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Recount Text (Personal Recount KELAS :

10 Pertanyaan

1. What is Recount Text ?

is a text which retells events or is a story with complication or

A experiences in the past B problematic events and it tries to find
the resolutions to solve the problems

is a text which informs readers about s a type of document written by

events of the day someone or group of people to
C D announce the result of an
investigation or announce something
to the proper authorities

2. What are generic structure of the text ?

A Reorientation, thesis, Description B Description, Identification

C Orientation, Events, Reorientation D Orientation, Steps, Reorientation

3. Which one is the example of Recount Text?

A Rabbit and Turtle B My Holiday In Bali

C How to make Fried Rice D Sangkuriang

4. Last week, l went to the lake for fishing. It was the suitable time for fishing
because I had nothing to do. I went there with my friends.
Arriving at the lake, I directly went to the best spot to get a giant fish. It was under
the big tree at the bank of the lake. I threw my hook as far as I could then I waited
for the fish eating my bait. It had been 15 minutes and I finally saw the sign that
there was a fish eating my bait. I tried to pull it up and I succeeded. I got a three
kilogram fish.
I got so many fish that day even though I was so tired. I was so excited. I think I will
visit the spot again in the next holiday.

What is the purpose of the text?

to describe the writer's activity in the to explain about the writer's activity in
weekend the weekend

to informing or to amuse the readers to explain about fishing

C about the writer's activity in the D

5. Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We built the camp next to a small
It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. The next day, we spent
our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In
the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper.
At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic
tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.
On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home. It was wonderful
experience in my life.

Which one of the text is a part of "event"?

It was wonderful experience in my We pacekd our bags and got ready to

life. go home

Last weekend, my friends and I went It was getting darker and colder, so
camping. we built a fire camp.
6. We had a wonderful holiday in Bali.
It was a really great place. The people were friendly, the food was great, and the
weather was a lot better than at home.
Most days were pretty. I swam two or three times a day, but my brother Fachri just
spent all his time lying on the beach with his eyes closed.
Last Saturday I got on the bus and went to the north of the island, It was much
quieter there than here–very beautiful, but no tourists. The next day we went
across to
the east coast to see some of the old villages.
I learned Balinese–I couldn’t say much, but it was fun to try.
I cannot forget it because that’s unforgettable experience for me.

Below are the conjunction in the text..

A Most days B Then

C The next day D Last Saturday

7. Introducing the participant, place and time is called ...

A Events B Recount

C Reorientation D Orientation

8. Which one is NOT the kinds of Recount text ?

A Analytical B Personal

C Historical D Factual

9. Personal comment can be found in ...

A Orientation B Events

C Reorientation D Resolution
10. Last week, my friend and I rode our bikes to the beach. It was only five kilometers
from our houses. It was quite windy and there was hardly anyone there. It surprised
us because there were always many people coming there on the weekends. So, we
had the beach on our own. We bought some hot chips, rode our bikes, played in the
water and sat
under the trees. We really had a great time.

“It was only five kilometers from our houses.” (line 1). The word “It” refers to….

A Chip B Beach

C House D Bike

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