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Q: Write a detailed essay on the principle of Ijtihad in Islam as given by

Allama Iqbal.

Subject: Political SciencePaper-1-CSS-PMS

By: Mr. Imran Zahoor
PhD Scholar of IR
WhatsApp: 0321-4800309

What is Ijtihad?

 Thoughtful interpretation of Islamic teachings by scholars to address and find the

solution of current problems not directly mentioned in traditional sources like the
Quran and Hadith.

 It involves the use of intellectual effort and scholarly analysis to derive legal
opinions and judgments. The concept of ijtihad is rooted in the belief that Islamic
law is dynamic and adaptable, capable of addressing the changing circumstances of
society. It is particularly important in Sunni Islam

Allama Iqbal and Concept of Ijtihad

 Allama Iqbal's contribution to the concept of Ijtihad in Islam has been highly
dominant and lasting.

 As a philosopher, poet, and political leader, Iqbal believed that Ijtihad was not
just the domain of religious scholars but a shared responsibility for the entire
Muslim community.
 He argued that Muslims should not be bound by the interpretations of the past but
should actively engage in the process of independent legal reasoning and
critical thinking to address contemporary challenges.

 Ijtihad, in Iqbal's view, is a dynamic and evolving process that enables Muslims to
adapt Islamic principles to the changing times, making Islam relevant and
practical in the modern world.

 Iqbal's emphasis on Ijtihad as a collective responsibility aligns with his vision of a

strengthened Muslim community capable of intellectual and spiritual growth.

 By encouraging Muslims to embrace Ijtihad, Iqbal empowered them to take an

active role in shaping their religious and social realities.

 He believed that through Ijtihad, Muslims could navigate the complexities of the
modern era while staying rooted in their faith and upholding the core values of

 Today, Allama Iqbal's ideas on Ijtihad continue to inspire Muslims worldwide,

encouraging them to seek innovative solutions to contemporary issues while
maintaining a strong connection to their religious principles and heritage.

Key Aspects of Iqbal Vision of Ijtihad

1-Empowering Muslim Intellectual and Spiritual Growth:

Allama Iqbal strongly believed that Ijtihad is not only crucial for the intellectual and
spiritual growth of the Muslim community but also for its overall progress.
 He argued that following blindly to past interpretations can hamper Muslims
creativity and ability to tackle current challenges of efficiently.
 By Iqbal, Ijtihad, on the other hand:
 Promote a vibrant approach to understand Islamic thought and
 Enabling Muslims to stay relevant to modern world.
 By continuously developing their understanding of Islamic principles through
Ijtihad, Muslims can adapt their faith to contemporary circumstances and
address new issues in innovative ways.

2-The Quran:Primary Source of Itihad

 For Allama Iqbal, the Quran stands as the primary source of Ijtihad.
 He encouraged Muslims to approach the Quran with a fresh and open-mind
perspective, seeking to know its universal messages beyond the limits of
traditional interpretations.

 Iqbal's call to engage directly with Muslims to acquire firsthand knowledge and
a deeper understanding of its teachings of Quran.

 By going outside inherited interpretations, Muslims can extract everlasting

principles from the Quran and apply them resourcefully to address the
challenges of the present Muslim Ummah.

 Allama Iqbal, in his book 'The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam,'


“The Quran as the primary source for Ijtihad, advice Muslims to

approach it with an open mind to develop timeless principles for
contemporary challenges."
3-Hadith and Sunnah in Ijtihad:

 Acknowledging the value of Hadith and Sunnah as additional sources of guidance,

Allama Iqbal also notified against rigid observance to these secondary sources.

 He recognized that not all Hadiths are equally reliable, and thus urged
scholars to subject them to critical analysis, ensuring their alignment
with the Quranic spirit and the broader objectives of Islamic teachings.

 Iqbal's approach encourages judgement and decision while Hadith and

Sunnah should be harmonized with the Quranic message.
By: Mr. Imran Zahoor
PhD Scholar of IR
Contact for More CSS-PMS Material
WhatsApp: 0321-4800309

4-Balance between Tradition and Modernity:

 Iqbal placed great importance on striking a balance between tradition and

modernity in the practicing Ijtihad.
 While respecting the rich legacy of Islamic scholarship, he asserted that
Muslims should not be chained by outdated interpretations.
 Instead, he advocated for an energetic and progressive approach to Ijtihad
that harmonizes the eternal values of Islam (Tauheed, justice, mercy,
knowledge and learning, forgiveness, moral and ethical conduct, respect
dversity) with the ever-evolving demands of the contemporary world.

 This approach can preserves Islamic traditions and allow Muslims to adapt
their faith to the present environment.
5-The Role of Scholars:

 According to Allama Iqbal, scholars play a pivotal role in driving the process of

 He believed that for Ijtihad to be effective, scholars should have an in-depth

understanding of classical Islamic disciplines like fiqah, tafseer, hadith, ethics,
and philosophy.
 Moreover, Iqbal emphasized the necessity for scholars to be well-versed in
modern sciences and disciplines, engage themselves in meaningful dialogue
with the modern world and bridge the gap between traditional knowledge and
contemporary information.

 The scholar's role, therefore can facilitate a productive exchange between

Islamic tradition and the challenges of the modern age.

6-Resistance to Ijtihad:

 Iqbal recognized the possibility of resistance to Ijtihad, particularly from

conservative circles within the Muslim community.

 He acknowledged that some might fear that embracing Ijtihad can lead to
deviations from established interpretations and practices of Islam.

 However, Iqbal encouraged Muslims to overcome such resistance by focusing on

the progressive aspects of Ijtihad.
 By promoting Ijtihad's potential for spiritual and intellectual growth, Muslims can
address these concerns and emphasize its role in enriching Islamic thought.
By: Mr. Imran Zahoor
PhD Scholar of IR
Contact for More CSS-PMS Material
WhatsApp: 0321-4800309

7-Adressing Social and Ethical Issues:

 For Allama Iqbal, Ijtihad is not confined solely to legal matters but extends to
broader social and ethical issues.

 He argued that Ijtihad should address critical challenges such as gender

equality, social justice, human rights, and the elimination of poverty.

 By applying Ijtihad to social problems, Muslims can contribute to build a just

and harmonious society, aligning their faith with principles of kindness,
fairness, forgiveness, social justice and equality.

8-Empowerment and Regeneration:

 Iqbal says that Ijtihad empowers Muslims with the ability to actively shape their
religious and social realities.
 Allama Iqbal viewed Ijtihad as a means of spiritual renewal, urging
Muslims to continuously seek divine guidance through independent
reasoning and a deeper connection with their faith.

 By engaging in Ijtihad, Muslims actions to adapt Islamic principles to the

contemporary world, transforming Islam into a living and evolving faith that
resounds with the aspirations and needs of contemporary society.
9-Promote Interfaith Dialogue:

 Allama Iqbal viewed Ijtihad as a powerful tool for promoting interfaith dialogue
and fostering mutual understanding and cohesion among diverse religious

 By engaging in critical thinking and reinterpreting Islamic teachings, Muslims

can effectively express the true essence of their faith, dispelling
misconceptions and building bridges with people of other faiths.

 This approach can promote peaceful coexistence and enhances global

harmony by cultivating an atmosphere of respect and tolerance among
followers of different religions.

10-Understanding of Diverse Perspectives

 Allama Iqbal recognized that Ijtihad allows to understand for diverse perspectives
within the Muslim community.

 He believed that embracing multiple viewpoints elevate intellectual growth

and facilitates a comprehensive understanding of Islamic principles.
 Iqbal encouraged Muslims to appreciate the diversity of interpretations arising
from Ijtihad, viewing it as a strength that enriches Islamic thought rather than a
source of division.
 Iqbal's perspective Ijtihad can be a source of strength rather than
division and can reinforce inter-faith and sects unity among Muslims.
11- Adapting Islam to Modern Challenges

 By Iqbal, Ijtihad enables Muslims to adapt to contemporary challenges, ensuring

Islam's relevancy and practicality with rapid changing world.
 Ensuring Relevance and Practicality: Iqbal believed that Ijtihad allowed
Islam to remain relevant and practical in a rapidly changing world by
addressing contemporary issues like technology, the environment, and
global socio-political challenges.
 Independent Reasoning for Creative Solutions : Ijtihad empowers Muslims
to employ independent reasoning, find creative solutions of modern
problems, which align with Islamic values and principles.


In conclusion, Allama Iqbal's advocacy for the concept of Ijtihad in Islam has left a profound
and lasting impact on the Muslim world. His vision of Ijtihad as a collective responsibility and
a dynamic process has inspired Muslims to embrace critical thinking and adapt Islamic
principles to the challenges of the modern era. By emphasizing the Quran as the primary
source and encouraging discernment in the usage of Hadith and Sunnah, Iqbal promoted a
holistic approach to Ijtihad that balances tradition with the demands of contemporary times.
His ideas have empowered Muslims to actively participate in shaping their religious and
social realities, fostering a sense of renewal and intellectual growth within the Muslim
ummah. Today, Allama Iqbal's teachings on Ijtihad continue to serve as a guiding light,
guiding Muslims towards a more enlightened, relevant, and harmonious expression of their
faith in the global community.

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