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About the Listening Test 6

Listening Preview Test 8
TASKTYPE 1 Sentence Completion 12
National Geographic Video 1: Mega Green Museum 16
TASK TYPE 2 Note, Form, Table and Flow-chart Completion and Short
Answer Questions 18
National Geographic Video 2: Songs Under a Big Sky 24
VOCABULARY 1 Times, dates and numbers; Phrasal and prepositional verbs;
Compound nouns;
Word-building; Research data; Common IELTS topic: The natural world 26
TASKTYPE 3 Map/Plan/Diagram Labelling
National Geographic Video 3: Eco-detectives 34
TASK TYPE 4 Multiple Choice 36
National Geographic Video 4: Picture Perfect 40
VOCABULARY 2 Dependent prepositions; Recognising and organising
synonyms and antonyms; Formal
and informal synonyms; Guessing the meaning from context; Word-building;
Common IELTS topic: Academic life 42
TASK TYPE 5 Multiple Choice (with more than one answer) 46
National Geographic Video 5: Kiteboarding 50
TASKTYPE 6 Matching 52
National Geographic Video 6: Solar-powered Water Heater 56
VOCABULARY 3 Informal and academic language; Views and opinions;
Synonyms: academic language; 58
Expressing responsibility: verb+ preposition; Recognising and identifying
paraphrases; Common IELTS
topic: Business
Listening Review Test 62

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