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for the week 17 - 25 September 2011 Eucharistic Service: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 7.30am Twenty fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Rosary Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 8.30am Saturday 6.00pm (SW) Parishioners Confession Sat 11.00am - 12 noon (OLI); Sunday 9.30am (OLI) Margaret Parkinson 5.15 - 5.45pm (SW). 11.00am (SW) Special Intention (MC) Novena Wednesday 7.30pm 6.30pm (OLI) Fr Fred Rose Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm Weekday Masses Memorial Book Monday 9.00am (OLI) Peggy Burns 18th September Peter Eccles 10.00am (SW) Brian Clarke 19th September Margaret Edwards Tuesday 9.00am (OLI) Sarah Berry Mary Reynolds Wednesday 9.00am (OLI) Phil Johnston 22nd September Robert Merricks 10.00am (SW) Edna Craven 23rd September Frances Eccles Thursday 9.00am (OLI) Lily Warren 24th September Ethel Owen Friday 9.00am (OLI) David & Jackie Merricks 7.00pm (SW) Josephine Saggerson The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for Saturday 12 noon(OLI) Doreen Connor Kathleen Walsh. (Available dates : 02/10,16/10,23/10,30/10. Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham. Twenty sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Retiring Collection : Next weekend there will be a Retiring Saturday 6.00pm (SW) Joe & Margaret Hughes Collection to provide for the needs of our priests in retirement. Sunday 9.30am (OLI) John Joseph Hulse 11.00am (SW) Norman & Thelma Maguire Flower Arranging : There will be no flower arranging for the next two weeks. 6.30pm (OLI) Parishioners

Archdiocesan website : Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman 01942 727271 email : Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 01942 725522 Parish website :


Liverpool R.C. Archdiocesan Trustees Reg. Charity No. 232709

Fasting and Abstinence Next to Sunday, the Lords Day, Friday has, since earliest times, been a special day of prayer in the Church dedicated to the memory of the suffering and death of the Lord, and a day on which Christians made a special effort to practice penitence. Over time this penitence took the form of fasting and abstaining from eating meat. Since 1985, it has been possible for Catholics in England and Wales to substitute another act of penitence in place of abstaining from meat. The obligation to do penance and to fast was not, however, removed entirely. In that time, it has become clear that this practice has simply been forgotten. In wishing to remind us of this fact, the Bishops of England and Wales feel it is important that we be united once again in a common identifiable act of Friday penance and so have decided to restore the practice of abstaining from meat as a means of fulfilling this penance. This is not an end in itself, but the means by which we unite our own sacrifices with the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, and also serve those who are hungry and in need in our world. Our act of penance is therefore to be related to inner conversion, prayers and works of charity. There is no requirement to eat fish, only to abstain from eating meat. Those who cannot or choose not to eat meat as part of their normal diet should abstain from other food. The requirement to fast applies only to those aged 18 - 59. The requirement to abstain applies to those over 14 but excludes the sick, the elderly and frail, pregnant women, manual workers and others where there is a moral or physical impossibility, i.e. where there is no alternative or to do so would cause harm. We should therefore always act with prudence. As the over-riding obligation is to perform an act of penance, failure to abstain from meat does not constitute a sin. This takes place with immediate effect.

Introduction of the New Roman Missal : This comes into effect from 2nd/3rd October. A CTS booklet explaining the background to this will be given out after Mass this weekend. The Holy Hour on Friday of this week will be dedicated to this intention. Ashton Festival continues this week. Please see the church noticeboard for further details. APF Red Boxes : These are now due to be emptied. Please hand them in to the Presbytery making sure they have your name clearly written on them. Many Thanks. Last weeks Collection ; Gift Aid : 296.55 Loose Plate : 184.45 Total : 481.00 Question of the Week : In the Gospel we hear of Gods generosity. What lessons do we draw from this? How has God been generous to you? Who is generous to you, even when you dont deserve it? Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

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