(AC-S09) Ingles 3

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Jennifer Yanira Barcenes Perez U21226785

Miguel Angel Carhuancho Romero U22318806
Katherin Ariane Portocarrero Vallejos U21300975


The Muki or the Mining Goblin
Now we are going to talk about one of the most recognized legends of the
Peruvian Andes, it is the story that tells the story of a tiny creature, known as
Muki, feared for its habit of taking unbaptized children.
According to legend, Muki was a gnome-like dwarf whose head was fused with
his body, had blonde hair and a long gray beard. What distinguishes this
character is his tendency to wander around the mining areas, hiding the
workers' precious tools and minerals.

This legend begins in a mine near Pucayacu-Huánuco, the son of one of the
miners mysteriously disappeared. Fearing the worst, the father embarked on a
search to locate him, painstakingly searching every corner of the city. After
several hours of tireless exploration, he finally encountered his son, who was
participating in a playful activity with another child.

The miner's happiness did not last long, because, as he approached, he
realized that those stones were actually small nuggets of gold and that the other
child was the feared Muki. Immediately, the man grabbed his leash, tied the
creature and locked it in a trunk. In exchange for his freedom, the goblin gave
him a chest of gold so he could escape. After a few days, the child became
seriously ill, acquiring very pale skin, so the father took him to a church to be
baptized, and this is how our legend ends.

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