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1. Match the correct word according to the images:

Ozone layer / biohazard / oil slick / sewer / dam

Coal / dump / landfill / waste / greenhouse effect

a) ___________________ f) ___________________
b) ___________________ g) ___________________
c) ___________________ h) ___________________
d) ___________________ i) ___________________
e) ___________________ j) ___________________


2. translate the words into Portuguese:

Environmental disasters:
a. Flood
b. Hurricane
c. Drought
d. Landslides /mudslides
e. Earthquake
f. Tidal wave
g. Oil-slick / oils spill
h. Fallout

b. Natural word:
a. Leaf / Leaves
b. Tide
c. Woods
d. Brook
e. Stream
f. Plain
g. Plateau
h. Hive
i. Lawn
j. Rubber
k. Twig
l. Tide
m. Shore

c. weather
a. dull
b. damp
c. drizzle
d. hail

Natally Borges Moura - - IP:

Colégio Protágoras
g. Mild
H. Chilly
I. foogy
J dry

3) Os desastres naturais, de forma geral, faz com que vários debates sobre as condições climáticas sejam estabelecidos.
De acordo com o texto a seguir, suas causas são

The horror of Environmental Disasters

Chemical Spills, Earthquakes, War, Floods, Hurricanes, Landslides, Monsoons, Nuclear Disasters, Oil
Spills, Tidal Waves, Tornadoes, Volcanoes, Wildfires. One could never imagine the list to be this long. A
horrifying fact.

An environmental disaster is a disaster is caused by adverse human activity. The impact of humans interference of the eco-
system has led to stark damage to the planet and the its environment.
Chemical Spills refer to industrial and toxic waste onto land and water which affects the Earth’s environment adversely. Oil spill is
the release of oil (crude oil, refined petroleum products or by-products, oily refuse, oil mixed in waste, or oily ballast) into the
natural environment. The term often refers to marine oil spills where oil is released into the ocean or coastal waters.
While more and more nations are building up on their advance weaponry and nuclear arms, there is little to prevent environmental
disaster should these weapons of mass destruction be used. Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be obliterated, beneath the mass graves
of the global nuclear aftermath.
Nature has always had its way of balancing its Environmental balance. Natural disasters like Avalanche, Hurricanes, Tropical
cyclones, Typhoons, Hailstorms, Heat waves, Ice storms, Landslides and Mudslides, Tornadoes, Tsunamis and Wildfires occur in
frequent intervals around the globe and cause substantial damage and human loss.

However, they have also been Nature’s way of balancing over-population and over-proliferation of all life

But thanks to gross human indifference to the negative effects of development and negligence towards enviroment protection, the
world today is a sorry place to live in. These natural disasters are no longer triggered off by Nature herself but by human activities.
Abnormal usage of the planet’s reserves has accelerated the depletion of natural resources. This in turn has caused complex
fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and surface temperatures which is changing weather patterns across the globe. Global
warming is fast on the rise, with melting glaciers and fierce storms threatening to submerge the planet.
It’s race against time now. We have to take decisive action today to stop global warming, even though we too late to prevent future
generations from realising effects of the damage already done.
a. Fruto de uma política desastrosa
b. Resultado exclusivamente da ação do homem
c. Efeitos colaterais do modelo econômico
d. Apesar de causar danos, é uma maneira que a natureza encontra para o equilíbrio
da terra
e. Podem ser previamente evitados e so ocorrem por negligencia civil

4) Entre os eventos climáticos abaixo, qual não é mencionado

a) Furacões
b) Aquecimento global
c) Enchente
d) Terremoto
e) Maremoto

-2- Wesley Liah

Natally Borges Moura - - IP:
Colégio Protágoras
5) According to the comics the possible explanation to the Human Error is totally related to:

a) Philosophy and sociology

b) Education and investments
c) Political matters
d) Evolution Theory
e) Investments

6) The expression “Potty- Trained” is the same as :

a) Frustrated
b) Rioters
c) Terminators
d) Beginners
e) Creatures

ENEM: 2017

A proposta da capa da revista, associando aspectos verbais e visuais, transmite a seguinte mensagem
A) O combate aos problemas decorrentes do aquecimento global é visto como uma guerra.
B) O aquecimento global é mundialmente considerado um problema insuperável e irreversível.
C) O problema do aquecimento global poderá ser solucionado com a ajuda do Exército.
D) As grandes guerras provocaram devastação, o que contribuiu para o aquecimento global.
E) O Exército está trabalhando no processo de reposição de árvores em áreas devastadas.

Enem 2015

A emissão de gases tóxicos na atmosfera traz diversas consequências para nosso planeta.
De acordo com o gráfico, retirado do texto Global warming is an international issue, observa-se que:
A) A as queimadas poluem um pouco mais do que os combustíveis usados nos meios de transporte.
B) as residências e comércios são os menores emissores de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera.
C) o processo de tratamento de água contribui para a emissão de gases poluentes no planeta.
D) os combustíveis utilizados nos meios de transportes poluem mais do que as indústrias.
E) os maiores emissores de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera são as usinas elétricas.

-3- Wesley Liah

Natally Borges Moura - - IP:

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