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26th February 2021

Medical Imaging I
Assignment No 1
a. In stationary anode X ray tube, calculate the size of apparent focal spot when actual focal
spot is 1.5mm and anode angle is 14.5
b. Find minimum wavelength that can be produced by an electron with energy 150Kev
c. What is the shortest wavelength that can be produced in X ray tube when potential
difference across the tube is 128Kvp
d. A photon of wavelength 0.390 A with an energy of 100KeV is deflected at an angle of 60
degrees due to Compton scattering. What will be its deflected wavelength?
e. Find out the frequencies of light emission, which has wavelengths of: 1. 7000 A, 2. 4000A,
f. What will be the energy of EM Radiation in KeV for above-mentioned wavelengths?
g. Prove relation between Energy and Wavelength
h. The actual focal spot of stationary type target is 0.438mm. Due to line focus principle, the
change in focal length is 0.096mm. Find anode angle
i. For 115 number of turns in an autotransformer, the supply voltage is 230V. How many
turns are required for achieving-
1. 540V 2. 780V
With 50 turns what will be the effective voltage?
a. Heel effect becomes prominent when focal spot-film distance increases
b. Higher the atomic number of the target material, greater the efficiency of X ray generation
c. When electron is tightly bound then it is likely to take part in photoelectric reaction
d. apparent focal spot is smaller than actual focal spot
e. Photon energy generated by General radiation is greater than the characteristic radiation
f. Increasing Kvp across the X ray tube increases the photon energy
g. In rotating anode, absorption of heat by anode assembly is undesirable
h. The intensity of X ray beam that leaves the X ray tube is not uniform throughout
i. Maximum energy of X rays produced is independent of the Kvp applied
j. Due to film fog, there is loss of useful information
k. Photoelectric effect is bad for patients’ safety but goof for radiologists
l. Scatter radiation from Compton scattering is not a safety hazard

Q. 3. With a suitable block diagram, explain Mammography. Add a note on various field
views involved in breast imaging.
Q. 4. Differentiate between CR and DR
Q. 5. Illustrate the term Live Imaging and describe the construction and working of Image
Intensifier Tube.

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