Ahw3 - Unit 2 Vocabulary List - 108-1

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American Headway 3

Unit 2 Vocabulary

1. lifeguard n. someone whose job at a beach or swimming pool is to help swimmers who
救生員 are in danger
My dream is to be a lifeguard.
2. recruit v. to hire or convince someone to be part of your company or organization; to
招募 persuade someone to do something for you
I recruited three of my friends to help me move.
3. entrepreneur n. someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves
企業家,創業者 seeing a new opportunity
He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made their money in
4. energize v. to make someone feel energetic or eager
使有活力;激勵 I felt very energized after my holiday.
5. priority n. something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things
優先考慮的事 The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority.
6. intrigue v. to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or
使很感興趣 mysterious
Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether
there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
7. obsessed adj. unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about
心神不寧的;著迷 something
的;困擾的 Why are people so obsessed with money?
8. decompress (n) mainly use as informal to mean “relax”
(使)放鬆 After two weeks' hiking we'll need a few days to decompress.
9. casual adj. informal
(衣服)休閒的; Casual clothes are not formal or not suitable for special occasions
10. iron v. to make clothes flat and smooth
熨(衣) It takes about five minutes to iron a shirt properly.
11. stress sb out v. to make someone feel very nervous and worried
使緊張;使焦慮不 Interviews always stress me out.

12. poke around v. move things around or search in a casual way to try to find something
閒逛 I poke around in my desk to see if the letter was there.
13. eliminate v. to remove or take away someone or something
排除;消除;清除 We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident.
14. spouse n. a person's husband or wife
配偶 In 60 percent of the households surveyed both spouses went out to work.
15. evaluate v. to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of
評估,評價 something
The effects of the drug on patients' behaviour is extremely difficult to
16. screwdriver n. a tool for turning screws, consisting of a handle joined to a metal rod
螺絲起子 shaped at one end to fit in the cut in the top of the screw
Will you go and fetch me a screwdriver , please ?
17. suburb n. an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the
近郊住宅區 town or city often live
The company decided to relocate to the suburbs because the rent was
much cheaper.
18. drill n. a tool or machine which makes holes
鑽頭 I need a drill to put up this bookshelf.
19. racket n. a sports implement used to strike a ball in various games
(網球等)球拍 Tennis rackets and balls are provided.
20. zoom v. 將(畫面) (of a camera) change smoothly from a long shot to a close-up or vice versa
推近(或拉遠) The camera zoomed in for a close-up of his face.
21. sketch v. to draw very quickly; to describe roughly or briefly or give the main points
草擬 or summary of
I always sketch with pen and paper.
22. meditate v. to sit or lie comfortably and try to clear or empty your mind; to reflect
沉思,冥想,默 deeply on a subject
想,打坐 I was meditating, and reached a higher state of consciousness.
23. situate v. determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or
使位於,使處於… by a survey; locate
地位(位置) The council are trying to decide where to situate the new hospital.
24. apron n. a piece of clothing that you wear over the front of other clothes to keep the
會議; 討論會; clothes clean
討論, 會談 She tied an apron around her waist.
25. diagram n. drawing intended to explain how something works; a drawing showing the
圖表; 圖解; relation between the parts
v. He drew a diagram to explain his theory.
(曲)線圖; 示圖 The architect diagramed the floor plan to show how he would divide the
office space.
26. recipe n. a set of instructions for making or preparing something,
醫用處方;食譜; 訣竅 especially a food dish
When I make pies, I don’t need to follow a recipe.
27. weed n. any wild plant that grows in a garden or field where it is not wanted;
n. 雜草 v. to root out or remove
v. 清除; 除掉(雜草) We have to weed out unqualified applicants.
28. broadcaster n. a company which sends out television or radio programs; someone who
廣播(或電視)公司; speaks on radio or television programs
廣播員 My sister has always wanted to be a broadcaster.
29. buzz n. v. a low, vibrating, humming sound, as of bees, machinery, or people talking;
(蜂等)嗡嗡叫; (機器 to make a low, vibrating, humming sound;
等)唧唧響; 嘰嘰喳喳 She tried to kill the fly buzzing around her head.
n.流言 a rumor or report
There is a lot of buzz surrounding Brad Pitt’s new movie.
30. documentary Adj. derived from documents
adj. He claims to be a direct descendant, but he gives no documentary
文件的; 依據文件的 evidence.
n. N. a movie that is based on real events or information – not a made-up
纪录片 story
Supersize Me is a very popular documentary about fast food.
31. peel v. to strip (something) of its skin
削去...的皮 His job was to peel potatoes.
32. personnel n. a body of persons employed in an organization or place of work; staff
人員 All personnel of the company are eligible for the retirement plan.
33. accomplish v. complete; to conclude successfully; to manage to do; achieve
完成, 實現, 達到 The soldier didn’t accomplish the mission, but he died trying.
34. catch up on v.
to find out about something; to do whatever you have not had time to do
得到...消息,趕完;彌 Most folks stop here for a cup of coffee while they catch up on the day's
補 news.
35. mild adj. moderate in type or degree or effect or force
溫柔、溫和的 He is the mildest man alive.
36. A. spice(s) n.A. any of a variety of pungent aromatic vegetable substances used for
調味品、香料 flavoring food
B. spicy adj. My favorite spice is pepper.
辛辣的、有加香料的 B. producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves
Seven spices powder tastes a little spicy.
37. occasion n. - a particular time; a particular event; a favorable chance or opportunity;
n.特殊的大事; 場合 cause or reason
機會; 理由原因 v. - bring about
v.導致; 招惹; 引起 n. - I have met Kevin on two occasions.
v. - The new plan occasioned quarrels.
38. shift (n.) a person's scheduled period of work, especially the portion of the day
輪班 scheduled as a day's work when a shop, service, office, or industry
operates continuously during both the day and night
I was on the night shift that day.
39. very particular about having very definite opinions about what is good or acceptable
s/th ph. She is very particular about what she eats.
40. reckon v. to estimate; to make a calculation
估計,測量 We didn't reckon for the weather turning bad so suddenly.
41. Office jobs:  accountant
 Human Resources (HR) manager
 Managing Director (MD) or Senior Director
 Personal Assistant (PA)
 Information Technology (IT) manager
 Sales Director

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