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Principles of Advertising and Public Relations

Academic Year 2022/2023
Semester 2
Lecture 9 Outline

Chapter 10: Creative Strategy and the Creative Process

 Task 2: Implement the big idea

 Art direction Definition

 The creative pyramid: a guide to formulating copy and art.

o Attention, Interest, Credibility, Desire and Action.

Chapter 11: Creative Execution: Art and Copy

 Designing Print Layouts

o Design definition

o The Use of Layouts

o Creating Effective Layouts: Tools and Formats

 The Use of Typography (definition and considerations)

 The Use of Visuals in Print (Read Only)

 Writing Great Print Copy

1- Headlines:

 Role of headlines

 Types of headlines: Benefit, News/information, Provocative, Question

and Command.

2- Subheads

3- Body Copy
 Body copy styles: Straight-sell, Institutional, Narrative,

Dialogue/monologue, Picture-caption, and Device. (Continued next


4- Slogans and their purpose

5- Seals, Logos, and Signatures (continued next lecture)

 Formats for Radio and TV Commercials

o Straight announcement, Presenter, Testimonial, Demonstration, Musical or jingles, Slice

of life or problem–solution, Lifestyle and Animation.

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