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Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Medicine ®

Efficacy of acupuncture for generalized anxiety

A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis
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Meichen Li, MMa, Xin Liu, MDa, Xinyi Ye, MMb, Lixing Zhuang, MDc,*
wCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8K2+Ya6H515kE= on 05/02/2023

Background: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) tightly traps modern people. Its incidence shows an increased peak during
the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. Acupuncture is regarded as an effective way to relieve anxiety symptoms.
However, there are still controversies. This study aimed to systematically evaluate the clinical efficacy of acupuncture in patients
with GAD.
Methods: Four English and 3 Chinese databases were searched from their inception to January 2022. Only randomized
controlled trials (RCTs) in which acupuncture was the main intervention were included. The literature was independently screened
and extracted by two investigators. The Cochrane Bias Risk Assessment Tool was used for quality evaluation. Analyses were
conducted by RevMan 5.3.0 and STATA 15.0 software. The primary outcome was the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA). The
secondary indicators were the total effective rate, the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), and the Treatment Emergent Symptom
Scale (TESS).
Results: Twenty-seven studies were included with a total of 1782 participants. The risk of performance bias or reporting bias
for most of the included trials was unclear. Combined results showed the acupuncture group had better outcomes in the HAMA
score [MD = −0.78, 95%CI (−1.09, −0.46)], the total effective rate [RR = 1.14, 95%CI (1.09, 1.19)], the SAS score [MD = −2.55,
95%CI (−3.31, −1.80)] compared with the control group. Regarding the number of adverse events, the acupuncture group was
safer than the control group and scored less grade in the TESS score [MD = −1.54, 95%CI (−1.92, −1.17)].
Conclusions: Acupuncture can effectively relieve the anxiety symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder patients with fewer side
effects, but randomized controlled trials with large sample size and high quality are also required to support the result.
Abbreviations: 5-HT = the serotonin system, AT = acupuncture treatment, CAM = complementary and alternative medicine,
CBM = Chinese Biomedical Literature, CBT = psychotherapy, CI = confidence intervals, CNKI = China Knowledge Network,
COVID-19 = 2019 novel coronavirus, GAD = Generalized anxiety disorder, HAMA = Hamilton Anxiety Scale, MD = mean difference,
PRISMA = Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, RCTs = randomized controlled trials, RR =
relative risk, SAS = the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, TER = Total effective rate, TESS = Treatment-Emergent Symptom Scale, VIP =
China Science and Technology Journal, WF = Wanfang, .
Keywords: acupuncture, generalized anxiety disorder, meta-analysis, randomized controlled trial, systematic review

1. Introduction 5–7% among the population.[1,2] It occurs especially frequently

in women.[3] During menopause, the occurrence is as high as
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a major subtype of 63.3%.[4] Besides, the incidence shows an increased peak during
common chronic anxiety disorder, with a total incidence of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.[5–7] GAD

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of a

Acupuncture and rehabilitation clinical collage of Guangzhou University of
China (81903971), and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Chinese Medicine, b Dongguan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, c The First
Province (2021A1515011470). Innovative Clinical Research Project of Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine.
the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
(2019ZWB07). *Correspondence: Lixing Zhuang, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou
University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, China (e-mail:
All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at http:// Copyright © 2022 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. The authors have no conflicts of interest to This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
declare. Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License 4.0 (CCBY-NC), where it is
permissible to download, share, remix, transform, and buildup the work provided
The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions it is properly cited. The work cannot be used commercially without permission
related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately from the journal.
investigated and resolved. How to cite this article: Li M, Liu X, Ye X, Zhuang L. Efficacy of acupuncture for
generalized anxiety disorder: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-
Ethical approval: Since our research did not have close or direct contact with analysis. Medicine 2022;101:49(e30076).
every patient, no ethical clearance was required for this manuscript.
Received: 20 April 2022 / Received in final form: 25 June 2022 / Accepted: 28
The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are June 2022
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Li et al. • Medicine (2022) 101:49Medicine

mainly manifests as persistent, uncontrollable, and excessive anx- this study aims to collect clinical RCTs of acupuncture in the treat-
iety. Physical symptoms trouble patients seriously, such as sleep ment of GAD and conduct a meta-analysis of the included litera-
disturbance and muscle tension.[8–10] The discomfort is especially ture, to provide an evidence-based basis for clinicians.
acute during the outbreak, which is easily combined with other
mental disorders and develops into bipolar disorder.[11]
Modern medical research believes that the serotonin system 2. Materials and methods
(5-HT) is of great importance to fear and anxiety.[12] Selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors are focused on solving the prob- 2.1. Study registering and reporting
lem of GAD,[13] such as benzodiazepines. However, the use This is a systematic review, and ethical approval was not necessary.
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of these neurological drugs has been questioned due to their The protocol of this review was registered on PROSPERO (https://
adverse effects on the public and physical dependence.[14] It is www.crd.york. ac. uk/PROSPERO/; trial ID CRD42020205834).
increasingly urgent to find effective treatments for GAD. The following list was provided based on Preferred Reporting
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At present, patients are gradually opting to combine medica- Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
tions with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treat- (available at[19]
ments to reduce anxiety symptoms.[15,16] Acupuncture therapy is
targeted, flexible, effective and safe, which has been practiced as
an adjuvant treatment for GAD in plenty of clinical trials.[17,18] 2.2. Literature inclusion and exclusion criteria
However, most of them are randomized controlled trials (RCTs) Literature was included if the following criteria were met:
with small sample sizes and single centers. There are still contro- (a) Research type and design: clinical RCTs of acupuncture
versies about the scientific basis and safety assurance. Therefore, treatment (AT) for GAD published at home and abroad;

Figure 1. Search Flowchart.

Li et al. • Medicine (2022)

(b) Research objects: met the GAD diagnostic criteria; (c) gov) and the Chinese Clinical Trials Registry (
Intervention measures: the experimental group adopts only cn/searchproj.asp), to screen the completed but unpublished
AT (needle materials, acupoint selection, needle implemen- clinical studies to find as many relevant studies as possible.
tation, needle retention time and course were not limited) or Subject and free words were combined for document retrieval.
combined with the conventional treatments (psychotherapy or The search term of the disease was “generalized anxiety disor-
western medicine). The intervention measures of the control der”; the intervention measures were “acupuncture treatment”
group were western medicine (the type of medicine was not or “acupuncture” or “acupuncture therapy”. The retrieval date
limited), psychotherapy (CBT), or western medicine plus CBT; was up to 2022-01. The search strategy of PubMed is as follows:
(d) Clinical efficacy outcome indicators: primary indicators:
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the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA); secondary indicators: #1 Search ((“Generalized Anxiety Disorder” or “Disorder,
the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), the Total Effective Rate Anxiety” or “Anxiety Disorders”)).
(TER) and the Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS). #2 Search (“Acupuncture” [Mesh]) OR ((“Acupuncture
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Literature was excluded if one of the following criteria were treatment” or “Electroacupuncture” or “Acupuncture, Ear”
met: (I) Non-RCT test or self-control RCTs; (II) Comparison of or “Acupuncture Points”)).
curative effects of different acupuncture techniques, acupoint #3 #1 AND #2.
selection and treatment time, etc; (III) The control group did
not belong to western medicine or CBT; (IV) There were obvi-
ous quality problems in the literature, such as statistical errors; 2.4. Data extraction and management
(V) Documents with incomplete research data or original data
could not be obtained; (VI) Literature review, evaluation lit- After the literature was downloaded, the search results were
erature, theoretical research, case report, clinical experience, imported into the Note- Express3.60 document management
academic theoretical discussion, repetitive literature, etc. software to filter out the duplicate documents. Then, the title and
abstract were read to conduct a preliminary screening. The articles
that passed the first checkpoint were further sieved in full text.
2.3. Methods of obtaining literature Finally, an excel table was developed according to the relevant
information items to extract data and analyze the results. All doc-
A comprehensive search of the electronic databases was con- uments were independently screened by two people (M Li and X
ducted including the Chinese Biomedical Literature (CBM Ye) and cross-checked with each other. In case of disagreement,, China Knowledge Network (CNKI they would discuss and resolve it with the third researcher (X Liu)., China Science and Technology Journal
(VIP, Wanfang (WF http://www.wan-, PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library
databases. Relevant references. Master’s and doctoral degrees 2.5. Literature quality evaluation
papers were also selected. In addition, we searched the National According to Cochrane Handbook 5.1.0,[20] the included RCTs
Institutes of Health Clinical Trials Database (http://clinicaltrials. were evaluated by the quality and risk of bias, rated as low-risk,

Table 1
Basic characteristics of the included literature.
Treatment measures
Included literature Sample size Therapy Control Outcome Course

WANG 2003(10) 30/32 EA WM (Trazodone Hydrochloride) ①②③ 6 weeks

WANG 2005(11) 35/30 AT WM (lorazepam & oryzanol/ propranolol) ②③ A month
LIU 2007(1)(12) 29/29 AT WM (Paroxetine) ①②③④ 6 weeks
LIU 2007(2)(12) 28/29 AT + WM WM (Paroxetine) ①②③④ 6 weeks
WANG 2007(13) 21/20 AT WM (Flupentixol and Melitracen) ①③ A month
FU 2008(1)(14) 20/20 AT WM (Paroxetine) ①②③④ 6 weeks
FU 2008(2)(14) 20/20 AT + WM WM (Paroxetine) ①②③④ 6 weeks
DENG 2009(15) 28/27 AT + WM WM (Flupentixol and Melitracen) ①③④ A month
TAI 2010(1)(16) 23/21 AT + CBT CBT ②③ 4–8weeks
TAI 2010(2)(16) 29/21 AT + CBT CBT ②③ 4–8 weeks
SHI 2010(17) 30/30 AT WM (Flupentixol and Melitracen) ①②③④ 4 weeks
GONG 2012(18) 56/57 AT + CBT WM (Duloxetine) ①③④ 6 weeks
XIONG 2013(19) 36/35 AT WM (Flupentixol and Melitracen) ②③ A month
ZHOU 2013(20) 40/40 AT WM (clonazepam) ① 6 weeks
ZHAO 2014(21) 30/30 AT WM (Paroxetine) ①②③④ 6 weeks
FANG 2014(22) 50/50 AT + CBT CBT ① 4 weeks
FAN 2014(23) 40/41 EA + AT WM (Paroxetine) ① 6 weeks
CHE 2015(24) 40/40 AT WM (Paroxetine) ①②④ 6 weeks
SHENG2015(1)(25) 30/30 AT WM (Paroxetine) ③ 6 weeks
SHENG 2015(2)(25) 30/30 AT WM (Paroxetine) ③ 6 weeks
LI 2015(26) 21/24 AT WM (Paroxetine) ① 6 weeks
ZHOU 2015(27) 30/30 AT + WM WM (Paroxetine) ① 8 weeks
XU 2016(28) 30/30 AT + WM WM (Buspirone hydrochloride) ①③ 15 days
ZHANG 2018(29) 48/42 AT + CBT CBT ① 28 days
ZHAO 2018(30) 60/60 EA WM (Buspirone hydrochloride) ①③ 6 weeks
LIANG 2020(1)(31) 38/38 AT WM (Paroxetine) ①②③④ 4 weeks
LIANG 2020(2)(31) 38/38 AT WM (Paroxetine) ①②③④ 4 weeks
Note: ①HAMA: the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale ②SAS: the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale ③TEF: the Total Effective Rate ④TESS: Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale.
AT = Acupuncture treatment, EA = Electro-acupuncture, WM = Western Medicine.

Li et al. • Medicine (2022) 101:49Medicine

Table 2
Bias evaluation results of included literature.
Included Random sequence Allocation Blind researchers Blind Completeness Selective Other
literature generation hiding or subjects Evaluator of outcome report biases

WANG 2003[9] L U U U L U U
WANG 2005[10] U U U U L U U
LIU 2007(1)[11] L L U U L U U
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LIU 2007(2)[11] L L U U L U U
WANG 2007[12] H U U U L U U
FU 2008(1)[13] L L U U L U U
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FU 2008(2)[13] L L U U L U U
DENG 2009[14] L U U U L U U
TAI 2010(1)[15] U U U U L U U
TAI 2010(2)[15] U U U U L U U
SHI 2010[16] H U U U L U U
GONG 2012[17] U U U U L U U
XIONG 2013[18] U U U U L U U
ZHOU 2013[19] H U U U L U U
ZHAO 2014[20] L U U U L U U
FANG 2014[21] L U U L L U U
FAN 2014[22] L U U L L U U
CHE 2015[23] U U U U L U U
SHENG 2015(1)[24] L U U U L U U
SHENG 2015(2)[24] L U U U L U U
LI 2015[25] U U U U L U U
ZHOU 2015[26] U U U U L U U
XU 2016[27] L U U U L U U
ZHANG 2018[28] H U U U L U U
ZHAO 2018[29] L U U U L U U
LIANG 2020(1)[30] L L U L L U U
LIANG 2020 (2)[30] L L U L L U U
Note: L = low risk, U = unclear risk, H = high risk.

unclear, or high-risk level. The evaluation basis is mainly as 3. Results

follows: (I) Whether the random method is appropriate; (II)
Whether there is allocation concealment; (III) Whether the blind 3.1. Literature search results
method is implemented; (IV)Whether the result data is com- 398 literatures were initially excavated through seven major
plete; (V)Whether there is selective reporting of results; (VI) databases, containing 270 in Chinese and 128 in English. 22
Whether there are other biases. The quality evaluation process articles were finally included in the study, involving 900 cases
of the included studies was cross-checked by two evaluators (M in the treatment group and 882 cases in the control group. The
Li and X Ye). For included articles that were divergent and dif- literature retrieval process was shown in Fig. 1 and the basic
ficult to determine, the two parties would negotiate or the third characteristics of the included studies were on record in Table 1.
evaluator (X Liu) would help to decide a solution.
3.2. Features of included studies

2.6. Statistical methods 3.2.1. Research type. A Parallel randomized control design
was adopted. Five included articles are academic papers,[21–25] and
Revman 5.3.0 (Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, 17 pieces are journaled papers. Five 3-arm experiments[21,25–28]
Denmark) and STATA 15.0 software (StataCorp, College were divided into double-arm experiments for statistics. Finally,
Station, TX) were used for meta-analysis. The HAMA score, a total of 27 databases were reviewed. And all studies reported
the SAS score, and the TESS score were both continuous vari- baseline similarity of patients before treatment.
ables, and the mean difference (MD) was estimated. TER was
a categorical variable and the relative risk (RR) was selected. 3.2.2. Intervention measures. In the intervention group, 17
The effect sizes were expressed in 95% confidence intervals trials used acupuncture alone, 7 trials used the combination
(95% CI). The heterogeneity between studies was tested by I² of acupuncture and western medicine, and 3 trials used
or Q. If I2 < 50%, P > .05, it means that there was no statistical the combination of acupuncture and CBT. In the control
heterogeneity among the studies, and the fixed effects model group, 23 articles compared acupuncture with western
was used to combine the effect values; If I2 > 50%, P < .05, medicine (paroxetine, Flupentixol and Melitracen, Trazodone
it meant that the heterogeneity between the studies could not Hydrochloride, buspirone hydrochloride, lorazepam &
be ignored. For that one-by-one elimination was conducted oryzanol/ propranolol, lorazepam, duloxetine, clonazepam).
to find the possible sources of the heterogeneity (clinical het- Four studies compared acupuncture with CBT.
erogeneity or methodological heterogeneity), and sensitivity
analysis was applicated to test the robustness of the results. If 3.2.3. Measurement indicators. The primary outcome was
the heterogeneity could not be eliminated, the random-effects the HAMA score. The secondary indicators were the TER, SAS
model would finally analyze the effect value. Besides, Revman score, and TESS score. The HAMA score reduction rate was
5.3.0 was used for inverted funnel chart qualitative analysis, recorded in 21 documents. The TER was selected in 25 articles.
and STATA 15.0 software was applied for Egger test quantita- The SAS score was scored in 14 articles. The TESS score was
tive analysis for publication bias detection. recorded in 11 documents.

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Figure 2. HAMA Forest plot.

3.3. Evaluation of the quality of included studies assessors (14.81%); 11 (40.74%) mentioned withdrawal;
15 literatures clarified the specific random method Loss to follow-up bias and reporting bias was well con-
(55.56%); 6 documents adopted the envelope method trolled in the all of the included research. The details are
for distribution hiding (22.22%); 4 articles blinded the exhibited in Table 2.

Li et al. • Medicine (2022) 101:49Medicine
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Figure 3. The Total Effect Rate Forest plot.

3.4. Meta-analysis found as a suspicious influencing factor. After the article of Che
Lina was removed, the heterogeneity decreased (I2 < 50%), and
3.4.1. The HAMA score. A total of 21 articles were
the fixed effects model was finally applied to analyze the final
included to evaluate the remission of the HAMA score. The
results. Results of subgroup analyses indicated that acupunc-
heterogeneity among the studies was statistically significant
ture appeared an anxiety improvement compared with paroxe-
(I2 = 71%, P < .00001), and a random-effects model was
tine [MD = –1.16, 95%CI (–1.96, –0.36)] and Flupentixol and
selected. The results showed that the HAMA score of AT group
Melitracen [MD = –1.72, 95%CI (–3.21, –0.24)]. The results
was lower than the control group, and the difference was
were shown in Fig. 2. The funnel chart and Egger test were per-
statistically significant [MD = –1.26, 95%CI (–1.96, –0.56)].
formed by STATA 15.0 software. The results suggest that there
One-by-one elimination and sensitivity analysis were per- was no publication bias [t = –0.82, 95% CI (–2.11), –0.92),
formed to consider the large heterogeneity, and Che Lina was P > .05], and the credibility of the included literature was high.

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Figure 4. The total Effect Rate Funnel plot.

3.4.2. The Total effective rate. A total of 25 articles[21–31,33,34,36–42] –1.35)]. The result was shown in Fig. 5. The funnel chart and
were included to estimate the remission rate of the HAMA Egger test suggested no publication bias, and the credibility of
score. The heterogeneity among the studies was not statistically the included literature was high [t = 0.07, 95% CI (–2.07, 2.20),
significant (I2 = 27%, P > .05), and the fixed effects model P = .95].
was conducted. Results of subgroup analyses indicated that
acupuncture appeared an active effect on the anxiety symptom 3.4.4. The TESS score. A total of 11 articles[21–23,25,26,31,33,36]
compared with paroxetine [RR = 1.18, 95%CI (1.10, 1.28)] and applied TESS score. The heterogeneity among the studies was
Flupentixol and Melitracen [RR = 1.10, 95%CI (1.01, 1.20)]. statistically significant (I2 = 78%, P < .0001), so a randomized
The result was shown in Fig. 3. The funnel chart (Fig. 4) and effect model was conducted. The results revealed that few
Egger test suggest no publication bias [t = 4.12, 95 % CI (0.90, adverse events occurred in the acupuncture group compared
2.71), P = .00]. with the control group and the difference was statistically
significant [MD = –1.99, 95%CI (–2.72, –1.27)].
3.4.3. The SAS Score. A total of 14 articles[21,23,25–27,29,33,36,41,42] Then one-by-one elimination and sensitivity analysis were
reported SAS score. The heterogeneity among the studies was carried out to find the heterogeneous sources, Che Lina seemed
statistically significant (I2 = 72%, P < .0001), So the random- like a suspicious influencing factor. After the article was
effects model was selected. The results showed the difference removed, the heterogeneity decreased (I2 < 50%), and the anal-
in clinical efficacy between the AT group with the control ysis was finally analyzed by the fixed-effects model. The results
group was statistically significant [MD = –3.19, 95%CI (–4.78, delineated that AT group reported fewer adverse reactions. The
–1.61)]. final result was shown in Fig. 6. Funnel chart and Egger test con-
By excluding the literature one by one and sensitivity anal- firmed the reliability of the included literature [t = 0.71, 95% CI
ysis to find the source of heterogeneity, Che Lina was thought (–2.90, 5.39), P > .05].
of as a suspicious influencing factor. After the article exclusion,
the heterogeneity decreased (I2 < 50%), and the final analysis of
the data results adopted the fixed-effects model. Results of sub- 4. Discussion
group analyses indicated a statistically significant difference that Over the past 2 years, COVID-19 has spread around the world
acupuncture performs a positive effect on the anxiety symptom and infected millions of people.[43] The pandemic has changed
compared with paroxetine [MD = –1.98, 95%CI (–2.87, –1.09)] our way of life and threatened our health. In addition to caus-
and Flupentixol and Melitracen [MD = –4.39, 95%CI (–7.42, ing physical health problems globally, the outbreak has also made

Li et al. • Medicine (2022) 101:49Medicine
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Figure 5. SAS Forest plot.

a major impact on our mental health. Wearing masks, isolation, A total of 1782 patients, originating from the clinic or inpa-
and protection has greatly reduced the way we relieve stress.[44] tient department of the hospital, were included. Among the
On the contrary, pressure sources such as online check-in, online included articles, few of them mentioned anxiety levels. 24
classes, grabbing shopping resources, unemployment, car loans, pieces employed western medicine as a positive control and
and mortgages have skyrocketed,[45] which leads to unending anx- only 4 chose CBT instead. The results seemed to indicate the
iety, depressive symptoms, insomnia, panic, and denial. It belongs bottleneck of GAD treatment. Due to the professionalism
to one of the important reasons for the rapid increase in the prev- and specificity of CBT,[9] western pills were irregularly used
alence of GAD during the epidemic. Huang Y et al conducted a instead. It reminded us that GAD needs to be further strength-
cross-sectional online survey among Chinese citizens aged ≥18 ened in the guideline diagnosis of grading to better standard
years from January 31 to February 2, 2020. The study surveyed treatment.
4827 participants across 31 provinces and autonomous regions The literature was classified by different western medicine
in mainland China. The online survey showed the prevalence of and the CBT for subgroup analysis, and we incorporated mul-
GAD was up to 22.6% across the 31 areas, and the highest preva- tiple ending indicators to ensure the accuracy and reliability
lence was up to 35.4% in the Hubei province.[46] It may be benefi- of the research. In the HAMA scores and TER, acupuncture
cial to promote public mental health by enhancing stress resistance showed better efficacy for GAD compared with Paroxetine,
during the COVID-19 outbreak, and it is helpful to buffer the neg- CBT, Flupentixol and Melitracen. Besides, acupuncture reported
ative psychological impact of fears about the novel coronavirus.[47] fewer side effects. However, high integrated heterogeneity was
Acupuncture treatment for GAD is still controversial. To obtain found. After one-by-one elimination and sensitivity analysis,
reliable clinical evidence, this study design a reasonable retrieval the article of Che Lina was found to affect heterogeneity. The
strategy to fully obtain associated literature for meta-analysis. possible reasons for the production of heterogeneity are as fol-
Based on the specification of clinical guidelines,[13] the HAMA lows: (1) Methodology of the literature is incorporated, which
scores from 14 to 28 are regarded as mild to moderate degrees of makes it unable to follow the whole trial principles during clin-
anxiety, and CBT is recommended. The HAMA scores from 28 to ical treatment. (2) The process of generating a random sequence
56 belong to the scope of severe anxiety, and anti-anxiety medi- is not explicitly reported and without hidden and blinding. (3)
cine is the main treatment means. Therefore, we define the inter- The amount of test samples is too small and the data quality is
ventions of the control group to be Western medicine or CBT. uneven.

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Figure 6. TESS Forest plot.

Given that this study only observes the efficacy, without analysis and interpretation: M Li, X Liu; (VI) Manuscript writ-
exploring the effects of different intervention methods, such ing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
as acupuncture (acupuncture course, duration, etc.) or changes
in parameters of western medicine (western medicine Dosage,
etc.), a large number of high-quality RCTs are still needed to References
further verify the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture for [1] Stein DJ, Kazdin AE, Ruscio AM, et al. Perceived helpfulness of treat-
GAD.[48] ment for generalized anxiety disorder: a world mental health surveys
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