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Level 5

and Surprises
A s they walked through the village,
Heidi asked Detie, “Can I come back
home again this evening?”
Detie looked at Heidi in surprise.
“Tomorrow, we will be in Frankfurt to visit
Clara, the crippled girl,” she explained.
“Yes, but will I be able to come home
when I want?” asked Heidi.
“Yes, yes,” replied Detie impatiently.
“Now hurry up. We have a long way to go.”
At the next town, they caught a train, and
the following day, they arrived at Clara’s
house. It was the biggest house Heidi had
ever seen. Detie rang the bell, and a maid
took them to meet a tall, frowning woman.
She had a stern face, and her hair was tied
tightly in a bun. This was the housekeeper,
Fraulein Rottenmeier. Clara’s father, Herr
Sesemann, traveled a lot on business, and
while he was away, Fraulein ran the house.
She rose and went over to Heidi. “What is
your name?” she asked.
“Heidi,” said Heidi.
“And how old are you?”
“Grandfather told me I am almost eight,”
answered Heidi.
“What? Only eight? I asked for a child
Clara’s age, and she is already twelve,” said
Fraulein angrily. “What books have you
“None,” said Heidi.
“What? How did you learn to read, then?”
asked Fraulein.
“I don’t know how to read,” Heidi
informed her.
“Mercy upon us! You do not know how to
read!” exclaimed Fraulein.
Fraulein turned to Detie. “How could you
bring me a child like this?”
While Fraulein and Detie talked, Heidi
stood by the study door. She looked out into
the hallway and at the stairs going up. It was
all so large that she felt very small and lost.
Suddenly, with a bow, Detie quickly left
the room and ran out the front door.
Fraulein stood for a moment in surprise
and then ran after Detie. A young voice
called, “Hi, come over here!” and Heidi
turned her head. Clara was in the study and
had watched the whole interview without
saying a word. She had a kind face, and
Heidi went over to her.
“I have never seen a child like you before.
Have you always had that short curly hair?”
said Clara.
“Yes, I think so,” said Heidi.
“Are you pleased to be in Frankfurt?”
asked Clara.
“No, but tomorrow, I will go home again
and see Grannie,” said Heidi.
“Well, you are a funny child,” said Clara.
“You were sent to stay with me and learn
lessons, but there will be some fun too.”
Suddenly, Fraulein walked back into the
room looking quite unsettled. She rang the
bell and the butler, Sebastian, appeared. “We
are ready for supper. You can put the dishes
on the table,” Fraulein ordered. “As for you,
Heidi, I see that I shall have to teach you the
first rules about behavior.”
As they sat at the dinner table, Fraulein
listed all the rules of good behavior. She
talked about how to get up and how to go to
bed, how to go in and out of rooms, and how
to shut the doors and keep everything tidy.
Fraulein went on and on and on. Heidi had
been awake since five o’clock that morning,
and while Fraulein was talking, her eyes
slowly closed. Soon, Heidi was leaning back
in her chair, fast asleep, but Fraulein didn’t
notice and kept on talking.
Eventually Clara cleared her throat and
said, “Fraulein, Heidi is asleep.” Fraulein’s
face wrinkled with embarrassment, and
Clara giggled. She had not had such an
entertaining dinner for a long time.

Level 5

and Surprises

Copyright c 2007 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.

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