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Welcome to CMNS 405 Good morning all I'm your host GURMEET, and today, we have a

very special episode lined up for you. We're delighted to be joined by a distinguished guest
who is not only a seasoned professional but also a driving force behind effective HR
strategies. Our guest today is a Human Resource Manager with a wealth of experience in
talent management, employee development, and workplace culture. Working AS SENIOR

We'll be diving into a captivating discussion with our guest, exploring the factors influencing
employee motivation, strategies for employee performance appraisals, promoting work-life
balance and insights into the impact of diversity and inclusion on organisational
performance. So, if you're an HR professional looking to gain valuable insights or someone
interested in the intricacies of talent management, you're in the right place.

Our goal is to bring you engaging conversations that offer actionable advice, and today is no
exception. Get ready to learn, be inspired, and discover new perspectives on HR in the
modern workplace.

Without further ado, let's welcome our esteemed Human Resource Manager guest. Thank
you SATINDERPAL SINGH for joining us today,

YOU already know about the questions lined up but I’ll introduce them to our listners. So lets
get started.

Question 1.
According to the needs theories of motivation, motivation is 'the willingness to apply high
levels of effort toward organisational goals, conditioned by the effort's ability to satisfy some
individual need'.

What are the key factors that influence the motivation of employees in your

1. Well, Recognition and reward go hand in hand and are some of the best ways
to motivate employees. You can praise your employees to let them know that
you appreciate and recognize their contributions. If employees put in extra
effort, just praise is not enough; you should reward them. When you provide
positive feedback to your employees for their work and behavior, they are more
likely to keep it up or repeat it.
2. Also, Employees feel motivated to work when they know there are
opportunities to grow.When employees are provided with a room to grow a
work ladder they can climb, they are more likely to be more motivated and
3. Financial benefits also motivate most employees in one way or the other.
Offering employees different opportunities to enjoy financial benefits boosts
their work incentive and motivation
4. As mentioned, all employees do not respond to the same motivating factors.
Even though most employees prefer monetary benefits, some simply prefer
non-monetary gains, gestures, and benefits
5. Ensuring your employees have a proper work-life balance and somewhat
flexible working schedule is a good motivator. If your employees are not
overworked and have a proper work-life balance, they are less likely to leave or
feel demotivated.
6. Last but not the least, Employees need a supportive, friendly, empowering
atmosphere to properly carry out their duties and responsibilities. If they face an
adverse work environment and don’t feel welcomed or appreciated, they will
quickly get demotivated.

Very well said and totally agree even as per Kuo (2013), a successful
organization must combine the strengths and motivations of internal
employees and respond to external changes and demand promptly to show
the organization's value.

Question 2. Moving Further, can you tell us about How does diversity and
inclusion impacts organisational performance in your company?

Diversity and inclusion have a profound impact on organisational performance

in several ways. To begin with,
1. Diverse teams bring a broader range of perspectives and experiences to the
table, fostering creativity and innovation. This leads to the development of new
ideas and solutions that can drive competitiveness and growth.

2. : A diverse workforce encourages more well-rounded decision-making.

Different viewpoints help to identify potential risks and opportunities that a
more homogenous group might overlook.

3. An inclusive approach to hiring and retention attracts a wider pool of talent,

allowing organizations to tap into a more extensive range of skills and
4. Inclusive environments where all employees feel valued and respected tend to
have higher levels of engagement, leading to increased productivity and reduced
5.Organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion often have a better public
image, making them more attractive to customers, investors, and partners

6. Diverse teams can better understand and empathize with a wide range of
customer experiences, leading to improved customer service and product

7.A diverse workforce can offer a broader set of skills and approaches for
resolving conflicts and tackling complex problems.

8. In essence, diversity and inclusion are not just about ethics and social
responsibility; they can directly impact an organization's bottom line by driving
innovation, improving decision-making, and creating a more engaged and
productive workforce.

Question Many scholars depict Employee performance appraisal, often referred

to as performance evaluation or review, is a critical component of effective
talent management within any organization. It serves as a structured process for
assessing and communicating an employee's job performance and contributions
to the organization. The significance of performance appraisal is multifaceted
and extends throughout the entire employee lifecycle, impacting not only
individual growth but also the broader success of the company.
So can you shed light on the whats the significance of Employee performance

Performance appraisals provide a structured opportunity for managers to

provide feedback to employees. Constructive feedback helps employees
understand their strengths and areas for improvement, contributing to their
professional development.

Appraisals often involve setting clear and specific performance goals for
employees. These goals help employees understand expectations and provide
direction for their work.
Recognizing and rewarding high performance during appraisals can boost
employee morale and motivation. It reinforces positive behaviors and
encourages employees to continue performing at their best.

Performance appraisals can align individual performance with the organization's

strategic objectives. This ensures that employees' work contributes to the overall
success of the company.

Appraisals reveal gaps in employee skills and knowledge, allowing HR and

managers to identify training needs and provide relevant development
opportunities Performance appraisals can identify high-potential employees for
leadership roles within the organization, aiding in succession planning.

When employees feel their contributions are recognized and their development
is supported, they are more likely to stay with the company. Performance
appraisals can serve as a legal record of an employee's performance and can be
used in cases of promotions, terminations, or legal disputes.

The appraisal process promotes open communication between employees and

managers, fostering a culture of transparency and trust. For underperforming
employees, appraisals offer a framework for setting expectations and improving
performance, which may help avoid termination

Regular performance discussions can increase employee engagement by

involving them in setting their own goals and career development. Performance
appraisals can inform compensation decisions, such as merit increases or

Yes it clearly point outs that performance appraisals play a vital role in
employee development, motivation, and the alignment of individual and
organizational objectives. When conducted effectively, they contribute to a more
engaged and productive workforce and help organizations achieve their goals.

Question 3 Indeed that's true. So, moving further, According to Harward

Business Review, The purpose of performance reviews is two-fold: an accurate
and actionable evaluation of performance, and then development of that
person’s skills in line with job tasks. Can you explain What practices your
company follow for conducting employee performance appraisals?

Conducting effective employee performance appraisals is essential for providing

feedback, setting goals, and improving workplace productivity. The best
practices for conducting successful performance appraisals is to

1.Review the employee's job description, goals, and previous performance

evaluations.Collect and review data and feedback on the employee's
performance, including self-assessments, peer reviews, and supervisor feedback.

Encourage employees to self-assess and provide their input.

Create a supportive environment for open and honest discussion

Clearly define the purpose and expectations of the performance

appraisal.Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART) goals.

Conduct appraisals regularly, such as annually, semi-annually, or

quarterly.Provide feedback throughout the year, not just during the formal

Provide specific, constructive feedback on the employee's strengths and areas

for improvement. Focus on observable behaviors and outcomes.

Acknowledge and appreciate the employee's achievements and contributions.

Reinforce positive behavior to motivate and retain top performers.

Collaboratively create a development plan with actionable steps to address areas

needing improvement.Identify training, resources, or mentorship opportunities
to support growth

Maintain records of the appraisal discussion, including agreed-upon goals and

action plans.This documentation can be useful for tracking progress and
addressing any future disputes.

Also, Apply the same standards and criteria to all employees.Avoid bias and
discriminatory practices. Train managers on how to conduct effective
performance appraisals.Equip them with the skills to provide feedback, facilitate
discussions, and set expectations
Ensure that the employee's goals align with the organization's overall
objectives.Connect individual performance to the broader mission of the

I’m sure By implementing these best practices, organizations can conduct more
effective and meaningful performance appraisals that contribute to employee
development and overall company success.

Question4. Furthermore, can you tell what strategies your company follows to
promote work-life balance among employees.

Promoting work-life balance among employees is crucial for their well-being

and productivity. We Introduce flexible working hours or telecommuting
options to allow employees to better manage their work schedules.

Implement generous PTO policies that include vacation, sick days, and personal
days Provide maternity and paternity leave, and support programs for
employees with caregiving responsibilities. We Offer wellness initiatives, such
as gym memberships, stress management classes, and health assessments.

Promote mental health awareness and provide access to counseling or Employee

Assistance Programs (EAPs). Educate employees about available work-life
balance resources and benefits.Monitor workloads and ensure that employees
are not consistently overburdened.

Moreover, we Set clear expectations regarding after-hours communication and

establish boundaries for email and work-related calls during personal time.
Offer time management and productivity training to help employees better
balance work and personal life Conduct surveys or seek feedback from
employees to understand their needs and preferences regarding work-life

Facilitate the creation of peer support groups or employee resource groups to

promote a sense of community and mutual assistance.Recognize and reward
employees who consistently maintain a healthy work-life balance Encourage
leaders and managers to set an example by actively demonstrating their own
commitment to work-life balance.

When possible, redistribute workloads among team members to prevent burnout

and ensure a fair distribution of tasks. We Promote a company culture that
values work-life balance and does not reward excessive overtime or burnout.
Workplace Design:

Creating comfortable and ergonomic workspaces that enhance employee

well-being. Helping employees resolve conflicts that may be affecting their
work-life balance, whether they are workplace-related or personal. Ensuring
that employees have easy access to the resources and support needed to address
work-life balance issues.

Indeed, the HR departments can play a central role in implementing these

strategies, and they should collaborate with senior management to create a
workplace culture that prioritizes and supports work-life balance, ultimately
benefiting both employees and the organization.

That brings us to the end of today's episode. We hope you enjoyed the conversation
and found it valuable Thank you for spending your valuable time with us Have a great

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