located dorsomedially (A2 and C2 cell groups) and C1–3 segments), is more compact and represents nora-
ventrolaterally (A1 and C1 cell groups; Dahlström and drenergic neurons (A1 cell group). A few 5HT-IR neurons
Fuxe, 1964; Ritchie et al., 1982; Hökfelt et al., 1984; Kalia were found in this group, but it is clearly distinct from the
et al., 1985a,b). Based upon information from the rat it spinal cord-projecting neurons in the caudal NRA, which are
is likely that each of these groups consists of highly located more dorsomedially. The caudal part of the A1 cell
heterogeneous cell populations (Kalia et al., 1985a,b; group was located more ventrolaterally, i.e. dorsolateral to
Phillips et al., 2001). Dopaminergic neurons are found in the LRt, compared to the mouse atlas (Fig. 14, levels 10 to
the AP and the motor nucleus of the dorsal vagal complex, 13; Paxinos and Franklin, 2001).
and adrenergic neurons in the Pr and medial Sol, forming the None of the TH-IR neurons in the A1 cell group was
C2 cell group (Hökfelt et al., 1984; Kalia et al., 1985b). TH- found to project to the spinal cord in the mouse, largely in
IR neurons in the ventromedial, intermediate, and commis- line with studies in the rat (Westlund et al., 1981; McKellar
sural nuclei of the Sol, and its caudal extension (lamina X of and Loewy, 1982). It should be noted that adrenergic and
the C1–3 spinal cord) represent mainly noradrenergic noradrenergic cell groups in all likelihood are partly
neurons and form the A2 cell group (Kalia et al., intermingled, especially between the rostral border of the
1985a,b; Phillips et al., 2001). Between the xCST and the xCST and the obex (Kalia et al., 1985c).
32 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

4.4.4. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons in mainly to the rostral part of the spinal cord, such as the
the spinal cord tectum (upper cervical cord), PAG and a small cell group
Between the C3 and L4 segments, no TH-IR neurons caudal to the compact formation of the Amb (cervical and
were present. However, in the L5–S2 segments a distinct thoracic cord), and NRA (mainly cervical, thoracic, and
cluster of TH-IR neurons was found in the region of the LCP. upper lumbar cord). In contrast, Barrington’s nucleus
This structure forms a pathway between the dorsal horn and projected mostly to the thoracic and lumbosacral cord
the SPN in the L6–S1 segments and is likely involved in the and not to the cervical enlargement.
control and modulation of pelvic visceral functions. A In comparison to findings in other species, the tectospinal
similar group of presumably dopaminergic TH-IR neurons and NRA-spinal connections are somewhat differently
has been described in the rat (Mouchet et al., 1986, 1992). organized. In the cat, rat and monkey, the NRA projects
heavily to the sacral segments (VanderHorst and Holstege,
4.5. Spinal cord projection systems: ipsilateral and 1995; VanderHorst et al., 2000), whereas tectospinal
contralateral pathways projections in the cat and rat include the lower cervical
segments (Murray and Coulter, 1982). The segmental
With respect to the projections from the brainstem to the preference of PAG-spinal and Barrington-spinal projections
spinal cord, our data is limited to the location of neurons of is in line with findings in other species (Mantyh and
origin. Because our injections involved the entire gray Peschanski, 1982; Mouton and Holstege, 1994).
matter (dorsal horn, ventral horn and intermediate gray), the
experiments do not provide information regarding the areas 4.7. Spinal cord projection systems: monoaminergic and
of termination of each of these projection systems in the cholinergic fibers in the spinal cord
spinal cord. Such detailed information regarding some
bulbospinal projections is provided in a recent paper 4.7.1. Cholinergic fibers
(VanderHorst, 2005). Using the VAChT antibody, punctate labeling was
Neurons with mainly contralaterally descending path- observed, with a coarse pattern in spinal somatic (but not
ways were located in the tectum, red nucleus, the lateral and autonomic preganglionic) motoneuronal cell groups, and a
ventrolateral pontine tegmentum (including the A5 and A7 fine pattern that was most distinct in lamina II (outer
regions) and subcoeruleus region (part of the A6 region), the subdivision). The VAChT antibody visualizes the vesicular
gigantocellular reticular formation in the rostral medulla, the acetylcholine transporter that is mainly concentrated on
spinal vestibular nucleus, and the NRA. synaptic vesicles (Gilmor et al., 1996). The coarse pattern
Neurons with exclusively ipsilaterally descending path- surrounding somatic motoneurons in the spinal ventral horn
ways are located in the PAG and Barrington’s nucleus, (and the extra-ocular cranial nerve motor nuclei) might thus
whereas the rostral pontine lateral tegmentum, LC (part of represent large cholinergic terminals of the C-type that
the A6 cell group), LC pars alpha (part of the A6 cell group), are postsynaptically associated to muscarinic 2 receptors
caudal pontine ventromedial tegmentum, lateral vestibular (Hellström et al., 2003). These C-boutons most likely
nucleus, dorsomedial lateral medullary tegmentum, Sol, originate from local interneurons (McLaughlin, 1972;
RMg (B3 cell group) with the adjacent GiA, the ROb/RPa Hellström, 2004). The fine VAChT-IR pattern in the dorsal
(B1 and B2), and LPGi with the adjacent GiV give rise to horn might represent smaller cholinergic terminals that are
mainly ipsilaterally descending pathways. Of these path- involved in antinociception (Pinardi et al., 2003; Wess et al.,
ways Sol and subcoeruleus region pars alpha have a 2003).
significant number of contralaterally descending axons as An extremely strong VAChT-IR signal was observed in
well. Except for the A5 and A7 regions (see above), these the LCP, an area mediating pelvic visceral sensory
finding are largely in agreement with studies in other information as it receives primary afferents from pudendal
species, e.g., NRA (VanderHorst and Holstege, 1995; and especially pelvic nerves (Nadelhaft and Booth, 1984).
VanderHorst et al., 2000), Sol (Loewy and Burton, 1978), This dense pattern suggests that the cholinergic system is not
and red nucleus (Huisman et al., 1981). Although the above only important for the motor control of the bladder (i.e.
mentioned regions contain neurons which axons descend in bladder contraction or detrusor activity), but might also
either the ipsilateral or contralateral white matter, via modulate the sensory loop of the micturition reflex, as well
collaterals in the spinal cord that cross the midline, most as the sensory control of other pelvic organs.
regions project more or less to both sides of the spinal cord. None of the cholinergic neurons in the midbrain
maintained direct connections with the spinal cord, and in
4.6. Spinal cord projection systems: extent of the spinal white matter no ChAT of VAChT immunolabeling
projections to various spinal levels was found. This suggests that cholinergic fibers are derived
from intraspinal cholinergic neurons that were found in
Many of these descending systems projected to all levels laminae VII, IX, X, and the thoracic IML, or from primary
of the spinal cord that were examined in our retrograde sensory neurons (Dussor et al., 2004). With respect to
tracing study. However, a number of regions projected cholinergic antinociception, which involves both spinal and
V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36 33

supraspinal mechanisms, this in turn would suggest that the antinociception (Millan, 2002; Willis et al., 2003). Distinct
supraspinal component of cholinergic antinociceptive labeling patterns were also observed around autonomic
mechanisms is not directly mediated via cholinergic-spinal preganglionic neurons in the thoracic IML (as in the rat:
cord projecting neurons, but via an indirect mechanisms, (Anderson et al., 1989) and the SPN, as well as in the sensory
possibly involving the serotoninergic and adrenergic lumbosacral LCP. This distribution pattern suggests that the
descending systems (Cucchiaro and Commons, 2003). catecholaminergic system might exert major modulatory
effects on autonomic activity, via an action on autonomic
4.7.2. Serotoninergic fibers motor functions as well as on visceral sensory processing.
Serotoninergic fibers were found in all laminae of the Part of the TH-IR fibers in the mouse spinal cord are
spinal cord and at all rostrocaudal levels, as in the rat (Jones derived from (presumably) noradrenergic neurons in the
and Light, 1990). This fits the concept that the serotoninergic lateral mesopontine tegmentum (A7), LC and subcoeruleus
system has a general, modulatory role on sensory as well as pars alpha (A6) and subcoeruleus region (A5), as these
motor functions (Mason and Leung, 1996; White et al., regions contained TH-IR neurons with direct spinal connec-
1996; Millan, 2002; Willis et al., 2003). tions. In addition, TH-IR fibers might be derived from the,
In the dorsal horn, fibers were most numerous in lamina I presumably dopaminergic, group of TH-IR neurons in the
and the outer subdivision of lamina II. This component of lumbosacral LCP, and/or from dopaminergic subpopulations
the serotoninergic system is important for antinociception of primary sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia (Price
(Millan, 2002; Willis et al., 2003). and Mudge, 1983; Vega et al., 1991). Altogether, these
The most prominent pattern of serotoninergic fibers was findings stress the importance of the catecholaminergic
observed in the thoracic intermediolateral and intermedio- system in the modulation of sensory information.
medial cell columns (Anderson et al., 1989). The SPN
contained only a moderate number of serotoninergic fibers,
whereas in contrast to the cholinergic and (nor)adrenergic/ 5. Concluding remarks
dopaminergic systems, no robust pattern of serotoninergic
fibers was found in the LCP. This suggests that serotoni- This report has provided comprehensive information on
nergic neurons in the mouse, via direct projections to monoaminergic, cholinergic, and projection systems in the
autonomic preganglionic neurons, have a strong modulatory brainstem and spinal cord of the inbred C57BL/6 and
effect on autonomic activity, more so on sympathetic than on outbred CD-1 mouse. The overall organization of these
parasympathetic mechanisms. systems in the mouse is largely similar to those in the rat,
In addition, there was a strong serotoninergic innervation although some species differences exist. For example, the
of the mouse somatic motor nuclei throughout the spinal cord, A5 and A7 cell groups project to the spinal cord mainly via
similar to that described in the cat (Arvidsson et al., 1990b), contralateral, and not ipsilateral, pathways. Other systems,
primate (Arvidsson et al., 1990a), and rat (Jones and Light, such as the TH-IR cell group in L5–S2 spinal segments have
1990; Marlier et al., 1991). These 5HT-IR axons mainly been described, but are relatively unknown.
originate from RPa/ROb neurons and modulate the excit- The data further supplements information on the
ability of somatic motoneurons (Hounsgaard et al., 1988). brainstem that is provided in the standard brain atlas for
All serotoninergic neuronal cell groups in the medulla the C57BL/6 mouse (Paxinos and Franklin, 2001),
oblongata, but none at the mesopontine level contained especially with respect to the size and/or location of the
serotoninergic neurons that project to the spinal cord. catecholaminergic RRF (A8), A5, A1, and C1 cell groups,
Serotoninergic fibers tracts were present in the spinal white and the serotonergic B4, RtTg (B9), LPGi, and RMg groups.
matter, but no spinal 5HT-IR neurons. This indicates that
serotoninergic fibers in the murine spinal cord are derived
from the medullary serotoninergic system, in line with studies
in other species (Bullitt and Light, 1989; Jones and Light,
This work was sponsored by a research fellowship from
the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
4.7.3. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive fibers
(KNAW); J.C. de Cock-Stichting, Netherlands; Foundation
TH-IR fibers were found in all spinal laminae, and might
‘‘de Drie Lichten’’, Netherlands; Medical Research Council
represent noradrenergic, adrenergic and/or dopaminergic
Sweden, #2003-5168 (VGJMV) and #10820 (BU).
fibers. In the ventral horn, these fibers might modulate the
excitability of motoneurons (White et al., 1996). The distinct
fiber patterns in the dorsal horn especially in the lower part
of the spinal cord (involving mainly, although not exclusively,
the inner subdivision of laminae II and III) might, together Anderson, C.R., McLachlan, E.M., Srb-Christie, O., 1989. Distribution of
with more diffusely distributed TH-IR fibers in the sympathetic preganglionic neurons and monoaminergic nerve terminals
intermediate zone (laminae V, VII and X), be involved in in the spinal cord of the rat. J. Comp. Neurol. 283, 269–284.
34 V.G.J.M. VanderHorst, B. Ulfhake / Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 31 (2006) 2–36

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