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ENTERED into 7th day of March 2016, BY AND BETWEEN:

Party 1: Dan Etete

Accra Ghana


Party 2: Ken Gitonga




By signatures and execution of this agreement, each of the named signatories agree that any corporation,
organization, firm company, or individual in which the signee is a principal or partner, or for which the
signee is an agent, officer or employee, is bound by this agreement as it relates to this transaction.


This contract is a guaranteed agreement for a period of no less than Five (5) years from the date of this
agreement, and is to be applied to any and all transactions, present and future, of the introducing signatory
including subsequent follow-up, repeat, extended, renegotiated, and new transactions, as well as initial
transactions, regardless, of the success of the project. The signatories institutions, corporations, individuals
and/or trust, borrowers, buyers or sellers, and property addresses, are currently the property of the
introducing signatory and shall remain so for the duration of this agreement.


It is understood that, by reason of this agreement, the parties involved in this transaction may learn from
one another, or from the principals, the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of borrowers, inventors
and others with rights reserved, hereinafter referred to as Contacts.


It is understood and agreed that each party named in this agreement agrees to keep confidential the names
of any Contacts, including any and all methods and techniques, financial, mechanical and otherwise,
introduced by the other parties, unless prior written permission is given specifically. Such confidentiality
shall include any name, addresses, telephone/telex, facsimile numbers, e-mail addresses, and other
information disclosed or obtained by any party. It is understood and agreed that the contacts of each party
hereto are and shall be recognized by the other parties as exclusive and valuable intellectual property owned
by either parties and that the parties will not negotiate or participate in any transactions with any of the
revealed contacts, without first entering into a written agreement with the party who provided such contact,
the terms and conditions at which are set forth.


In the event of circumvention by any parties covered by this agreement, it is agreed and guaranteed that a
legal monetary penalty, equal to the maximum profit or fee, the circumvented party should have realized in
such transaction, will be paid by the person or persons engaged in that circumvention, and said penalty
shall be no less than 3% of the said transaction(s). In the event that any legal proceeding commenced to
interpret or enforce the terms of this agreement, in addition to the aforementioned, the prevailing party
shall be entitled to recover all costs including attorney’s fees.

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Controlling Law: This agreement shall be controlled b y t he laws o f t he I CC, France.


This agreement shall be binding on all parties unless mutually terminated in writing by all parties.
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement, or breech thereof, and which is not
settled between the parties themselves, shall be settled subject to arbitration pursuant to the federal
arbitration act.

This contract represents the entire agreement, including any photocopy or facsimile thereof, and shall not
be modified except in writing by both parties. This contract is not intended to void or supersede any prior
contracts or agreements between the signatories.

Dan Etete

Investor Date

Ken Gitonga

Consultant Date

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