Wildlife Sanctuary Vs National Park - Eco-Intelligent

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11/2/2019 Wildlife Sanctuary vs National Park – Eco-intelligent

National Park. Before an area is declared a National Park, the state

government must allocate land to people elsewhere, if there is someone
owning land within what is to become a national park.

The Chief Wildlife Warden can authorize the killing/hunting of an

animal/group of animals under special circumstances within a wildlife
sanctuary. This is not allowed in a National Park.

A wildlife sanctuary is generally larger than a national park, and can even
contain multiple national parks within its premises.

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11/2/2019 Wildlife Sanctuary vs National Park – Eco-intelligent

As you can see, there are many overlapping areas. Source: Google Images.

These differences are, of course, speci c to India, based on the Wildlife

Protection Act, 1972. They could apply to other countries as well, and there
may also be additional differences between these two protected areas,
depending on the legislation of the country in question.


1. http://www.wbbb.nic.in/Legislations/rules/The%20Wildlife%20(Protection)%20Act,%201972.pdf

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