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International: The Development of Political Science in Turkey

Author(s): Boðaç Erozan and Îlter Turan

Source: PS: Political Science and Politics , Apr., 2004, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Apr., 2004), pp. 359-
Published by: American Political Science Association

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The Development of Political Science in Turkey

Boda; Erozan, Istanbul Bilgi University
liter Turan, Istanbul Bilgi University

The discipline
owes of to
its origins political science
the nineteenth
century in many countries. Often the
The Turkish Political Science Association
discourse on the theory and practice
of politics preceded the formal T he Turkish Political Science Association was
institutionalization of the discipline. established at the Faculty of Political Science in
Turkey is no exception. A quick Ankara in 1963. Reflecting the initial prevalence of
glance at the emergence of political the Faculty of Political Science in Ankara in the
science in the West reveals that discipline, it continued to be an Ankara-based
political science has grown out of organization until its headquarters were moved to
moral philosophy in the Anglo-Saxon Istanbul in 2001. Currently, the headquarters of the
world and out of the discipline of lawAssociation is located at Istanbul Bilgi University.
in much of continental Europe. From TheaAssociation initiated its first graduate student
historical perspective, the develop-convention in political science in October 2003 TPSA President liter Turan
ment of Turkish political science hasand plans to develop this event into an annual
activity. The TPSA, since its founding, has been an active member of the
followed the latter path. In particular,
the influence of France has been of International Political Science Association. Four Turkish scholars, Yavuz
paramount significance. Since the era Abadan, Nermin Abadan, Ergun Ozbudun, and, currently, Ilter Turan
of reforms in the mid-nineteenth have served on IPSA's Executive Committee. In cooperation with the
century, Turkish bureaucrats and World International Studies Conference (WISC), a consortium of Interna-
intellectuals in France enjoyed a tional Studies Associations, the TPSA will host the first WISC World
growing presence. The Ottoman Meeting in Istanbul, August 24-27, 2005.
modernizing elite, above all, took after
the French model. Among the French
institutions copied was the Ecole after a genuine constitutional monarchy The founding of the Republic in
Libre des Sciences Politiques (1871) was established in the Ottoman Empire 1923 did not lead to the immediate
established by Emile Boutmy (Mardin in 1908-by Babanzade Ysmail Hakky flourishing of political science in
1983, 94-5). The Ottoman response to contain references to political science Turkey. During the one-party era
the French institution was the (Babanzade Ysmail Hakk? 1909-1910, (1923-1945), the overarching concern
adaptation of the Ecole's program to7). By the 1910s, the evidence suggests was to secure, maintain, and perpetu-
the Miilkiye, the School of Adminis-that professors knew not just about the ate the republican regime. The
tration opened in 1859 in Istanbul French concept of "science politique" Turkish Republic implemented a
(?ankaya 1954, 34). The purpose of but also the German concepts of dramatic overhaul of Ottoman institu-

the Miilkiye was to educate knowl- "Staatslehre" and "Staatswissenschaft." tions. Educating and socializing the
edgable high- or middle-ranking The Ottoman professors of law were masses into the modernist, Westernist
bureaucrats (qankaya 62-3; Turan also familiar with the Allgemeine regime became the major goal. To
Staatslehre literature, especially with
1997, 186-7). Although the curriculum achieve this, the republicans gave the
did not include a course with the title, the work of Johann Kaspar Bluntschli. highest priority to educating a loyal
we can observe one of the earliest In rejecting Bluntschli's general republican elite. As the founders of
references to the term "political approach to politics, Babanzade Ysmail
the republic consolidated their power
science" in the budget expense Hakk4, nevertheless, agreed with his during the initial years, Turkish
document of the Miilkiye dated 23 definition that identifies political politics entered a new stage where
February 1877 (see ?ankaya 1968-9, I, as "science of the state" ideological mobilization by elite
126). (Babanzade Ysmail Hakk4 1909-1910,initiative became even more impor-
Put briefly, the Miilkiye was the 7). This outlook is not consistently tant. One result of this effort was the
central institution for the transfer of shared by other professors of law at the
closing of the Dartilfiinun (the
discourse on political science from Miilkiye or the Darilfiinun. However,traditional
it institution of higher
continental Europe to the declining displays an interesting historical learning) and the opening of Istanbul
Ottoman state. Textbooks of promi- parallel with the history of AmericanUniversity in 1933. The new univer-
nent law professors of the Miilkiye political science, which was also sity was, as then-Minister of Educa-
tion RePit Galip put it, to be one of the
and later also the Dariilfiinun (prede- perceived as the science of the state for
cessor of Istanbul University) reveal a good part of the nineteenth and early "spearheads" of the Turkish Reform
that professors were well aware of thetwentieth century under the influence (Arslan
of 1995, 359). Still the refur-
idea of a science of politics. The first Francis Lieber, Theodore Woolsey, bished university-the only one in
constitutional law textbooks-written Westel Willoughby, and John Burgess. Turkey at the time-did not have a

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separate department of political The School of Political Sciences had been prompted, however, by a
science. journal, Miilkiye Mektebi Mecmuasy, language reform and did not, by itself,
Another result of the elite-led was first published in 1931. It is there
signal a change in the curriculum or
mobilization was the transformation of we start to observe the discourse on the emergence of a separate depart-
the Miilkiye into a "School of Political political science most distinctly inmentthe of political science.
Sciences," moving it from Istanbul- republican era. Hasan Pfikrti Adal From 1935 onwards, the concept of
the capital of the Ottomans-to published "Could Politics Be a political science slowly found its
Ankara, the capital of the Republic. Vocation?" (1931), a translation from place in several textbooks and
The idea of moving the Millkiye goesan article published in Virginia articles. Still the interest in the subject
back to 1931; but it was implemented Quarterly Review, which constituted was scant and sporadic. In 1936,
in 1935 ((_ankaya 1954, 206ff). The one of the earliest pieces on the Nusret Kbymen, known for his
new School was to be the major center subject. The article emphasized the studies on village sociology, pub-
for training conscious, enthusiastic, need for a young generation of lished an article on Kemalism and
and regime-loyal civil servants and intellectuals able and willing to serve "political knowledge." There he
bureaucrats. In other words, the public needs (Adal 1931, 16). The argued that Kemalism, the official
school would continue to train civil journal changed its name once the ideology of the Turkish republican
servants as in the nineteenth century, Miilkiye was transferred to Ankara. It regime, needed to be "scientized."
but also inculcate in them a dedication became The Journal of Political There was a need for intellectuals
to republican institutions and ideology.Sciences in 1935. The change in name well-versed in knowledge concerning
politics (K6ymen 1936, 322-3). To
K6ymen, however, politics had not
yet become a full-blown science. It
could only be partially helpful
The Teaching of Political Science in Turkey (K6ymen 1936, 321-2). This judgment
about the inadequacy of the scientific
stature and independence of political
number of educational
in Political Science ininstitutions
Turkey wereoffering B.A.s1982.
limited until andThese
higher de- science became a repeated theme well
included the Faculty of Political Science of Ankara University, The into mid-1960s.

Faculty of Economics of Istanbul University, the Faculty of Economics and The transmission of European
Administrative Sciences of the Middle East Technical University and of political science discourse into
Bodaziri University, among others. In 1982, the military committee that Turkey received a momentum jump in
had assumed power in 1980 engaged in a major reorganization of the 1937 with the publication of the
university system. The military leadership was not so much motivated by translation of Fritz Fleiner's confer-

improving the system of education as by devising a system that would ence in Zurich on 26 November 1916,
bring the universities under closer scrutiny of the central government and entitled "Politik als Wissenschaft"
to insure that the universities would no longer function as "hotbeds of [Politics as a Science]. It is interesting
political radicalism." A standard organizational model placed all to note that unlike Fleiner's, Max
universities under the tutelage of a new central organ named the Weber's famous conference delivered
Higher Education Council. In the model, economics, business administra- three years later entitled "Politics As
tion and political science were lumped under an administrative unit a Vocation" did not become as highly
called the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. With a acclaimed and referred to by Turkish
mindset geared to professional schools, the generals found the idea of academics of the period. The earliest
a degree in an area such as political science, for which no correspond- authentic Turkish contribution to

ing profession could be identified in working life, highly problematical. political science discourse had to wait
As a result, the existing departments were converted/divided into one of until 1940. Hasan Ptikrti Adal's article
two departments-public administration and international relations-or entitled "Political Sciences: Its Subject
both. Any university that had a faculty of economics and administrative Matter and Method" (1940) and Nihat
sciences was ordered to establish these two departments within those Erim's article entitled "The Concept of
faculties. Politics" (1943) are the earliest forays
Since 1982, both the number of universities and the departments of of Turkish academics into political
public administration and international relations have registered impres- science in a self-conscious manner.

sive growth. There are 81 universities in Turkey at the time of this writing Still, the common point was the lack of
and 51 of those have either a department of PA or IR or both. A total of consensus on whether there was a

12,000 undergraduate students are enrolled in these institutions during science of politics. Adal believed that
the 2003-2004 academic year. Thirty-eight of these universities also unless "the realm of politics" is
have M.A.- or M.P.A.-level graduate programs, while 11 offer Ph.D.s in considered to be an "independent realm
one or both areas. There are a total of 2,623 graduate students, of of knowledge," politics cannot be a
which 580 are pursuing Ph.D.s, 417 in PA and 163 in IR. There are science (Adal 1940, 438). Erim's article
additional programs in European Union studies that also attract students was not clear on this point, either. He
whose interests fall within the domain of political science. The institutions referred to politics as "the art of
with Ph.D. Programs include Ankara, Bilkent (Ankara) Cumhuriyet administering a state," as "the science
(Sivas), Dokuz Eylil (Yzmir), Gazi (Ankara), Hacettepe (Ankara), Istanbul, of administering a state," and finally as
Marmara (Istanbul), Middle East Technical (Ankara), Sakarya the collection of unconventional

(Adapazari), and UludaO (Bursa) universities. The numbers are likely to methods and "intrigue" to capture
increase in the future. power (Erim 1943, 153, 211, 289). At
any rate, both Adal and Erim, the

360 PS April 2004

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authors of first authentic pieces on the Still, Tunaya's book remained no revolution was yet to reach Turkey. In
subject matter and methods of political more than a pioneering effort until the Istanbul, Tar k Zafer Tunaya remained
science, understood politics as a 1960s. For instance, Yavuz Abadan, as the major representative of French
concept that relates to power and the another professor of law who served as influence. In a newspaper article,
state. Many of the continental political the Dean of the Faculty2 of Political "University and Politics," published in
science professors, including Fleiner Science, intimated that he was not the politically charged atmosphere of
himself, also understood political convinced that politics could become anearly 1960, Tunaya referred to Maurice
science in this manner (Fleiner independent science. He raised this point Duverger and the organization of
1937, 6). in his book, Public Law and the Theories political science in France in a sympa-
As David Easton et al. have argued of the State (1952). Abadan's main thetic manner. The International
in a comparative study of the history of argument was that the multifarious and Political Science Association (IPSA)
political science (1995), Turkish constantly changing nature of political and its role also received mention.
political science owes its coming of phenomena does not allow politics to Tunaya publicly and boldly defended
age partly to democratization in become an independent science (Abadanthe establishment of an independent
Turkey. Turkey witnessed a dramatic 1952, 116-8; also see Abadan 1959). political science discipline. To him,
democratic change of power with the Interestingly, Yavuz Abadan would lead such a discipline was necessary so
victory of the Democrat Party (DP) in the establishment of the Turkish Political professors could freely and scientifi-
1950. Beginning in cally reflect on the
the mid-1950s, there government and on
also began a prolif- the way the country
eration of institutions was governed
of higher education in (Cumhuriyet,
the country. Obvi- January 28,1960;
ously, the new party see also Tunaya
and multi-party 1969, 171-2).
political life attracted After the 1960
the interest of military interven-
academics in many tion, we finally
fields, including law. observe the founda-
Taryk Zafer Tunaya, tion of a separate
professor of law at space for the
Istanbul University, teaching of political
took a very important science at Istanbul
step in 1952 by University, in the
prefacing his path- Faculty of Econom-
breaking book ics in 1961 (Turan
Political Parties in 1997, 189). The
Turkey with a growth rather than
statement that the the formal institu-
book was intended as tionalization of
"a modest contribu- Turkish political
tion to political science was a
Bridging Cultures. The Ortakoy Mosque sits underneath the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul,
science" (Tunaya Turkey. Photo/Murat Baysan: product of democra-
1952, viii). The book, tization. Ironically,
mainly a compilation of documents Science Association (TPSA) in 1964. this occurred after Turkey re-d
relating to political parties in After an interview with the widow of the tized following the military tak
Turkey, contained a lengthy introduc- late professor, Turan reports that Abadan in 1960. After 1961, research and
tion inspired by Maurice Duverger's was finally convinced that the public law publications on both the discipline
well-known work. The discussion and political science disciplines could be itself and on political phenomena grew
centered around the concept of party separate after he spent the 1962-3 rapidly. The single most important
as institution. By implication, academic year in Berlin (Turan 2001, 14). figure of this growth era was Nermin
political science was conceived as Between 1952 and 1964, Turkish Abadan (Unat), former wife of the late
something to do with institutions, politics became very interesting to Yavuz Abadan. Nermin Abadan-Unat
including but not limited to the state. study. During the late 1950s, people should be credited for bringing an
This institutionalist bent to the origins were visibly politicized in favor or energetic research tradition to Turkish
of Turkish political science has per-against the ruling party, the DP. In political science. Her study on the
sisted and still persists, albeit not this atmosphere, Turkey had become a comparative development of political
entirely in the same historically member of NATO, benefitted from science in the U.S., the UK, Germany,
oriented fashion as Tunaya would have Marshall Aid, and became closer and France is still of importance in the
liked.' We must also note that the politically and strategically to the comparative history of political science
French influence on the institutionalist U.S. Students started to flock to U.S (Abadan 1962). As early as 1962, she
formation of Turkish political science rather than French or German graduate emphasized the positive relationship
has been very important, especially schools. However, American politicalbetween the development of democracy
through the works of Maurice Hauriou,science did not immediately exert aand the development of political
Andre Hauriou, Maurice Duverger, andvisible influence among Turkish science in a comparative fashion
Georges Burdeau. academics. The ongoing behavioral(Abadan 1962, 176; Easton et al.

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1995, 3). She is one of the earliest Science, among others (Turan 2001,
academics in Turkey to publish on the 15). The Minutes of the Executive Learn More About TPSA
history of the American Political Committee (MEC) of the TPSA reflect
Science Association (APSA) and on the existence of a lively academic
the history of American political atmosphere of research, publication and Officers elected in July 2003
science. conference participation since the early
Nermin Abadan's book (in Turkish) 1970s. The 1970s was an era of high
on The Analysis of 1965 Elections [in democratic expectations, political liter Turan
Turkey] from the Perspective of activism, and widespread political Istanbul Bilgi University
Constitutional Law and Political socialization as it also was an era of
Sciences (1966) represents a big leap instability, extreme radicalization, and
forward in the history of Turkish daily violence. The TPSA was an active Secretary
Murat Boravali
political science as far as research organization of academics in this
methods are concerned. The book period. On May 8-10, 1975, the TPSAIstanbul Bilgi University
benefits from a great deal of literature
organized the first National Political
on parties, elections, and methodsScience
in Symposium in Ankara, the
Fusun Turkmen
several languages. Perhaps the book's program of which was prepared by
most innovative feature is the Nermin Abadan-Unat and Ergun Galatasaray University
combination and application of Ozbudun (MEC, 9). Sadly, the papers (Istanbul)
different methods in political sciencesubmitted could not be published by the
Executive Committee
to the 1965 elections in Turkey. TPSA due to the skyrocketing price of
Statistical data analysis, electoral paper (MEC, 14). Oversight mecha-
geography, and interviews with nisms in democratic systems and
Gun Kut
opinion leaders in several cities are comparative studies on presidential
used simultaneously in the same and parliamentary systems were Bogazici University (Istanbul)
monograph (Abadan 1966, xi-xvi). among the covered subjects (MEC,
This kind of research in political 23, 42). Fuat Keyman
science had not previously been doneThe in TPSA expanded its academic Koc University, Istanbul
Turkey. activities onto a global scale with the
TPSA web site
After the foundation of the TPSA, publication of a volume in English on
Nermin Abadan actively participated Turkish politics, Perspectives on http://www.siyasiilimler. org/
in IPSA Congresses and published a Democracy in Turkey (1988). Ergun
summary version of the proceedings Ozbudun, the former president of the
in Turkish journals (Abadan 1968; TPSA, prefaced the book stating that around the development of democracy,
1970; also see Ata6iv 1967). These "[it] aims at presenting an overview modernization, Westernization, and the
publications are of great significance of the development of democracy in problems attached to each. Of course,
in the sense that they introduced the Turkey, as well as major democratic there are those who concentrate on
Turkish readership to the current institutions such as elections,
more theoretical issues, political
trends, studies, discussions, and political parties and the legislature.
philosophy, and hermeneutics. Yet the
debates within the larger interna- In all of the essays, an analytical,
study of institutions is visibly predomi-
tional community of political rather than a purely descriptive
nant. This is partly understandable, for
scientists.3 These publications were approach has been followed"
Turkish political institutions that had to
also significant in helping Turkish (Ozbudun et al. 1988, preface). The
endure military coups, corruption, and
political science to develop an institutional analysis first displayed
violence present interesting research
identity of its own. with Tunaya's book in 1952 was
agendas. Unlike many Western democ-
From the mid-1960s to the late dominant. Actually, from the first racies, legitimacy questions continue to
1980s, the TPSA published major introductory textbook on political arise about the space certain institutions
works of political science in collabora-science published in Turkey by hold in Turkish political life. One need
tion with the United States Information Biilent Daver in 1969 well into not be clairvoyant to expect that
Agency. Seymour Martin Lipset's The introductory textbooks of the 1990s, institutions will continue to attract the
Political Man; George Sabine's History institutional analysis has persisted greater bulk of research in Turkish
of Political Thought; Karl Popper's and still persists. Even in the current political science in view of the
Open Society and its Enemies and; decade a great majority of publications challenges posed by Turkey's bid to
portions of the Handbook of Political enter the European Union.
in Turkish political science still center

Ankara University on 23 March 1950. Pemsettin
1. On the institutionalist origins of Turkish 3. We must also mention the introduction of
political science, see Erozan, "An Interpretive
Ginaltay, the prime minister at the time, noted in comparative government and international
Approach to the History of Political Science,"
the bill (dated 20 May 1949) to the Parliament thatrelations into the Turkish audience by Ttirkkaya
European Political Science, spring 2004. the incorporation would provide Ankara University Ata6v (1960), Bahri Savc y (1961), and Yavuz
2. The School of Political Sciences became a with a Faculty "that offers instruction in political Abadan (1962) in the Ankara University Faculty
Faculty incorporated to the newly-established and state sciences" (1ankaya 1954, 236-7). of Political Sciences Journal.

362 PS April 2004

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