VMC-QMS-HSE-PRO-013-Spill Response Plan

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Doc No.: VMC-QMS-HSE-PRO-013

Rev. Date Description Prepared by Checked by Approved by

0 11.08.2022 First issue Anar Hajiyev Tarlan Ahadzada Anar Mahmudov
1. PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................3
3. DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................3
4. RESPONSIBILITIES......................................................................................................................3
5. SPILL PREVENTION.....................................................................................................................4
6. TRAINING........................................................................................................................................4
7. ASSESSMENT OF SPILL SEVERITY........................................................................................4
7.1 Assessment of a Spill...................................................................................................................4
7.2 Low Risk Spill:...............................................................................................................................4
7.3 Medium Risk Spill:........................................................................................................................5
7.4 High Risk Spill:..............................................................................................................................5
8. SPILL CONTAINMENT AND CLEAN-UP PROCEDURE.......................................................5
8.1 Person discovering the spill.......................................................................................................5
8.2 If the spill is Low risk, clean-up the spill yourself by following these steps:................5
8.3 On scene management of MEDIUM or HIGH risk spills.......................................................6
9. DRILL & TRAIN FOR SPILL RESPONSE.................................................................................7
10. SPILL KIT LOCATIONS AND CONTENTS............................................................................7
12. INCIDENT REPORTING.............................................................................................................9

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To provide guidance on the appropriate course of action(s) to be taken in the event of a spill of liquid or solid
materials and ensure that the risk relating to the spill of any substance is effectively assessed and managed to
ensure the protection of the persons and the environment.


Applicable to the management, containment, clean up and resultant disposal for both liquid and solid spills and
emissions associated with the “VEYST MANAGEMENT COMPANY” MMC by operations and facilities.


 Substance – any material, other than surface water, that is not permitted to enter the drainage system
 Chemicals – packaged goods
Chemicals may be spilled as a result of damage during storage, handling of containers and during
transfer of liquid chemicals.
The emergency response actions detailed within this document are aimed at responding to both
personal injury and environmental incidents.
 Low Risk to personal safety – personnel have knowledge of the substances being utilized and are aware
of SDS requirements. Prior to use of materials, they have ensured they are wearing the correct PPE;
and are aware of the potential hazards of the substance concerning both their health and the
 High Risk to personal safety – personnel are unaware of the substance hazards and cannot determine
an appropriate course of action based on a risk assessment of the material without further consultation;
SDS information is not available.


It is the duties of all personnel undertaking any activity on Company or Clients facilities to ensure that they adopt
all precautions necessary to prevent a spill or breach of containment of any material(s).

To ensure all spills are effectively managed, all personnel must be aware of their duty to report any spill or
breach of containment observed.

All personnel initially observing a spill must not compromise their safety and should ensure that they are:

1. Able to assess the actions required to prevent harm to human health

2. Able to assess the actions required to control and manage the spill
3. Aware of on-scene emergency response procedures
4. Aware of support services of site and HSE personnel
5. Aware that Personal Safety always takes priority
6. Seek advice and assistance immediately to minimize the potential impacts of the spill


Attention should be focused on the prevention of unplanned discharges and emissions from our operations.
When planning a job, the supervisor should identify control measures that will help prevent spills from occurring.

Spill prevention measures should consider the use of spill trays, good housekeeping, regular visual inspection
and maintenance of equipment, pipe-work, fittings and joints. Ensure a spill kit is available for use.

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Awareness training to permit personnel to deal with low and medium risk spills is provided through the various
required courses. Operational personnel, through the nature of their activities, have an awareness of spill
requirements and response procedures.

For high risk spills, personnel are required to be aware of the need to notify the HSE department, their area
supervisors and the “On Scene Manager” to ensure emergency services are contacted and the response level is
appropriate to the nature of the spill.


The level of response required depends on the severity of the incident which should initially be assessed by the
person discovering the spill and then communicated to the Area Supervisor and the HSE department. The “On
Scene Manager” should then be contacted if the spill is deemed to be high risk; thus requiring external
emergency services to assist in the containment and control of the spill.

All spills have the potential to harm human health and the environment. Care should be taken at all stages to
ensure that:

 Personnel do not place themselves at risk

 Damage to the environment is minimized and controlled

If personnel are in any doubt as to the correct way to proceed after initial observation of a spill, immediate
assistance should be sought from the local area supervisor and HSE Supervisor for the facility.

7.1 Assessment of a Spill

All spills should be assessed in accordance with the following guidelines:

a) The substance spilled

b) The quantity spilled
c) The location of the spill
d) Adjacent Activities
e) Environmental conditions i.e. weather & wind conditions, sensitivity of the area
f) The proximity of spill kits and absorbent material
g) Availability of other personnel
h) Competency of personnel in handling the spilled substance

7.2 Low Risk Spill:

 Spill of less than 25 liters / 25 Kg of any chemical (except flammable, toxic or environmentally harmful
 Spill does not liberate intoxicating or other harmful vapour’s
 Spill does not pose a hazard to other person in the area of vehicles passing through the area
 Spill has not entered a drain or run off the site onto land (permeable surface soil)
 Spill is inside containment and no threat to environment

7.3 Medium Risk Spill:

 Spill of more than 25 litters / 25 KG of any chemical (or less if flammable, toxic or environmentally
harmful) but can still be safely contained on the site by personnel with appropriate PPE
 There is no danger of harm to operators in surrounding areas
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 Spill is inside containment area and can be cleaned up by personnel
 Spill has entered a drain, but can be contained
 Spill liberates intoxicating or other harmful vapour’s
 The spilled chemical cannot be positively identified

7.4 High Risk Spill:

Requires assistance of emergency services / external contractors to contain and clean up

 Spill cannot be contained on the site by personnel with their equipment, regardless of the hazardous
properties of the chemical involved
 The Area Supervisor / On Scene Manager decides that specialized contractors or emergency services
are required either due to the quantity of chemical spilled or the specific hazard of the chemical involved


8.1 Person discovering the spill

1. Secure your own safety and ensure that all ignition sources (cigarettes, welding equipment, electrical
equipment, forklift trucks etc.) are removed from the area. Inform all personnel in the area to keep clear
until further notice.
2. If you can do so without risking your own safety; remove any injured person from the spill area and take
them to the emergency shower to wash off any chemical if need be. Also, commence eye washing if the
person has any chemical in their eyes. If the person is unconscious, move them into fresh air and obtain
the assistance of a first aider. If it is not possible to rescue an injured person without endangering your
own safety, immediately contact the Area Supervisor / On-Scene Manager and report the spill and
injured person to him.
3. Cordon off the area with barrier tape, if necessary, to prevent traffic (people or equipment) from going
through the spill area.
4. Determine if the spill is Low, Medium or High risk by identifying the material spilled (check the container
label) and the approximate quantity spilled. If you cannot determine this, do not tackle the spill; get help
to assess the risks before proceeding.
5. If the spill is assessed as Medium or High risk, contact the HSE Supervisor and the local area supervisor
and report the location, identity and quantity of product spilled. DO NOT CLEAN UP THE SPILL BY

8.2 If the spill is Low risk, clean-up the spill yourself by following these steps:

1. Check the label on the container and identify any hazardous properties of the chemical (hazard symbol,
risk phrases and safety phrases). If you are uncertain, refer to the SDS for the chemical.
2. Refer to Attachment 1 to identify what items of PPE should be worn to protect you from exposure to the
3. Obtain and put on the required PPE (See Attachment 1).
4. If possible, stop the source of the spill by shutting valves, moving or tilting containers or temporarily
plugging any holes in packages. Place any slow leaking packages in secondary containers that are
compatible with the chemical.
5. Prevent spill from entering drainage courses. Surface and foul water drains that are potentially exposed
to the spill and can be safely accessed must be blocked to prevent liquid escape to the drainage system
as soon as possible. Consideration should also be given to emissions to land and air during this phase.
6. Block exposed surface or foul water drains with mats or booms. Surface water drains are the highest
priority followed by foul water drains.
7. For solid chemicals, shovel and carefully sweep up the spill (avoid creating dust) and deposit the
material in an empty container or bag. Seal the waste container.
8. For liquid chemicals, spread absorbent material around and over the spill; once absorbed, sweep up the
spent absorbent and shovel it into an empty container or bag. Seal the waste container.
9. Label the waste container with the identity of the spilled chemical and a hazard warning (e.g. corrosive).
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10. Report spillage to the Area Supervisor.
11. Area Supervisor will then arrange for the collection and disposal of the waste (packaging and
contaminated absorbents) through communication with the designated responsible person for the facility
waste management.
12. Replenish any spill clean-up materials that were used.

8.3 On scene management of MEDIUM or HIGH risk spills

1. On receiving notification of a spill where someone has also been seriously injured, if you can do so
without endangering your own safety, remove the injured person from immediate danger. CALL AN
AMBULANCE IMMEDIATELY, or send someone to for an ambulance.
2. Request assistance from a first aider.
3. Contact the Area Supervisor and advise him of the injured person, nature of the injury and the location.
The Area Supervisor should assess the situation. The safety of personnel takes priority.
4. Obtain a copy of the SDS for the spilled chemical and review it to identify the hazards posed.
5. The Area Supervisor will assess the situation and if the facility or personnel are in immediate danger as
a result of the spill; he will evacuate the facility or area by setting off the fire alarm. Personnel will
assemble at the Muster Point and await instructions. No personnel may re-enter the facility or area until
given permission to do so by the On Scene Manager.
6. The Area Supervisor will then brief the On Scene Manager and necessary personnel on the chemical
spilled and the location, its hazardous properties, the quantity spilled, the correct PPE (see Attachment
1) required, the equipment to use and the steps to follow to contain and clean-up the spill.
7. The necessary personnel will then be deployed to contain and clean up the spill only if it is safe to do so.
8. For HIGH risk spills, the On Scene Manager will decide on the appropriate external services to call out
and contact them.
9. The On Scene Manager will meet with the emergency services or waste contractor upon arrival and brief
them on the spill.
10. If the severity of the spill escalates to Level 2, the On Scene Manager will notify the appropriate
11. No communication should be made with any members of the media or any information given out to
external parties – refer to section of the Emergency Response Procedures for media response.
12. Report the spill to the HSE department. Local HSE advisor to report to regulatory bodies as required.
HSE advisor to investigate the spill site and recommend further clean-up if required.
13. Once contained, the Area Supervisor should arrange for the collection and disposal of the waste
(packaging and contaminated absorbents).

8.4 Spill Response Personnel (response for Medium or High risk spills)

1. Obtain and put on the correct PPE (see Attachment 1) as instructed by the Area Supervisor / On Scene
2. Remove all ignition sources (cigarettes, welding equipment, electrical equipment, forklift truck, etc.) from
the area.
3. Remove injured personnel from the spill area, taking them to a safe location where they can receive first
aid treatment.
4. Cordon off the area with barrier tape, if necessary, to prevent traffic (people or equipment) from going
through the spill area.
5. If possible, stop the source of the spill by shutting valves, moving or tilting containers or temporarily
plugging any holes in packages. Place any slow leaking packages in secondary containers that are
compatible with the chemical.
6. Prevent spill from entering drainage courses. Surface and foul water drains that are potentially exposed
to the spill and can be safely accessed must be blocked to prevent liquid escape to the drainage system
as soon as possible. Consideration should also be given to emissions to land and air during this phase.
7. Block exposed surface or foul water drains with mats or booms. Surface water drains are the highest
priority followed by foul water drains.
8. For solid chemicals, shovel and carefully sweep up the spill (avoid creating dust) and deposit the
material in an empty container or bag. Seal the waste container.

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9. For liquid chemicals, spread absorbent material around and over the spill; once absorbed, sweep up the
spent absorbent and shovel it into an empty container or bag. Seal the waste container.
10. Label the waste container with the identity of the spilled chemical and a hazard warning (e.g. corrosive).
11. Decontaminate or dispose of any items of PPE worn.
12. Supervise any external waste contractor personnel who may be called in to assist and advise them of
the hazards associated with the spilled chemical.
13. Replenish any spill clean-up materials that were used.


General training for “VEYST MANAGEMENT COMPANY” MMC employees should address the following:
 Individual roles and responsibilities
 Threats, hazards, and protective actions
 Notification, warning, and communications procedures
 Emergency response procedures
 Evacuation, shelter, and accountability procedures
 Location and use of common emergency equipment
 Emergency shutdown procedures.

9.1 Spill Response Drills

All employees shall receive instructions and training appropriate to their position/duties and responsibilities. This
instruction shall be given in conjunction with induction orientation training. Spill drills are to be conducted on a
regular basis. The instruction and training given shall ensure that all personnel are conversant with the

 Action to be taken when spill is discovered

 Procedures for reporting spills
 Method of informing employees and emergency contacts
 Location and operation of spill kits;
 Use of protective equipment (respirators, breathing air, clothing, etc.);
 Evacuation procedures.

Drills and training for spill response

Review procedures with all new employees
Conduct Drills Annually (see Attachment 2 for Spill Response Drill Report)
Note observations after drill, make corrections and improvements


Facility Quantity

Each Spill Kit will, as a minimum, comprise of:

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Description Quantity

For Liquid Spills:

Absorbent Sock (Boom) 2
Absorbent Pads 30
Shovel 1
Absorbent Granules 20 Litres
Rubber Boots 1 Pair
Rubber Gloves 1 Pair

For Dry Spills

Broom 1
Dust Pan 1
Bucket 20 litres 1


All spills are reportable and should be reported through the area supervisor.

a) All unplanned discharges or emissions to environment i.e. to land, sea, air or water, regardless of size
should be reported.
b) All unplanned discharges or emissions that were contained but had the potential to impact the
environment should also be reported.
c) Any notification of breach against the local regulations.
d) Any liquid, solid or gas spilled >4.0 litres or 0.004 cubic meters shall be reported in the incident
management system

Note the following table shall be used to classify spill as recordable:

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1. Provide the incident details to the HSE department

2. HSE department to notify all responsible departments within the client’s
3. Local HSE advisor to investigate, if required, and provide guidance on any further clean up required. In
situations where material has escaped to the subsurface, the requirement for remedial action must be
4. If applicable, update the lessons learned database.

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Function / Xidmetler Name Mobile
Halliburton Supervisor on Site Orkhan Hajizade +99455 2067500
Azorel Site Superintendant Rashad Malikov +99455 2520250
Azorel QHSE Coordinator Anar Hajiyev +99455 2505250
Azorel Fire Fighter on Site Oleg Hajiyev +99470 8970086
Azorel First Aider on Site Sabir Yusifzadeh +99451 8141201
Azorel Mechanic / Electritian Aleksandr Aliyev +99450 4552230
Azorel Forklift Operator Shahin Agayev +99455 9958514
Spill Responce Elvin Ibrahimov +99455 8257969
FIRE – Yanğın Qəza xidməti
Baku central MES Fire -101,
Mərkəzi Bakı FHN Rescue – 112

Medical Emergency - Fövqəladə Tibbi Yardım

Government Medical ( Ambulance ) 103

Spill Response Service - Axintılar üzrə Qəza Xidməti

Waste Management Services - Tulantıların İdarə olunması Xidməti

AAS-ATE Elrad +99450 2955090
AAS-ATE Farid Amrahov +99450 2127790
Director Assistant
Police/Security - Polis Muhafizə Xidməti
Garadagh Police 102
Garadah Polis
Azorel LLC Security Coordinator
Azorel LLC Təhlükəsizlik
məsələləri üzrə kordinator


Quay Site Leader Elchin +99450 222 30 99
Quay Site Security Coordinator
Quay Site Safety Coordinator

Other contacts - Digər əlaqə nömrələri

Azorel General Director Farid Hasanov +99450252 60 60
Azorel Base Manager Rashad Malikov +99450 648 23 34
Azorel Operation Manager Jeyhun Kangarli +99451 4520262

Garadagh AzerIshig Jamal +99450 676 66 57

Garadagh AzerSu Qaynar xett +99412 955
Garadagh AzerSu Idare 445-92-59
Garadagh AzerSu Hikmet +99470 605 85 85

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Attachment 1

Spill Material Eye / Face Protective Respiratory Footwear Hand

Protection Clothing Protection Protection
Corrosive Solids Safety Goggles Overalls Dust Mask (P3) Rubber Nitrile Rubber
Full Face Visor Chemical suit Safety Boots Gloves
Corrosive Safety Goggles Overalls Half-mask respirator Rubber Nitrile Rubber
Liquids-Acidic Full Face Visor Chemical suit with acid vapor Safety Boots Gloves
filters in well
ventilated areas
Corrosive Safety Goggles Overalls Not normally Rubber Nitrile Rubber
Liquids-Caustic Full Face Visor Chemical suit required Safety Boots Gloves
Flammable Safety Goggles Overalls Half-mask respirator Rubber Nitrile Rubber
Liquids Full Face Visor Chemical suit with organic vapor Safety Boots Gloves
filter in well
ventilated areas
Toxic Liquids Safety Goggles Overalls Refer to SDS for Rubber Nitrile Rubber
Full Face Visor Chemical suit specific Safety Boots Gloves
Harmful solids or Safety Goggles Coveralls Dust Mask (P3) Safety Boots Nitrile Rubber
liquids solids only Gloves
Non-classified Safety Goggles Coveralls Dust Mask (P3) Safety Boots General Work
solids Gloves
(nuisance dusts)
Non-classified Safety Goggles Coveralls Not normally Safety Boots General Work
liquids required Gloves

Note: Where there is a risk of any solids or liquids blowing / splashing into the eyes, chemical goggles should be
worn in preference to safety glasses.

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Attachment 2

Date of Drill : Drill No :

Type of Drill :

Time Alarm Was Raised : Time Drill Concluded :

Prepared by :

Observers :




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