Political Sociology QUIZ (Chapter - Unit 1) Solved MCQs (Set-1)

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Political Sociology MCQs [set-1]

Chapter: Unit 1

1. The modern and developed society advocates

A. Charismatic authority
B. Traditional authority
C. Rational-legal authority
D. Gerontocracy
Answer: C

2. According to Karl Marx, main cause responsible for the emergence of social
class was-
o m
A. Economy
. c
B. Social
C. Religious
D. Politics
Answer: A q M
3. ‘The Protestant Ethic andM
the Spirit of Capitalism’ was written by
A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Georg Simmel
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer: B

4. The bourgeois are the

A. the working class
B. the labourers
C. the idealist
D. the capitalist
Answer: D

5. ‘Das Capital’ is written by –

A. Max Weber
B. Karl Marx
C. Lipset
D. Alexis de Tocqueville
Answer: B

6. Political Sociology is the study of the interrelation between

A. Society & Culture
B. Power & Politics
C. Politics & Society
D. Culture & Politics.
Answer: C

7. Which theory of Marx laid the foundation for the sociology of politics?
A. Economic determinism
B. Surplus Value
C. Alienation
D. Positivism
Answer: A

8. Political Sociology as a distinct subject emerged in the

A. 1920s
B. 1980s
C. 1990s
D. 1950s
Answer: D

9. According to Weber, in the modern western societies the bases of political

authority is
A. rational-legal authority
B. traditional authority
C. charismatic authority
D. symbolic authority
Answer: A

10. Political Sociology studies power, authority and legitimacy of state in relation to

A. Social relation

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B. Economic relation
C. Political relation
D. Physical relation
Answer: A

11. American Political Science Association was founded in

A. 1891
B. 1930
C. 1903
D. 1940
Answer: C

12. Political Sociology tries to explore how various social forces work together to
A. Social institutions
B. Political policies
C. Values
D. Social structures
Answer: B

13. Who among the following is regarded as the father of Political Sociology?
A. Max Weber
B. Auguste Comte
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Immanuel Kant
Answer: A

14. Who brought into focus issues concerning the nature of political power and its
relationship with social or economic organisation?
A. MacIver
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Karl Marx
Answer: D

15. Political Sociology focuses attention of the relationship between

A. Party & Politics

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B. State & Society
C. Culture & Values
D. Power & Politics
Answer: B

16. Political Sociology is ‘The study of political behaviour within a sociological

perspective of framework’ is a definition given by
A. Robert E Dowse & John Hughes
B. Michael Rush & Phillip Althoff
C. R Bendix
D. Keith Faulks
Answer: A

17. Max Weber examined the entrepreneurial drives of individuals in capitalist

economies in–
A. Economy and Society
B. Communist Manifesto
C. The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism
D. Das Capital
Answer: C

18. Modes of Production create social groups called –

A. Serfs
B. Castes
C. Estate
D. Classes
Answer: D

19. ‘Democracy in America’ was written by

A. Alexis de Tocquiville
B. Auguste Comte
C. Pierre Bourdieu
D. C Wright Mills
Answer: A

20. Which of the following is not Weber’s authority?

A. Traditional authority

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B. Charismatic authority
C. Rational- legal authority
D. Political authority
Answer: D

21. The following Authority is based on loyalty to the sacred attribute, heroic force
or commendable character
A. Rational-legal authority
B. Traditional authority
C. Charismatic authority
D. Political authority
Answer: C

22. According to Marx, the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of
A. Class struggle
B. Revolution
C. Feudalism
D. Slavery
Answer: A

23. The idea of political legitimacy is associated with

A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Davis and Moore
Answer: B

24. Which of the following is not an example of ‘traditional authority’?

A. Feudalism
B. Rule by elders
C. Patriarchy
D. Magistrate
Answer: D

25. Which of the following is not within the scope of Political Sociology?
A. Voting behaviour
B. Problem of Untouchability
C. Political decision making

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D. Problem of bureaucracy
Answer: B

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