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Moods and Emotions

Assignment (CLO-1)

NAME: Arub Shahzad Enrollment no: 01-134201-016

Recall a specific personal experience where your emotions played a significant role in your
decision-making process. Reflect on how your emotions influenced your choices and ethical
considerations. In light of what we've discussed in class about moods, emotions, and ethical
decision-making, please answer the following questions:

1. Describe the Experience: Provide a brief overview of the experience. What was the
situation, and what emotions were you feeling at the time?

During my time at university, I encountered a situation where I was chosen as a group

leader for a significant group project. I was feeling a mix of emotions at the time,
including excitement for the leadership opportunity and anxiety about the responsibility
that came with it. This project was a substantial part of our course, and I knew its success
or failure could impact both my grade and the grades of my fellow group members. The
excitement stemmed from the chance to lead, make a positive impact, and develop
leadership skills. Simultaneously, the anxiety was driven by the weight of the
responsibility, the potential for conflicts within the group, and the fear of letting my peers

2. Emotional Impact: Explain how your emotions influenced your thinking and decision-
making during the experience. Were your emotions positive or negative? How did they
affect your perception of the situation?

My emotions were a blend of positive and negative feelings. The excitement positively
influenced my dedication and motivation as a group leader. However, the anxiety
introduced concerns and self-doubt, affecting my decision-making, and making me
cautious in my approach to the role. Balancing these emotions was crucial during the
3. Rational Considerations: Reflect on whether rationality played a role in your decision-
making process. Did you consciously consider the pros and cons of your choices, or were
your decisions primarily driven by emotions?

I consciously weighed the pros and cons of being a group leader. I considered the
potential benefits in terms of leadership experience and academic performance.
Simultaneously, I evaluated the time and effort required for the role. While emotions
were present, my decisions were not primarily driven by emotions, but rather by a
rational assessment of the situation and its potential outcomes.

4. Ethical Dilemma: Analyze if there was an ethical dilemma or moral conflict within the
experience. Did you have to balance your emotions with ethical considerations or moral
values? If so, how did you navigate this balance?

While there wasn't necessarily an ethical dilemma, there was a moral conflict within the
experience. I had to balance my emotions and personal goals with ethical considerations
and moral values. My responsibility as a group leader demanded fairness, collaboration,
and respect for my team members. I navigated this balance by striving to be a responsible
leader while maintaining a sense of fairness and integrity throughout the project.
Although the conflict was not as pronounced as an ethical dilemma, it required a delicate
balance to ensure that my leadership was both effective and ethical.

5. Outcome and Reflection: Share the outcome of the experience and how you feel about the
decisions you made in hindsight. Do you believe the choices you made were ethical and
rational? What have you learned from this experience?

I believe my choices were both ethical and rational. Accepting the role of group leader
allowed me to develop leadership skills and contribute to the project's success. I learned
the importance of balancing emotions with ethical values and the value of maintaining
integrity in leadership.
Submission Guidelines:

Reflect on a personal experience that you feel comfortable sharing.

Be honest and self-reflective in your responses.

Avoid copying content from internet sources/ chat gpt.

Word count – min 500 words

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