Lecture01 Introduction To Artificial Intelligence

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TAI2151 Artificial Intelligence


Lecture 1: Introduction
Text book and reference books
Text Book

◼ 1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern

Approach, Prentice Hall , 2010 (3rd Edition).

Reference books
◼ 1.George Luger, Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for
Complex Problem Solving 6th Ed, Addison-Wesley, 2008.
◼ 2. Elaine Rich et al, Artificial Intelligence , McGraw Hill,1991
◼ 3. Dan W. Patterson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and
Expert Systems, Prentice Hall, 1990
◼ 4. E.Turban, Expert Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence,
MacMillan, 1992.
◼ 5. T. Dean, J. F. Allen & Y. Aloimonos, Artificial Intelligence:
Theory and Practice , Benjamin Cummings, 1995,
◼ 6. P.H. Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
Massachusetts, third edition, 1992.
What are we striving for?
The objectives of artificial intelligence are
◼ To model and process intelligence so as to
build intelligent entities (systems).
◼ Scientific motivations for creation of new exact
algorithms and heuristics.
Different faces of AI
◼ Symbolic Computation,
◼ Computational Intelligence: Evolutionary
computation, neural networks, fuzzy logic etc.

◼ Emphasis in the course will be the first

approach with some mention of other
What is AI ?
human ideal performance

does "right thing"


What is AI ?
◼ Thinking like humans: decision-making, problem
solving, learning
◼ Thinking rationally: study of mental faculties
through computational models
◼ Acting like humans: perform functions requiring
intelligence of humans
◼ Acting rationally: automation of intelligent

◼ A system is rational if it does the right thing

AI ?
Approaches to AI

◼ Search
◼ Learning
◼ Rule-Based Systems
◼ Reasoning (logic)
◼ Planning
◼ Ability-Based Areas
◼ Robotics
◼ Agent

◼ “All AI is search”
◼ Game theory
◼ Problem spaces
◼ Every problem is a “virtual” tree of all possible
(successful or unsuccessful) solutions.
◼ The trick is to find an efficient search strategy.
Search: Game Theory

A (partial) game tree for the game of tic-tac-toe.

The top node is the initial state, and MAX moves
first, placing an X in an empty square. We show
part of the tree, giving alternating moves by MIN
(O) and MAX (X), until we eventually reach
terminal states, which can be assigned utilities
according to the rules of the game.

9!+1 = 362,880
Approaches to AI

◼ Search
◼ Learning
◼ Rule-Based Systems
◼ Reasoning (logic)
◼ Planning
◼ Ability-Based Areas
◼ Robotics
◼ Agent
modal the process of scientific

◼ Explanation - rule-bases system

- probabilistic technics
- clustering
◼ Discovery
◼ Data Mining
◼ No Explanation
◼ Neural Nets
◼ Case-Based Reasoning
- reasoning from cases
Learning: No Explanation
◼ Neural nets
input logic

high weight
import data output logic

low weight



Approaches to AI

◼ Search
◼ Learning
◼ Rule-Based Systems
◼ Reasoning (logic)
◼ Planning
◼ Ability-Based Areas
◼ Robotics
◼ Agent
Rule-Based Systems
◼ Logic Languages
◼ Prolog, Lisp
◼ Knowledge bases
◼ Inference engines
Rule-Based Languages: Prolog

Father(abraham, isaac). Male(isaac).

Father(haran, lot). Male(lot).
Father(haran, milcah). Female(milcah).
Father(haran, yiscah). Female(yiscah).
Son(X,Y)  Father(Y,X), Male(X).
Daughter(X,Y)  Father(Y,X), Female(X).

Son(lot, haran)?
Approaches to AI

◼ Search
◼ Learning
◼ Rule-Based Systems
◼ Reasoning Logic
◼ Planning
◼ Ability-Based Areas
◼ Robotics
◼ Agents
Ability-Based Areas

◼ Computer vision image/video

◼ Natural language processing test


◼ Speech processing audio/signal

structure data
Computer Vision data => image/video
classification => class force

 Computer vision is an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals

with how computers can gain high-level understanding from
digital images or videos. From the perspective of engineering, it
seeks to understand and automate tasks that the human visual
system can do.
 Computer vision tasks include methods for acquiring,
processing, analyzing and understanding digital images, and
extraction of high-dimensional data from the real world in order
to produce numerical or symbolic information, e.g. in the forms
of decisions.
 The scientific discipline of computer vision is concerned with the
theory behind artificial systems that extract information from
object detect
Natural Language Processing
◼ Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of
artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions
between computers and human (natural) languages,
in particular how to program computers to process
and analyze large amounts of natural language data.
Speech Processing
◼ Speech processing is the study of speech signals and the
processing methods of signals.
◼ The signals are usually processed in a digital representation, so
speech processing can be regarded as a special case of digital
signal processing, applied to speech signals.
◼ Aspects of speech processing includes the acquisition,
manipulation, storage, transfer and output of speech signals.
◼ Robotics is an interdisciplinary research area at the interface of
computer science and engineering. Robotics involves design,
construction, operation, and use of robots.
◼ The goal of robotics is to design intelligent machines that can
help and assist humans in their day-to-day lives and keep
everyone safe.
◼ Robotics develops machines that can substitute for humans and
replicate human actions.
◼ In artificial intelligence, an intelligent agent (IA) refers to an
autonomous entity which acts, directing its activity towards
achieving goals (i.e. it is an agent), upon an environment using
observation through sensors and consequent actuators (i.e. it is
◼ Intelligent agents may also learn or use knowledge to achieve
their goals. They may be very simple or very complex.

Simple reflex agent


Weak and Strong AI Claims

face recognition
facial data AI modal
◼ Weak AI:
◼ Machines can be made to act as if they were
◼ Weak A.I. refers to A.I. that only simulates human thoughts and actions.
◼ Actions, decision and ideas are programmed into it.
◼ They mimic humans based on their programming
◼ All current forms of A.I. are ‘Weak A.I.’

◼ Strong AI:
◼ Machines that act intelligently have real,
conscious minds.
◼ Strong A.I. refers to A.I. that matches or exceeds human intelligence.
◼ Also called “True A.I.”, as they are truly intelligent.
◼ They don’t just simulate humans, they are intelligent on their own.
◼ Able to learn freely and adapt, self aware, free will.
Turing Test

◼ The Turing test is a behavioural approach to determining

whether or not a system is intelligent.
◼ A computer passes the test if a human interrogator, after
posing some written questions, cannot tell whether the
written responses come from a person or from a computer.
Turing Test
◼ The computer would need to possess the following
◼ Natural language processing
◼ to enable it to communicate successfully in English
◼ Knowledge representation
◼ to store what it knows or hears
◼ Automated reasoning
◼ to use the stored information to answer questions
and to draw new conclusions
◼ Machine learning
◼ to adapt to new circumstances and to detect and
extrapolate patterns
Total Turing Test
◼ The "Total Turing test" variation of the Turing test,
proposed by cognitive scientist Stevan Harnad, adds
two further requirements to the traditional Turing test.
◼ The interrogator can also test the perceptual abilities
of the subject (requiring computer vision) and the
subject's ability to manipulate objects (requiring
◼ To pass the total Turing Test, the computer will need
◼ Computer vision
◼ to perceive objects
◼ Robotics
◼ to manipulate objects and move about
The Chinese Room Experiment
The Chinese Room Experiment continued...

◼ The Chinese Room

machine translation

What is Intelligence?
◼ The Chinese Room



English !

What is Intelligence?
◼ Replacing the brain
Intelligent Systems in Everyday Life
◼ Post office – automatic address recognition
◼ Banks – automated cheque readers, signature
verification, fraud detection, loan application
◼ Telecommunications – voice recognitions for
directory enquiries, fraud detection.
◼ Credit card companies – fraud detection, application
◼ Computer companies – automated help desk
◼ Household appliances – Washing machines, rice
The Foundation of Artificial Intelligence

◼ Philosophy
◼ Mathematics
◼ Economics
◼ Neuroscience
◼ Psychology
◼ Computer engineering
◼ Control theory and cybernetics
◼ Linguistics
The History of Artificial Intelligence Continued ...

◼ Modern Founders of AI
◼ Alan Turing ("Computing Machinery and
Intelligence"; Turing test) (1950)
◼ McCulloch & Pitts (Neural nets) (1943)
◼ Norbert Wiener (Cybernetics)
◼ John von Neumann (Game theory)
◼ Claude Shannon (Information theory)
◼ Newell & Simon (The Logic Theorist)
◼ John McCarthy (LISP, commonsense reasoning)
◼ Marvin Minsky (Frames)
The History of Artificial Intelligence Continued ...

◼ Achievements of AI
◼ Deep Thought is an international grand master chess player.
◼ Sphinx can recognise continuous speech without training for
each speaker. It operates in near real time using a vocabulary of
1000 words and has 94% word accuracy.
◼ Navlab is a car that has driven across the United States at 55mph
in normal traffic on freeways.
◼ Carlton and United Breweries use an AI planning system to plan
production of their beer.
◼ Robots are used regularly in manufacturing.
◼ Natural language interfaces to databases can be obtained on a
◼ Machine Learning methods have been used to build expert
◼ Expert systems are used regularly in finance, medicine,
manufacturing and agriculture
The History of Artificial Intelligence Continued ...
◼ 1943-1956 (the age of invention)
◼ McCulloch & Pitts/Hebb (a model of brain)
▪ Simple neural models of processing
◼ Claude Shannon/Turing
◼ computers can manipulate symbols

◼ chess as a canonical example

◼ Dartmouth workshop (1956)
◼ genesis of the term “AI”

◼ Newell &Simon
◼ Logic Theorist

◼ 1952-1969 (Early AI Programs)

◼ General Problem Solver
◼ Samuel checkers program
◼ LISP (1958)
◼ Resolution method (1965)

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