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Person Authentication for Restricted Areas using Number Plate

Detection and Face Recognition.

Prof. Rina Damdoo, Kush Munot, Varsha Valecha, Gaurav Pathak, Sagar Mandal
Shri Ramdeobaba College Of Engineering and Management

The ”Number Plate Detection with Face Recognition” project in India is dedicated to over-
coming the challenges in vehicle and individual identification for enhanced security. Utiliz-
ing Pytesseract and OCR, our innovative solution enhances number plate detection accuracy
through advanced algorithms and image processing techniques. Moreover, it incorporates a
specialized face recognition library optimized for vehicle environments, employing 128 facial
parameters to ensure precise identification. This integrated approach promises to revolution-
ize security measures and law enforcement efforts by addressing existing limitations, offering a
seamless and efficient solution for tracking and identifying individuals associated with vehicles.
In summary, our project aims to redefine vehicle identification and security through the fusion
of cutting-edge number plate detection and face recognition technologies. In summary, the pro-
posed work aims to redefine vehicle identification and security through the fusion of cutting-edge
number plate detection and face recognition technique.

1 Introduction
In India, the identification of vehicles and individuals plays a crucial role in maintaining security and
addressing various concerns. However, existing systems often encounter challenges in accurately
detecting number plates and recognizing faces, leading to inefficiencies and potential security risks.

To tackle this problem, the proposed work in India aims to develop a robust technique using the
Pytesseract and OCR for number plate detection, along with a face recognition library specifically
designed for faces captured inside vehicles. Without this proposed work, the process of identifying
vehicles and individuals is plagued by shortcomings. Existing methods for number plate detection
may suffer from low accuracy, making it difficult to extract relevant information effectively. Addi-
tionally, traditional face recognition approaches are often not optimized for capturing faces within
a vehicle environment, which can result in unreliable identification.

By leveraging advanced algorithms and image processing, our system can accurately extract
and interpret number plate information from vehicle images. Furthermore, the proposed work in-
cludes a specialized face recognition library that has the capability to process and compare facial
features within the confined space of a vehicle. By combining these techniques, the proposed work
aims to offer an integrated solution for seamless number plate detection and face recognition within
the context of vehicles. This advancement will significantly enhance security measures, improve
law enforcement efforts, and enable efficient tracking and identification of individuals associated

with vehicles. Overall, the proposed work seeks to overcome the limitations present in conventional
approaches and strives to revolutionize the field of vehicle identification and security by integrating
advanced number plate detection and face recognition techniques.

The need for this integrated solution arises from the critical importance of accurate vehicle
and individual identification for security and law enforcement purposes. Existing systems often
struggle with low accuracy in number plate detection and face recognition, hindering their effec-
tiveness in addressing security concerns. The proposed work addresses these challenges by utilizing
advanced algorithms and specialized libraries to enhance accuracy in both number plate detection
and face recognition, ensuring reliable identification of individuals associated with vehicles. This
solution promises to streamline security measures and significantly improve law enforcement efforts,
ultimately contributing to a safer and more secure environment.

2 Dataset Curation
We curated our custom data set by capturing videos of moving vehicles and under various environ-
mental conditions. We followed a process for the custom data set, we went with our friends and a
car to places and took videos in different conditions to test our model. A data set of 10 videos was
curated. These videos capture moving cars from various angles. The goal is to ensure that the face
of the driver is visible through the car’s glass, and that the number plate is also visible within the
same video frame.

Figure 1: This picture shows the workflow diagram of data set curation.

Variability: The videos were captured under different conditions, including varying distances,
different intensities of light, and at various times of the day. This variability helps the model learn
to recognize vehicles and their occupants in diverse real-world scenarios.

Usage: The data set was used for both training and testing purposes. During training, the
model learned to recognize and extract relevant information from the videos. During testing, the
accuracy of the trained model was assessed, possibly using metrics like classification accuracy or

object detection metrics.

Purpose: The purpose of this data set and model is related to tasks such as driver identi-
fication, vehicle recognition, or license plate recognition. It could also be used for security and
surveillance applications, traffic monitoring, or autonomous driving systems.

3 Literature review
In recent years, several notable advancements have been made in the field of automatic number
plate recognition (ANPR) and security systems. These studies have explored various approaches
and technologies to enhance accuracy and efficiency in identifying vehicles and individuals.

Table 1: Summary of Research Papers on Vehicle Number Plate Recognition (Part 1)

Ref No. Title Year Key Features Accuracy
1 A Review Paper on Vehicle Num- 2019 Enhanced ANPR using OpenCV 95%
ber Plate Recognition (Gurav and Tesseract OCR, improved
C, Gurav R, Kamble V, Prof. results compared to Matlab, Ro-
Sakhalkar N, Mohite S) bustness to various lighting con-
2 Automatic Number Plate Recog- 2020 Deep learning-based ANPR sys- 98%
nition using Deep Learning (V tem with high accuracy, Im-
Gnanaprakash, N Kanthimathi, proved recognition under chal-
N Saranya) lenging weather conditions
3 Exhaustive Security System 2020 Integration of face recognition 83%
Based On Face Recognition In- and number plate identification,
corporated With Number Plate achieving 83% person identifica-
Identification Using Optical tion accuracy, Enhanced security
Character Recognition (Zaheen through multi-factor authentica-
Y, Mohi-U-Din Z, Siddique A, tion
Qadri T)
4 An Automatic Number Plate 2018 ANPR with high accuracy in 97.40%
Recognition System using edge detection, feature detection,
OpenCV and Tesseract OCR and OCR, Real-time recognition
Engine (Agbemenu A, Yankey of license plates
Jepthah, Addo E)
5 Vehicle Number Plate Detection 2016 Precise vehicle number plate de- 94%
and Recognition using Bounding tection and recognition using the
Box Method (K. M. Babu and M. bounding box method, Effective
V. Raghunadh) vehicle tracking for traffic man-
6 Implementation of Viola-Jones 2017 Exploration of the Viola-Jones 96%
Algorithm Based Approach for algorithm for real-time human
Human Face Detection (Soni, face detection, Robust face de-
L.N., Ashutosh, D., and Shilpa tection for surveillance applica-
D) tions

Table 2: Summary of Research Papers on Vehicle Number Plate Recognition (Part 2)
Ref No. Title Year Key Features Accuracy
7 A Fast and Accurate Uncon- 2016 Introduction of a rapid uncon- 98.50%
strained Face Detector (Liao, S., strained face detector, crucial
Anil, K. J., and Stan Z. L.) for advancing facial recognition
technology, Enhanced accuracy
and speed in face detection
8 Detection of License Plates in 2010 Discussion of license plate de- 92%
Natural Scenes with MSER and tection in natural scenes using
SIFT Unigram Classifiers (W. L. MSER and SIFT unigram clas-
Hao and H. T. Yong) sifiers, techniques commonly em-
ployed in object recognition
9 Safety and Security Improve- 2006 Focusing on enhancing public N/A
ment in Public Transportation transportation safety and secu-
Based on Public Perception in rity in developing countries, con-
Developing Countries (T. B. Joe- sidering public perceptions to
wono and H. Kubota) improve transport network secu-
rity, Improved public transporta-
tion safety and security based on
community feedback
10 A Convolutional Neural Net- 2015 Introduction of a CNN cascade 97%
work Cascade for Face Detection for face detection and deep learn-
(Li, H., Zhe, L., Xiaohui, S., ing for biometrics and image
Jonathan B., and Gang, H) analysis, Enhanced face detec-
tion accuracy in a variety of sce-
11 Vehicle License Plate Detection 2012 License plate detection using 90%
From Edge Detection And Mor- edge detection and morphologi-
phological Operators (Harpreet cal operators, Enhanced robust-
Kaur, M. B.) ness to image noise
12 A Review Paper On Vehicle 2013 Review paper on ANPR with 88%
Number Plate Recognition Us- improved character segmenta-
ing Improved Character Segmen- tion, Improved recognition of
tation Method (Bailmare, M. H.) distorted characters
13 Automatic Licence Plate Recog- 2017 Automatic license plate recog- 94%
nition Using Raspberry Pi (Aish- nition using Raspberry Pi, En-
warya Agrawal, N. P.) hanced portability and real-time
14 Detecting The Car Number 2014 Car number plate detection 91%
Plate Using Segmentation (V. using segmentation, Improved
Laksmi Priya, K. Perumal) recognition under varying light-
ing conditions
15 An Automatic System For De- 2014 Automatic system for detect- 93%
tecting The Vehicle Registra- ing vehicle registration plates in
tion Plate From Video In Foggy foggy and rainy environments us-
And Rain Environments Using ing restoration techniques, Im-
Restoration Technique (Savneet proved performance in adverse
Kaur, Kamaljit Kaur) weather conditions

In the field of vehicle identification and security, the proposed work in India differs significantly

from the body of existing literature in several key areas. Even though earlier research has been
very beneficial, it frequently concentrates on particular areas, like face or number plate recognition,
without offering a comprehensive answer. Our work proposes, on the other hand, a comprehensive
solution that seamlessly integrates both face recognition and number plate detection within the
context of vehicles, using specialised libraries and advanced algorithms. The precise identification
of faces inside vehicles is ensured by this integrated approach, which is specifically designed to meet
the unique challenges involved. It tackles issues with conventional methods’ shortcomings, like
their poor accuracy in identifying licence plates and their inability to be tailored to the demands of
moving cars. By doing so, the proposed work promises to revolutionize security measures, enhance
law enforcement efforts, and significantly improve the tracking and identification of individuals
associated with vehicles, contributing to a safer and more secure environment in India.

4 Model Description
Person authentication for restricted areas using number plate detection and face recognition has
two phases: vehicle number plate recognition and face recognition. For number plate recognition,
we are using the Pytesseract library, which is a commonly used optical character recognition (OCR)
tool in Python. We are also using the ”Face Recognition” library for face recognition from images.
It is the world’s simplest face recognition library, with an accuracy of 99.38% on the labeled faces
in the wild benchmark.

Vehicle Number Plate Recognition: In the proposed model, the images are generated from
the input video. The image is read and resized to maintain its aspect ratio for data conservation.
The processed image is converted into grayscale, and the number plate area is bound using the cas-
cade classifier loaded earlier. If a valid license plate is found, the characters on the license plate are
extracted using Tesseract OCR. The data is appended to the file for later use. If a license plate is not
found in the current image, then the model uses other generated images for number plate detection.

Face Recognition: The library first detects faces within an image or video frame. It employs
pre-trained models, such as Haar cascades or deep neural networks, to identify face regions. Once
a face is detected, the library identifies facial landmarks. These landmarks include points like the
eyes, nose, mouth, and face edges. Landmark detection is typically achieved using shape predictor
models, often included in the library’s resources. The library extracts key features from the face,
such as the distance between eyes, nose shape, and mouth curvature. These features are used to
create a unique face representation. Libraries like dlib use a face recognition model that compares
the extracted features from the detected face with known faces stored in a database or directory.
To recognise faces, a library maintains a database of known individuals with their corresponding fa-
cial feature representations. When a new face is detected, its features are compared to the database.

A distance metric, such as Euclidean distance or cosine similarity, is used to measure the sim-
ilarity between the detected face’s features and the features of known faces. A lower distance
indicates a higher degree of similarity. To make a positive identification, the library uses a recogni-
tion threshold. If the distance between the detected face and a known face is below this threshold,
the system recognises the person. If the detected face closely matches a known face based on the
distance calculation and falls below the recognition threshold, the library identifies the person. The

recognised individual’s name or ID is associated with the detected face.

Figure 2: This picture shows the workflow diagram of the Model and what are the intermediate
steps involved in the model for recognizing Number Plates and Face recognition.

After identifying both the number plate and the face, the data is mapped together. It is then
compared with the existing data from the database. If the match is found, entry is permitted in a
restricted area. If no match is found, the entry is denied, and an alarm is set for physical inspection.

5 Results

Figure 3: Output Image 1Figure 4: Output Image 2Figure 5: Output Image 3

Figure 6: Output Image 4 Figure 7: Output Image 5 Figure 8: Output Image 6

Figure 9: Output Image 7 Figure 10: Output Image 8 Figure 11: Output Image 9

Figure 12: Confusion matrix after running the videos on our custom-trained model.

6 Conclusion
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) has been used for number plate detection and character
recognition to segment the characters contained in number plates. By using our model, individuals
can efficiently identify number plates, and accurately recognize the faces of individuals within
a vehicle using frames captured from a single video. This integrated solution enhances security
measures and access control for restricted areas while simplifying processes that would otherwise
be time-consuming and manual. Even after being trained on only 87 images, the suggested model
had a testing accuracy of 85%. However, by using a suitable rooftop setup for recording vehicles
as they enter, adjusting the lighting, and choosing the right camera angle, further improvement
can be made. Our proposal will result in a system that aids security personnel and authorities in
effectively implementing number plate detection and face recognition for restricted areas, including
government offices and other secure locations. With the help of this initiative, security professionals
will be able to create a comprehensive database that includes information on individuals entering
and leaving the area. This database will be available to officers in several states, furthering the
digitization of the security industry.

7 Acknowledgements

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[8] W.L. Hao, H.T. Yong, ”Detection of license plates in natural scenes with MSER and SIFT
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