Test First P-Inglés Avanzado 2 Oct 23 Formato

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There are many steps you can take to (1) _____________ the fear of flying.

how a plane works will help you to understand that planes can fly without the (2)
______________. This is because the (3) ___________________ push against the
air and keep the plane flying. you should not be afraid of turbulence. This is
UNIVERSIDAD DEL VALLE DE completely (4) ______________ and can only cause an accident if the plane is
MÉXICO, CAMPUS HISPANO already (5) ___________. Other tips on how to prevent a fear of flying are: to learn
BACHILLERATO CUATRIMESTRAL where things are on a plane, and to (6) _______________ disaster movies. Finally,
you should be realistic and remember that (7) _______________ is much safer than
CICLO 03-2023
(8) _________________ .

Evaluación primer parcial

Ingles Avanzado II. 1. A. reduce. B. flying. C. wings. D. engine
2. A. engine B. reduce. C. damaged. D. avoid
3. A. engine. B. flying. C. normal. D. reduce
4. A. normal. B. avoid. C. wings. D. reduce
Elaboró: M. Sonia Angélica Alfaro Cruz
Total de Reactivos: 20 Valor del examen: 30% 5. A. normal. B. damaged. C. wings. D. flying
6. A. avoid. B. flying. C. damaged. D. wings.
Nombre del Estudiante: 7. A. flying. B. reduce. C. damaged. D. engine
8. A. driving. B. reduce. C. wings. D. normal

II. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the
adjectives in brackets.

OBJETIVO DEL EXAMEN: Evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos por el estudiante durante el
primer parcial 9. Traveling by train is ___________________ than driving. (good)
A. gooder. B. better. C. best. D. more good
Instrucciones generales: Este examen consta de 20 preguntas. Lee detenidamente las
instrucciones en cada sección. Utiliza tinta negra y no se puede usar corrector. Evita 10. In a big city, riding a bicycle is _________________ than driving a car. (fast)
tachaduras, encimar letras o manchar. No se puede hablar voltear o pedir material a los
compañeros durante el examen de no cumplir lo especificado el examen se anulará, de igual A. fastest. B. more fast. C. the faster. D. faster
forma sucederá si se sorprende al alumno copiando o usando acordeón. No debe usar
celulares o tabletas. 11. Driving your own car is the ______________________ way to travel.

A. More comfortable. B. the most comfortable. C. the comfortablest. D. the less

I. Complete the summary below using the words in the options comfortable

12. If you are in a hurry, it is __________________ to cycle than to drive a car. A. B. C. D. E.
19. Fear of spider
A. best. B. the better. C. more best. D. better
A. B. C. D. E.
13. Riding a motorbike is the __________________ way to travel across a country.
(interesting) 20. Fear of water

A. more interesting. B. the most interesting. C. the interestingest. D. A. B. C. D. E.


14. Many people buy monthly passes for public transport. It´s _________________
than paying for every ride. (convenient).

A. the most convenient. B. more convenient. C. the convenienter. D. the

more convenient

15. Walking is the _________________method of transport. (good).

A. the best. B. better. C. the better. D. the goodest

III. relate the name with the definition

A. Arachnophobia

B. Trypanophobia

C. Aquaphobia

D. Acrophobia

E. Nomophobia

16. Fear of being out of a mobile phone of network

A. B. C. D. E.

17. Fear of heights

A. B. C. D. E.

18. Fear of needles

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