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Guía N°2 2°NM____


Date _/ /2023 _/ /2023

Learning Objective Expresarse por escrito completando información laboral y/o redactando respuestas simples a

Contents - Vocabulary professions and occupations Points 32 pts

- Reading comprehension
Teacher’s name Néstor Rodríguez Sáez E-mail

Student’s name

Professions and occupations:

1. Lea las siguientes tarjetas y complete con la descripción correcta. (4pts)

a) A professional who acts and sings to entertain people.

b) A professional who helps people to get fit through sports.
c) A professional who makes personal ornaments out of metals, stones and other
decorative materials. ___________________________
d) A professional who prepares sweet treats, flour and other ingredients.

2. Una la información de la columna A, B y C.(5pts)

3. Completa las oraciones con la profesión u oficio que corresponda. (13pts)

dentist- hairdresser- baker- postman- translator- journalist- actor- mechanic- policeman-

footballer- pilot- doctor- cook.

1. An ACTOR 8. A repairs cars.

plays in films.
9. A looks after
2. A translates people in a hospital.
documents from one language to

3. A_________________ 10. A flies a plane.

delivers letters.
11. A cuts hair.
4. A catches
12. A cooks in a
5. A writes
articles for newspapers.
6. A pulls out
bad teeth. 13. A bakes bread

7. A plays

8. Lee la siguiente información relacionada con el Currículum Vitae. Luego

responde las preguntas a continuación. (10pts)

A C.V. is a Curriculum Vitae. This Latin expression means ¨ information about your skills
and qualifications, that is, everything you have studied and achieved¨. North Americans
use a similar document; they call it résumé. What do these documents include? In a
C.V. you must include relevant information about you as person. That is age, marital
status, address, telephone number. Apart from this, you must also include details
your degree, if any, experience, and courses. Also, mention if you can use a
computer, and if you speak other language.
The way you organize all this information is very important, because your possible
employers will get an idea of you through this document in many cases before meeting
you in person.

1. According to Latin expression, what does mean Curriculum Vitae?


2. What is another name for C.V?


3. What is a relevant information must include in a C.V according the text?


4. What information should you include in a C.V?


5. Why is important to organize all information in C.V?


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