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BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

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Kinetic modeling of glucose central metabolism in hepatocytes and T

hepatoma cells
Álvaro Marín-Hernándeza, , Juan Carlos Gallardo-Péreza, Marco Antonio Reyes-Garcíaa,

Marcela Sosa-Garrochob, Marina Macías-Silvab, Sara Rodríguez-Enríqueza,

Rafael Moreno-Sáncheza, Emma Saavedraa,

Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología, Mexico City 14080, Mexico
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City 04510, Mexico


Keywords: Background: Kinetic modeling and control analysis of a metabolic pathway may identify the steps with the
Glycogen synthase highest control in tumor cells, and low control in normal cells, which can be proposed as the best therapeutic
Glycogen phosphorylase targets.
Phosphoglucomutase Methods: Enzyme kinetic characterization, pathway kinetic modeling and control analysis of the glucose central
Hexose-6- phosphate isomerase
metabolism were carried out in rat (hepatoma AS-30D) and human (cervix HeLa) cancer cells and normal rat
Metabolic Control Analysis
Results: The glycogen metabolism enzymes in AS-30D, HeLa cells and hepatocytes showed similar kinetic
properties, except for higher AS-30D glycogen phosphorylase (GP) sensitivity to AMP. Pathway modeling in-
dicated that fluxes of glycogen degradation and PPP were mainly controlled by GP and NADPH consumption,
respectively, in both hepatocytes and cancer cells. Likewise, hexose-6-phosphate isomerase (HPI) and phos-
phoglucomutase (PGM) exerted significant control on glycolysis and glycogen synthesis fluxes in cancer cells but
not in hepatocytes. Modeling also indicated that glycolytic and glycogen synthesis fluxes could be strongly
decreased when HPI and PGM were simultaneously inhibited in AS-30D cells but not in hepatocytes.
Experimental assessment of these predictions showed that both the glycolytic and glycogen synthesis fluxes of
AS-30D cells, but not of hepatocytes, were inhibited by oxamate, by inducing increased Fru1,6BP levels, a
competitive inhibitor of HPI and PGM.
Conclusion: HPI and PGM seem suitable targets for decreasing glycolytic and glycogen synthesis fluxes in AS-30D
cells but not in hepatocytes.
General significance: The present study identified new therapeutic targets within glucose central metabolism in
the analyzed cancer cells, with no effects on non-cancer cells.

1. Introduction mechanisms in cancer [1–6]. Glycogen allows cells to contend with

nutritional stress and also acts as an osmotically silent polymer for
One of the typical characteristics that distinguish cancer cells from glucose storage. In diverse human tumors (kidney, colon, rectum) [3,4]
normal cells is an accelerated glycolysis. However, other pathways of and cancer cell lines [7], high levels of glycogen in comparison to
the glucose central catabolism such as glycogen metabolism also show normal cells and tissues have been reported. The increase in glycogen
changes in the expression of enzyme isoforms and regulatory content correlates with a high activity of glycogen synthase (GS) in

Abbreviations: 2-DG, 2-deoxy-glucose; DHAP, dihydroxyacetone phosphate; Ery4P, erythrose-4-phosphate; Fru6P, fructose-6-phosphate; Fru1,6BP, fructose-1,6-
bisphosphate; Fru2,6BP, fructose-2,6- bisphosphate; Glc, glucose; GLUT, glucose transporter; Glc1P, glucose-1-phosphate; Glc6P, glucose-6-phosphate; Glc6PDH,
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; 6PG, 6-phosphogluconate; 6PGDH, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase; G3P, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; Glc16BP, glucose-
1,6-bisphosphate; GS, glycogen synthase; GP, glycogen phosphorylase; GR, glutathione reductase; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; HPI, hexose phosphate isomerase;
HK, hexokinase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; NDK, nucleoside diphosphate kinase; PPP, pentose phosphate pathway; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate; PGM, phos-
phoglucomutase; PYK, pyruvate kinase; Pyr, pyruvate; UGP, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase; UDP-Glc, UDP-glucose; Xu5P, xylulose-5-phosphate

Corresponding authors at: Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, Departamento de Bioquímica, Juan Badiano No. 1, Col. Sección XVI, Tlalpan, Mexico
City 14080, Mexico.
E-mail addresses: (Á. Marín-Hernández), (E. Saavedra).
Received 8 January 2020; Received in revised form 28 June 2020; Accepted 20 July 2020
Available online 23 July 2020
0304-4165/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

human renal clear cell carcinomas [3]. In addition, some cancer cells conditions (normoxia/hypoxia; hyper- normo- or hypo-glycemia) and
(Ehrlich ascites, HT29) are not sensitive to glucagon and epinephrine, among different cancer cell lines, previous results have indicated that
the main hormones that stimulate glycogen degradation [2] or to in- the same steps preserve the main flux control of cancer glycolysis, but
sulin that induces glycogen synthesis [8]. with variable high values [13,14].
A high glycogen level: (i) improves cancer cell survival under stress Then, the aims of the present study were (i) to produce a detailed
conditions such as hypoxia [9,10]; (ii) correlates with radio-resistance biochemical characterization of the glycogen metabolism in malignant
and metastasis [11,12]; and (iii) may exert significant control on the human (HeLa) and rat (AS-30D) cancer cells and (ii) to build an ex-
glycolytic flux through its degradation [13,14]. For these reasons, tar- perimental- and mechanism-based kinetic model platform of glucose
geting of glycogen metabolism could provide a novel strategy for an- central metabolism in cancer cells that includes, in addition to glyco-
ticancer treatment. lysis, the glycogen metabolism and the initial reactions of PPP. As some
The changes in glycogen metabolism of cancer cells can be attrib- of the enzymes of glucose metabolism in cancer cells have changed
uted to activation of some oncogenes (Rab25) and/or transcriptional their mechanisms of regulation (e.g. decreased sensitivity to physiolo-
factors (HIF-1α). Rab25 oncogene induces glycogen storage in ovarian gical inhibitors, lower affinity for products), due to expression of iso-
cancer cells to maintain ATP levels during starvation [15], whereas forms that differ from those found in normal cells [25], the experi-
HIF-1α is a positive transcriptional regulator of the genes encoding mental analyses were also performed in fasted and fed hepatocytes, as
enzymes of glycogen synthesis such as phosphoglucomutase (PGM), control.
UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGP), glycogen branching enzyme Furthermore, the multi-pathway modeling analysis indicated that
and GS [9,10]. Furthermore, expression of the GS1 (muscle) isoform has HPI and PGM exert significant control on glycolytic and glycogen
been described in rat hepatomas [1]. In turn, prolonged hypoxia in- synthesis fluxes, respectively in cancer cells (AS-30D) but not in normal
duces glycogen phosphorylase (GP) expression by a HIF-1α in- cells (rat fed hepatocytes). This observation suggested that both en-
dependent mechanism [9]. It has been reported the dominant expres- zymes could be suitable therapeutic targets to specifically inhibit the
sion of the brain-type GP isoform (GPB) in human colorectal glucose metabolism in cancer cells.
carcinomas and gastric cancer [5]. GPB is also predominantly expressed
in 59 human cell lines of diverse origin, where low or null levels of liver 2. Materials and methods
(GPL) and muscle (GPM) isoforms are observed [6]. The GPB isoform is
poorly activated by phosphorylation and is more sensitive to direct 2.1. Chemicals
activation by AMP than the liver and muscle isoforms [16]. In con-
sequence, glycogen degradation becomes stimulated in cancer cells by ATP, ADP, AMP, alanine, CaCl2, EGTA, Ery4P, Fru6P, Fru1,6BP,
nutritional stress conditions such as hypoglycemia and hypoxia. Hence, Glc, Glc1P, Glc6P, Glc16BP, glycogen, Hepes, IGEPAL NP40, KCl, KOH,
the different kinetic properties of the GP and GS isoforms expressed in L-lactate, Mops, NaCl, NADP+, NADH, Na2SO4, MgCl2, oxamate, PEP,
cancer cells suggest changes and adjustments in the mechanisms of phenylalanine, SDS, sodium deoxycholate, Tris-HCl, UDP-Glc, 6PG, Pi
control and regulation of the glycogen synthesis and degradation and PPi were purchased from Sigma Chemical (St. Louis, MO, USA).
pathways. Glc6P, PGM, HK, Glc6PDH, PYK and LDH were purchased from Roche
To understand how the glycogen metabolism in cancer cells is (Mannheim, Germany).
controlled, kinetic metabolic modeling and the fundamentals of
Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA) can be applied. Kinetic modeling of a 2.2. Isolation of cancer and liver cells
metabolic pathway integrates detailed kinetic properties of individual
pathway enzymes and transporters into a computational model able to AS-30D hepatoma cells were isolated as described elsewhere
simulate the metabolite concentrations and pathway fluxes found in a [13,26]. Hepatocytes were isolated by perfusion of isolated liver with
cell under different physiological conditions. collagenase IV (Worthington; Lakewood, NJ, USA) from ad libitum fed
Several kinetic models of glucose central metabolism in liver and or 24 h-fasted male Wistar rats of 200–250 g weight [27]. HeLa cells
heart have been reported [17–22]. Some of these models are restricted were cultured as described previously [14]. The cellular viability as-
to a single direct pathway such as the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) sayed by trypan blue exclusion was ≥90% (AS-30D and HeLa cells) and
[19]. In addition, these models have been built with kinetic parameters 80–85% (hepatocytes). Animal manipulation was carried out in ac-
collected from the literature and hence determined under different cordance with the recommendations stated by the Mexican Official
conditions of pH, temperature and assay medium, or by parameter Standard NOM-062-ZOO-1999 norm.
optimization to fit metabolite and flux data [17–22]. Furthermore, in
the kinetic models where all relevant pathways of glucose central me- 2.3. Western blot assays
tabolism were incorporated [17,18,20–22], analysis of the steps that
exert control of the pathway fluxes has not been generally undertaken. Cytosol-enriched fractions of cancer and normal cells (7–14 mg of
The simultaneous interplay among the different components of a cytosolic protein) were suspended in RIPA lysis buffer (1× PBS pH 7.2,
pathway (i.e., all enzymes, transporters and metabolites) can reveal the 1% IGEPAL NP40, 0.1% SDS and 0.05% sodium deoxycholate) plus
intrinsic properties and mechanisms that control both the pathway flux 2.5 mM phenyl methanesulfonyl fluoride and 1 tablet of complete
and intermediary metabolite concentrations, and this can be carried out protease inhibitors cocktail (Roche; Mannheim, Germany;
by MCA [13,23,24]. Thus, experimentally validated kinetic metabolic 11697498001). Fifty μg protein of detergent-dissolved cytosol-enriched
models that perform MCA allow elucidation of the mechanisms by fractions were further re-suspended in loading buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl
which a metabolic pathway is controlled and identify which enzymes pH 6.8, 2% SDS, 10% glycerol, 0.002% bromophenol blue plus 5% β-
and transporters exert, and which others do not have, leading roles in mercaptoethanol) and loaded onto a 10 or 12.5% polyacrylamide gel
the pathway function. With this approach, the enzymes and transpor- under denaturing conditions. After SDS-PAGE separation, the proteins
ters with the highest control in cancer cells, but low control in normal were blotted onto PVDF membranes (Merck Millipore; Darmstadt,
cells, are identified and they can be proposed as the best and most Germany; IPVH00010) followed by immunoblotting at 4 °C overnight.
adequate therapeutic targets. The following primary antibodies (1:500 or 1:1000 dilution) were used:
The main controlling steps of glycolysis in human (HeLa) and rat anti-PGM (Abcam; Cambridge, MA, USA; ab173588), anti-UGP (Abcam,
(AS-30D) cancer cells were previously identified through kinetic mod- ab57686), anti-GS (Abcam, ab40867), anti-GP (Abcam, ab88078) and
eling and MCA [13,14]. Although the flux control coefficient values of anti-α-tubulin (Santa Cruz Biotechnology; Santa Cruz, CA, USA; sc-
the main controlling steps might vary, depending on the environmental 5286). Hybridization bands were revealed with the corresponding

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

secondary antibodies conjugated with peroxidase (Santa Cruz different fixed-variable concentrations of the second substrate and vice
Biotechnology; sc-2005 and sc-2317). The signal was detected by versa. In order to obtain the Ki and Ka values, inhibitors, activators and
chemi-luminiscence using the ECL-Plus detection system (Amersham; substrates were also varied at different concentrations. To calculate the
Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, UK; RPN2232). Densitometric ana- kinetic parameters (Vmax, Km, Ka, α, β, Ki), the experimental data were
lyses were performed with the Scion Image Software (Scion; Bethesda, fitted by non-linear regression analysis to either the Michaelis-Menten,
MD, USA). non-essential mixed type activation, essential mixed type activation, or
To evaluate the phosphorylation status of GP, proteins were im- simple competitive inhibition equations [28], using the Microcal Origin
muno-precipitated by incubating the cytosol-enriched fractions of AS- v. 5 software.
30D, HeLa, fasted and fed hepatocytes with the anti-GP antibody (1 μg)
plus protein A (Sigma-Aldrich; P3391) for 1 h. Then, phosphorylation 2.5. Fluxes and metabolite concentrations
was detected with anti-P-Ser antibody (Q5Phospho-Ser 1:100) (Qiagen;
Venlo, Netherlands; 37430) following the manufacturer instructions. Suspensions of AS-30D cells (15 mg cell protein/mL) were incubated
Densitometry analysis was performed using the Scion Image Software. in Krebs-Ringer (125 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 1.4 mM CaCl2,
1 mM KH2PO4, 25 mM HEPES, pH 7.4) medium under orbital shaking at
2.4. Enzyme activities 150 rpm and 37 °C. After 1 min, a cellular sample was withdrawn
(t = 0), the remaining cell suspension was divided in two and one of
To evaluate enzyme activities in whole cell extracts of AS-30D, them was supplemented with glucose (1–30 mM) whereas the other
hepatocytes and HeLa, the cells were disrupted by freezing in liquid N2 served as control (no glucose added). Samples were collected after 7.5,
and thawing at 37 °C by three times. The enzyme activities were de- 15, 30 and 60 min and immediately mixed with ice-cold perchloric acid
termined as described below by using 0.01–0.2 mg of cell protein. (3% v/v), vortexed and centrifuged at 1800xg for 1 min at 4 °C. The
Cytosol-enriched fractions of cancer and liver cells were obtained ac- supernatants were neutralized with 3 M KOH/0.1 M Tris and stored at
cording to Marín-Hernández et al. [27]. In all enzyme determinations, −72 °C until use for determination of ATP, AMP, DHAP, Glc1P, Glc6P,
control reactions were undertaken to assess assay specificity by omit- Glc1,6BP, G3P, Fru6P, Fru1,6BP, PEP, Pyr, UDP-Glc, PPi and L-lactate
ting one of the enzyme's specific substrates; this spurious activity, if contents as described by Bergmeyer [29]. In AS-30D cells, total lactate
any, was subtracted from the activity attained with the complete re- production did not require correction provided by 2-deoxyglucose in-
action mix. The reaction was determined under conditions of initial hibition (lactate produced by glycolysis) because lactate production by
velocity (no product accumulation) and excess of coupling enzymes, endogenous substrates is negligible in the absence of added glucose
which prevented product transformation by other enzymes present in [27]. For determination of Glc1P and UDP-Glc content, it was required
the cell extract. Furthermore, it was ensured linearity of the activities to use a spectrofluorometer instead of a spectrophotometer. For gly-
with respect to cell protein added and that the reaction was linear for cogen determination, cellular samples (500 μL), withdrawn at the same
several minutes. times indicated before, were centrifuged at 20,800 xg for 20 s. The cell
Enzyme activities were determined in KME buffer (120 mM KCl, pellets were frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at 70 °C until use. Gly-
20 mM Mops, 0.5 mM EGTA, pH 7.0) at 37 °C by following the NAD(P)+ cogen content was determined according to Marín-Hernández et al.
reduction or NAD(P)H oxidation at 340 nm in a spectrophotometer. In [26]. The Glc1,6BP content was determined by the fluorometric method
our previous studies, a mean pH value of 7.0 was chosen because the described by Passonneau et al. [30]. This last method is based on the
intracellular pH varies from 7.2 to 6.8 when cells are actively con- stimulation of PGM activity by Glc1,6BP. Glc1,6BP was determined at
suming glucose [13]. The PGM assay contained 0.5 mM NADP+, 2 mM 37 °C in 50 mM imidazole-HCl, pH 7.0, containing 1 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM
MgCl2, 1 U Glc6PDH and 0.01–0.05 mg protein of cytosol-enriched EDTA, 0.01% bovine serum albumin, 0.05 mM NADP+, 10 mU PGM
fraction; the reaction was started by adding Glc1P (0.25–10 mM). The and 50–100 μL of neutralized supernatants previously stored at −72 °C.
0.1–5 μM Glc16BP activation and 0.25–3 mM Fru1,6BP inhibition on The reaction was started by adding 15 μM G1P. The Glc1,6BP content
PGM was evaluated at different Glc1P concentrations. The UGP activity was calculated by interpolation from a standard curve of Glc1,6BP
was assayed in the direction of Glc1P formation using 0.5 mM NADP+, (4.9–490 picomoles).
2 mM PPi, 2 mM MgCl2, 1 U PGM, 1 U Glc6PDH, 2 μM Glc1,6BP and To assess the effect of oxamate on glycolysis and glycogen meta-
0.01–0.03 mg of cytosol-enriched fraction; the reaction was started by bolism, AS-30D cells and hepatocytes (15 mg cell protein /mL) were
adding UDP-Glc (0–0.6 mM); when PPi was varied (0.3–2 mM) UDP-Glc incubated in the absence or presence of 10 mM oxamate in Krebs-Ringer
was 0.5–0.6 mM. The GP activity was assayed using glycogen buffer without glucose for 15 min under orbital shaking and 37 °C.
(0.2–40 mM glucose equivalents), 2 mM MgCl2, 2 μM Glc1,6BP, 0.1 mM Thereafter, an aliquot was withdrawn (t = 0) and 5 mM glucose was
AMP, 0.5 mM NADP+, 1 U PGM, 1 U Glc6PDH and 0.1–0.3 mg of cy- added to the remaining cell suspension; 15 min later another aliquot
tosol-enriched fraction; the reaction was started by adding Pi was removed and frozen in liquid N2. The aliquots were immediately
(0.5–100 mM). The AMP (0.1–1.5 mM) activation on GP was evaluated processed as described above for determination of glycogen, Fru1,6BP,
at different glycogen concentrations. ATP and L-lactate contents.
When the effect of alanine (10–30 mM) and phenylalanine In hepatocytes, the glycogen synthesis flux was determined by using
(1–2.5 mM) on PYK activity was determined, the assay contained 1 U a radio-isotopic method because the enzymatic method was unable to
LDH, 5 mM MgCl2, 0.15 mM NADH, 1–3 μg of cytosol-enriched fraction detect changes in the content of glycogen [26]. Hepatocytes (15 mg cell
and 0.05–2 mM PEP. The reaction was started by adding 3 mM ADP. protein /mL) were incubated in Krebs-Ringer buffer without glucose in
When the effect of lactate on PYK activity was evaluated, the assay the absence or presence of 10 mM oxamate for 15 min under orbital
contained 2 U Glc6PDH, 2 U HK, 0.5 mM NADP+, 5 mM MgCl2, 3 mM shaking and 37 °C. Thereafter, an aliquot was withdrawn and 5 mM D-
ADP and 1–3 μg of cytosol-enriched fraction. After a baseline was at- [2-3H-glucose] (1.3 Bq/nmol, American Radiolabeled Chemicals, St
tained, the reaction was started by adding PEP (0.05–1.5 mM). Louis, MO, USA) was added to the cell suspension; 15 and 30 min later
GS activity was determined by spectrofluorometry. The assay con- other cell aliquots were removed. The cellular samples were centrifuged
tained 10 U PYK, 10 U LDH, 0.25 mM PEP, 15 μM NADH, glycogen at 20,800 xg for 20 s and the supernatant was discarded. The cell pellet
(10 mM glucose equivalents), 5 mM MgCl2 and 0.15–0.3 mg of cytosol- was frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at −70 °C until use. The cell
enriched fraction. After a baseline was attained, the reaction was samples were thawed at room temperature, re-suspended in 30% KOH
started by adding UDP-Glc (0.05–5.9 mM). Glc6P (2–7.7 mM) activa- and heated for 60 min at 90 °C. Afterwards, they were mixed with 6%
tion was evaluated at different UDP-Glc concentrations. Na2SO4 and 100% ethanol and centrifuged at 20,800 xg for 5 min. The
To determine the kinetic parameters, one substrate was varied at pellet was washed once with 1 mL of 80% ethanol and incubated at

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

room temperature. Finally, the dried samples (glycogen) were re-sus- [AMP ]
[AMP ]

pended in water and their radioactivity determined with a Packard Vmax

[AMP ]
[AMP ] ( [A][B] [P ]
Keq )
Scintillation Counter (TRI-CARB 2100TR, Meriden, CT, USA). KAMP Ka 1 +
[AMP ] [AMP ]
[A] 1 + [A] 1 + [B]
1+ + + +
2.6. Kinetic modeling [AMP] Kb [AMP] Kp
Ka 1 + Ka 1 + Kb

Using as scaffold the previously published kinetic model of glyco- [AMP ]

[AMP ]
lysis in AS-30D and HeLa cells [14,23], detailed kinetic equations for 1+

( [A][B] )
the enzymes of glycogen metabolism (PGM, UGP, GS and GP), PPP 1+
[AMP ]
Ka 1 +
[AMP ]
(Glc6PH and 6PGDH) and cytosolic NADPH consumption (GR and GPx) v=
[AMP ] [AMP ]
were now included, keeping the other rate equations unaltered or with [A] 1 +
[A] 1 +
[P ]
1+ + + +
some modifications. The PYK equation now included competitive in- [AMP] Kb [AMP ] Kp
Ka 1 + Ka 1 + Kb
hibition by alanine, phenylalanine and lactate; and ENO, PYK and LDH

equations incorporated inhibition by oxamate (Ki). The rate equations for Glc6PDH and 6PGDH (Eq. (6)) were ordered
To compare the flux control distribution of the glucose central bi-bi reversible Michaelis-Menten equations for non-interacting sub-
metabolism pathways in hepatocytes and AS-30D cells, a kinetic model strates (α = 1 and β = 1). CO2 was fixed according to Moreno-Sánchez
for rat fed hepatocytes was also constructed using as template the AS- et al. [24]. In this equation A, B, P, Q correspond to NADP+, specific
30D kinetic model but with the kinetic parameters determined in he- substrate (Glc6P or 6PG), specific product (6PG or ribulose-5-phos-
patocytes. The reactions included in the models are described in Table phate) and NADPH, respectively. Ka, Kb, Kp and Kq are the Km values
S1 and the kinetic parameters used are shown in Table S2. for the corresponding substrates and products; and Keq is the equili-
Concentrations for alanine, phenylalanine, lactate, external glucose brium constant of the reaction.
(Glc out), Glc1,6BP, glycogen, Ery4P, Fru2,6BP, Pi, PPi, citrate, H2O2,
xylulose-5-phosphate (Xu5P) and ribulose-5-phosphate were fixed in
the models at the values shown in Table S3, which were within their v=
KaKb ( [A][B] [P ][Q]
Keq )
[A] [A][B] [P ][A] [Q][B ] [Q][P ] [Q]
respective physiological ranges. The model simulations were carried 1+ Ka
+ KaKb
+ KpKa
+ KqKb
+ KqKp
+ Kq (6)
out with COPASI software [31] which can perform MCA and can cal-
culate the flux control coefficients from the elasticity coefficients. The GR kinetics (Eq. (7)) was described by an ordered bi-ter Michaelis-
rate equations used for the glycogen metabolism, pentose phosphate Menten equation [24], where A = NADPH, B = GSSG, P=NADP+,
pathway, NADPH consumption reactions, nucleotide diphosphate ki- Q = GSH and R = GSH.
nase (NDK), ENO, PYK and LDH are as follow.
The PGM rate equation (Eq. (1)) was a mono-substrate reversible
KaKb ( [A][B] [P ][Q][R]
Keq )
Michaelis-Menten equation with competitive inhibition by Fru1,6BP 1+
[P ][Q][R]
and mixed-type activation by Glc1,6BP [A] [28]: Ka KaKb KpKqKr KqKr Kq Kr (7)

The rate equation for GPx (Eq. (8)) was represented by a simplified
Ka ( ) Vmr 1 + [Glc1P](1 + )
[Glc 6P ] 1 +
Ka ordered ter-uni system in which the product H2O was not considered in

K (1 + )
Glc 6P
1+ K (1 + )
Ka Glc1P
Ka the reaction [24]. A = H2O2, B = GSH, C = GSH and P = GSSG.
[Glc 6P ] (1 + ) + [Glc1P] (1 + ) + [Fru1, 6BP]
[A] [A]

K Glc6P

(1 + ) K (1 + ) Ki
(1) v=
KaKbKc ( [A][B][C] [P ]
Keq )
[A] [A][B] [A][B][C ] [P ]
1+ Ka
+ KaKb
+ KaKbKc
+ Kp (8)
The UGP rate equation (Eq. (2)) was defined by a reversible bi-
substrate ordered Michaelis-Menten equation. A, B, P and Q are UTP, The ENO equation (Eq. (9)) was a monoreactant reversible equation
Glc1P, UDP-Glc and PPi, respectively; Ka, Kb, Kp and Kq are the Km with competitive inhibition:
values for the corresponding substrates and products. [S] [P ]
Vmf Ks
Vmr Kp
[A][B ] [P ][Q] v=
Vmf Vmr 1+
[S ] [P ] [I ]
+ Kp + Ki
K a Kb Kp K q
Ks (9)
[A] [A][B] [P ][Q] [Q]
1+ + + +
Ka K a Kb Kp K q Kq (2) Where S = [2PG], P = [PEP] and I = [oxamate] with their re-
spective affinity constants (Ks, Kp or Ki).
The rate equation for GS (Eq. (3)) was a mono-substrate irreversible
The PYK rate equation (Eq. (10)) was a random BieBi system with
Michaelis-Menten equation with non-essential mixed-type activation by
competitive inhibition:
Glc6P [28].

Vmax 1 +
[Glc6P ]
KGlc6P v=
KaKb ( [A][B] [P ][Q]
Keq )
[UDPGlc] [I1 ] [I2 ] [I3 ] [I4 ] [A] [B ] [A][B ] [P ] [Q]
[Glc 6P ] 1+ Ki1
+ Ki2
+ Ki3
+ Ki 4
+ Ka
+ Kb
+ KaKb
+ Kp
+ Kq
v= [P ][Q] [A][Q] [P ][B ]
[Glc 6P ] + KpKq
+ KaKq
+ KpKb (10)
KGlc 6P
Km + [UDPGlc]
[Glc 6P ]
KGlc6P (3) Where A = [PEP], B = [ADP], P = [Pyr], Q = [ATP] with their
respective affinity constants (Ka, Kb, Kp and Kq) and I1 = [Alanine],
The GP rate equation was represented by an ordered bi-uni I2 = [Phenylalanine], I3 = [Lactate] and I4 = [oxamate] with their re-
Michaelis-Menten equation with allosteric modulation by AMP, which spective inhibition constants (Ki1, Ki2, Ki3 and Ki4). In the hepatocytes
was an essential mixed-type activation (Eq. (4)) in the AS30D model, or model, the PYK equation only included inhibition by oxamate.
non-essential mixed-type activation (Eq. (5)) [28] in the rat fed hepa- The rate equation for LDH (Eq. (11)) was a random BieBi system for
tocytes model. A, B and P are glycogen, Pi and Glc1P, respectively. Ka, non-interacting substrates (α1 = 1; β = 1) with mixed type inhibition
Kb and Kp are the Km values for the corresponding substrates. by oxamate:

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

Notwithstanding the differences in the content of active enzyme
1 KaKb KpKq
v= [A] [ B] [A][B] [P][Q] [P ] [Q] [I ] [B][I ] [A][B][I ] (i.e., Vmax = kcat x [enzyme]total) in the cells, GP from fasted-hepato-
1+ + + + + Kp + + Ki + +
Ka Kb 1 KaKb KpKq Kq 2 KbKi 1 KaKb 2 Ki cytes and AS-30D cells showed similar kinetic parameters for its ligands
(11) (Table 1). AMP was a mixed type essential activator with respect to
where A = [NADH], B = [Pyr], P = [NAD+], Q = [Lactate] with their glycogen in AS-30D hepatoma cells and it was a non-essential mixed
respective affinity constants (Ka, Kb, Kp and Kq). α2 is the factor by type activator in fasted-hepatocytes (Fig. S1), suggesting the expression
which Ka and Kb change when oxamate is bound to the enzyme. of different GP isoforms. A mixed type activator increases both sub-
I = [oxamate] and Ki is the inhibition constant for oxamate. strate affinity and Vmax values and it is essential when its presence is
In the kinetic model, NDK (ATP + UDP → ADP + UTP) and NADPH mandatory for enzyme activity; in contrast, a non-essential activator is
consumption (representing anabolic reactions) were incorporated. not strictly required for enzyme activity. ATP and Glc inhibited GP
These reactions were included as reversible mass-action and irrever- activity but their effect was observed at high non-physiological con-
sible constant flux equations, respectively; their rate constants and flux centrations (KiATP = 8–12 mM, KiGlc = 10–27 mM).
were parametrized to allow the model to make simulations. In addition to AMP, GP activity is also regulated by phosphorylation
at serine 14 that leads to enzyme activation [16]. Indeed, greater serine
GP phosphorylation was observed in AS-30D (5.5-fold) and fasted he-
2.7. Statistical analysis
patocytes (3.8-fold) in comparison to fed hepatocytes (Fig. 1B). The
level of GP phosphorylation correlated with the low and high activity
Statistical differences were analyzed by Student's t-test for non-
(without AMP) in fed and fasted hepatocytes, respectively. In AS-30D
paired samples or by one-way ANOVA with Scheffe comparison test
cells, the high levels of phosphorylation did not correspond with the
considering P < .05 as criterion of significance.
null GP activity in the absence of AMP. This observation suggested that
AS-30D cells expressed the brain GP isoform, which is poorly activated
3. Results by phosphorylation [16].
GS activity was detected in the absence of added glycogen in AS-30
3.1. Content of glycogen metabolism enzymes cytosol- enriched fraction, suggesting the presence of glycogen traces in
the fraction. Maximal activity was determined with the addition of
UGP and GS showed decreased protein levels (70 and 61%, re- glycogen (10 mM glucose equivalents). The Km UDP-Glc value de-
spectively) in AS-30D hepatoma cells as compared to rat fed hepato- termined (Table 1) was similar to values reported for cancer and non-
cytes, whereas the GP and PGM contents were similar (Fig. 1A). On the cancer enzymes [32,38]. Glc6P (a physiological modulator) was a non-
other hand, AS-30D cells showed increased levels of both GS (9.2-fold) essential mixed-type activator versus UDP-Glc, mainly modifying the
and GP (2.1-fold) with respect to fasted-hepatocytes (Fig. 1A). In ad- substrate affinity and with low effect on Vmax (Table 1, Fig. S2). In
dition, the protein contents of UGP, GS and GP were significantly lower contrast, GS activity was not possible to be determined in cytosol en-
(51%, 96% and 44%, respectively) in fasted-cells in comparison to fed riched fractions from rat fed liver because its activity was extremely
cells (Fig. 1A). In the immunoblot against GP, two distinct bands were low.
observed, but only the inferior one was used for densitometric analysis; PGM and UGP activities were determined in the direction of Glc6P
the identity of the upper band is unknown. When GP was further im- formation. Both enzymes showed similar kinetic parameters (Table 1)
munoprecipitated, the upper band was not observed (Fig. 1B). in AS-30D and fasted-hepatocytes. The PGM Vmax was 2.8-fold higher
in rat fed hepatocytes than in AS-30D cells. The effect of the two PGM
3.2. Enzyme activities of glycogen metabolism modulators, Glc1,6BP and Fru1,6BP, was also evaluated. The former
was a non-essential activator with respect to Glc1P, modifying substrate
To assess changes in the expression of enzyme isoforms of glycogen affinity but not Vmax. The Ka values were similar for the enzymes from
metabolism, thorough kinetic characterization of all the glycogen en- AS-30D and fasted-hepatocytes (Table 1). Fru1,6BP behaved as a
zymes in cytosol-enriched fractions of AS-30D cells and hepatocytes competitive inhibitor with respect to Glc1P, with similar Ki values for
was carried out. Effects of other competing enzymes on the determi- the enzymes from AS-30D cells and fasted-hepatocytes (Table 1). Other
nation of the targeted enzyme's kinetic parameters in cytosol-enriched metabolites such as erythrose-4-phosphate (50 μM) and 6-phosphoglu-
protein fractions can be ruled out, since the activity assays were under conate (1 mM) did not modify PGM activity (data not shown).
conditions of initial velocity and it was ensured to be highly specific as
described in Methods section. Moreover, the affinity constant values 3.3. Fluxes of synthesis and degradation of glycogen and glycolysis in AS-
were similar to the values reported for purified enzymes (Table 1). An 30D hepatoma cells
advantage of performing kinetic studies in sub-cellular fractions is that
the actual expression of different isoforms with their covalent mod- In AS-30D, glycogen synthesis and glycolysis were stimulated by
ifications unaltered can be determined; these features are lost during exogenous glucose (Fig. 2), despite the variable initial glycogen content
enzyme purification. observed among cell batches. At 1 mM glucose, the glycogen synthesis
Activity of GP was detected in the absence of added AMP (GP ac- flux in these cells (Table 2) was similar to that reported for astrocytoma
tivator) in fed- and fasted-hepatocytes cytosolic fractions (Table 1), cells, of 3.1 nmol/min*mg protein [40]. Maximal fluxes of glycogen
being in the latter cells 19-fold higher in comparison to the first ones. synthesis and glycolysis were achieved with 2.5 mM glucose; higher
This difference in activity may be attributed to predominance of the GP glucose concentrations (5–30 mM) did not further stimulate glycogen
inactive form in fed hepatocytes and active form in fasted hepatocytes, synthesis or glycolysis fluxes (Fig. 2 and Table 2).
since these GP activities did not correlate with their similar protein On the other hand, glycogen degradation was only evident with no
contents in both hepatocyte types (Fig. 1A). In contrast, GP activity in glucose added; under this condition, lactate production was not ob-
AS-30D hepatoma cells was only detected in the presence of AMP served, but conversely, lactate consumption became apparent (Fig. 2
(0.1 mM), indicating that AMP was an essential activator for this en- and Table 2). Thus, it seemed likely that pyruvate produced by gly-
zyme in these cancer cells. Similar activity dependence on AMP has cogen degradation was oxidized by mitochondria.
been reported for GP from Novikoff hepatoma cells [1]. Thus, it seemed The low glycogen degradation flux (−0.5 ± 0.2 nmol Glc equiva-
that AS-30D cells expressed the muscle or brain GP isoform that are lents/min*mg protein; Table 2) could be attributed to the low glycogen
highly sensitive to AMP, but not the low AMP-sensitive liver isoform content in AS-30D cells (128 ± 59 nmol Glc equivalents/mg protein;
[1,16]. n = 9). To test this hypothesis, cells were incubated with 30 mM

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687


% of band intensity vs. α-tubulin

PGM 125 AS-30D
62 KDa
Fasted hepatocytes
100 Fed hepatocytes **
57 KDa

80 KDa 40
GP **
97 KDa

20 **
55 KDa

B) 140
Hepatocytes AS-30D
Fasted Hepatocytes
% of band intensity vs. GP
120 Fed Hepatocytes

WB 80



Fig. 1. Glycogen metabolism protein levels (A) and GP phosphorylation status (B) in AS-30D cancer cells and hepatocytes from fed or fasted rat. In both figures
representative Western blot are shown. Densitometric analysis represents the mean ± SD of three independent preparations. Statistical analysis was performed using
one-way ANOVA with Scheffe comparison test. *P < .05, **P < .01 versus AS-30D cancer cells. See the Materials and Methods section for more experimental

glucose for 1 h. As expected, the glycogen content indeed increased by 3.4. Modeling glucose central metabolism in AS-30D hepatoma cells
2.5-times (321 ± 81 nmol Glc equivalents/mg protein; n = 3); how-
ever, when these last cells were incubated with no glucose, the glycogen In the previous kinetic model of glycolysis of AS-30D cells [23], the
degradation flux was still unchanged (−0.6 ± 0.6 nmol/min*mg; pathways of glycogen synthesis, glycogen degradation and oxidative
n = 4). This observation suggested that glycogen content did not limit and non-oxidative (only transketolase reaction) branches of PPP were
GP activity. represented as constant fluxes. In the updated models here reported the
An alternative way to increase the glycogen degradation flux would reactions of PGM, UGP, GS, GP, Glc6PDH and 6PGDH were now ex-
be to increase the AMP levels, the GP activator, by subjecting AS-30D plicitly included with the appropriate rate-equations (Fig. 3), using the
cells to an energy metabolism stress. To this end, cells were incubated kinetic parameters experimentally here determined (Table 1) or pre-
for 60 min with 0.5 μM oligomycin (a potent and specific OxPhos in- viously reported by our group [24]. To maintain freely variable the
hibitor) in the absence of glucose. The glycogen degradation flux in- NADPH/NADP+ concentrations, a NADPH demand reaction was in-
deed increased to 1.4 ± 0.6 nmol/min*mg protein (n = 4); 5 μM oli- cluded, that represents pathways that consume NADPH such as ana-
gomycin did not further increase the flux (1.3 ± 0.5 nmol/min*mg; bolic reactions for amino acids, nucleotides, cholesterol and fatty acid
n = 4). Increased AMP levels activating muscle or brain GP isoform syntheses. Two successive reactions (GR and GPx), associated to oxi-
may explain this last observation; however, the total AMP levels in dative stress and NADPH consumption (ROS metabolism), were also
oligomycin treated cells (2.2 ± 0.3 mM; n = 3) were similar to those included using the kinetic parameters previously reported by our group
determined in non-treated cells (2.3 ± 0.6 mM, n = 3), indicating that [24]. Also, to maintain variable the UDP and UTP concentrations for
GP activity was not further stimulated by AMP. An alternative ex- the UGP reaction and to maintain a link with the ADP and ATP levels,
planation is that GP may be activated by an increase in cytosolic Pi (GP the NDK reaction was included.
substrate), as induced by OxPhos inhibition. In this regard, increased The gluconeogenesis pathway was not considered in the kinetic
cytosolic Pi concentrations have been reported when OxPhos was in- models because, in our experimental conditions, external glucose is
hibited in perfused rat liver; these changes in Pi levels were associated always present at different concentrations (1–25 mM) and hence de
with an increase in glycogenolysis rate [41]. novo glucose synthesis most likely becomes negligible. External glucose
represents the glucose present in circulation. Although several reports

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

Table 1
Kinetic parameters of glycogen metabolism enzymes from hepatoma AS-30D, hepatocytes and HeLa cells.
Enzyme AS-30D Hepatocytes HeLa Km values reported (mM)

Fed Fasted

GP Vmax 12 ± 3 (4) 1 ± 1 (3) 19 ± 11 (3) 3.2 ± 2 (3)
Km Pi 4.4 ± 0.9 (3) ND 2.6 ± 1.7 (3) 3.9 (1) 1–55,7
Km Glycogen 1.5 ± 0.3 (4) ND 1.7 ± 0.6 (3) 1.6 ± 0.4 (3) 1.2–1.46
Ka AMP 0.7 ± 0.1 (3) ND 1.2 ± 0.16 (3) 0.4 ± 0.25 (3)
α 0.1 ± 0.05 (3) ND 0.5 ± 0.16 (3) 0.6 ± 0.35 (3)
β 1.2 ± 0.18 (3) 2.4 ± 1 (3)
PGM Vmaxr 205 ± 97 (10) 574 ± 105 (3)* 345 ± 173 (4) 468 ± 74 (3)
Km Glc1P 1.0 ± 0.3 (10) 1.2 (2) 0.9 ± 0.1 (4) 1.1 ± 0.2 (3) 1.3–1.6
Ka Glc16BP 0.006 ± 0.003 (4) ND 0.01 (1) 0.015 (1)
α 0.03 ± 0.02 (4) ND 0.02 (1) 0.01 (1)
β 0.98 ± 0.03 (4) ND 1.1 (1) 0.96 (1)
KiFru1,6BP 0.12 ± 0.07 (4) ND 0.14 (2) 0.13 (1)
UGP Vmax 340 ± 23 (3) 341 ± 105 (3) 321 (1) 150 (1)
Km UDPGlc 0.06 ± 0.01 (3) ND 0.07 (1) 0.07 (1) 0.05–0.0664
K0.5 PPi 0.7 ± 0.1 (3) ND 0.5 (1) 2.1 (1) 0.08–0.214
GS Vmax 6.2 ± 2.6 (5) ND ND ND
Km UDPGlc 0.6 ± 0.3 (5) ND ND ND 0.5–1
Ka Glc6P 3.8 ± 1.8 (3) ND ND ND
α 0.1 ± 0.05 (3) ND ND ND
β 1.1 ± 0.1 (3) ND ND ND

Vmax values in nmol/min*mg cell soluble protein; Km, Ki, Ka, K0.5 values in mM. 1GP activity was determined in the presence of 0.1 mM AMP. *P < .0001 vs. AS-
30D. ND, not determined. In fed-hepatocytes, only the Vmax of GP, PGM and UGP are reported, because the low GP activity did not allow for kinetic parameters (Km
Glycogen, Km Pi and Ka AMP values) determination. For PGM and UGP, it was assumed that kinetic parameters (Km Glc1P, Ka Glc1,6BP, Ki Fru1,6BP) were similar to those of
the fasted-hepatocytes enzymes. The data shown represent the mean ± SD, with the number of independent cell preparations assayed in parentheses. Values
reported in 2 [32], 3 [33], 4 [34], 5 [35], 6 [36], 7 [37], 8 [38], 9 [39].

400 Table 2
A) Metabolic fluxes in AS-30D cells exposed to several external glucose con-
(nmol glc equivalents)

Glucose Fluxes of glycogen synthesis/ Glycolytic flux (nmol lactate/


(mM) degradation (nmol Glc equivalents/ min*mg cellular protein)

min*mg cellular protein)

0 −0.5 ± 0.2 (7)* −0.28 ± 0.35 (7)*

200 1 1.4 ± 0.7 (6) 5.2 ± 1.3(5)
2.5 5.9 ± 1.4 (4) 8.3 ± 1.6 (4)
5 6.8 ± 2.2 (7) 9.2 ± 2.1 (6)
10 6.8 ± 0.7 (4) 10.5 ± 3.8 (4)
30 7.0 ± 2.9 (5) 9.3 ± 2.5 (6)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 *The negative value indicates glycogen degradation or lactate consumption.
Values shown represent the mean ± SD. The number of preparations assayed is
B) shown in parentheses.
indicate that cancer cells may synthesize ribose-5-phosphate, glycerol-
225 3P, and serine from lactate and amino acids, this only occurs during

strict glucose deprivation [42].

150 Furthermore, since the Vmax values corresponded to the cytosol-
enriched fractions (Table 1), these were also experimentally determined
in whole cell extracts (Table S4) and used in the model. As the pH effect
on Vmax was not included in the rate equations of HK and HPI, their
Vmax values were also determined at pH = 6.8, the cytosolic pH when
0 glycolysis is active in AS-30D cells [13]. At pH = 6.8 the Vmax values of
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 both enzymes lowered by about 20% vs. pH 7.0 (pH condition used
Time (min) initially to determine all activities). In the case of PYK, the effect of
alanine, phenylalanine, proline, threonine, valine, isoleucine, trypto-
Fig. 2. Glycogen synthesis/degradation (A) and lactate production (B) in AS-
30D cells. AS-30D cells were incubated without (■) or with 5 (●) or 30 (Δ) mM
phan, and lactate were evaluated. Only alanine, phenylalanine, and
glucose. The initial contents (time = 0) of glycogen were 131 ± 43 (without lactate inhibited PYK activity at physiological concentrations; they
glucose, n = 8), 158 ± 70 (+ 5 mM external glucose, n = 10) and 128 ± 59 were competitive inhibitors with respect to PEP, with Ki values of
(+ 30 mM external glucose, n = 8) nmol Glc equivalents/mg protein. 4.5 ± 1.2 (n = 3), 0.67 ± 0.3 (n = 3) and 14.9 (n = 2) mM, respec-
tively (Fig. S3). In consequence, the inhibitory effect of these

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

Glc out

(ROS) H2O2 Glycolysis Glycogen synthesis
GPx 2 GSH Glc in
Fru1,6BP Glc1,6BP (+)
ADP Glc1P UDP-Glc Glycogen
+ (- ) (+)
Ribulose 5P 6PG Glc6P Glc1P UTP PPi UDP
6PGDH Glc6PDH ( -)
Fru1,6BP HPI Fru1,6BP Glc1P Glycogen
Ery4P Fru6P
DHAP (+) Pi
PFK-1 Citrate
Ery4P (+) AMP
ADP Fru2,6BP
TK Fru1,6BP Glycogen degradation
ALDO ( -)
Pentose Phosphate Pathway TPI
NAD+ + Pi


NADPH Consumption 2PG
ADP (- ) Alanine
PYK Phenylalanine
Pyr + 12.5 ADP + 12.5 Pi 12.5 ATP


Fig. 3. Pathway reactions included in the kinetic model of glucose metabolism in AS-30D and hepatocytes. AK, adenylate kinase; ALDO, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
aldolase; ATPases, ATP-consuming processes; DHAP, dihydroxyacetone phosphate; DHases, NADH-consuming reactions; ENO, enolase; Ery4P, erythrose-4- phos-
phate; Fru1,6BP, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate; Fru6P, fructose-6-phosphate; Fru2,6BP, fructose-2,6- bisphosphate; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy-
drogenase; G3P, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; Glc out, external glucose; Glc in, intracellular glucose; Glc1P, glucose-1-phosphate; Glc6P, glucose-6-phosphate;
Glc6PDH, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; Glc16BP, glucose-1,6-bisphosphate; GS, glycogen synthase; GP, glycogen phosphorylase; GR, glutathione reductase;
GPx, glutathione peroxidase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MPM, mitochondrial pyruvate metabolism; NDK, nucleoside diphosphate kinase; PEP, phosphoenolpyr-
uvate; PGAM, 3-phosphoglycerate mutase; PGK, 3-phosphoglycerate kinase; PGM, phosphoglucomutase; Pyr, pyruvate; PYK, pyruvate kinase; TPI, triosephosphate
isomerase; TK, transketolase; UGP, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, UDP-glc, UDP-glucose; Xu5P, xylulose-5-phosphate; 2PG, 2-phosphoglycerate; 3PG, 3-phos-
phoglycerate; 1,3BPG, 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate; 6PG, 6- phosphogluconate; 6PGDH, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase.

metabolites was included in the PYK rate equation, which allowed the inhibition was not included in the respective rate equation. Therefore,
model to better predict the steady-state PEP concentrations. the Vmax value of GP used in the model required to be parameterized
The PGM rate equation included the regulatory effects of Glc1,6BP and be decreased to 41% of the activity at 1.2 mM AMP (intracellular
(activator) and Fru1,6BP (competitive inhibitor). However, the high concentration, Table 3); such decrease was estimated by using the
levels of Fru1,6BP found in AS-30D cells in comparison to normal cells equation with essential mixed-type activation and the activity de-
(Table 3), and the low levels of Glc1,6BP (8.8 ± 1.4 μM; n = 4) and termined in whole cell extracts with high (2 mM) AMP (Table S4). This
Glc1P relative to the Ka and Km values (Table 1), drastically decreased adjustment enabled the model to better simulate the net fluxes of gly-
the PGM rate and the kinetic model did not reach a steady-state. Thus, cogen metabolism in the presence and absence of glucose (Table 2).
the parameters involved in activation (Ka) and inhibition (Ki) induced These AMP-dependent changes in GP activity may have a physiological
by Glc1,6BP and Fru1,6BP, respectively, required to be parameterized. basis as AMP may be as low as 0.1 to 0.5 mM, when considering that
Although the values obtained by parameterization (KaGlc1,6BP = 2 mM 24% of total AMP can be found in the cytosol [43]. This lower AMP
and Ki Fru1,6BP = 18 mM) were higher than the experimentally-de- concentration, together with Glc6P that behaves as inhibitor, should
termined values (Table 1), the simulation could reach stable steady- maintain a low GP activity, when the cells are consuming glucose.
states. Then, it is clear that the PGM kinetics still requires further ex- With the modifications described above, the model was able to
perimental analysis. closely simulate (i) the glycogen metabolism at 0, 1, 2.5, 10 and 30 mM
For GP, AMP activation was the only regulatory mechanism in- external glucose (Fig. 4); and (ii) the metabolite concentrations and
cluded in its rate equation, since the effect of other modulators (glucose fluxes at 5 mM external glucose, except for Fru6P, NADP+ and NADPH
and ATP) was negligible. Glc6P is a GP inhibitor and GS activator; thus, concentrations (Table 3). The model could simulate the glycolytic
the GS rate equation included a Glc6P activation term. The Glc6P effect fluxes at glucose concentrations < 5 mM; however, the glycolytic flux
on GP activity was not here experimentally determined due to technical was not well simulated when external glucose was more than 10 mM.
restriction by the coupled enzymatic assay used, and hence this Lactate accumulation can induce intracellular acidification (pH = 6.8)

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

Table 3 10
Metabolic fluxes and intermediary concentrations determined In vivo and si- A)

mulated by in silico modeling for AS-30D cells and hepatocytes.

flux (nmol/min*mg)
Metabolite / flux AS-30D Rat fed hepatocytes

In vivo Model Reported* Model
Glcin 6.24 1.9 N.D. 3.3
Glc6P 3.1 ± 1.3 (7) 2.4 0.12–0.96 1.28
Fru6P 1.2 ± 0.4 (3) 0.07 0.05–0.4 0.7
Fru1,6BP 3.9 ± 2.6 (4) 1.9 0.014–0.1 0.002
DHAP 7.8 ± 2 (3) 4.0 0.017–0.6 0.03 0
G3P 0.7 ± 0.4 (3) 0.12 0.005–0.1 0.002
PEP 0.1 ± 0.06 (3) 0.011 0.07–0.15 0.33 -2
Pyr 1.3 ± 0.4 (3) 1.3 0.08–1.6 0.29 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ATP 5 ± 2.7 (4) 5.1 2.0–3.6 3.4
ADP 0.6 ± 0.6 (3) 0.37 0.68–1.6 1.6
AMP 1.2 ± 0.7 (5) 1.3 0.16–0.22 0.36
Glycolytic flux 9.2 ± 2.1 (6) 11.1 0.84–2.4 2.9


Glycolytic flux
Glc1P 0.1 ± 0.03 (3) 0.05 0.012–0.022 0.07
UDPGlc 0.4 ± 0.2 (7) 0.1 0.38 0.03
UTP 0.26–1.13 0.48 0.26–0.553 0.58
UDP 0.1–0.3 3 0.7 0.05–0.263 0.27 10
Glycogen synthesis flux N.D. 7.44 N.D. 0.55
Glycogen degradation flux N.D. −1.97 N.D. −0.35
Glycogen net flux 6.8 ± 2.2 (7) 5.47 0.01–0.38 0.2 5
6PG 0.22–0.481 0.14 0.016–0.18 0.012
NADP+ 0.322 0.02 0.32 0.07
NADPH 0.22 0.49 0.242 0.47 0
PPP flux 0.06–0.1261 0.29 0.43 0.44
GSH 3.42 3.4 2.22 2.3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
GSSG 0.012 0.01 0.0712 0.014
Glucose (mM)
Metabolite concentrations in mM, flux in nmol/min*mg cell protein. Values
Fig. 4. Experimental and modeled fluxes obtained in AS-30D cells at various
represent the mean ± SD. The number of different cell preparations assayed is
external glucose concentrations. (A) Glycogen synthesis/degradation and (B)
shown in parentheses. *Values taken from [18,27,46–50]. Values reported in
glycolysis. The solid lines are the predicted fluxes by kinetic modeling whereas
nmol/ g tissue wet weight were converted to concentrations considering a vo-
the symbols represent experimental data (Table 2). For model simulations,
lume of 0.8 mL/1 g tissue wet weight [51]. Values taken from 1 [13], 2 [24], 3
ATPase k values was modified (0.0017 min-1) to avoid ATP exhaustion. The
[51] and 4 [27]. Simulations were performed at 5 mM glucose. Glycogen net
dotted line represents the simulation with the pH effect on HPI activity (Vmf
flux is estimated from glycogen synthesis flux minus glycogen degradation flux.
and Vmr were decreased 40%).
N.D., Not determined.

3.5. Modeling glucose metabolism in rat fed hepatocytes

in AS-30D [13]. This change in pH can cause glycolysis inhibition [44],
and HPI is one of the enzymes that decrease its activity under this To determine the main controlling steps of glucose central meta-
condition [45]. When HPI inhibition by acidification is simulated, the bolism in rat fed hepatocytes, a kinetic model was also built, for which
model prediction of pathway fluxes improves (Fig. 4). To be noted, the the kinetic parameters previously reported by our group and others
glycolytic flux was more sensitive than glycogen metabolism to pH were used (Table 3 and Table S2). The Vmax values and some kinetic
changes, as previously reported [44]. parameters were experimentally determined in whole cell extracts
The concentrations of metabolites determined in intact AS-30D cells (Table S4) and cytosoli-enriched fractions (Table 1). Metabolite con-
(with 5 mM glucose) after 15 min of incubation were used for model centrations and pathway fluxes reported previously for hepatocytes of
validation (Table 3) because at this time the fluxes of glycogen and fed rats were used to validate the model simulations (Table 3).
glycolysis were linear (Fig. 2). Glycolytic metabolites (Glc6P, Fru6P, Fru1,6BP, DHAP) and Glc1P
The model robustness was also assessed. The flux control coeffi- concentrations reported or estimated for hepatocytes were lower (7–78-
cients and metabolite concentrations were not significantly altered by fold) than those observed in hepatoma cells (Table 3). The published
decreasing by half or increasing by 2 times the kinetic parameters of glycogen synthesis and glycolytic fluxes were also lower in rat hepa-
most steps, except for GLUT Vmax value and HK, HPI, PGM, UGP and tocytes (4–18-fold) in comparison with the fluxes determined in AS-30D
GS Vmax and Km values, all which were controlling steps (see below cells (Table 3).
Fig. 5 and Table S5). Changes in the latter parameters altered by more In the hepatocytes kinetic model, GS and GP Vmax needed to be
than 50% their flux control coefficients, with the consequent impact in adjusted to simulate the fluxes of glycogen metabolism found in the
most of pathway variables. Metabolite concentration variations by cells (Table 3, Table S2). With these adjustments, the model closely
more than 50% were attained when changing either HPI, PGM and UGP predicted the concentrations of metabolites and fluxes, except for
Vmax and Km values (Fru1,6BP and DHAP); TPI, PGK, PGAM, ENO and Fru1,6BP and UDPGlc concentrations (Table 3).
PYK Vmax and Km values (DHAP); or Glc6PDH and 6PGDH Vmax and The robustness of the hepatocytes kinetic model was equally eval-
Km values (6PG). The PPP flux varied by 50–100% when GPx Vmax and uated by decreasing by half or increasing by 2 times the kinetic para-
Km values were changed or when NADPH consumption flux was varied. meters of the pathway enzymes. Variations in Vmax (for GLUT and HK)
The model was also sensitive to changes in the ATPase k value. Not- and/or Km (for GLUT, UGP and GS) values led to a greater than 50%
withstanding the enlisted exceptions, the predicted pathway behavior variation in the flux control coefficients. Variations in the Vmax (for
showed satisfactory robustness which was within the physiological PFK-I, PGM, UGP, GS, Glc6PDH, 6PGDH) and/or Km (for PGM, UGP,
determined values at different glucose concentrations (Fig. 4; Table 3) GS, Glc6PDH, 6PGDH) values resulted in significant changes of the
and different cell types (Table 3). AMP or 6PG concentrations. In addition, the PPP flux showed

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

Fig. 5. Flux control coefficients of enzymes/pro-

A) Glycolysis C) Glycogen Degradation
cesses of the glucose central metabolism pathways
0.8 1.0 obtained by kinetic modeling. The flux control dis-
0.8 tribution obtained in rat fed hepatocytes and AS-
0.4 30D cells for glycolysis (A), glycogen synthesis (B),

0.2 Hepatocytes glycogen degradation (C) and pentose phosphate
0.2 pathway (D). The CJEi shown were those determined
0.0 for the fluxes through LDH (glycolysis), GS (gly-
0.0 cogen synthesis), GP (glycogen degradation) and
6PGDH (PPP) (Table S5).

NADPH consumption

NADPH consumption














1.2 0.9
0.4 0.6

0.0 CJEi
-0.2 0.2
B) Glycogen Synthesis D) Pentose Phosphate Pathway

significant changes when Vmax and Km for GPx varied. Like the AS-30D 3.7. Experimental and modeled effect of oxamate on glucose central
model, the fed hepatocyte model exhibited high sensitivity to variation metabolism in AS-30D cells
in the ATPase k value. Thus, the hepatocyte model displayed adequate
robustness within the physiological intervals determined in vivo. We previously demonstrated that oxamate is a glycolysis flux in-
hibitor, by inhibiting ENO, PYK and LDH activities and inducing in-
3.6. Flux control distribution of glucose central metabolism in hepatoma creased levels of Fru1,6BP; the latter in turn is a competitive inhibitor
cells and rat fed hepatocytes of HPI [23,55] and PGM. Hence, oxamate inhibition on LDH, PYK, and
ENO rate equations were included. The inhibition of glycolytic and
At 5 mM external glucose, the main controlling steps of glycolysis glycogen synthesis fluxes was well simulated when the concentration of
flux were HPI > GLUT = HK in AS-30D cells whereas for rat fed he- oxamate was varied, which correlated with an increase in the levels of
patocytes were HK > > PFK > GLUT (Fig. 5 and Table S5). A con- Fru1,6BP. Interestingly, this oxamate effect was only observed in the
trasting flux control distribution for glycolysis, when this pathway is AS-30D model but not in the rat fed hepatocytes model (Fig. S4).
modeled alone, has also been reported for AS-30D cells [13] as com- The model prediction that HPI and PGM exert significant control of
pared to that of hepatocytes or other non-cancer cells [52,53]. glycolysis and glycogen synthesis in hepatoma cells but not in rat fed
For the glycogen synthesis flux, the main controlling steps were hepatocytes was experimentally assessed using oxamate. The glycolytic
PGM > GLUT = HK in AS-30D cells, and HK > > GS > GP and glycogen synthesis fluxes and ATP concentration decreased by 50%
> MPM = GLUT in rat fed hepatocytes (Fig. 5 and Table S5). It has in comparison with non-treated cells after incubation of AS-30D cells
been also reported that GLUT, HK and GS exert control on glycogen with 10 mM oxamate. This effect correlated with an increased (2.8-fold)
synthesis in rat muscle [54]. level in Fru1,6BP (Table 4). In contrast, at the same oxamate con-
For glycogen degradation flux, the main controlling step was GP in centration, glycolysis and glycogen synthesis fluxes as well as ATP le-
both AS-30D cells and rat fed hepatocytes, exerting high control derived vels were unaffected in rat fed hepatocytes, which correlated with a
from its very low activity despite of AMP activation. Regardless of the decreased Fru1,6BP level (Table 4). These experimental results sup-
type of rate equation used to describe GP kinetics (reversible or irre- ported the modeling prediction that HPI and PGM activities in AS-30D
versible), the predicted metabolite concentrations, fluxes and control cells exert more flux control of glucose metabolism than in hepatocytes
coefficients for glycogen degradation were similar. For the PPP flux the (Fig. 6).
control was exerted by GPx and NAPDH consumption in AS-30D cells
and by GPx in rat fed hepatocytes (Fig. 5 and Table S5). The H2O2 3.8. Flux control distribution of glucose central metabolism in human
concentration (GPx substrate) was fixed at 55 nM (hepatocyte model) cancer cells
or 65 nM (AS-30D model) under non-oxidative stress conditions.
These results indicated that HPI and PGM exert high control on To extend our knowledge on how an essential metabolic pathway
glycolysis and glycogen synthesis, respectively, in AS-30D cells (Fig. 5). can be modified in cancer, kinetic parameters of GP, PGM and UGP
Afterwards, the relationship between pathway fluxes and HPI and PGM were also determined in cytosolic fractions of human cervix HeLa
activities was analyzed using the kinetic models. Significant decreases cancer cells, one of the most commonly studied cancer cell lines. In fact,
in the fluxes of glycolysis and glycogen synthesis were observed in AS- AS-30D and HeLa cells show similar glycolytic control patterns
30D when the HPI and PGM activities were simultaneously decreased; [13,14,27]. The values of the kinetic parameters in HeLa cells were
whereas, the pathway fluxes in rat fed hepatocytes were not affected similar to those obtained for the enzymes from AS-30D cells and fasted
(Fig. 6). In contrast, when GLUT and HK were simultaneously de- hepatocytes, with AMP behaving as a non-essential mixed type acti-
creased, both pathway fluxes were drastically inhibited in both types of vator of HeLa GP (Table 1). In contrast, the level of serine phosphor-
cells (Fig. 6). ylation of HeLa GP was lower than that of the AS-30D and fasted

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

Fig. 6. Modeled dependence of glycogen synthesis

A) Hepatocytes C) (A,C) and glycolytic (B,D) fluxes on HPI-PGM or on
GLUT-HK activities in rat fed hepatocytes and AS-
JGycogen synthesis %

100 100
AS-30D cells
30D cells. The reference 100% enzyme activity va-
80 80 lues were those corresponding to the respective
Vmax values (Table S2) whereas 100% fluxes were
60 those predicted by each model. To determine the
60 AS-30D cells
dependence of glycogen synthesis and glycolytic
40 Hepatocytes fluxes on HPI-PGM or on GLUT-HK, the HPI-PGM or
GLUT-HK activities were simultaneously decreased
20 by the same percentage. For HPI and PGM, a de-
20 crease of the Vmaxf value was accompanied by a
0 proportional decrease in the Vmaxr value.
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

B) Hepatocytes
100 100
AS-30D cells
JGlycolysis %

60 AS-30D cells
40 Hepatocytes

20 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
% of simultaneous decrease of % of simultaneous decrease of

Table 4
Effect of oxamate on glycolytic and glycogen synthesis fluxes in AS-30D cancer cells and rat fed hepatocytes.
AS-30D Rat fed hepatocytes

Control + Oxamate Control + Oxamate

% glycolytic flux 100 (5) 48 ± 9 (5)** 100 (4) 97 ± 21 (4)

% glycogen synthesis flux 100 (4) 52 ± 8 (4)** 100 (3) 107 ± 29 (3)
% ATP 100 (4) 45 ± 8 (4)** 100 (5) 94 ± 17 (5)
Fru1,6BP (mM) 4 ± 2 (3) 11 ± 3 (3)* 1 ± 0.2 (4) 0.3 ± 0.1** (4)

The oxamate and glucose concentrations were 10 and 5 mM, respectively, during cell incubations. The glycolysis/glycogen fluxes and ATP con-
centration in the absence of oxamate were 9.2 ± 3 (n = 5)/5.6 ± 1.8 (n = 4) nmol/min*mg of cellular protein and 6.1 ± 2.6 (n = 4) mM in AS-
30D cells; and 0.3 ± 0.03 (n = 4)/ 0.04 ± 0.02 (n = 3) nmol/min*mg of cellular protein and 2.4 ± 1 (n = 5) mM in rat fed hepatocytes, re-
spectively. Values are the mean ± SD; the number of preparations assayed is shown in parentheses. *P < .05, **P ≤ .001 vs. control cells.

hepatocytes enzymes, but similar to that of rat fed hepatocytes GP term incubations in hyperglycemic- and hypoglycemic-grown HeLa
(Fig. 1B). cells, except for Fru6P, Fru1,6BP, G3P and PEP (Table S6).
HeLa cells grown under hypoglycemia (2.5 mM glucose) and AS- The main controlling steps of glycolysis were GP > HPI
30D growing in the rat intra-peritoneal cavity under low glucose con- > ATPases > HK in hyperglycemic HeLa cells and GLUT > HK > HPI
centration (0.026 mM) show similar higher expression of GLUT3 and in hypoglycemic HeLa cells (Table S7). For glycogen synthesis flux, the
HKI isoforms as well as glycolytic flux control distribution [13,14,27]. main controlling steps were GS = GP and GS > > GLUT, in hy-
Therefore, the previously published HeLa kinetic models of glycolysis perglycemic and hypoglycemic cells, respectively (Table S6). In both
were updated to establish the main control steps in the glycogen me- types of HeLa cells, GP and ATPases were the main controlling steps for
tabolism and PPP pathway. Thus, for modeling HeLa glucose central the glycogen degradation, whereas GPx and NADPH consumption were
metabolism, PGM, UGP, GS, GP, Glc6PDH, 6PGDH, GR, GPx, NADPH the main controlling steps in the PPP. The distribution of control of
consumption and NDK reactions were incorporated to the previous ki- glycolysis of hypoglycemic cells was similar to that in AS-30D cells,
netic model of glycolysis [14] using the kinetic parameters experi- which grown in the rat intra-peritoneal cavity, under hypoglycemic
mentally determined here (Tables 1, S2, S4 and S6) or previously re- conditions, but not for glycogen synthesis. It remains to be established
ported by our group [14,24]. In HeLa models under non-oxidative stress whether a similar flux control distribution is observed in normal human
conditions, the H2O2 concentration was fixed between 60 and 153 nM, cells.
which was higher than that fixed in hepatocytes (Table S3). This feature
correlated with the generalized observation of greater ROS levels in 4. Discussion
human cancer cells as compared to normal cells [56]. The models were
able to closely simulate the experimentally determined metabolite The study of central glucose metabolism in AS-30D cells showed
concentrations and fluxes attained at 5 mM external glucose in short- that AMP is an essential activator of GP and Glc6P is a non-essential

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

activator of GS, which contrast with their lack of effect on rat fed he- degradation, when they are exposed to low glucose concentrations
patocytes. It also became evident that PGM modulation by Glc1,6BP [14].
(activator) and Fru1,6BP (inhibitor) as well as alanine, phenylalanine
and lactate inhibition of PYK are important regulatory mechanisms that
impact pathway fluxes and control. Inclusion of these kinetic para- 4.2. Control of glucose central metabolism in normal cells
meters in a kinetic model of AS-30D enabled to predict that HPI and
PGM were the main controlling steps of glycolysis and glycogen Identification of the differences at the genetic and biochemical
synthesis in cancer cells but not in fed hepatocytes. This prediction was (functional) levels between normal and cancer cells is essential in the
experimentally validated by using oxamate that inhibited the glycolytic search for new therapeutic targets, which should be specific for pa-
and glycogen synthesis fluxes in AS-30D through accumulation of thological cells and non-harmful for normal cells. Kinetic modeling of a
Fru16BP, a physiological inhibitor of HPI and PGM. metabolic pathway allows the identification of the steps with the
highest control in cancer cells, and low control in normal cells, thus
4.1. Content of protein and activities of glycogen metabolism enzymes becoming the best therapeutic targets. Furthermore, kinetic modeling
provides mechanistic understanding of why a given enzyme or trans-
There was a lack of correlation between protein levels and enzyme porter exerts significant control on a pathway [13,14].
activities, which now seems a common feature for enzymes of the In general, the kinetic model predictions were robust to changes in
cancer glucose metabolism [14] mainly as a consequence of wide- the kinetic parameters of most of the pathway enzymes, which gives
spread covalent regulation. In particular, GP, GS and UGP activities certainty about the validity of the results obtained. The majority of the
may be regulated by phosphorylation or acetylation [16,57]. The ac- metabolite concentrations and fluxes predicted by the model correlated
tivities of other glycolytic proteins may also be regulated by phos- well with the in vivo values, with the exception of Fru6P in AS30D cells.
phorylation (PGM, HPI, GLUT1, HKI, HPI, PFK1, ENO1), or in the case This indicated that additional kinetic experimentation-based refine-
of HKII, phosphorylation may regulate its binding to the external mi- ment is necessary at the level of PFK-1, because low levels of Fru6P are
tochondrial membrane [58–62]. attributed to the strong activation by F2,6BP that overcomes the in-
The Km values determined for PGM and UGP from hepatocytes and hibitory effect of citrate and ATP [27]. In contrast, in the rat fed he-
cancer cells were similar to values reported for enzymes from rat he- patocyte model, the Fru6P levels are not low because PFK-1 activity is
patomas, calf, rabbit and human liver tissues [33,34,39]. Moreover, the very low.
Km Glc1P value suggested the expression of the PGM2 isoform in hepa- Similarly to other normal cells (human erythrocytes, baby mouse
tocytes, AS-30D and HeLa cells [33]. kidney cells, mouse fibroblasts) and organs/tissues (rat liver, rat ske-
The effect of insulin and glucagon was not evaluated in this study. letal muscle, mouse heart) [20,52–54,66], it was here found that GLUT,
However, it has been reported that insulin does not modify the protein HK, PFK1, GP, GS and NADPH demand (as GPx and other pathways that
levels of GLUT 4 (insulin sensitive) neither the rate of glucose transport consume NADPH) were the main controlling steps of the glucose central
in AS-30D cells [63], suggesting that insulin might not affect the gly- metabolism in hepatocytes. Furthermore, the flux-control coefficients
cogen metabolism in AS-30D cells. In contrast, insulin stimulates gly- predicted by the present model were similar to values reported in
cogen synthesis in HeLa cells [64]. The effects of glucagon on AS-30D human skeletal muscle and rat heart for GLUT/HK (0.5–1) and GS
and HeLa cells have not yet been systematically examined. (0.01–0.4), when control of glycogen synthesis was determined by
GP of hepatocytes, AS-30D and HeLa cells showed similar affinity elasticity analysis [54]; and GLUT (0.25–0.5), HK (0.69–0.77) and PFK
(1/Km) values for glycogen and Pi. The Km values were similar to those (0.24–0.65), when glycolysis was analyzed in human erythrocytes and
previously reported for human liver recombinant enzyme and rat liver mouse heart (by kinetic modeling), in rat liver (by titration with pur-
and kidney native enzymes [35,36]. For the rabbit GP isoforms Km ified enzyme in homogenates) and baby mouse kidney cells and mouse
values for Pi of 1.5 mM (brain), 3 mM (liver) and 4.2 mM (muscle) have fibroblasts (by varying the expression level by genetic means)
been reported [37]; then, the values found in AS-30D and HeLa cells for [20,52,53,66].
the GP Km Pi suggested that the muscle isoform was expressed. GP However, in some of these previous analyses of glycolysis flux
isoforms can also be distinguished by their regulatory properties. Liver control distribution in normal cells, the GLUT reaction was not included
GP is mainly regulated by phosphorylation, triggering glycogen de- and hence the control of flux estimated for HK most likely also involved
gradation in response to hormones such as glucagon. In contrast, the contribution of GLUT. Now, with the construction, and experi-
muscle and brain GP isoforms are regulated by non-covalent mod- mental validation, of the present kinetic model of glucose central me-
ulators such as AMP. Furthermore, muscle GP is cooperatively regu- tabolism of hepatocytes, the relevant GLUT step was explicitly included
lated by AMP, whereas brain GP is non-cooperatively (hyperbolic) ac- as well as the glycogen metabolism and PPP branches. The high control
tivated by AMP and is poorly activated by phosphorylation [16]. In the exerted by GLUT and HK on the fluxes of glycolysis and glycogen
present study it was observed that AMP behaved as an essential hy- synthesis correlated with increased levels of glycogen and/or lactate
perbolic activator of AS-30D GP (data not shown), although the enzyme production when GLUT and/or HK activities were increased in mice
was phosphorylated, whereas AMP was a non-essential activator of skeletal muscle, baby mouse kidney cells and mouse fibroblasts
HeLa GP. These last data suggested expression of muscle or brain iso- [66,67]. These previous observations in normal cells supported the
form in both cancer cells. The brain GP isoform is also mainly expressed predictions of the present model of hepatocytes.
in several human cancer cells lines [6] and its expression has been Through kinetic modeling of PPP in hepatocytes it was previously
proposed as an early biomarker in human colorectal cancer [5]. reported that Glc6PDH and HK were controlling steps; however, such
It has been previously suggested that GP is a controlling step of model did not include the reactions of NADPH consumption [19]. In
glycogen degradation flux [65], although no experimental analyses in contrast, in in vivo studies in Xenopus laevis oocytes where reactions of
that regard was performed. Indeed, the kinetic modeling carried out in NADPH demand are present, Glc6PDH and HK exhibited null control on
the present study in three different cells types indicated that GP was the the PPP flux [68]. The latter authors argued that the NADPH demand
main control step of the glycogen degradation flux. GP exerts positive might exert control on PPP. Here, it was determined that NADPH de-
control on glycogen synthesis fluxes in AS-30D cells because its activity mand (as GPx and other NADPH consuming pathways such as, amino
generates Glc1P, which may re-feed glycogen synthesis (glycogen re- acids, nucleotides, cholesterol and fatty acid syntheses) exerted control
cycling). In turn, in hyperglycemic HeLa cells, GP exerts control on on the PPP flux. As in the present models the peroxide management
glycolytic flux because these cells express low-affinity GLUT isoforms system was included (as another NADPH demand), the levels of H2O2
and their glycolytic flux becomes partially dependent on glycogen did significantly affect the PPP flux.

Á. Marín-Hernández, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129687

4.3. MCA-based selection of therapeutic targets melanoma, B16F10) in nude mice [74–78] and shows low toxicity in
human and murine normal cells [74,77–79]. Then, according to the
The novel insight provided by the present kinetic modeling of results of the present study, it is possible that this apparent specificity of
central glucose metabolism is that HPI exerted significant control on oxamate on human and murine cancer cells derives from the non-con-
glycolytic flux of AS-30D cells [13,14] but interestingly it showed trolling role of HPI and PGM in normal cells. Further, in lung adeno-
negligible control on glycolysis of normal cells [52–54,66]. Moreover, it carcinoma patients, the expression of HPI correlates with poor prog-
was also established that PGM exerted significant control on glycogen nosis and decreased overall survival [80].
synthesis flux in AS-30D cells but not in rat fed hepatocytes. These Lithium, used to treat bipolar disorder, has been shown to inhibit
observations indicated that both enzymes are suitable therapeutic tar- PGM activity and decrease the levels of glycogen in astrocytes [81].
gets in tumor cells. In contrast, other controlling steps such as GLUT, Lithium has also shown anticancer activity in combination with cis-
HK and GP are unspecific targets because glycolysis and glycogen platin and paclitaxel in ovarian cancer cells [82]. Therefore, based on
synthesis/degradation would be inhibited in both normal and AS-30D their effects on HPI and PGM, the combination of oxamate plus lithium
cells. Such an effect was certainly observed in lung cancer cells (A549) might be a strategy to decrease the glycogen synthesis and glycolytic
and normal fibroblasts (HSF55) after treatment with CP-91,149, a GP fluxes in cancer cells. The effects of this drug combination should be in
inhibitor that causes accumulation of glycogen in normal and cancer parallel determined, particularly on other pathways such as the Krebs
cells in comparison with non-treated cells [6]. In addition, 2-deoxy- cycle, β-oxidation and OxPhos to search for collateral effects. Thus, to
glucose (2-DG), an inhibitor of GLUT, HK and HPI [69], decreases solidly propose a mechanism-based multisite therapy, the present study
glycolysis in normal and cancer cells and tissues [70]. This is one of the showed that it was necessary to determine the main controlling steps of
possible causes of adverse events reported in 2-DG treated cancer pa- the targeted metabolic pathways in cancer and normal cells.
tients [69].
HPI exerted control on the glycolytic flux and PGM on glycogen Author contributions
synthesis flux in cancer cells because their activities were strongly
regulated by several metabolites. In the case of HPI, erythrose-4P, 6- AM-H, JCG-P, MAR-G and MS-G performed the experiments. AM-H,
phosphogluconate, Fru1,6BP and DHAP are potent competitive in- RM-S and ES conceived the study, designed the experiments, refined the
hibitors at physiological concentrations [13,23,55]. In turn, Fru1,6BP is kinetic model, analyzed data and wrote the paper. AM-H, ES, MM-S, SR-
also a potent competitive inhibitor of PGM activity at physiological E, RM-S: revision and approval of the submitted manuscript.
concentrations. On the other hand, the physiological levels of these
modulators in rat fed hepatocytes were not sufficient to modulate the Declaration of Competing Interest
activity of both HPI and PGM.
The model simulations suggested that simultaneous inhibition of The authors declare no conflict of interest.
HPI and PGM (Fig. 6) may be a novel strategy to decrease specifically
the glucose metabolism in cancer cells. As there are not specific in- Acknowledgements
hibitors of HPI and PGM, the increase in the levels of the HPI and PGM
physiological inhibitors such as Fru1,6BP could be an alternative me- The present work was partially supported by grants from CONACyT-
chanism to decrease their activities in some cancer cells specifically. México to AMH (A1-S-40481), SRE (283144), RMS (239930 and
Oxamate is an inhibitor of the glycolytic downstream steps LDH, PYK 281428) and ES (282663).
and ENO [55]. Direct inhibition of these enzymes does not decrease
glycolysis, because the steps of the last segment of glycolysis in cancer Appendix A. Supplementary data
cells exert low control on glycolytic flux, as determined by elasticity
analysis and kinetic modeling studies [13,14,27]. Consequently, their Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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