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for the week 24 September - 2 October 2011 Eucharistic Service: Mon - Fri 7.30am Twenty sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Rosary Mon - Sat 8.30am; Sun 9.00am Saturday 6.00pm (SW) Joe & Margaret Hughes Confession Sat 11.00am - 12 noon (OLI); Sunday 9.30am (OLI) John Joseph Hulse 5.15 - 5.45pm (SW). 11.00am (SW) Norman & Thelma Maguire Novena Wednesday 7.30pm 6.30pm (OLI) Parishioners Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm Weekday Masses The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for Monday 9.00am (OLI) Derek Fearnley John Joseph Hulse. 10.00am (SW) Requiem - Ethel Speakman (Available dates : 16/10,23/10, 6/11; 13/11.) Tuesday 9.00am (OLI) John & Edith Wilcox Wednesday 9.00am (OLI) Fred Whitlow Memorial Book 10.00am (SW) Joseph & Agnes Luton 25th September John McCabe Thursday 9.00am (OLI) Charles Rea John Joseph Hulse Friday 9.00am (OLI) Private Intention 1st October Madge Leech 10.30am (OLI) Funeral Service for James Eccles Lawrence Myler 7.00pm (SW) Pat & Bob Hawkes Retiring Collection : There will be a Retiring Saturday 9.00am (OLI) Sick & Retired Priests Collection after Mass this weekend to provide for the Twenty seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time needs of our priests in retirement. Saturday 6.00pm (SW) Cafferky & Sammon Families Parish Magazines Sunday 9.30am (OLI) Parishioners are available at the back of church and will be delivered 11.00am (SW) Francis Lyons to those on the Sick List. 6.30pm (OLI) Tom Finnegan Introduction of the New Roman Missal Next weekend sees the introduction in our Diocese of the new translation of the Roman Missal. As I am sure you will have noticed, for a few weeks now I have been using some of the new parts at the Offertory and Communion Rite. Next week many of the responses the people use during Mass will also change, as will the Gloria, the Creed and the Eucharistic prayers. We have become familiar with the words we use, perhaps too familiar, so this change gives us the opportunity as a Church to delve more deeply into the mystery of Christ and the praise and thanksgiving we offer to God, our Father, during Mass. In short, we need to listen and become attentive to the words we use during Mass. New laminated cards will be available from next weekend. These can be used in conjunction with the Mass Books which will continue to contain the readings. Can I please ask that you help to return these in an orderly fashion after Mass, rather than leave for others to tidy up. It will take some time before we get used to the new responses, and we will undoubtedly make mistakes along the way, but what is more important is that we give worthy praise to God and grow in our knowledge and appreciation of the Eucharist. Welcome : We welcome into the family of God Faye Scarlet Gilman-Prince who will be baptised after Mass on Sunday morning. The Christian Community welcomes you with great joy. Open Evening : St Edmund Arrowsmith School are holding an Open Evening for prospective pupils and parents on Wednesday 28 September from 6.00 - 8.30pm. Rosary Sunday : The Annual CMS Rosary Rally takes place next Sunday (2nd October) starting at 2.00pm at Holy Family School, Platt Bridge. Quarant Ore : St Oswalds Church, Ashton are holding their annual Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament next weekend. Sunday 2nd October : after 10.30am Mass until Benediction at 4pm Monday 3rd October : after 9.15am Mass until Benediction at 6.30pm Tuesday 4th October : from 9.00am until Benediction at 6.30pm followed by Rosary and ending with Mass at 7.30pm. Many Thanks. Last weeks Collection ; Gift Aid : 371.45 Loose Plate : 202.72 Total : 574.17 Question of the Week : In the Gospel, the second son said he would do what his father asked but didnt. When have your actions not measured up to your promises? Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

Archdiocesan website : Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman 01942 727271 email : Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 01942 725522 Parish website :


Liverpool R.C. Archdiocesan Trustees Reg. Charity No. 232709

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