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Fe. seams sserwonx tecHNtQuES PERE (ADMD AND Coat Dan ‘Boor Atten Hamilton and the Lockheed Corporation forthe ‘4958, The Critical Path Method was developed by DuPont, In, PERT has primarily been used for R&D projects, the typeof projects for hits use is more common on the “development” side of RAD. Frastey ae pvendate CPM, onthe ‘and was designed to control both the time work,” butif we wish to refer specifically to own a arrows onthe network, we will all TOW) network’ and if we refer to a CPM (PDM) network where the es, we will eallitan AON (actvity-on-node) network; as explained nology Let is now defn some tems sed nou scuston of networks. “petty Aspect task or ofthat Yeu by the poe use wp Aetvit a anttaketimeto comple. 42 NETWORKTECHNIQUES: PERT (ADM) AND CPM (POM) 335: smpleting one or more activites. An identifiable end sate that arrayed in their logical sequence and repres (network) deine the project and the activity precedence ‘usually drawn stating onthe lft and proceeding to ther iow —thatis, 0 Figure 8-1 Three sequential activites, AON format. fs Gude oe Pret Managenet Ba PMBOK Gy se eng ee loa ete DECI We arrows out! of. Show the direction of precedence. Activity ¢ foll also follows b, Let's add these to ou and d, The WBS does not indicate any further act have reached the end of this particular plan. We th (ASE END, as shown in Figure 8-7a, Many of he project management software packages wi "generate these networks on request ‘Figure 8-7 Sample of network contruction. © 2 NETWORK TECHNIQUES: FERT (ADM) AND Crat(PDM), 339) rr Figured-8. Nébonting coocurent actives. Figure $10. a prcedes di a and b precede €; band e precede (a doesnot precede f). though they may con- y do require frequent maintain as long as task tain a great topdating (as does any scheduling —_ = SGMETERS Scum UERNG! «1 Consider the example in Fi When we open MSP we begin tab. We will now see the form that is use Yo eat ing the appropriate predeces ites will be assumed to start on the same star date, As the pre tered, te proper relationships between the activities are sho P plan and Gant chart forsale project in Figure 64 * 42. NETWORK TECHNIQUES: PERT (ADM) AND CPM (PDM) 42 NETWORKTECHNIQUES: PERT ADM) AND.CRM (2D) ful task completions and project delivery.-.~ Given tat schedules are based on hone best. ‘ sgt, tir major probes can cs “Serious errors-in-time-estimates=In-some ‘projects, the cl ony enpeget : e thus act completed. In many complex projects n ‘bas completed some earlier activities, These problem development of agile project management that uses an iterative process for making time and Tesource estimates for these later, not well-understood activities. The same problem arses Foject environment when one project “borrows” critical resource from another _project. Then, activities on the borrawéd-from proj tial lateness may not be discovered unk ate rescheduling in conjunction with the client (Wheatly, 2010), Wheatly says the fol vy "five'elues cai indicate when iterative scheduling is needed: late or vague progress reports, ‘overdue deliverables, static progress indicators, longer werk hours for team members, and & ‘noticeable increase n minor “issues” affecting the project. With this short sermon, we return 10 solving the network we have created.) g provid? more and plan {nd s0.on. Not sur. le for Soe: M, Whey, “Caag te Econ” 21 No vane he nation's ene ge, and oes lense jones, Sras an impressive achieve he government oa on uel Noriega ditto. : Panslates eer ‘ ted-dowr-to-two--—ing the simulations, security experts and “ethical a i nibtg Coodauog~ “hiker rotribe Usted 8 ‘and probed ic we : eo lena ‘ '" jo the Start node. as in Figure 8-13; by paramjoral database through mandsiory ‘both the software. and the pro * vai oa jus biometric data (fin- ig it, such as password access. Spr cet fore ton whe ion te red rrjerre perenne 2 Add a node labeled “END®: and connect 1d-v0 Jevant to their location. a8 installed to report the voteThis screen was ssues relevant : Figire 813. The AON nerie for ee Table ing Activity Times es ‘The next step isto calculate expected activity completion times from the data in Table 8-1 ‘These expected completion times are found by using the three ime estimates (optimistic, pes. simistc, and most likly) i the wble. Remember that these ext ofthe “hy NETWORK TECHNIQUES: PERT(ADM) AND CPM (POM) 3-45, Figure 8-14 Distribution ofall possible tivity times for an activity Ie ‘The expected time, TE, is found by TE = (a+ 4m + v6 3 some activity durations are known with certainty, which is t0 say that a2, and m are the same (se activity g, for instance). Note further thatthe most likely time ‘may be the same as the optimistic time (a= m) as in activity e, or that the most likely time may be identical tothe pessimistic time (me = b) asin activity a. The range about m may be symmetric where "Ween ale Who oul ike athe ‘Areas Ren sa he — ine hemes ttc i prohibit that nei vale in 82 NETWORK TECHNIQUES: PERT (ADM) ANDCDM(?DM) 347 ‘Table 8-2 Expected Activity Times (TE), ‘Variances (0%), and Standard Deviations (2) oF =~ ay? adhe standerd deviation: whichis preaby « - = eave ‘This calculation of o is based.on the assumption thatthe standard deviation of a beta y (ote path that the format snd calculations of Tables 8-1 and 8-2 lead themselves othe use ofa spread- sheet program such as Excel as we did in Chapter7 eerie ‘and o canbe ‘ered once ad coped othe est heros a Path and Time leading tit, nd END, the completion sand EFs are shown in Figure 8-16. UN) HE CPR HT BER ERE YE PTR hzough the networks using 43 days, which tire network canbe completed. This is ecritical path, usally shown as abeavy easy to find and evaluat every path between lier node. As we proces to calculate the ES and EF ofeach node, beginning se actully finding the ical ath end time 60 ich of the nodes in the network. Not that sig as ES of 2 as en oa ihrer ch ih ca oe. 443 NETWORK TECHNIQUES: PERE (ADMJAND CPM (PDM) ‘Table 8-3 . Times and Slack for Nerwork — 7 in Figire 8516 é ‘atirity __‘1S__—«ES ‘Slack ae Oo O 1 o ot SecA 2 Do 5 Wa 5 4 ps 8 = aw wo 4 ee ee Sas ‘Aliough we wil astze Wioughou Wis chapter tat we always employ We “as soon possible” approach to scheduling tasks (early. stan”), there are situations where other Approaches are sometimes used. One example i the simultaneous start, where all resources fare launched at the beginning. Another is the simultaneous finish, where a facility can be ‘moved to its next location once all the tasks are finished. Of course, delay early on in a proj- tect runs the risk of delaying the overall project if some other activities inadverently become Gelayed. One important reason for using an “as-late-as-possible” approach, described below, is that it delays the use of resources 2s much as possible, thereby optimizing the cash flow of the project, but again at some risk of delay. ‘ aka, Float) 6 ‘We will now focus oa the latest possible starting times (LS) forthe activities. As noted inthe [previous section, the ES for an activity is equal to the largest EF for its preceding activities. What is the latest time (LS) activity {could start ‘without making the emire project Refer again to Figure 8-16: The project has a critical time of 43 da indicated by LF (lates nish time), placed at the bottom right ‘activity Lis thus 25, pl activities g and h have finished, ‘ence between the LS aad the ES for an activity is cal I.ittmust be started no later than day 25, but could day of slack. It should be immediately obvious that slack.* Zero slack acti not be delayed conventional to calculate the th Thus, when finding the slack inte ack” We sly we eer ume that none of 's predecessors are delayed. Ofcourse, if lack, and if an earlier activity was late, causing the event to ity x would have only four days of slack, having lost two arity j. The LS fe © slack Table 8-3 shows the LS, ES, and sl ‘On oceasion, the PM may negotiate ‘completion date fora project which allows for some slack in te entire network. If, in our example, an acceptable date was $0 ‘working days after the project start, hen the network would have atoal of 0 ~ 43 = 7 days ‘One shortcoming of the AOA network method is that it does not allow for leads and lags the number of tiesto account for ng restrictions to 82. NETWORK TECHNIQUES: PERT(ADM) AND CPM(FDM) 381 q ‘+ StarttoStart Activity 5 cannot begin until Activity has ben underway for atleast Tage is cme ne ter ama al man ‘+ StarttoFinish Activity 11 cannot be completed before7 “ty 10. IeActvities 10 and 11 are the wwomajor cruising act ‘ocean cruise, the total time cannot be less than the promised is rare because there are usually simpler ways to map the Pred dpamnig ie a AON oto thd ttl owe sg AON aK PRUE en wire ene lm — ¥ a By eed a8 s 8 gassss 55 8S se ha NETWORK TECHNIQUES: PEKE(ADM)AND GPM(EDM) 353, 56 10,11,7 standard deviations for the activites in te project demonstrated here ar-shown in‘Table 8-2: ete ne — Recall hat Figare #20 An MSP Gant char of te p showing acuity durations and schedule, ete path, oe (b- ays ‘ath conection, slack, and east and tes J ot (b- a6? \ibits Available from Software, a Bit More MSP. [As we noted earlier and yor*have seen j igure 8-21 shows the basic Gant chat for 8 video production __ project, including a summary task ID 3) and two milestones. Figure

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